29 research outputs found

    A Study of Private Interest Litigation Trust and Its Judgment

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    诉讼信托有公益与私益之分。私益诉讼信托是指委托人将债权等实体权利与相关的诉讼权利转移给受托人,由受托人以当事人的身份实施诉讼,实现实体权利的内容,诉讼产生的利益归于受益人的一种信托制度和当事人适格制度。私益诉讼信托一方面本质上属于信托,是专门以诉讼为其主要目的特殊种类的信托;另一方面是诉讼当事人的一种重要形式。私益诉讼信托能够突破传统的诉讼理念,扩大当事人适格的范围,起着保护当事人的诉权、提供多元化纠纷解决机制等重要作用。无论是从发展信托制度还是从当事人适格之扩张的角度出发,私益诉讼信托都应当是值得肯定并提倡的一种制度。但无论是我国的立法还是实践,都将私益诉讼信托列入禁止的范围。本文通过分析、...Litigation trust can be divided into public and private. Private Interest Litigation Trust means a kind of activity that the trustor transfers his/her substantive rights(such as creditor’s right)and corresponding litigation rights to the trustee and then the trustee enters into a lawsuit as one party of the case, but the benefits and interests arising from that lawsuit will finally belong to the b...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_诉讼法学学号:1362008115070

    Human-oriented and mechanism innovation to promote the open sharing of large-scale instruments and equipment

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    提出通过加强队伍建设来促进贵重仪器设备的开放共享工作。针对实验工程技术队伍中存在的问题,提出相应的各种举措,从调整职称评价体系、设立专项基金、建立新的激励机制、加强培训、优化人员队伍结构、参与共享平台建设等方面入手,通过实验工程技术人员队伍素质和服务能力的提高,从而提高贵重仪器设备的使用率和开放共享率。This paper puts forward the facilitation of the open sharing for large-scale instruments and equipment by strengthening the technician team 's construction.Corresponding measures are presented to resolve the problems of technician team,including reforming evaluation system,setting up special funds,innovating system,enhancing training,optimizing the structure of the team and building an open-sharing platform.The utilization and open sharing rates of large-scale instruments and equipment will be increased by the improvement of technicians's quality and services capabilities


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    利用切向超滤技术对九龙江口天然水体中胶体相(1 kDa~0. 45μm)、真溶解相(<1 kDa)和\"溶解相\"(<0. 45μm)的溶解有机碳和无机氮进行了分离与提取,初步探讨了水环境因子对其理化特性的影响机制,进而探讨了它们的来源和转化.结果表明,切向超滤过程的膜空白和质量平衡符合技术要求;溶解有机碳、亚硝酸盐氮、氨氮、硝酸盐氮和无机氮存在形式以真溶液相(<1 kDa)为主,其在胶体相中的质量浓度分别为0. 207~0. 810 mg/dm3、0. 001~1. 870μg/dm3、ND~2. 08μg/dm3、0. 62~79. 30μg/dm3和1. 07~81. 10μg/dm3;胶体态溶解有机碳(COC)含量主要受陆源输入控制.国家海洋局海洋公益性行业科研专项资助项目(201505034-4);;福建省科学技术厅公益专项资助项目(2015R1003-12

    Imposex of Thais clavigera and Cantharus cecillei in the coastal waters of Xiamen

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    海产腹足类性畸变以其对有机锡的敏感性、特异性和不可逆性而成为海洋有机锡污染的理想指示种。调查研究了厦门海域岩相海岸带疣荔枝螺(THAIS ClAVIgErA)和甲虫螺(CAnTHAruS CECIllEI)的性畸变情况,通过生物学指标IOI(性畸变率)、rPSI(相对阴茎发展指数)、VdSI(输精管发展指数)及SrI(性比指数)综合评价其性畸变发展程度,间接指示厦门周边海域的有机锡污染程度。研究结果发现,在采集疣荔枝螺的17个站点中有5个站点种群性畸变率为100%,其中宝珠屿种群性畸变程度最为严重,VdSI达4,采集甲虫螺的4个站点的种群性畸变率均为100%。性畸变程度较严重的种群普遍集中于厦门西港,并且表现出由港内到港外逐渐减轻的趋势,而白城、会展中心和大嶝岛等位于开阔的厦门东海域的种群性畸变程度最轻,与往年厦门西海域有机锡污染监测数据相比一致,体现出性畸变程度与有机锡污染程度及海港码头远近之间的相互关系。The degree of imposex,i.e.the imposition of male characteristics onto females,in neogastropods can be used as a sensitive and accurate biomarker to evaluate organotin contamination in coastal marine environment.Now,the imposex status in females of Thais clavigera and Cantharus cecillei in 17 sites was investigated to evaluate the organotin contamination along Xiamen Bay during 2006 and 2007.The four indices including incidence of imposex(IOI),relative penis size index(RPSI),vas deferens sequences index(VDSI) and sex ratio index(SRI) were used comprehensively to assess the imposex status in order to ascertain the extent of organotin bioavailability in Xiamen Bay.Based on this research,T.clavigera in 5 sites and C.cecillei in all survey sites exhibited the IOI of 100%.At Bao ZhuYu Islet,the imposex level was the most serious with maximum VDSI value of 4.In general,the imposex level decreased from the inner to the outer of Xiamen Western Harbour,and the populations in the open Xiamen Eastern Waters including Bai Cheng,Convention and Exhibiton Center and Dadeng Island showed a lower imposex level.These results were accordant with the concentrations of organotins in 2005.The imposex degree also increased with increasing organotin contamination and decreasing distance from shipping facilities.国家自然科学基金资助项目(40476048);厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目;厦门大学新世纪优秀人才计划基金资助项

    Determination of Hg~(2+) in water using the fluorescence enhancement of rhodamine derivative

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    利用一种罗丹明衍生物荧光探针的开环效应检测Hg2+.在PH 7.0的TrIS-HCl缓冲液中,Hg2+与荧光探针结合导致罗丹明类衍生物开环,溶液颜色由无色变成粉红色,并且发射强的荧光.荧光强度与Hg2+浓度在20~200 ng/l范围内呈良好的线性关系,检出限为4 ng/Ml.实验考察了荧光探针的选择性以及温度、PH、荧光试剂浓度和盐度对Hg2+检测的影响.结果表明该方法具有反应试剂水溶性好、选择性好和可常温检测等优点.方法应用于自来水、河水和湖水等水体中Hg2+的检测,获得较好的回收率.The fluorescence enhancement of rhodamine derivative(RHD-1) was applied to the determination of Hg2+in water samples.Mercury ion interacted with the fluorescent probe in Tris-HCl buffer solution at pH 7.0,leading to the opening of RHD-1 structure,resulting in high fluorescence emission and the change of solution color.The fluorescence intensity was in proportion to the concentration of Hg2+ very well in the range of 20–200 ng/L,and the detection limit was found to be 4 ng/L.The effects of temperature,pH and the concentration of fluorescent reagent on the sensitivity and selectivity were investigated.The method was applied to detect Hg2+ in tap and lake water samples.The obtained result and sample recovery were all satisfactory.福建省质量技术监督局项目(FJQI2011014); 国家自然科学基金(20975085)资

    Discussion on whole process online management of valuable instruments and equipment running in colleges and universities

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    提出了一种基于网络通信、数据存储技术及仪器设备工作状态感知采集技术的贵重仪器设备运行管理方案,通过仪器工作状态信息自动采集、传输和数据共享等方式,实现高校贵重仪器设备运行的网上全过程管理,提高贵重仪器设备的运行和管理效率。A management scheme for valuable instruments and equipment based on network communication,data storage technique and equipment working state perceive collection technique is put forward.It can realize the whole process online management of valuable instruments and equipment running through auto-collection,transfer and data sharing of equipment working state.And the efficiency of management will be improved

    Strengthening Argumentation Before Purchasing Expensive Equipments to Exert the Maximum Investment Benefits

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    近几年来,我国大学先进设备的质和量都有大幅度提高。如何管理这些贵重的先进设备并使其投资效益最大化已成为倍受关注的问题。该方法通过采用邀请校外专家参与仪器设备购置前论证、建立院系及学校两级评估体系等措施,保证仪器设备资金投入以满足高水平研究课题的需要。How to manage university's expensive advanced equipments and make the investment benefits maximized is of great concern.Several measures,such as,experts from other universities or outside were invited to took part in pre-purchase argumentation of those equipments,school and university two level evaluation systems and so on,were taken to make sure that the investment could meet the requirement for high level subjects


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    闽江是我国东南沿海地区最大的河流,年径流量位居全国第3位。对采自闽江下游及闽江口邻近海域的沉积物分析表明,沉积物以SIO2含量高、Al2O3等组分的含量较低为特点。样品中碎屑矿物主要是石英、斜长石、正长石、白云母和绿泥石。从SIO2看,闽江沉积物与石英砂岩的成分较接近,不同于浅海沉积物,与黄河、长江、珠江三大河流也有较大差异。地形地貌及水动力条件控制沉积物粒度的分布,粒度又控制沉积物的组分分布。总体表现为,由陆向海,呈SIO2逐渐降低、Al2O3等组分升高的趋势。人类活动对闽侯段及闽江北港到马江段河流沉积物的影响也不容忽视。闽江流域的源区特征、水动力条件和搬运距离以及物理化学条件与生物作用对沉积物的改造,使得沉积物组分间具有良好的相关性。Minjiang River is the major river in the coast area of Southeast China and it is the third largest in terms of annual runoff over the country.According to XRF analysis of 25 sediment samples collected from the lower reaches of the Minjiang River and the adjacent waters of the Estuary,the sediments are characterized by a high SiO2,lower Al2O3 of components.The main detrital minerals of samples are quartz,plagioclase,orthoclase,muscovite and chlorite.Based on SiO2 content,the sediments composition of Minjiang River is closer to quartz sandstone,and different from the shallow sea sediments and distinct from the Yellow River,Yangtze River and Pearl River.From upper to sea,the SiO2 content is decreasing while Al2O3 increasing.It is reckoned that the topography and hydrodynamic conditions control the distribution of sediment granularity,which will further effects sediment component distribution.Moreover,human activities impact on the sediments of Minhou section and Peigang to Majiang section of the river cannot be neglected.The sediments of Minjiang River exhibit a reasonable correlation between different components which could be the combined effects of the source characteristics of the Minjiang River,the hydrodynamic conditions,the transport distance,as well as physical and chemical conditions and biological transformation of sediments.福建省科技合作重点项目“闽江物质输送对闽江口及其邻近海域的影响”(200910025