13 research outputs found

    Design of a Middle Scale Wave Energy Convertor of a PW-OWC type for a Sea Test in Sakata Port

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    This study proposes a wave energy convertion (WEC) of an air turbine type with an oscillating water column (OWC) equipped with projecting walls (PW), which is called a PW-OWC type wave energy convertor in the study. OWC type WECs have been major and studied in Japan over 30 years. Because an electrical generation device is installed out of water but in air, maintenance would be easier than submerged type one and such like devices would be able to be installed on isting breakwaters and wave dissipating caissons. Thus cost of electrical generation might be saved. This study remodeled a ave dissipating double-caisson to a WEC of the PW-OWC type and conducted an ocean-wave-resistant design in order tocarry out a sea test of performances of power take-off (PTO), durability etc. Before that, basic performance of PTO was predicted from numerical model as well as well hydraulic experiments in a wave tank. This paper shows the feature of PTO of the model device using results of as the experiments conducted at the wave tank and b) the field monit0rinng of a prototype model on existing seawalls which are located in the Sakata port facing to the Sea of Japan. Observed data are presented on turbine torque and generated electricity as well as incident waves.The paper shows an intern report of the sea test.26?28 August 2015, Glasgow, U

    Molecular Species of the Enzymatically Synthesized Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Rich Triglyceride

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    Enzymatic glyceride synthesis and acid interchange using icosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), γ-linolenic acid (GLA), and EPA and DHA concentrated saponified fatty acid mixture obtained from sardine oil were carried out through the use of four kinds of microbial lipases. Lipase TOYO (Chromobacterium viscosum) was the most effective enzyme for glyceride synthesis as well as acid interchange of triglyceride (TG) rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. There was a general tendency, except with Lipase TOYO, that DHA was difficult to be incorporated into a glycerol molecule compared to the other fatty acids. Fatty acid composition of TG synthesized from a highly concentrated fatty acid mixture (EPA+DHA: 68.8%) by the use of Lipase TOYO and Lipase OF (Candida cylindracea), directly reflected that of the substrate fatty acid flixture (i.e. EPA+DHA was more than 65%). And the TG molecular species having combination of only EPA and DHA such as (EPA, EPA, EPA), (EPA, EPA, DHA), (EPA, DHA, DHA), and (DHA, DHA, DHA) were dominant accounting for the half of the obtained TG

    Efficacy of cyclosporine a for steroid-resistant severe henoch-schönlein purpura nephritis

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    Aggressive treatment is necessary for continuous high-range proteinuria in cases of pediatric Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis (HSPN) as the long-term prognosis is sometimes poor. Cyclosporine (CyA) has immunosuppressive effects as well as a very selective inhibitory effect on T-helper cell function. Here we report two 7-year-old boys with steroid-resistant HSPN treated with CyA. After diagnosis of HSPN, we treated both patients with methylprednisolone and urokinase pulse therapy (MUT) combined with multiple drugs; however, high-range proteinuria persisted and CyA was added to the treatment regimen. The proteinuria subsequently decreased gradually and pathological findings at the second renal biopsy were improved. Furthermore, neither patient showed any adverse effects, such as hypertension, encephalopathy, or chronic nephrotoxicity, to the CyA treatment.In conclusion, these results suggest that CyA may be a safe and effective treatment for steroid-resistant severe HSPN

    Field experiment on wave energy convertor of a PW-OWC type in the port of Sakata, Japan

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    これまで,30 年以上の研究実績がある振動水柱型空気タービン方式(Oscillating Water Column:以下OWC)に着目し, 従来に比べて高効率な発電装置の開発を行っている.本研究のコンセプトは,発電装置を既設の防波堤や護岸に後付け で据えることで建造費用を抑える事ができる安価なシステムである.OWC 発電装置は,水面変動を往復気流に変換 し,空気流で発電タービンを回転させる.発電部が水上にあるため,維持管理が容易であり,既存の防波堤,護岸 などを利用して後付けでユニットを設置することで,建造費を抑えることができる.既存施設を利用するため,沖 合に独立して係留する場合と異なる課題を検討した.本稿では,酒田港で実証実験を行っている消波ケーソン(有孔 ケーソン)に設置した事例について紹介する.Six private companies and research institutes & universities jointly started a consortium research for practical use of the oscillating water column system (OWC) in 2011. Projecting-walls (PW), installed both side of the opening, were found out to make frequency dependency reduced. At the same time, hydraulic experiment for the single OWC facility installed on the line of breakwater showed sudden drop down of the efficiency of the primary conversion against a certain wave period. This occurred due to the interposition with reflection waves from the ambient surface of breakwater. Reduction of wave reflection improved this drop significantly. The consortium with 2 new members tried a new application of PW-OWC system to the existing coastal embankment in the Sakata Port. The line of this embankment shows no bad effect of reflection waves, as the embankment has a series of two air chambers in front-back direction inside to reduce wave-reflection. An experiment facility of wave power conversion was finally installed on this embankment in December, 2014. After the official safety inspection by METI, the field experiment was started to obtain the data of waves and generated electricity since January, 2015. The PW-OWC system installed on the existing facility is expected a possible design of the practical application