62 research outputs found

    The effects of resistive exercise with low intensity-high frequency on essential mild hypertension in men

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    高血圧症は心筋梗塞, 脳卒中, 動脈硬化の独立した危険因子になっている。日本人30歳以上の成人男子の約48%が軽症を含めた高血圧症とされている。高血圧関連疾患や死亡の予防として軽症高血圧症時の血圧コントロールは重要な関心点である。薬物による高血圧治療は著しい効果をあげているが, 好ましくない副作用の発現も見逃せない。薬物療法に対して運動療法が近年広く処方されるようになってきた。これまでに多くの研究が有酸素運動の降圧効果を報告しているが, レジスタンス運動による降圧効果については異なる知見が出されている。そこで本研究においては, 有酸素運動の様式に似た低強度-高頻度レジスタンス運動を用いて中年軽症高血圧男子に対する降圧効果を検索した。方法。42歳-56歳 (平均48.3) の男子10名が被検者として参加し, 内5名がレジスタンス運動群 (RE) に他の5名がウオーキング群 (AE) に区分された。RE群は10種目のウエイト運動を最大筋力の40-50%強度, 20-25レペテイションで2-3セット, 週3回の形で12週間行った。一方のAE群は同様に予測最大心拍数の60-75%強度の30分速歩を週3回, 12週間行った。結果。安静時血圧においてRE群はAE群より程度は低いものの有意な (P値2.3ml/kg/min=6.9%) と身体組成の改善 (体脂肪1.5kg=8.8%減) が見られ, その改善率はAE群に比べて小さいがいずれも有意であった (AE群 : 6ml/kg/min=17%, 3.1kg=18.9%)。また, 体重もしくは体脂肪の減少量と降圧値との間には有意差が得られなかったが相関傾向が見られた。しかし, AE群と異なり, RE群では血清総コレステロール, 高比重リポ蛋白コレステロール, 低比重リポ蛋白コレステロール, トリグリセライド (中性脂肪) の血清脂質・リポ蛋白濃度の有意な改善は見られなかった。結語。これまで血圧や身体組成もしくは有酸素性体力の改善, 向上に対するレジスタンス運動の効果については意見の一致をみていない。考えられる要因の一つに運動の処方の違いが挙げられる。血圧や身体組成の改善に対しては低強度・高頻度による運動量負荷 (Volume loading) の処方が好ましく, 高強度による過重負荷 (Over-weight loading) は至適処方とは言えないであろう。今回の研究においてレジスタンス運動による血清脂質の有意な改善が見られなかったのは総運動量が十分な刺激とならなかったものと考えられる。本研究は低強度高頻度のレジスタンス運動の習慣化が軽症高血圧患者の健康改善に効果的であることを示唆するものである。Five sedentary middle-aged men with mild hypertension were studied to determine the effects of a low-to moderate-intensity resistive exercise program (RE group) on resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Another group of five mild hypertensive men was also examined to determine the effects of a moderate aerobic exercise program (AE group) on the resting blood pressures. Besides blood pressures, effects of respective training programs were studied on aerobic capacity, muscle strengths, and serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations. Resistive exercise consisted of 10 stations of weight training machines for 12 weeks. Workloads were set at 40-50% maximum and the subjects performed 10 repetitions for each station with 2-3 sets, 3 times per week. The subjects in the aerobic exercise group performed 30-min brisk waking or jogging with intensities of 60-75% their predicted maximum heart rates. The following changes occurred in the resistive exercise group : (1) resting systolic blood pressure dropped significantly (from 150 to 143mm Hg) after training and diastolic blood pressure dropped significantly (from 91 to 88mm Hg) after training ; (2) VO_ significantly increased 2.3 ml/kg/min or 6.9% (from 33.3 to 35.6 ml/kg/min) after training ; (3) increases of muscle strengths were profound, 17.9% and 23% in lower and upper body strengths, respectively ; (4) body weight and body fat decreased 2.6% (P) as well as body composition. Serum lipid lipoproteins included total cholesterol (TC), high-density cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglycerides (TG). Significant (P<0.01) increase was noted for HDL-C while significant decreases were seen in TC, LDL-C, and TG

    シガ イカ ダイガク ゲカ ノ カンレン ビョウイン ニ ヲケル ショクドウ ガン シュジュツ ノ ゲンキョウ アンケート ケッカ ホウコク

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    Objective: Retrospectively, we evaluated esophageal cancer surgery cases in the affiliated hospitals. Methods: We survey the number of surgery, surgical procedure, and pathological type for esophageal cancer between January 2011 and December 2015 by questionnaire. Results: The hospital which cooperated with a questionnaire was 16 in 19 (84.2%). Sixteen hospitals answered the number of esophageal cancer surgery, and total number was 68 cases. In these cases, surgical procedure was observed as follows; Sixty-two right thoracotomy (91.2%), 1 left thoratico-abdominal approach (1.5%), 4 transhiatal approach (5.8%), and 1 cervical esophagectomy (1.5%). Pathological type was observed as follows; Sixty-four squamous cell carcinomas (94.2%) and 4 adenocarcinomas (5.8%). Conclusions: Right thoracotomy was most frequent approach for esophageal cancer surgery in this study. Additional data collection is required in order to evaluate the factors related to clinical course and treatment strategy. Therefore, we plan to conduct a perspective clinical trial in cooperation with affiliated hospitals

    シガ ヘルニア ケンキュウ カイ ノ アユミ

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    A Prospective Multicenter Observational Study of Venous Thromboembolism after Gastric Cancer Surgery (SHISA-1601).

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    Introduction:This study aimed to clarify the frequency and risk factors of intercurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients undergoing major curative gastric cancer surgery.Methods:This prospective, multicenter, observational study included patients with gastric cancer who underwent radical gastrectomy at 5 hospitals between June 2016 and May 2018. Patients who were preoperatively administered anticoagulants were excluded.Results:A total of 126 patients were eligible to participate. VTE occurred within 9 days postoperatively in 5 cases (4.0%; 2 symptomatic and 3 asymptomatic). Postoperative day (POD) 1 plasma D-dimer and soluble fibrin (SF) levels were significantly higher in the VTE group than in the non-VTE group. Receiver-operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis indicated a statistically significant ability of POD 1 D-dimer and SF levels to predict postoperative VTE development after gastrectomy; this finding was reflected by an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.97 (95% CI 0.92-1.0) and 0.87 (95% CI 0.74-1.0), respectively. Cutoff values of D-dimer (24.6 µg/mL) and SF (64.1 µg/mL) were determined. Intraoperative blood transfusion (odds ratio [OR] 7.86), POD 1 D-dimer ≥24.6 µg/mL (OR 17.35), and POD 1 SF ≥64.1 µg/mL (OR 19.5) were independent predictive factors for postoperative VTE (p < 0.05).Conclusion:VTE occurred in 4.0% patients (1.6% symptomatic and 2.4% asymptomatic) after gastric cancer surgery; however, with an early diagnosis and anticoagulant therapy, no patients experienced progression. Careful observation of patients with a high risk for VTE, including intraoperative blood transfusion and high POD 1 D-dimer or SF levels, would contribute to the early detection of VTE