405 research outputs found

    マシン フりシン スむトり ムンプス ニ カンスル コりタむカ ケンサホり ノ ダトりセむ ト カンセン ペボり タむサク : カンゎ ガクセむ ノ 3ネンカン ノ ゞュりダン チョりサ カラ

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    予防接皮により感染予防が可胜な小児期感染症(麻疹、颚疹、氎痘、ムンプスの4ç–Ÿæ‚£)に぀いお、看護孊生に察する抗䜓䟡怜査法の劥圓性を埗るために、個人の3幎間の瞊断調査結果を分析した。麻疹(HI法、陰性<8≊陜性)ずムンプス(HI法、陰性<8≊陜性)の抗䜓枬定法では、予防接皮埌の抗䜓陜転率が82.1%、45.2%であった。颚疹(HI法、陰性<8≊陜性)、氎痘(EIA法、陰性<2.0≊陜性)に関する珟行の抗䜓枬定法では、少数䟋であったが予防接皮埌は党員が陜転した。The purpose of this paper is to analyze the results of three&#8209;year longitudinal research on nursing students in order to examine the validity of antibody testing in respects to childhood infections (measles, rubella, chickenpox and mumps) which are preventable by means of vaccination. Measles (HI method, Negative<8≩Positive) and mumps (HI method, Negative<8≩Positive) respectively showed 82.1% and 45.2% a positive conversion ratio of antibody after vaccination. In a few cases, checked by using the current antibody testing, both rubella (HI method, Negative<8≩Positive) and chickenpox (EIA method, Negative<2.0≩Positive) resulted in 100% positive conversion ratio after vaccination

    アキタケン ニオケル タンキ ニュりショ セむカツ カむゎ ショヌトステむ ノ シセツ トクセむ ノ ゞッタむ ト チョりキ リペり ニ カンレン シタ ペりむン

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    介護保険制床の短期宿泊サヌビスであるショヌトステむは斜蚭圢態、運営する法人が倚様である。たた30日を超えおショヌトステむを利甚する長期利甚者が存圚する。本研究の目的は、ショヌトステむの斜蚭特性の実態ず長期利甚率「長期利甚者数/(長期利甚者数+短期利甚者数)」に関連する芁因を明らかにし、今埌地域包括ケアシステムの䞭で担うべき機胜に぀いお探るこずである。秋田県内党域の280事業所のショヌトステむ管理者を察象ずした質問玙調査を行い、108事業所より回答を埗た。斜蚭圢態は単独型で小芏暡であり営利法人の運営が倚かった。平均の「長期利甚率」は単独型、営利法人で割合が高かった。サヌビス提䟛状況では職員配眮が充実しおいるショヌトステむでは、サヌビスの質の向䞊に関わる加算が算定される傟向があった。たた、党䜓の傟向ずしお垞時医療職の関䞎が必芁な医療ニヌズの高い利甚者を断っおおり、個別の機胜蚓緎を実斜しおいる割合は䜎かった。秋田県は高霢化でショヌトステむの利甚需芁が高たり、営利法人が単独型ショヌトステむの運営ぞ参画しおいる。今埌医療機関から圚宅ぞ戻る際に重芁な圹割を果たすショヌトステむは機胜蚓緎や医療ニヌズぞの察応が機胜ずしお求められる。しかし単独型ショヌトステむでは経営面からサヌビスの質向䞊よりも利甚者確保が優先されやすい。単独型ショヌトステむでも経営が安定するような介護報酬請求の仕組みが必芁である。A short-stay, a short-term stay service of the nursing-care insurance system, is characterized by diverse facility forms and the managing corporate bodies. In addition, there are long-term facility users who remain consecutively in a short-stay service for 30 days or longer. The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between the realities of short-stay facility characteristics and the long-term usage rate (the number of long-term facility users)/ (the number of long-term facility users + the number of short-term facility users) and to explore the functions that such facilities should bear in the future as part of a regional comprehensive care system. A questionnaire was conducted with the managers of 280 short-stay operations within Akita prefecture, with 108 of these operations responding. The most common facility format was a single-operation type, small in size, and run by a for-profit corporation. The average long-term usage rate was higher in the single-operation type, for-profit corporations. Regarding the state of service provision, short stay operations with sufficient personnel allocation, showed a tendency for an additional charge connected with an improvement in service quality to be included. Furthermore, as an overall trend, facilities rejected facility users with high medical needs that constantly required involvement of health care professionals. Furthermore, the percentage of facilities that conduct functional training for individuals was low. The demand for short-stay services has increased in Akita prefecture due to the aging of the population. Thus, profit-making corporations are participating in the management of single-operation type shortstay facilities. In the future, short-stay facilities will be required to provide functions such as provision of functional training for those who can address medical needs since such facilities play an important role for elderly patients when returning to their respective homes after being discharged from medical facilities. However, single-operation short stay facilities tend to prioritize the securing of facility users rather than improving the overall service quality due to managerial reasons. A claim system for nursing-care benefits that will help stabilize management even for singleoperation type short-stay facilities is required

    日本赀十字秋田短期倧孊看護孊科卒業生の動向調査(第2å ±) : 瀟䌚人経隓の有無ず孊業に察する取り組み、孊生生掻に察する満足床の関係

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    本研究は卒業生の動向把握ず圚孊䞭の教育や孊生生掻に぀いお卒業生がどのように評䟡しおいるかを明らかにするこずを目的に本孊看護孊科卒業生を察象に無蚘名の質問玙調査を行った。158名の回答から以䞋の結果が埗られた。1.瀟䌚人経隓のあった卒業生は入孊時に看護垫になりたい意欲が䜎い傟向にあったが、圚孊䞭は意欲的に勉孊に取り組んだずする人が倚く、看護垫になるこずや孊業を諊めようず思った人は少なかった。瀟䌚人経隓のなかった卒業生は入孊時には看護垫になりたい意欲が高い傟向にあったが、圚孊䞭は意欲的に勉孊に取り組んだずする人は半数であった。たた、瀟䌚人経隓のなかった卒業生の玄30%は看護垫になるこずや孊業の継続を諊めようず思った経隓をもっおいた。その理由は孊業面での困難や看護ぞの魅力や意欲の䜎䞋であった。2.卒業生の孊生生掻に察する満足床は、瀟䌚人経隓の有無にかかわらず、「孊習環境」、「同玚生ずの亀流」、「自己の成長」、「チュヌタヌずの亀流」、「臚地実習」の項目が高く、「クラスアドバむザヌずの亀流」、「他孊科孊生ずの亀流」、「看護孊科の先茩・埌茩ずの亀流」、「郚掻動やサヌクル掻動」、「ゆずりある孊校生掻」の項目が䜎い傟向にあった。This study was conducted by an anonymous questionnaire given to the graduates of the Department of Nursing Science of this school, to evaluate the careers of these graduates and to clarify how the graduates evaluated the education and school life of this school. 158 graduates responded as follows: 1. Graduates with experience, being an active members of society, were likely to have less incentives to become a nurse at school entry, but most studied enthusiastically while in school and few thought about quitting or not completing the academic work. Graduates without experience of, being active members of society, were likely to have more incentive to become a nurse at school entry, but only half studied enthusiastically in school. 30% of the graduates without experience thought about quitting or not completing academic work. The reasons included difficulties faced in academic work and a decreased attraction or motivation for the nursing profession. 2. Irregardless of experiences of being active members of society, graduates had high satisfaction levels for school life in terms of learning environment, interaction level with classmates, personal development, communication with tutors, and opportunities for on-site training. They had low satisfaction levels for school life in terms of communication with class advisors, interaction with students of other departments and with senior and junior members of the Department of Nursing Science, also involvement in club and circle activities

    成人看護孊実習における健康増進センタヌ実習の孊び(第1å ±) : 実習蚘録内容の分析より

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    成人看護孊実習における健康増進センタヌ実習は、生掻習慣病の予防ず健康教育の理解を目暙に実習を展開し2幎目を迎える。そこで今回、孊生がどのように健康教育を理解し、孊びを埗るこずができたのか把握するこずを目的に、実習蚘録内容の分析を行った。その結果、以䞋のこずが明らかになった。孊生は、「察象の特城」「看護垫の圹割」「健康教育の意矩や方法」が理解できおおり、受蚺者の健康意識ぞの働きかけや生掻背景を意識した関わりの重芁性を孊んでいる。しかし、蚘録内容は察象に応じた健康教育の考察たでには至っおいない状況であった。今埌の課題ずしお、健康増進センタヌ実習の取り組みに察する意識付けや蚘録甚玙の蚭定内容の倉曎などを含めた実習方法の怜蚎の必芁性が瀺唆された。We developed training for a Health-Promotion-Center training program in adult nursing clinical training in the second year to aim at understanding prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and understanding health education. Then, also to evaluate the student\u27s understanding of sanitary procedures education, we analyzed the contents of practice records and as a result, the following became clear. "Characteristic of object", "role of a nurse"and "significance and the method of health education" could be understood by students and they learned the importance of the relationship between conscious pressure to health consciousness and the life background of the tested. However, the record contents were not reached by consideration of the health education. The necessity of examination of the training method was able to include a consciousness charge account for an action of Health-Promotion-Center, training program or a change of setting as a future problem was also suggested

    成人看護孊実習における健康増進センタヌ実習の孊び(第2å ±) : 実習蚘録内容ず評䟡衚の分析より

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    成人看護孊実習における健康増進センタヌ実習での効果的な実習方法を怜蚎するこずを目的に、孊生の実習蚘録内容の分析結果(第1å ±)ず評䟡項目の埗点割合の照合から、目暙の達成床の分析を行った。その結果、以䞋のこずが明らかになった。(1)孊生は、生掻習慣病ず健康教育に぀いお孊習できおいる。(2)健康増進センタヌ実習は、看護職者ずしお取り組む健康の保持増進ず健康障害の予防に関わる胜力の育成に぀ながる機䌚ずなっおいる。(3)「察象に応じた看護」の理解の䞀因ずなり、成人看護孊実習の目暙達成のためには有効である。(4)察象に応じた健康教育を考察できるたでには至っおいない。今埌の課題ずしお、(1)孊習の機䌚を有効に掻甚するために孊内事前オリ゚ンテヌションの充実を図るこず。(2)孊生が経隓したこずを考察ぞず結び付けおいけるように、カンファレンスでの教員の働きかけが必芁なこず。(3)蚘述すべき内容の焊点を絞るこずができ、思考段階を螏むこずができるように実習蚘録甚玙を倉曎する必芁があるこず、などの実習方法に぀いお怜蚎の必芁性が瀺唆された。From studying (the first report) and the collation of the score ratio of an evaluation item that we got from analysis of training record contents of a student, we could analyzed the achievement degree of the aim for clarifying learning in health promotion center training in nursing science training, and for examining a more effective training method. As a result, the following became clear. A student can learn about lifestyle-related disease and health education. It is with the opportunity when health promotion center training is connected to upbringing of ability to be concerned with prevention of maintenance increase and an obstacle of health to wrestle with as a person in post nursing. In addition, it become a cause of understanding of "the nursing that accepted an object" and an effective accomplishment of nursing science training. However, we plan substantiality orientation in study to utilize the opportunity of learning as a future problem solver. Pressure by teachers in conference, training is necessary to be able to tie what a student experienced to consideration. We can a focus on the contents which we should describe and have to change our training record paper to be able to go through thought stage. Then ecessity of examination was suggested for these training methods

    カンゎ ã‚­ã‚œ キョりむク カテむ ニオケル コモン スキル トレヌニング ドりニュり ノ トリクミ

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    看護孊郚初幎次生のコモンスキル向䞊を図る取り組みずしお、コモンスキルに関する無蚘名自蚘匏質問玙調査ず䞊行しお、束柀らが開発したトレヌニングプログラムを垌望者に実斜した。質問玙調査では、トレヌニングを"受けたい"たたは"必芁だ"ず思う者は党䜓の3割であるこずがわかった。たた、トレヌニングの受講に消極的な孊生は日々の生掻においお自分の属する瀟䌚に適した行動をずるずいう意識が垌薄であり、トレヌニングを積極的に必芁ずしない孊生は倧孊に入孊する以前ず入孊埌䞀幎ずで察人関係のずり方が倉わっおいないず認識しおいるこずが瀺唆された。束柀らのプログラムを実斜した12名は、自身の省察ず他者ぞの関心・共感を軞に、他者ずの盞互䜜甚や集団の倉化を感受しおおり、プログラム実斜䞭に埗られた知識を行動化したり、看護者ずしおのあり方を考えたりず、自ら成長発展しようずする姿勢がみられた。In an attempt to improve the common skills of nursing students in the first year, a survey was conducted on awareness in regards to common skills. In addition, a common skills training program developed by Matuzawa et al. was implemented for interested students, after which its effects were verified. The results of this awareness survey revealed that those who needed common skills training amounted to 30% of the total and that there was a group of students who felt that they were "not aware of socially appropriate attitude in their ordinary life." On the other hand, it was found that students who have just completed their on&#8209;site clinical practicum had significantly changed the ways of daily living and attitudes toward interpersonal relationships and that they strongly felt a lack of knowledge about common&#8209;sense manners and interpersonal relationships as well as had difficulties acting on this knowledge. As for the 12 students who completed the program developed by Matuzawa et al, it was found that they perceived the changes in the group caused by individuals\u27 interaction with others based on self&#8209;reflection, care and empathy towards others. In addition, they showed an attitude to try and willfully grow by acting on the knowledge acquired during the program and thinking about how nurses should behave. In consideration of the fact that maturity as a person is not irrelevant to growth as a nurse, this study suggested the usefulness of common skills training at an appropriate time

    Cシ ノ トクテむ コりレむシャ ニトッテ ケンコりゞョり ノ アンシン トハ

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    高霢化が進む東北地方のB県C垂の特定高霢者にずっお"健康䞊の安心"を構成する芁玠は䜕か蚘述するこずを目的に、13名の協力者に察し半構成的むンタビュヌを行ない質的に分析した。その結果、安心を構成する芁玠の䞭栞カテゎリヌずしお【぀ながっおいる】、倧カテゎリヌずしお《人生を認め合える》《今珟圚の぀ながりが残っおいる》《自分の䜓をやりくりできる》が抜出された。C垂の高霢者が健康䞊安心しお生掻できるためには、互いに人生を認め合い共に過ごしおきた仲間がいるこずずそこから生たれた自尊感情が基盀ずなり、その぀ながりに支えられ、曎に今珟圚もその぀ながりが残っおいるこずが必芁であった。珟圚の぀ながりは人や情報、行きたい堎所の存圚ず移動手段などであるが、それらの぀ながりに支えられお、自分のからだをやりくりできるずいう自己効力感の存圚が認められ、それらが特定高霢者の安心を支えおいた。特定高霢者の自己効力感に働きかけ、自尊感情を尊重しながら、掻動や参加ずいう堎や手段の提䟛により人や情報ずの぀ながりを維持しおいくずいう芖点は、ICFの健康の抂念である「生掻機胜-身䜓状況だけでなく掻動・参加-で生きる党䜓をずらえる」こずに通じおいるこずが明らかになり、これからの高霢者支揎の重芁な芖点ずしお再確認された。The purpose of this study is to identify some factors that make the "tokutei" elderly people living in C city feel secure about their health. Based on interviews with thirteen "tokutei" elders, three major caregories were found as well as a core category that constitutes their secure feeling of "being related to someone or something." Besides these categories, the study also shows that the "tokutei" elderly people have self&#8209;efficacy in their health management. As the notion of ICF suggests, the feeling of "being related" and selfefficacy will bring the elders confidence in their health management. Therefore, these findings should be taken into account when we try to build a support system for the "tokutei" elderly people

    日本赀十字秋田短期倧孊看護孊科卒業生の動向調査(第1å ±) : 卒業生の就業・進孊状況ず卒埌の資栌取埗の実態

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    本研究では、本孊看護孊科卒業生の動向把握ず卒業生から本孊の教育に察する評䟡を埗るこずを目的に1期生から7期生たでの卒業生を察象に質問玙調査を行い、163名から回答が埗られた。本報では、卒業生の就業や進孊、資栌取埗状況に぀いお報告する。1.卒業生の92.0%が就業しおおり、職皮は看護垫が95.0%を占めおいた。就職先は93.4%が病院で、そのうち300床以䞊の病院ぞの就職者は71.4%であった。たた、勀務先は赀十字病院が40.0%であった。2.卒埌の進孊率は12.3%で、資栌取埗率は10.4%であった。資栌の皮類は保健垫・助産垫が倚く、取埗時期は卒埌2幎以内であった。3.卒業生の35.0%が卒業時点で進路を芋぀けるこずができたず答え、そのうち具䜓的な看護領域を挙げた者が60.0%以䞊であった。進路決定に圱響したこずは臚地実習が最も倚かった。本孊卒業生の進孊率、資栌取埗率は䜎かったこずから、看護職に期埅される専門性に぀いお教授し、孊生の進路の遞択肢を拡げおいく必芁がある。In this study, we administered a survey to all graduates of the first through seventh classes of the Department of Nursing Science. The survey was in the form of a questionnaire which evaluated our education program and trends of our graduates. 163 responses were received. This report presents the status of employment and higher education of the graduates and the status of completion of qualification after graduation. 1. 92.0% of the graduates were employed wirh the occupation of nurse accounted for 95.0%. Hospitals accounted for 93.4% as place of employment and 71.4% of the graduates worked for hospitals with 300 beds or more. Red Cross Hospitals employed 40.0% of the graduates employed at hospitals. 2. The advancement rate was 12.3% and the rate of completion of qualification was 10.4%. Public health nurses and obstetric nurses accounted for the majority of qualifications completed. The time to complete qualification was within two years of graduating. 3. 35.0% of the graduates responded that they had found a career at the time of graduation. 60.0% or more of the graduates responded that they chose their area of nursing. On-site practice affected the determination of most careers. The advancement and completion of qualification rates of our school are low. Based on these results, we need to instruct students in the expertise expected for the nursing occupation and expand alternatives for their careers
