アキタケン ニオケル タンキ ニュウショ セイカツ カイゴ ショートステイ ノ シセツ トクセイ ノ ジッタイ ト チョウキ リヨウ ニ カンレン シタ ヨウイン


介護保険制度の短期宿泊サービスであるショートステイは施設形態、運営する法人が多様である。また30日を超えてショートステイを利用する長期利用者が存在する。本研究の目的は、ショートステイの施設特性の実態と長期利用率「長期利用者数/(長期利用者数+短期利用者数)」に関連する要因を明らかにし、今後地域包括ケアシステムの中で担うべき機能について探ることである。秋田県内全域の280事業所のショートステイ管理者を対象とした質問紙調査を行い、108事業所より回答を得た。施設形態は単独型で小規模であり営利法人の運営が多かった。平均の「長期利用率」は単独型、営利法人で割合が高かった。サービス提供状況では職員配置が充実しているショートステイでは、サービスの質の向上に関わる加算が算定される傾向があった。また、全体の傾向として常時医療職の関与が必要な医療ニーズの高い利用者を断っており、個別の機能訓練を実施している割合は低かった。秋田県は高齢化でショートステイの利用需要が高まり、営利法人が単独型ショートステイの運営へ参画している。今後医療機関から在宅へ戻る際に重要な役割を果たすショートステイは機能訓練や医療ニーズへの対応が機能として求められる。しかし単独型ショートステイでは経営面からサービスの質向上よりも利用者確保が優先されやすい。単独型ショートステイでも経営が安定するような介護報酬請求の仕組みが必要である。A short-stay, a short-term stay service of the nursing-care insurance system, is characterized by diverse facility forms and the managing corporate bodies. In addition, there are long-term facility users who remain consecutively in a short-stay service for 30 days or longer. The objective of this study was to clarify the relationship between the realities of short-stay facility characteristics and the long-term usage rate (the number of long-term facility users)/ (the number of long-term facility users + the number of short-term facility users) and to explore the functions that such facilities should bear in the future as part of a regional comprehensive care system. A questionnaire was conducted with the managers of 280 short-stay operations within Akita prefecture, with 108 of these operations responding. The most common facility format was a single-operation type, small in size, and run by a for-profit corporation. The average long-term usage rate was higher in the single-operation type, for-profit corporations. Regarding the state of service provision, short stay operations with sufficient personnel allocation, showed a tendency for an additional charge connected with an improvement in service quality to be included. Furthermore, as an overall trend, facilities rejected facility users with high medical needs that constantly required involvement of health care professionals. Furthermore, the percentage of facilities that conduct functional training for individuals was low. The demand for short-stay services has increased in Akita prefecture due to the aging of the population. Thus, profit-making corporations are participating in the management of single-operation type shortstay facilities. In the future, short-stay facilities will be required to provide functions such as provision of functional training for those who can address medical needs since such facilities play an important role for elderly patients when returning to their respective homes after being discharged from medical facilities. However, single-operation short stay facilities tend to prioritize the securing of facility users rather than improving the overall service quality due to managerial reasons. A claim system for nursing-care benefits that will help stabilize management even for singleoperation type short-stay facilities is required

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