4,929 research outputs found

    Estimating Point-of-View-based Similarity Using POV Reinforcement and Similarity Propagation

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    Collaborative Exploration of Solanaceae Vegetable Genetic Resources in Central and Mid-Western Cambodia in 2018

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    The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) and Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) have collaborated since 2014 under the Plant Genetic Resources in Asia (PGRAsia) project to survey the vegetable genetic resources available in Cambodia. As part of this project, four field surveys of Solanaceae crops were conducted in November 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 in western, eastern, northern, and southern Cambodia, respectively. In November 2018, we conducted a fifth field survey in central and mid-western Cambodia, including the Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kampong Chnang, Kamdal, Pursat, and Battambang Provinces. We collected a total of 75 accessions, including 64 chili pepper (15 Capsicum annuum and 49 Capsicum frutescens) and 11 eggplant (Solanum melongena) fruit samples, from farmers, a market, and a mini mart. After seeds were harvested from the collected fruits, the seeds were equally divided in two: half were conserved in the CARDI, and the other half were transferred to the Genetic Resource Center, NARO, by using the standard material transfer agreement.農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構(NARO)とカンボジア農業開発研究所(CARDI)は,カンボジア国内における野菜類を中心とした遺伝資源を探索するため,PGRAsia(Plant Genetic Resources in Asia)プロジェクトのもと,2014 年から共同研究を実施している.本プロジェクトの一環として,2014 年,2015 年,2016 年および 2017 年の 11 月に,それぞれカンボジアの西部,東部,北部および南部地域において,4 回のナス科作物の探索を実施した.2018 年 11 月に我々は,カンボジア中央部および中西部地域の Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kampong Chnang, Kamdal, Pursat および Battambang 州において,5 回目の探索を実施した.本探索において,15 点のCapsicum annuum,49 点のCapsicum frutescens および 11 点のSolanum melongena からなる合計 75 点のトウガラシおよびナスを農家、市場およびミニマートで収集した.収集した種子は 2 等分し,半分は CARDI で保存し,残りの半分は SMTA(Standard Material Transfer Agreement)により NARO のジーンバンクに移送した

    思考言語分野(II 研究所の概要)

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    思考言語分野(II 研究所の概要)

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    The Relationships between Anxiety and Incongruence between Verbal and Nonverbal Expressions

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    The Future of Nursing Care Service for Elderlies in an Extremely Depopulated Agricultural Community in Japan : The Meaning of Continuation of Agriculture for Female Farmers and the Related Home Nursing Care Service System in the Agricultural Community of

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    P urpose of Study : The purpose of this study is that it aims to focus the present situation of Japanese female caretakers in an agricultural community to continue their home nursing care and agriculture and also clarify how they continue to work for home nursing care and agriculture, and the meaning of the continuation for female farmers in a community. M ethod : The design of this study used the ethnography type investigation. It maens to try clarifing the perception, the idea, and the meaning of the method of life inductively through the data concerning the experience in daily life of a certain group. The methodlogy is very effective to clalify and understand difficult situation of home nursing care in an agricultural community and the behavior of the caretakers who continue home nursing care and agriculture in extreamly agricultural depopulation area.“Extreamly depopulated agricultural area ” is considered a social condition that a community social function declines with decreasing the number of population so that local residents are forced difficulty to maintain their standard of quality of life. In another word, “Extreamly depopulated agricultural area ” is also called a marginal villege(or community). R esults : Several aspects of female agricultural workers in a local community was clarfied : the womens’ duty and burden in agricultural work, agricurtural work for satisfaction and home nursing care and the causes in the historical and cultural backgorund. (their value as agricultural labor force, their sexual role, the local regulation from the community). In addition, understanding to the function of life mutual aid system in the local community, the transformation of Japanese agricultural system, combining to continue home nursing care and agriculture, precondition and related factors of combination work(the function of family, agricultural working features, the present situation of elderly class and the current caretakers’ level). We actually found that the meaning of combination work and female famers’ behaviors to the present social condition. C onsideration : Home nursing care and agriculture are thought to be a continuation from the farm village female caregiver by finding the meaning to satisfy the combination of home nursing care and agriculture in the method of independence and against the reality.Extreamly Depolpulated Agricultutal CommunityFemale FarmerAgricultureElderlyin Long-Term Care Need,Ethnograph

    SiO Maser Sources toward Globular Clusters

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    We report on the detection of SiO masers in Asymptotic Giant Branch variables toward bulge/disk globular clusters. In five out of six cases, the radial velocities are compatible with the optically measured radial velocities of globular clusters in the assessed uncertainty. Two sources, toward Terzan~5 and Terzan~12, lie very close to the cluster centers. The objects toward Pal~6 and Terzan~12 have luminosities appropriate to the AGB tip in globular clusters, while those toward NGC 6171, Pal~10, and Terzan~5 are brighter than expected. It is suggested that the latter three may have evolved from merged binaries, offering a test for binary-evolution scenarios in globular clusters, if the membership is approved.Comment: 6 pages 1 figure PASJ, 57 No. 1 (in press

    Geographical variation in Sr isotopic ratio of cryoconite on Arctic glaciers

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    Sr stable isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr) in cryoconite on glaciers in Arctic region were analyzed to identify sources of constituents of the cryoconite. The cryoconite samples that we analyzed were collected from glaciers in Canada (Sveldrup, Greenshield and Coronation Glaciers) and Svalbard (Foxfonna and Longyearbreen Glaciers). The results were also compared with the values of Greenland and Alaska, which were measured in previous studies. The isotopic ratio significantly varied among glaciers. The isotopic ratio of silicate mineral fraction was highest (above 0.74) in the cryoconite of Penny ice cap of Canada, while middium in those in Devon, Svalbard, and Greenland glaciers, and lower in those of an Alaskan glacier. This variation suggest that sources of mineral particles of cryoconite are not unique in those Arctic glaciers, but are different among geographical locations.第4回極域科学シンポジウム個別セッション:[OM] 気水圏11月15日(金) 統計数理研究所 3階セミナー室1(D305


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