1,282 research outputs found

    Surface Structure Control of Nanocrystals and Their Catalytic Properties: From Metal Oxides (SnO2, CeO2, and Cu2O) to Pt-Based Noble Metal

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    由于催化反应主要发生在催化剂的表界面,因此催化剂的表界面结构在很大程度上影响着催化剂的催化活性。具有不同表界面结构的催化剂往往会表现出不同的催化活性。因此,如何通过调控表界面结构来提高纳米催化剂的催化活性和稳定性以及降低催化剂的成本是近些年来人们研究的主要方向。本论文主要围绕两大方向进行了研究:(1)控制合成出了具有高表面能晶面裸露的金属氧化物(SnO2,CeO2和Cu2O)和高Pd原子分散度的Pd/CeO2纳米催化剂,并研究了这些催化剂对CO氧化的催化活性。(2)在Pd二十面体和十面体的表面沉积只有几个原子层厚的Pt壳,分别得到了Pd@Pt核壳结构的二十面体和内凹十面体纳米催化剂,并研究了P...Surface structure of the catalyst is one of important factors that determine the catalytic activity of catalyst itself, as the catalytic reaction mainly happened on the surface of the catalyst. Catalysts with different surface structures usually exhibit different catalytic activities. How to enhance the catalytic activity and durability, as well as decrease the cost through structure control of ca...学位:理学博士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052011015371

    Design and Implementation of Urban and Rural Residents Social Security Interactive System for One Agent Bank

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    省社会养老保险中心的城乡居民社保业务省域集中是一项涉及省内全体城乡居民社保业务的综合性改革。社保中心城乡居民社保业务的省域集中,是出于对城乡社会保障资源统一管理的需要,也是为城乡一体化政策的推行夯实了基础。 城乡居民社保业务以我省现有的城乡居民社会保障体系为基础,以社保中心方系统和代理银行中间业务平台为依托,包含参保人员的合约管理、实时保费缴纳、批量金融性交易等一系列业务处理机制。代理银行是实现城乡居民社会养老保险交互的重要环节,是实现城乡居民社会养老保险实时信息交互的关键所在?因此,建立代理银行城乡居民社保交互系统是城乡居民社保业务省域集中能否顺利完成的关键。 本文按照软件工程的流程规范...The insurance center's provincial concentration of urban-rural residents social security is a comprehensive reform which related to the whole business of urban-rural residents social security. The insurance center's provincial concentration of urban-rural residents social security not only meets the needs of the management of the urban-rural residents social security resources, but also lay the fo...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123048

    Design and Implementation of Small Pieces Express Management SystemBased on B/S Architecture

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    目前我国的快件市场呈现需求旺盛的态势,以批量小、价值高、时间短、个性化为特征的快件货物运输需求日益高涨。本文分析和设计了基于B/S架构的小件快运系统,在J2EE开发框架中开发,采用Linux的web服务器,应用SOA架构,采用Oracle11g进行数据的存储和交互,设计了一套完整的小件快运管理系统。通过“电子商务平台”系统来同时构建物流信息和控制中心,将现代化信息技术引入交通运输业,构建货源及车源信息发布,货物跟踪,车辆跟踪及仓储管理为一体的信息平台,最终为终端物流客户提供更多及更全面的服务。主要内容有: 1、对小件快运业务进行调研,分析小件快运的业务流程和业务主体,了解业务中涉及的项目...China's express market is in great demand, with small, high value, quick, personalized for the characteristics of express freight transportation demand is increasing. The analysis and design of small pieces of express system based on B/S architecture, developed in J2EE framework, using Linux web server, SOA application framework, using Oracle 11g for data storage and exchange, design a complete se...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323239

    The Impact of Institutional Ownership on Corporate Governance—— Dual Agency Cost Perspective

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    经过三十年的发展,机构投资者的数量和投资规模逐渐扩大,投资模式也日臻成熟,其在促进金融市场的发展中起到了愈加重要的作用。在持股比例较低时,机构投资者退出市场的风险较低,而随着持股比例的增高,机构投资者采取短期投资策略的方式来管理股票,只会使其承受股票价格大幅下降而带来的损失,因此更多的机构投资者开始寻求能够获取稳定收益的途径。他们以股东的身份对上市公司的经营管理决策发表意见,监督管理层和股东行为,改善公司内部治理环境以促进其健康稳定的发展,并取得了一定的成效。 机构投资者的作用逐渐引起了我国政府的关注。政府在引入机构投资者的同时相继出台了有关的法律、法规以保障其能够有效地行使股东权利。然而在...After thirty years of development, the number of institutional investors and the scale of investment gradually expanded, the investment model is also maturing, which plays an increasingly important role in promoting the development of financial markets. The shareholding ratio is low, the risk of institutional investors out of the market is relatively low, and with the increased proportion of sha...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115113

    Establishment and Diagnostic Application of Monoclonal Antibodies against Tumor Markers HE4 and CA19-9

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    恶性肿瘤严重威胁人类健康,早期肿瘤的治疗预后显著优于晚期肿瘤。检测血清肿瘤标志物是肿瘤早期筛查的一种有效方式,通过检测血清中肿瘤标志物的存在或量变可以反映体内肿瘤的发生和发展程度,在肿瘤的诊断、分类、分期、监测、预后及指导治疗中发挥重要作用。目前,我国的肿瘤标志物诊断试剂及其诊断试剂研发所需的抗原和抗体原料基本依赖进口,供货受制于人和价格昂贵等因素严重制约了我国肿瘤标志物早期筛查的推广普及。因此,研制国产化肿瘤标志物抗原和抗体,并建立相应的肿瘤标志物诊断试剂显得十分必要。 由于肿瘤标志物的关键诊断表位较为复杂,使得研制高特异性、高灵敏度的诊断用活性抗体原料成为研发肿瘤标志物诊断试剂的一个难题...Malignant tumors are a serious threat to human health, and the prognosis of early tumors is significantly better than advanced tumors. Detection of serum tumor markers is a routine way of early screening of tumors. By detecting the presence and quantitative change of tumor markers in serum can reflect the occurrence and development of tumors in vivo. And play an important role in the diagnosis, cl...学位:理学硕士院系专业:公共卫生学院_转化医学学号:3262014115058

    System Design of MMORPG based on Analysis of Female-Players

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    早年间,玩游戏常被认为是男玩家的专利。男玩家比女玩家更擅长更喜欢游戏,游戏也主要面向男性市场,多注重的是男性化的喜好和体验需求。女性玩家往往容易被游戏行业的开发和研究者忽视。但随着计算机和网络技术的发展,越来越多的人加入了游戏玩家的行列,游戏玩家群体的组成逐渐发生变化。女性玩家的数量已经接近男性玩家,女性玩家的游戏行为已受到学术界、企业和社会的广泛关注。游戏设计者在设计游戏时应以用户体验为中心,结合女性玩家的心理需求和兴趣爱好,让更多游戏玩家可以在游戏中获得乐趣。 本文选取几款在女性玩家市场上获得成功的游戏进行分析,并对女性玩家进行研究,总结出女性玩家喜好的游戏要素。包括外观偏好、收集偏好、...Along with the development and progress of the internet and software, more and more people began playing games. And in the master for male player in the world of electronic game, the proportion of female games is become more and more. The relationship between women and games has received extensive academic, corporate, and social attention. As Game designer, we should try to understand female playe...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323197