1,090 research outputs found

    Research on properties of PAD

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    随着LED亮度的不断提升和制程的不断优化,相同光效下芯片的尺寸越缩越小,芯片制造成本也不断降低,市场占有率不断扩大。因此,对于芯片可靠性的研究及不断改善逐渐成为了LED应用所面临的难点之一,尤其缺乏芯片长期老化失效的分析以及对芯片严苛使用环境下的失效模式的分析。 本论文通过GaN基LEDs芯片端金属电极(PAD)性能的研究,分析并改善了芯片端长期老化以及在严苛工作环境下的老化可靠性。同时,在此基础上设计了新的PAD降成本结构,降低了PAD端贵金属的耗量。本文的主要结论如下: (1)对于R-PAD结构(ST1)而言,当通过Finger的截面电流密度超过/或接近2*106A/cm2时,芯粒就有...The size of GaN light-emitting diodes (LED) became smaller and smaller under the same efficiency with the increase of light output power (LOP) and optimization of fabrication procedure of GaN light emitting diodes (LEDs) gradually, which also induced the LED fabrication cost decreased. And thanks to the cost down of LED chips, its market share percentage enlarged a lot. Therefore, research on the ...学位:博士后院系专业:物理与机电工程学院_凝聚态物理学号:201517001

    Design and Implementation of Pork Safety Traceability System Based on Open-source Framework

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    社会发展和人们生活水平日益提高,国内个别食品安全事件的出现,政府和消费者都开始重视畜产品质量安全问题。猪肉的生产在畜产品中占有较高的比例,而我国作为最大的猪肉消费量国,近年来食品安全问题频发,因此,研究畜产品质量管理体系,进一步提高猪肉生产质量,具有重大的理论价值和必要的现实意义。然而,由于供给体系的复杂化以及缺乏生产信息的有效传递方式,猪肉安全生产、监督和管理面临着很多问题。可追溯系统被认为是猪肉食品质量安全管理的有效手段,已经受到消费者及食品质量监管部门的普遍关注。本项目在对可追溯系统的基本理论分析和借鉴国外畜产品系统先进模式的基础上,根据猪肉生产消费过程、以及监管业务流程(包括生猪饲养,...With the rapid development of social economy and the lives of people, Livestock safety issues is pay more and more attention by the government and consumers.China is the largest producer and consumer of pork. So, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study the livestock product quality and safety system.However, due to the complexity of the supply system and the lack of e...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323046

    Study on the Sustainability of Concrete Structure

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    伴随着人类社会与全球经济的日益发展,全球的资源、能源和环境问题日益突出,于是可持续发展越来越被人们所重视。建筑业作为全球资源消耗和能源消耗最高的支柱产业,在整个建筑行业内走可持续发展建设之路,是实现全社会可持续发展的必然选择。混凝土结构作为目前应用最广泛的建筑结构主体,消耗大量的资源、能源,同时给自然环境带来沉重的负担。所以,对于结构工程师来讲,通过工程技术优化组合来实现混凝土结构的可持续性是目前所要思考研究的方向。本文的研究目的致力于在总结混凝土结构可持续性技术实现途径的基础上,通过各层次的技术优选和组合提高混凝土结构的可持续性,并建立起一个内容具体、针对性强、操作简单的混凝土结构可持续性评...With the increasingly serious problem of global resources, energy and environment, people pay more and more attention to green, low-carbon and sustainable development. As the world's most resource consuming and energy consuming industry, construction industry is the inevitable choice of building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society. As the most widely used building structure, concret...学位:工学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_结构工程学号:2532014115178


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    A Study on Real Exchange Rate Misalignment of RMB and Its Economic Effects

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    内容摘要科学评价一国货币的汇率水平是否合理,关键是判断其实际有效汇率是否与均衡实际汇率相一致。在开放经济条件下,如果实际有效汇率偏离了均衡实际汇率,即发生了实际汇率错位,这将影响一国经济的外部均衡和内部均衡,从而带来巨大的福利成本。1997年亚洲金融危机产生的人民币贬值预期和从2002年末持续到2005年7月的国外逼迫人民币升值,不断突显出人民币实际汇率错位研究的重要性。近年来研究人民币均衡汇率的文献较多,这些研究一般都会对实际汇率偏离均衡汇率的状况做出一般性判断,但大多并未从比较长的时间跨度对人民币实际汇率错位及其经济效应进行深入的理论分析和实证研究。本文从倍受关注的有关人民币汇率的三个现实...Abstract To scientifically valuate whether the exchange rate of a country’s money is reasonable, the key is to judge whether the real effective exchange rate coincides with the equilibrium real exchange rate. In an open economy, if the real effective exchange rate deviates from the equilibrium real exchange rate, namely the real exchange rate misalignment happens, this will influence the extern...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:200242018


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    The Current Situation of National Defense Education in State-owned Enterprises——Basied on Investigation of 11 State-owned Enterprises in Guangzhou

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    在新的历史条件下,为适应经济社会发展和国家安全形势需要,大力弘扬爱国主义精神,增强全民国防教育观念,我国大力推进和加强全民国防教育工作。经过长期努力,我国的全民国防教育得到了全面的发展,从法律、制度、形式内容等方面得到强化和落实,取得了良好的社会效益。尤其是作为重点的学校国防教育取得了丰硕的成果。但企业国防教育由于受到的关注不够,因而缺乏系统性的研究,从而与学校国防教育存在着较大差距。 企业国防教育是全民国防教育的重要组成部分,而且在培育企业文化,促进企业内部和谐,履行企业社会责任等方面都有十分重要的意义。国有企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,在我国的众多企业中最具代表性,国有企业开展国防教...In the new historical conditions, China is promoting and national defense education with spirit of patriotism and sense of national defense conception in order to meet the needs of economic and social development and national security.. After a period of hard working, our national defense education got a comprehensive improvementin law, system, form and contents and has achieved a good social effe...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_高等教育学学号:X200729000

    Study on the System of Construction Surety Bonds/Guarantee

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    本文首先详细介绍了工程保证担保的基本概念和制度特点,并以我国现行法律体系为考查点,对于工程保证担保方式的法律性质进行了分析界定。对工程保证担保的类型及实际运用机制按照工程保证担保在工程实施各阶段的具体应用作了详细介绍,其中重点介绍了投标保证担保、履约保证担保、付款保证担保、业主支付担保、反担保等。在此基础上,通过对我国现有几种担保手段的比较分析,论证了在工程建设担保领域实行保证担保方式的科学性和经济性。紧接着,本文还结合我国工程风险管理实际状况,将工程保证担保制度与工程监理制度、工程保险制度这两种传统工程风险保障手段进行了深入的对比,较为详细的论证了工程保证担保制度与现行工程风险管理措施的区别...As an international convention, Construction Surety Bonds/Guarantee is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract in many developed countries. It plays a non-replaceable role in avoiding risk of credit in the performance of construction contract. As China enters into WTO, to practice this system seems more necessary. So the research on it has important a...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:20020816

    Driving Factors for China's Carbon Emissions Growth and Evaluation of Carbon Reduction Policies

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    自工业革命以来,人类活动产生的温室气体在大气中不断累积。温室气体浓度不断增加所导致的全球变暖,已经对全球粮食产量、人类生活和自然环境产生了严重影响。在全球变暖的大背景下,中国的气候也发生了明显变化,并影响到了中国的水资源、农业、陆地生态系统、海岸带和近海生态系统。 为了应对气候变化,中国已经做出了不懈努力,并在2009年11月正式对外宣布控制温室气体排放的量化行动目标,决定到2020年单位国内生产总值CO2排放比2005年下降40%-45%。要减缓CO2排放,要发展低碳经济,都必须从理论上回答一系列问题:中国的CO2排放量将如何增长?是什么因素驱动了中国的CO2排放量增长?针对这些驱动因素,中国应该制定什么政策来减缓CO2排放?每一种政策能取得什么样的减排效果?这些政策会对宏观经济产生什么影响?中国能否实现碳强度下降的目标?如果能实现,困难有多大? 本文正是基于全球变暖的大背景,并针对中国应对气候变化、实现经济低碳发展需要回答的一系列理论与现实问题,研究了中国碳排放量增长的趋势及其驱动因素,并评价了能源结构调整、经济结构调整、能源价格提高和征收碳税五个政策措施对CO2减排或宏观经济的影响。主要研究结论有以下七点: 第一,自2000年以来,中国因消费化石燃料而排放的CO2持续增长,在未来10年,CO2排放量还将以年均5.1-5.2%的速度,从2010年的71.7亿吨增长到2020年的116.7-123.3亿吨。 第二,1995-2007年间,中国CO2排放量年平均增长12.4%的主要正向驱动因素为:人均GDP、交通工具数量、人口总量、经济结构、家庭平均年收入,其平均贡献分别为15.82%、4.93%、1.28%、1.14%和1.11%;负向驱动因素为:生产部门能源强度、交通工具平均运输线路、居民生活能源强度,其平均贡献分别为-8.12%、-3.29%和-1.42%。 第三,能源结构“低碳化”调整是CO2减排的有效措施。本文的预测表明,在经济中速增长情景下,没有石油消费比例目标引导、而仅有能源结构规划约束的能源结构调整,在2015年将减少CO2排放3.17亿吨,减排3.18%,在2020年将减少6.63亿吨,减排5.38%;既有石油消费比例目标引导又有能源结构规划约束的能源结构调整,在2015年将减少CO2排放3.68亿吨,减排3.84%;在2020年将减少8.13亿吨,减排6.59%。 第四,能源结构调整对中国碳强度下降目标实现的评价结果表明,在9种组合情景中的任何一种情景下,中国的碳强度目标都没有实现。但如果系统性地综合考虑技术进步、法律法规、财政金融政策、居民消费模式和森林碳汇等减排措施的共同作用,则中国碳强度目标的实现是完全可能的,但需要付出艰苦卓绝的努力。 第五,从三次产业的角度来看,中国在中短期内很难以产业结构调整实现CO2减排。但是在第二产业内部,尤其在工业部门内,通过限制一些项目的发展,淘汰落后的工艺设备和产品,依然能实现CO2减排。 第六,提高能源价格是实现CO2减排的有效市场手段。如果能源价格依照附录中所预测的速度上涨,那么在经济中速增长的情景下,因能源价格上涨所减少的CO2排放量在2015年为865万吨,在2020年为347万吨。虽然提高能源价格会导致一般价格水平上涨,如果不考虑预期等因素对价格的影响,各类能源价格上涨导致一般价格水平上涨的幅度都比较小。 第七,征收碳税虽然可以取得CO2减排的环境收益,但却会付出对行业和宏观经济负面冲击的成本。本文的模拟结果表明,在总产出减少幅度小于1%且CPI上涨幅度小于3%的约束条件下,政府应该选择的最优定额碳税税率为8.84元/吨;在总产出减少幅度小于2%且CPI上涨幅度小于6%的约束条件下,应该选择的最优税率为17.99元/吨。如果征收8.84元/吨的最优税率,则将会使得CO2减排3.92%,总产出下降0.99%,CPI上涨2.96%;如果征收17.99元/吨的最优税率,则将会使得CO2减排6.98%,总产出下降1.76%,CPI上涨5.38%。 虽然技术进步和法律法规建设等是CO2减排的重要决定因素,但由于本文更注重从能源经济学的宏观角度来探讨CO2减排问题,因此对具体的减排技术和政策设计细节没有深入讨论。这是本文的不足之处,也是下一步研究的方向。Since the industrial revolution, HGHs (greenhouse gases) due to human activities have been accumulating in the atmosphere. Global warming caused by the increase of atmospheric concentrations of HGHs has been seriously affecting the global output, human life and natural environment. The climate in China has undergone significant changes, and it has been influencing China’s water resources, agriculture, terrestrial ecosystems, marine and coastal ecological systems. In order to address climate change, China has made unremitting efforts and announced a formal quantitative action target controlling greenhouse gas emissions in November 2009, which aims at cutting CO2 emissions per unit of gross domestic product by 40 to 45% in 2020 from 2005. To reduce CO2 emissions, to develop a low carbon economy, we must answer a series of questions: How will China’s CO2 emissions grow? What factors are driving the growth of China’s CO2 emissions? What policies should be developed in China to slow down the CO2 emissions? How many CO2 emissions can be reduced by carrying out each policy? What macroeconomic impacts will be caused by putting these policies in practice? Whether China can achieve the goal of carbon intensity decline? If the goal can be achieved, how much difficulty will we face? Based on the background of global warming and in order to answer a series of theoretical and practical problems in addressing climate change and developing low carbon economy in China, the dissertation studies the factors driving the growth of carbon emissions in China, and evaluates the effects of CO2 emissions reduction or macroeconomy by optimizing energy structure, adjusting economic restructure, increasing energy price and imposing a carbon tax. The main conclusions are as follows: First, since 2000, China’s CO2 emissions due to the consumption of fossil fuels have continued to grow. In the next 10 years, CO2 emissions will grow from 71.7 million tons in 2010 to 116.7-123.3 million tons in 2020 at the average annual rate of 5.1-5.2%. Second, China’s CO2 emissions experiences a 12.4% average annual growth rate during the period 1995 to 2007. The main positive driving factors for growth are per capita GDP, number of vehicle, total population, economic structure and average household income. Their respective average contributions are 15.82%, 4.93%, 1.28%, 1.14% and 1.11%. The negative driving factors are energy intensity of production sector, transportation routes length per vehicle, household energy intensity. Their respective average contributions are -8.12%, -3.29%, and -1.42%. Third, the optimization of energy mix is an effective measure in CO2 emission reduction. The prediction shows that the optimization of energy mix that without objective guidance to the ratio of oil consumption but only with the constraints of adjustment plan to energy structure will reduce 317 million tons of the CO2 in 2015, and reduce 663 million tons in 2020; the optimization of energy mix that with both objective guidance to the ratio of oil consumption and the constraints of adjustment plan to energy structure will reduce 368 million tons of the CO2 in 2015, and reduce 813 million tons in 2020. Fourth, the evaluation results show that China's carbon intensity goals can not be achieved in each of nine scenarios. However, if we systematically and comprehensively consider technological progress, laws and regulations, financial and monetary policies, consumption patterns and forest carbon emission reduction and so on, the goals of China's carbon intensity will be certainly achieved. However, arduous effort should be paid. Fifth, in the view of three industries, China is difficult to achieve CO2 emission reduction by adjusting industrial structure in the medium or short term. However, within the secondary industry, especially in the industrial sector, CO2 emission can be reduced by limiting the development of some projects, eliminate backward technology equipment and products. Sixth, to increase energy prices is the effective market instruments to achieve CO2 emission reduction. If energy prices rise according to the rate predicted by the appendix, the increase of energy prices can reduced 8.65 million tons of CO2 emissions in 2015, and reduced 3.47 million tons in 2020 in the scenario that economy grow at a moderate speed. The energy price increase has relatively weak impact on the general price level, if the effect of price expectation is not considered. Seventh, to impose a carbon tax can achieve the environmental benefits in the CO2 emission reduction, but pay the costs caused by the negative impact on the industry and macroeconomic. This simulation results show that under the constraint condition that the reduction in the total output is less than 1% and the increase in CPI is less than 3%, the optimal carbon tax rate is 8.84 yuan per ton; under the other constraint condition that the reduction in the total output is less than 2% and the increase in CPI is less than 6%, the optimal carbon tax rate is 17.99 yuan per ton. If the charge the first optimal tax rate, CO2 emissions will reduce by 3.92%, total output will fell by 0.99%, and CPI will rise by 2.96%; if charge the second optimal tax rate, CO2 emissions will reduce by 6.98%, total output will fell by 1.76%, and CPI will rise by 5.38%. Although technological advances and enacting laws and regulations are important measures to reduce CO2 emissions, this dissertation pay more attention to CO2 emissions reduction problem in the view of macroeconomics. Therefore the specific details of emission reduction technologies and policy design are not in deep discussion. This is both an inadequacy and a direction of further study.学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院金融系_能源经济学学号:1562007015369


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