20 research outputs found

    Fish species composition and community pattern in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea

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    根据2006—2007年在南海西北部陆架区海域进行的4航次底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类的种类组成和群落格局进行分析。调查共采获鱼类262种,隶属于20目102科。以冬季出现种类数最多,为166种;夏季和秋季次之,分别为161种和155种;春季最少,为135种。运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度(nMdS)方法分析了南海西北部陆架区鱼类群落结构的空间分布。研究表明,该海域鱼类可划分为5个群落,分别为粤西沿岸群落(群落Ⅰ)、海南岛东南沿岸群落(群落Ⅱ)、海南岛东部深海群落(群落Ⅲ)、过渡群落(群落Ⅳ)和混合群落(群落V)。AnOSIM检验表明,各群落间鱼类组成的差异极为显著(r=0.847-0.939,P<0.001)。鱼类群落格局的变化与海流和水深关系密切,有较明显的沿水深梯度分布的规律。咸淡水鱼类在雷州半岛东部的冷涡区域,形成群落Ⅰ;南海暖流控制区域内的深海鱼类,形成群落Ⅲ;在南海暖流最为强劲的冬季,研究区域内大部分鱼类集结为混合性群落V;琼东南沿岸的上升流区内形成群落Ⅱ;沿岸流强劲的夏、秋季,在沿岸流和上升流交汇处,形成过渡性群落Ⅳ。To understand fish species composition,community pattern,dominant species and seasonal variation in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea,four otter trawl surveys were conducted in January and August 2006,and April and November 2007,representing winter,summer,spring and autumn,respectively.Sixteen stations were assigned in each otter trawl survey along the coastlines from eastern Leizhou Peninsula to southeastern Hainan Island.Fish collection and data analysis followed the National Marine Survey Standards(GB/T12763.6—2007).Totally 262 fish species,from 102 families and 20 orders,were collected in the four seasonal surveys.The results revealed that the highest species diversity was in winter with 166 species recorded and the lowest was in spring with 135 species recorded;161 and 155 species were recorded in summer and autumn,respectively.The Order Perciformes was the most important fish group in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea;the highest species diversity recorded was the Perciformes in all four seasons,and 40 out of 72 species recorded year-round belonged to the Perciformes.Species found in all four seasons contributed to 80.34% of total fish biomass.Ninety-one species found only in a single season contributed to 1.62% of total fish biomass.The spatial pattern of fish communities was analyzed using the hierarchical clustering and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling(NMDS),five fish groups were indentified.The Group Ⅰ,recorded in all four seasons,was located in the coastal waters of western Guangdong Province and consisted of 3 or 4 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅰ were stable among seasons.The Group Ⅱ,recorded in spring,summer and autumn,was located in the coastal waters of southeastern Hainan Island and consisted of 6—9 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅱ had seasonal variation.The Group Ⅲ,recorded in spring,summer and autumn,was located in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island and consisted of 4 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅲ were stable.The Group Ⅳ as a transitional community,recorded in summer and autumn only,was located in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island and consisted of 1—3 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅳ were small and changed largely with season.The Group Ⅴ as a mixed community,recorded in winter only,was also located in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island and consisted of 13 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅴ were the largest among the 5 groups.Based on the analysis of similarities(ANOSIM),the results showed the significant differences(R=0.847-0.939,P <0.001) in fish community pattern for all four seasons.Although the station combinations in each fish community had seasonal variation,the correlation coefficients on the community similarities between spring and summer,between summer and autumn and between autumn and winter were 0.780,0.630 and 0.777,respectively.The variations of fish community pattern are closely related to ocean currents and depth.The brackish fishes distributed in the cold eddy area of eastern Leizhou Peninsula and contributed to the Group Ⅰ.The deep sea fishes along the South China Sea Warm Current in eastern Hainan Island contributed to the Group Ⅲ.In winter with the strongest South China Sea Warm Current recorded in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island,the area was dominated by fishes from the mixed Group Ⅴ.Because of the upwelling in the coastal waters of southeastern Hainan Island the area was dominated by fishes from the Group Ⅱ.In summer and autumn,the coastal current was strong and mixed with the upwelling in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island;therefore,the area was dominated by fishes from the transitional Group Ⅳ.This study provides scientific evidences for further sustainable fisheries development and conservation in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea.我国近海海洋综合调查与评价专项(908-01-ST08); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所)资助项目(2009TS08;2010YD01和2010YD10); 农业部近海渔业资源调查项目(070404); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(201005012); 广东省海洋渔业资源综合评价资助项目(GD908-02-05

    Spatial distribution and correlation of environmental factors andchlorophyll a concentrations in the Bohai Sea during the summer of 2013

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    通过对2013年7月渤海海域26个站点温度、盐度、营养盐及叶绿素a(Chl a)浓度的空间分布特征及其相关性进行了分析,发现:受渤海水深和夏季陆源河流输入影响,近岸水域表现出明显的高温、低盐与高营养盐特征,且垂直变化特征不显著;在水深较深的辽东湾湾口和渤海海峡,海水呈现明显的层化现象,表层水温高于中底层,而表层盐度与营养盐浓度则低于中底层。营养盐结构分析表明,渤海夏季磷酸盐浓度存在显著的绝对与相对限制,而受河流输入影响,硅酸盐的相对限制得到显著缓解。表层Chl a浓度的高值区位于滦河及复州河河口附近海区,中层与底层的高值区则出现在滦河与黄河口附近。Chl a浓度与环境因子的相关性分析表明,盐度..

    Application of Factor Analysis and System Cluster Analysis to Classification of Modern Sedimentary Environment——A Case Study in Jiulongjiang Estuary

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    采用因子分析法处理沉积物粒度数据,并依据系统聚类方法将九龙江河口区的现代沉积环境划分为3个亚类:Ⅰ类沉积区沉积物粒度粗,分选差,推移跃移质组分含量高,跃移组分双跳跃,代表往复性高能环境;Ⅲ类沉积区沉积物颗粒细,分选相对较好,推移跃移组分少,悬移组分含量高,代表持续而稳定的低能环境;Ⅱ类沉积区特点介于两者之间,属于过渡性沉积环境.各类亚环境特点符合前人对本区水动力及泥沙运动的研究结果,说明因子分析和系统聚类方法是划分沉积环境的有效手段.The modern sedimentary environment in Jiulongjiang Estuary can be classified into three types by factor analysis and system cluster analysis.In the first deposition zone,the grain composition of the sediment particles is coarse and bad-sorted.The majority of them are traction load component and saltation load component which have two types.This represents one kind of reciprocation high-energy environment.In the third deposition zone,the grain composition of the sediment particles is fine and well-sorted.There are both low in traction load component and saltation load component while high in the saltation load component.This represents one kind of continual and stable low-energy environment.Compared with above two deposition zone,the second one is a kind of transition environment and its characteristic is situated between above two.The division result conforms to the past research of hydrodynamic force and sediment movement.This indicated factor analysis and system cluster analysis is the effective method of classifying modern sedimentary environment.福建沿海九龙江晋江输沙泥量对金门海岸影响评估(台海横向


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    采用常规电化学伏安技术和电化学原位表面增强拉曼光谱(in-situ SERS)技术研究了不同介质中乙醇在粗糙铂电极上的电催化氧化行为.发现不论在酸性、中性还是碱性介质中,乙醇均能在粗糙铂电极上自发氧化解离生成强吸附中间体CO;碱性介质中,CO在粗糙铂电极上基本氧化完全的电位(0.20 V)比中性和酸性介质中(0.50 V)负移了约0.30 V.而乙醇在粗糙铂电极上CV正向扫描的氧化峰电位(-0.20 V)比酸性介质中(0.65 V)负移了约0.85 V.比较不同介质中乙醇和CO在粗糙铂电极上的氧化峰电流和峰电位可以发现,粗糙铂电极在碱性介质中对乙醇和CO的电催化氧化活性比中性和酸性介质中更强;可以推测,不论在酸性、中性还是碱性介质中,乙醇在粗糙铂电极上的氧化过程均按双途径机理进行


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    采用乙醇提取法、纳氏比色法、钼锑抗显色法及f-C法分别研究了人工引种于福建省漳浦、集美、泉港、连江无瓣海桑(SOnnErATIA APETAlA)成熟叶片的生理指标:叶绿素、氮、磷及总酚含量。结果表明,4个地区叶片叶绿素A含量在(1.44±0.54)—(2.52±0.94)Mg/g之间波动,叶绿素b含量范围在(0.54±0.02)—(0.94±0.11)Mg/g之间,叶绿素A/b随着纬度的升高有增大趋势,表明随纬度升高无瓣海桑对蓝紫光需求比例增大;各地点无瓣海桑氮、磷含量均无显著差异,且n:P比值均小于14,表明均存在n限制;总酚含量随着纬度的升高而逐步升高,可能与无瓣海桑生长条件随纬度的上升而受到外界环境胁迫增大有关。In this paper, we analyzed the concentration of chlorophyll, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and total polyphenol of the mature leaves of Sonneratia apetala which were introduced from Lianjiang, Quangang, Jimei and Zhangpu, using ethanol extract, Nessler's Reagent Spectrophotometry, Mo anti-antimony colorimetry and Folin-Ciocalteu respectively.The concentration of chlorophyll-a ranged from (1.44±0.54) to (2.52±0.94)mg/g, and the concentration of chlorophyll-b was from (0.54±0.02) to (0.94±0.11)mg/g.The concentrations of chlorophyll-a/b increased along with the increasing of the latitude, which demonstrated that the growing demand of blue-purple light by S.apetala.There was no significant difference between nitrogen and phosphorus in 4 sample areas.The N : P ratios were less than 14, which indicates N limited exists in these four sample areas.The concentration of polyphenol increased gradually with the latitude, which could be explained by the increasing environment stress.福建省科技计划重点项目;2009Y0036号;集美大学创新团队资助基金资助;2010A004


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    五个民族自治区家庭结构分析——基于2000年、2010年人口普查数据/AN ANALYSIS OF FAMILY STRUCTURE IN THE FIVE AUTONOMOUS REGIONS——Based on the Census Data of 2000 and 2010[J]

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