82 research outputs found


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    Effects of tributyltin on antioxidant enzymes activity and lipid peroxidation in the gill of hard clam Meretrix meretrix

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    在实验室条件下,观察质量浓度分别为高、中、低(0·1,1,10ng·L-1(以Sn计))3组的三丁基锡(TBT)暴露2、8、20d以及恢复7d和20d后对文蛤鳃的谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)含量、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量的影响.结果显示,除了高浓度TBT(10ng·L-1)暴露在早期(2d)对GSH含量、GST和CAT活性产生抑制之外,TBT暴露对GSH含量、GST和CAT活性的作用主要为诱导效应.在暴露8d后,MDA的含量表现出显著的诱导.恢复7d后除了高浓度组对MDA还有影响外,其它各指标均恢复到与对照组相当的水平.结果表明,环境水平的TBT暴露对文蛤产生明显的氧化胁迫,抗氧化防御系统可以作为海洋环境有机锡污染监测的潜在的生物标志物.The effects on catalase (CAT), glutathione -S-transferase(GST) activities and content of malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) in the gill of Meretrix meretrix were evaluated, after it had exposed to tributyltin (TBT) at environmental levels (0.1, 1, 10 ng·L -1 as Sn) for 2, 8, 20 days and recovered for 7, 20 days, in experimental condition. The results showed that the activities of GST and CAT and GSH content in Meretrix meretrix exposed to TBT were principally induced, except that were mainly inhibited in the clams exposed to 10 ng·L -1 for 2 days. MDA content were significantly induced after exposure for 8d. After the clams had been transferred to clean recovery tanks for 7 days, the indexes were recovered to the level corresponding to the control group, except MDA content in the clams exposed to 10 ng·L -1 was sequentially induced. These results in the present work showed that oxidative stress in Meretrix meretrix would be produced by exposure to TBT at realistic levels in the environment. The antioxidant defense systems could act as biomarkers to monitor marine contamination of organotins.厦门大学细胞生物学与肿瘤细胞工程教育部重点实验室开放基金(No.2004109)~

    Effects of tributyltin on alkaline phosphatase,aaciphosphatase andadenosine triphosphatase gill activity of digestive gland in clam Meretrix meretrix

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    在实验生态条件下,观察浓度分别为0.1、1.0和10ng/L的三丁基锡(TBT)暴露2、8、20d以及恢复7d和20d后对文蛤鳃酸性磷酸酶(aaciphosphatase,ACP)、碱性磷酸酶(alkalinephosphatase,AKP)以及Na+,K+-ATPase活性的影响。结果显示在暴露早期TBT不影响ACP、AKP活性,暴露时间延长则主要表现出诱导作用。TBT具有抑制Na+、K+-ATPase活性作用,可观察效应浓度为0.1ng/L。Na+、K+-ATPase可作为一种潜在的有机锡污染监测的生物标志物。The effects on alkaline phosphatase, aaciphosphatase and Na~+K~+-ATPase activities in the gill of Meretrix meretrix, which was exposed to tributyltin (TBT) at the environmental levels (0.1ng/L, 1.0ng/L, 10ng/L as Sn) for 2, 8, 20 days and recovered for 7, 20 days, were evaluated. The results showed that the activities of alkaline phosphatase, aaciphosphatase were no effect at earlier exposure period, and were principally inducted with prolonged exposure time. The activities of Na~+,K~+-ATPase in Meretrix meretrix were inhibited after exposure to TBT. The lowest observable effect concentration for Na~+K~+-ATP were 0.1 ng /L. Na~+,K~+-ATPase could be a potential biomarkers to monitor the organotins pollution.厦门大学细胞生物学与肿瘤细胞工程教育部重点实验室开放基金资助(2004109

    SUPER CE/SE的新算法及其在爆炸力学中的应用

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    研究了SUPER CE/SE的新算法及其在爆炸力学中的应用. 算法和模型方面, 主要包括改进CE/SE算法、快速杂交粒子水平集方法、常用化学反应模型和两流体模型. 使用上述算法和模型, 对激波楔面反射、爆炸焊接、爆轰波胞格结构和气液两相爆轰问题进行了数值模拟. 数值结果表明, 该文采用的算法具有计算精度高、应用范围广和兼容性强等优点, 可广泛应用于爆炸力学的数值研究

    Quantitative Variation and Physiological Reoganization of Cirriin a Gastrosty lasp.

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    Quantitative variation and physiologicalreorganization ofcirriG.sp.are investigated.The results show thatthe variation ofthe num ber and distribution ofcirriis in a large scope.The variation in the num ber ofcirriism ainly due to the quantitative difference of cirrigenerated w hen anlagen break during m orphogenesis.The m orphogenesis of ciliature is sim ilarin both physiologicalreoganization and asexualreproduction.The quantitative variation ofcirrialso occurs during the physiologicalreoganization

    Study on Chemical Reaction Models in Gaseous Detonation Numerical Simulation

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    Re-study on the two-step chemical reaction model in numerical simulation of gaseous detonation

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    采用改进的高精度时-空守恒元解元算法(the space-time conservation element and solution element method,CE/SE method)和考虑组分的二阶段化学反应模型(Sichel的二步模型)对气相爆轰问题的数值模拟进行了分析.分析发现采用Sichel的二步模型得到的数值结果虽然比早期二阶段化学反应模型(旧二步模型)更接近实验值,但是仍然不能得到爆轰过程准确气体动力学参数.为此通过修改组分的质量分数分布形式对Sichel的二步模型进行了改造,然后采用新的二步模型对平面爆轰波进行了数值模拟.数值结果表明采用新的二步模型计算得到气体动力学参数更接近于实验值和基元反应模型的计算值,在计算精度上有较大提高


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