531 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the O2O Platform on Mobile Internet for a Community

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    随着经济发展与商业形态的变迁,社区居民对于社区商业、社区服务需求逐步增大。O2O作为线上流量与线下销售协同的一种服务展现形式,充分发挥了网络购物便捷和实体商户商品真实的特点,特别适用于社区服务。社区O2O即在传统O2O的基础上,面向同一区域内用户开展线上流量与线下购买互通服务。 本文通过对社区O2O业务特点与技术需求的深入分析,规划了系统技术架构。同时,针对移动互联网的特性,以及社区O2O中社区服务、社区商业、社区社交三大业务模块各自不同的业务需求,对系统的逻辑架构、子模块、数据库进行了详细的设计,规划了表示层、接入层、领域层、通用系统与数据层五个系统层级,以及各类第三方平台的接入与功能调用...With the development of economy and the change of business form, community residents' demand for community commerce and community service is increasing gradually. O2O as a service to show the form of online traffic and offline sales collaboration, and give full play to the convenience of online shopping and real business characteristics of real goods, especially suitable for community services. Co...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323214

    Environment, Resources and Fisheries Society: A Case Study of Jiaodong’s Coastal Region in the 1950s

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    本文以20世纪50年代的胶东渔场为中心,考察与之相关的渔权争端、产业开发、自然灾害、资源保护、政治改革以及妇女角色的演变,揭示环境、资源与社会的相互依赖与内在关系,进而就某些问题提出新的观点与思考。 在西方学者笔下,“海上公地”的核心问题是短期和局部的生态恶化。而黄海的渔业争端却经历了漫长的演变史:从宗藩时代的越海捕鱼活动,到殖民体系下的实业救国与政府谈判,再到当代的军事护渔和技术竞争。受到资源波动、国力博弈与技术发展的影响,公地的位置、范围和性质在不断改变着,这种变化本身带有长时段和跨区域的历史延续性。 渔业转型离不开成功的资源开发活动,荣成地区的捕鲨计划就是其中之一。政府在资源禀赋的基...The paper is focusing on the fishery transformation in Jiaodong during the 1950s, including fishing disputes, development activities, natural disasters, resources protection, political reform and gender relations. Our objective is to emphasize the contingent interdependence between environment, resources and human society. At the heart of this study Garrett Hardin’s “tragedy of the commons” is th...学位:历史学博士院系专业:人文学院_专门史学号:1032012015370

    Directed Evolution and Simultaneous Release Reasearch of Recombinant Cellulases

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    能源短缺和环境污染是我国乃至全球可持续发展面临的两大挑战。随着人口的增加和现代化工业进程的持续发展,有限的不可再生的煤炭等化石能源已无力支撑世界对于能源的巨大需求。开发新的、清洁环保的、可持续的替代能源,成为解决这两大挑战的主要方案。利用大自然中广泛的生物质为前体,经过一定的转化和利用,将储存在其中的太阳能变成燃料等可以直接利用的能源,同时在此过程中可以得到一定的化学品,这种生物炼制的理念被科学界广泛接纳并加以实践。木质纤维素作为地球上蕴藏最丰富的生物质资源,一直是生物质能研究的重点,通过纤维素酶,将木质纤维素降解成糖,然后经过发酵等生物转化生成最终的生物质燃料是一条行之有效的利用途径。 纤...Energy shortage and environmental pollution are two of main challenges to human being in sustainable development in China and the whole world. With the increase of population and the sustainable development of modern industrial process, a limited non-renewable fossil fuels such as coal has been unable to support the huge demand for energy in the world. To developing the new, clean, environmental p...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_生物化工学号:2062013115146

    Development of forest prediction model using Individual Tree Crown method and Gray theory in an old-growth Chamaecyparis obtusa stand, in the Akazawa Forest Reserve, central Japan (Individual Tree Crown 法と灰色理論を利用した赤沢ヒノキ老齢林の森林予測システムの開発)

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    信州大学(Shinshu university)博士(農学)Thesis王 楠. Development of forest prediction model using Individual Tree Crown method and Gray theory in an old-growth Chamaecyparis obtusa stand, in the Akazawa Forest Reserve, central Japan (Individual Tree Crown 法と灰色理論を利用した赤沢ヒノキ老齢林の森林予測システムの開発). 信州大学, 2014, 博士論文. 博士(農学), 甲第46号, 平成26年3月20日授与.doctoral thesi

    Analysis on the Misconceptions of the Subject of National Defense Education

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    国防教育主体是国防教育学科的基本研究范畴,也是国防教育实践需要明确的根本问题。明确国防教育主体的内涵以及各主体之间的关系,是正确发挥国防教育主体作用,提高国防教育效率的基本要求。 国防教育主体是包括政府、武装力量、社会团体、各政党、企事业组织以及全体公民在内的广义的“国家”,具有国防和教育的双重属性。国防教育主体的特征主要有:结构上的多层次性,领导角色的更替性,利益的多元性以及矛盾的复杂性。国防教育主体的理论误区,一是国防教育的领导主体与实施主体不可兼任;二是公民不可作为国防教育的主体;三是国防教育主体领导角色的更替会导致无政府领导。实践中对国防教育主体的认识误区,一是对“国家”的概念模糊;...The subject of national defense education is among the basic researching category of national defense discipline, as well as the fundamental question that needs to be clarified in national defense practice. To clarify the meaning of the subject of national defense and the relations between different subjects, is the fundamental request for correct functioning of the subject and improving efficienc...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_国防教育学学号:2572013115184


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    TEAD4 as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Hepatic Carcinoma and Colon Cancer

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    肝癌和结肠癌是常见的恶性肿瘤,发现时往往已经到了晚期,因而这两种肿瘤都有较高的致死率。因此,迫切需要为结肠癌和肝癌的早期诊断寻找标志物,并为结肠癌和肝癌的治疗提供更有效的新靶点,筛选出合适的药物进行治疗。 Hippo通路效应蛋白---TEAD蛋白家族成员在哺乳动物中高度保守,其家族有四个成员,包括TEAD1,TEAD2,TEAD3以及TEAD4。该家族成员共有的特征是包含TEA结构域(DNA结合结构域)以及能够与转录激活因子结合的转录激活结构域。TEAD蛋白家族在辅转录激活因子的参与下能将信号向下游传导,影响细胞分化、增殖、抗凋亡以及干细胞的干性维持等方面的功能。其中,TEAD4可通过激活C...Colorectal cancer (CRC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are most common causes of cancer-related death wordwide. Therefore, it is important to discover novel biomarkers for early detection, and to identify novel target for treatment of CRC and HCC patients. The hippo pathway effectors ---TEAD family members that we have focused on are highly conserved in mammals with four family members, inclu...学位:医学硕士院系专业:药学院_药剂学学号:3232013115341

    The Research of the marketing strategy of Corporate Banking of A bank, Fuzhou Branch

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    随着中国成功加入WTO之后所带来的银行业业务全面开放,越来越多的外资银行逐渐进入我国,在这样的背景下,A银行(中国)有限公司成为了首批转制成为中国境内注册的法人银行之一,并且明确将其未来发展的重点定位为国内市场。2001年A银行福州分行正式成立,成为A银行在中国大陆的第四家分行,也成为A银行在我国海西的一个重要窗口,对于拓展福建地区的业务起到了积极的推动作用。在A福州分行成立以来,经历了2007年外资银行人民币业务的全面开放,以及国有银行的改制浪潮,股份制商业银行的迅速扩张,福州作为福建省的省会城市,金融业内的竞争也日益激烈。对公业务作为A银行福州分行最主要的利润贡献者,在这样的竞争环境之下,...With the successful entrance into WTO and the overall opening of banking to the world, more and more foreign banks got into China. A Bank (China) Co.,Ltd. had become one of the headmost foreign banks applying for converting into foreign owned subsidiary bank incorporated in PRC, signaling their focus of future business development being placed in China. In 2001, A Bank, Fuzhou Branch officially es...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792010115090

    The Empirical Study on the Dynamic Effects of Fiscal Policy in China

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    本文使用总产出(GDP)、政府税收(TAX)和政府支出(GCN)的三变量结构向量自回归(SVAR)模型,对我国1990年至2009年财政政策的动态效应进行了实证研究。在结构模型中,本文通过Blanchard-Perotti方法识别真实的财政政策冲击向量,并应用脉冲响应函数研究它们之间的动态关系。研究结果表明,财政税收冲击对于总产出的影响是负的,而且短期内负效应比较显著,但持续时间较短;长期来看,税收冲击对总产出有较小的负向影响;政府支出冲击对产出有正的拉动效应,可以促进经济的增长,而且是长期稳定的影响。本文通过中国数据的实证研究,再次印证了凯恩斯主义关于财政政策的观点。We choose structural VAR model based on three variable:GDP, Government Revenue and Government Spending,making research on the dynamic effects of fiscal policy between 1990 and 2009 in china. We use Blandchard-Perotti method to identify the ture fiscal shocks. And then the impulse response function is used to describe the dynamic relationship between the three variables. The results show that Gover...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772007115422

    Assembly of hepatitis E virus-like particles from bacterially expressed soluble precursor

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    戊型肝炎病毒(HepatitisEvirus,HEV)是一种无包膜的RNA病毒,主要可引起急性戊型肝炎(HepatitisE,HE),会造成消化道相关的食欲不振、恶心、呕吐等症状,严重的患者甚至会发生肝衰竭乃至死亡,尤其在育龄期妇女、慢性肝病患者、老年人和婴幼儿中有着较高的病死率,是一种严重威胁人类健康的病原体,引起了众多研究者的关注。 由于缺乏有效的HEV细胞培养模型,对HEV的病毒颗粒组装、感染机制研究和疫苗开发主要是通过各种外源表达系统进行的。HEVORF2aa112-606编码的蛋白(p495)可在昆虫细胞中体内组装成等二十面体对称的病毒样颗粒(VirusLikeParticle,V...Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a non-enveloped RNA virus and can cause an acute viral hepatitis with the symptoms of inappetence, nausea and vomit. It also can cause liver failure and is responsible for unusually high rates of mortality in pregnant women, patients with chronic liver disease, the aged and infants. HE has been paid more attention as it is a pathogen which is hazardous to health. Since ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_微生物学学号:2162010115238