242 research outputs found

    Fission life-time calculation using a complex absorbing potential

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    A comparison between the semi-classical approximation and the full quantum calculation with a complex absorbing potential is made with a model of the fission of 258Fm. The potential barrier is obtained with the constrained Skyrme HF+BCS theory. The life-time obtained by the two calculations agree with each other the difference being only by 25%.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Conference proceedings of CNR*15 workshop, Tokyo, October 2015 to be published in EPJ Web of Conference

    Coupled Spectral Element and Hankel Function Methods for Acoustic Scattering Problem in Unbounded Inhomogeneous Domain

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    声波散射问题是由一类Helmholtz方程所控制的。本文考虑无界非均匀区域上的Helmholtz方程的有效数值解法。具体工作如下: 首先,通过引入人工边界,把无界区域人为剖分成内部有界区域和外部无界区域。为了便于利用Hankel函数展开来处理外部无界问题,我们取包含非均匀区域的圆作为人工边界。这样,问题就转化为内部有界区域上的边值问题和外部无界区域上的边值问题的耦合,对前者我们利用经典的谱方法来处理,而后者由Hankel函数展开式来逼近,内、外部解被要求满足连续性条件;其次,我们给出了该算法的收敛性分析; 最后,利用数值实验验证了算法的有效性。The acoustic scattering problem is controlled by some kind of Helmholtz equation.In this paper we consider an effective numerical method to the Helmholtz equation in unbounded inhomogeneous domain.The details of our work are as follows: First by introducing an artificial boundary the unbounded domain is decomposed into an interior bounded domain and an exterior unbounded domain. In order to be ab...学位:理学硕士院系专业:数学科学学院信息与计算数学系_计算数学学号:1902007115209


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    记述了厦门湾伪镖水蚤科(Pseudodiaptomidae G O Sars,1902)1个新种——郑氏伪镖水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus zhengi Guo&Wang,sp.nov.),对其形态特征进行了拍照、绘图和描述;从形态学和分子生物学的角度,分析并比较了新种与近似种海洋伪镖水蚤(P.marinus Sato,1913)之间的形态差异、线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ(mtCOⅠ)基因片段的遗传差异。模式标本保存于厦门大学海洋科技博物馆。厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金项目(14CZY042HJ16


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    记述了采自九龙江口桡足类1个新种——沈氏伪镖水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus sheni Guo&Wang, sp. nov.),对其形态特征进行了拍照、绘图和描述。形态上,新种头部钝尖,雌性胸部后侧角内缘乳状突起明显、生殖厣末端突起呈长倒刺状、尾叉外侧第2和第3尾刚毛基部膨大、第5胸足外肢第1节内末角突起尖细,雄性第5胸足左足第2基节后缘中部三角形突起狭尖,与火腿伪镖水蚤[P.poplesia(Shen, 1955)]存在显著的形态差异;两者基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(mtCOI)基因片段的遗传差异为17.4%~19.5%。沈氏伪镖水蚤的命名旨在纪念中国科学院动物研究所甲壳动物分类学家沈嘉瑞(1902—1975)研究员,模式标本保存于厦门大学海洋科技博物馆

    Development and stability test of compound ketoconazole ointment

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    目的 制备复方酮康唑软膏并考察其稳定性。方法 以酮康唑、莫匹罗星和糠酸莫米松为主药,以聚乙二醇(PEG)为基质制备软膏;利用影响因素试验考察软膏中药物的稳定性。结果 PEG400和PEG3350的比例为2:1时,软膏的黏度最佳,易于涂展。制成软膏后,高温下糠酸莫米松和莫匹罗星稳定性良好;酮康唑有少许分解,加入0.5%的抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯(L-A)后,酮康唑的含量明显提高。加速试验发现,放置6个月后软膏的颜色无变化,3种药物的含量均在98%以上。结论 本实验成功制备了新型复方酮康唑软膏,药物稳定性良好。Objective To prepare compound ketoconazole ointment and perform the stability study.Methods Ketoconazole, mupirocin and mometasone furoate were used as active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). PEG mixture was used as matrix to prepare the ointment.Stability of the API in the ointment was evaluated by the stress tests.Results The optimal ratio of PEG400 to PEG3350 for the ointment matrix was 2:1. Mometasone furoate and mupirocin in the ointment were stable to the high temperature(40℃)while ketoconazole had some degradation. The stability of the API was improved by addition of 0.5% of L-A. During the accelerate test, the ointment had no color change and the API percentages were above 98%. Conclusion The novel compound ketoconazole ointment was successfully prepared and the formulation stability was excellent.福建省自然科学基金项目(2010J01218


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    Numerical modeling and biomechanical analysis of the human mitral valve

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    目的建立人体心脏二尖瓣仿真模型,模拟二尖瓣闭合的工作过程,分析二尖瓣各组件应力分布,探讨二尖瓣瓣叶和腱索的相互作用,并探寻腱索受力大小与腱索粗细之间的相关性。方法构建二尖瓣几何模型,在此基础上定义模型单元类型、材料属性、接触、载荷及约束,建立有限元模型,计算模型的应力、速度和位移等参数。结果瓣膜上的应力分布不均匀,后瓣叶亚区之间的裂口位置所受应力最大;不考虑腱索连接至瓣叶时,瓣叶负载后外翻至心房一侧;考虑腱索连接至瓣叶时,前、后瓣叶关闭良好;各腱索受力不同,与前瓣叶相连的支持腱索受力最大,腱索受力大小与腱索粗细之间的线性相关系数为0.954。结论瓣叶中心和后瓣叶亚区之间的裂口两处应力较大区域是临床上二尖瓣裂的常发生部位;与瓣叶相连的腱索可在瓣叶负载时,施加牵拉力使瓣叶不致发生翻转,前、后瓣叶恰好关闭;解剖结构粗壮的腱索受力较大。Objective To establish a numerical model of human mitral valve and simulate its closing process,so as to analyze stress distributions on the valve apparatuses,study the interaction between leaflets of mitral valve and chordae tendineae,and explore the relationship between the force of chordae tendineae and their thickness.Methods A geometric model of human mitral valve was constructed.On the basis of the geometric model,the finite element model was established by defining the element type,material attributes,contacts,loads and constraints.Parameters such as stress,velocity and displacement were calculated after solving the model.Results The stress distribution on the valve was non-uniform.The clefts between the scallops in the posterior leaflet were always under the highest load.When no chordae tendineae were attached,the leaflets turned over to the side of the atrium.When chordea tendineae were attached,the anterior and posterior leaflet could close up successfully.Different chordae tendineae applied different forces to the valve.The strut chorea tendineae attached to the anterior leaflet applied highest force among all the chordea tendineae.The correlation coefficient between the thickness of chordae tendineae and their force was 0.954.Conclusions The two zones with higher stresses,namely the center of the leaflet and the clefts between the three scallops in the posterior leaflet,are also the positions of mitral valve cleft in clinic.Chordea tendineae can apply the pulling force on the leaflets while the mitral valve is under load,thus the leaflets won't turn over to the side of atrium and the valve can close up in time.Chordea tendineae with thicker anatomic structure always apply a higher force on the leaflets.国家自然科学基金资助项目(61102137); 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2011J01366); 福建省创新医学科研基金(2009-CXB-59