216 research outputs found

    The threshold dividend strategy on a class of dual model with tax payments

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    研究了一类在安全负载体系下进行赋税且按照门槛策略进行分红的对偶风险模型.分析了此模型破产前折现分红的期望,得到了其满足的积分方程、积分-微分方程和相关的表达式.最后,在特例ErlAng(2)分布下给出了一般解.A class of dual risk model was considered in which dividends are paid under a threshold strategy and tax payments are paid according to a loss-carry forward system.For this model,the expectation of the discounted dividends until ruin was investigated and their corresponding integral equations,integro-differential equations and analytical expressions were derived.Finally,the case where profits follow an Erlang( 2) distribution was solved.SupposedbytheFundamentalResearchFundsfortheCentralUniversitiesofChinaandJiangxiAgriculturalUniversityYouthScienceFoundation(09003326

    Gigabit ethorplet:review and future

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    以太网现在已经是最普遍的局域网技术 ,占领了 90 %以上的市场。本文对以太网的原理做了介绍 ,回顾了以太网的发展历程 ,介绍了千兆位以太网的概念及相关标准 ,同时介绍了几种千兆位以太网的实现 ,最后展望了以太网的最新方向——— 10G以太网Ether NET is the most prevalent LAN technic now,it has occupied almost 90% LAN market.This paper introduced the principle of Ethernet,reviewed te course of it,and introduce the standard of Gigabit Ether Net.At last,We prospected the new development of GbE-10G Ether Net

    Preliminary study on feeding habits and trophic niche of nine economic fish species in Beibu Gulf in summer

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    应用Shannon-Wiener指数、Levins指数和均匀度指数,分析了北部湾2012年7月9种个体数量占优势的经济鱼类的食物组成和食性类型,并对其营养生态位进行了初步研究。研究表明,这9种经济鱼类可划分为3种食性类型:日本发光鲷Acropoma japonicum、日本竹筴鱼Trachurus japonicus、蓝圆鲹Decapterus maruadsi和六指多指马鲅Polydactylus sextarius为浮游生物食性,主要以桡足类为食;二长棘犁齿鲷Evynnis cardinalis、日本鲱鲤Upeneus japonicus和刺鲳Psenopsis anomala为底栖生物食性,主要以长尾类为食;多齿蛇鲻Saurida tumbil和白姑鱼Pennahia argentata为游泳动物食性,以鱼类饵料占较大优势。9种鱼中,白姑鱼的营养生态位宽度值最高,多齿蛇鲻的营养生态位宽度值最低。夏季北部湾这9种经济鱼类的营养生态位宽度与其摄食习性和饵料基础密切相关。In this study, based on fish samples collected in Beibu Gulf in July 2012, diet composition, feeding habits and trophic niche breadth of nine economic fish species were analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener index, Levins index and evenness index. Results showed that nine economic fish species could be classified into three types according to feeding habits, referred to as plankton predators(including Acropoma japonicum, Trachurus japonicus, Decapterus maruadsi, and Polydactylus sextarius), benthic predators(including Evynnis cardinalis, Upeneus japonicus and Psenopsis anomala) and nekton predators(Saurida tumbil and Pennahia argentata). Trophic niche breadth of Pennahia argentata was the highest(Shannon-Wiener index=0.938 and Levins index=2.238), while trophic niche breadth of Saurida tumbil was the lowest(Shannon-Wiener index=0 and Levins index=1). The trophic niche breadth of the nine economic fish species in summer in Beibu Gulf was strongly influenced by feeding habits and feeding foundation of surrounding environments.国家海洋公益项目(201005012)~

    The relationship between nutrients and phytoplankton community structure in northern Beibu Gulf

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    根据2011年4月和8月北部湾北部(北部湾20°n以北的海域)的调查数据,北部湾北部春夏两季共鉴定出浮游植物312种,隶属于4门78属,硅藻是主要优势类群。春季优势种为细弱海链藻(THAlASSIOSIrA SubTIlIS)、丹麦细柱藻(lEPTOCylIndruS dAnICuS)、奇异棍形藻(bACIllArIA PArAdOXA)和尖刺拟菱形藻(PSEudOnITzSCHIA PungEnS);夏季优势种仅为海链藻(THAlASSIOSIrA SP.)。浮游植物群落在春季可划分为2个子群落(SPr1和SPr2),在夏季可划分为3个子群落(SuM1、SuM2和SuM3)。该海域n/P比值一直处于高的水平,绝大部分的水域表现为磷限制,这可能是硅藻大量生长所造成的。春季SPr2群落优势种的柔弱角毛藻(CHAETOCErOS dEbIlIS)与除铵盐之外的营养盐具显著相关关系,奇异棍形藻与环境因子无相关关系。夏季SuM3群落优势种的奇异棍形藻与磷酸盐具显著相关关系。分析表明,琼州海峡过道水为北部湾北部输送了磷酸盐,而硅酸盐则主要由陆地径流输入。Phytoplankton community and nutrient concentration in the northern Beibu Gulf in April and August 2011 were investigated.In this research, 312 phytoplankton taxa were identified, which belonged to four phyla and 78 genera, with Bacillariophyta being the main group.The dominant species were Thalassiosira subtilis, Leptocylindrus danicus, Bacillaria paradoxa, and Pseudonitzschia pungens in spring, and Thalassiosira sp.in summer.Phytoplankton community in northern Beibu Gulf could be divided into two natural groups in spring(spr1 & spr2) and three in summer(sum1, sum2 & sum3).N/P ratio was in a relatively high level in the study area, and most of the waters were phosphorus limitated which resulted from diatom blossom.Chaetoceros debilis was the dominant species of group spr1 and had significant correlation with nutrient in spring, except for ammonium.Bacillaria paradoxa was the dominant species of group sum3 and had significant correlation with phosphate in summer, but, it was uncorrelated with any environmental factors as the dominant species of group spr2 in spring.Phosphate was transported to northern Beibu Gulf through the Qiongzhou Strait corridor water, and silicate was input by land runoff.海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(201005012

    An ecological study on zooplankton in the northern Beibu Gulf V: the effects of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton in summer

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    2011年8月份于北部湾北部海域5个观测站位获得的分层水样,分析了表层叶绿素A含量和表层微型浮游动物丰度以及类群组成;同时于现场采用稀释培养法研究了该海域浮游植物生长率(μ)和微型浮游动物的摄食率(g)。分析和测定结果表明:调查海区的微型浮游动物丰度400—1167个/l,类群组成以无壳纤毛虫为主;浮游植物的生长率为-1.50—1.13 d-1,微型浮游动物摄食率为0.33—1.08 d-1;推算微型浮游动物对浮游植物现存量以及初级生产力的摄食压力分别为28.1%—66.0%和-7.4%—438.4%。相对于中国其他海区,8月份北部湾北部海域微型浮游动物摄食速率处于中等水平。调查期间,广西沿海高生产力海区,浮游植物生长率大于微型浮游动物动物的摄食率,浮游植物生物量处于积累期;涠洲岛以南海域,浮游植物生产力较低,微型浮游动物摄食作用是控制浮游植物生长的重要因素。In August 2011,we quantified the impact of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton production in the surface waters of the northern Beibu Gulf,Vietnam.Shipboard dilution incubation experiments were carried out at five stations to calculate phytoplankton specific growth rates and the specific rates of grazing losses to microzooplankton.Dilution experiments using chlorophyll a( Chl a) as a tracer were used to estimate daily rates in two size fractions; image-analyzed microscopy provided quantitative estimates of microzooplankton standing stock( including ciliate and vertebrate larvae).PFW( particle-free water) was used to dilute seawater to five target dilutions of 0%,20%,40%,60%,and 80%.Microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth rates were estimated by the linear regression of AGR( apparent growth rate) versus dilution factor.We estimated the grazing impact of microzooplankton on phytoplankton by calculating the percentage of phytoplankton standing stock and potential primary production ingested.Average total chlorophyll a concentration was( 0.67 ± 0.58) μg / L.Small-celled phytoplankton dominated this particular community.A notable characteristic of the phytoplankton community structure was that nano- and picoplankton made up a significant portion.Aloricate ciliates dominated the microzooplankton samples,in particular Strombidium,which accounted for 27.2% of total aloricate ciliate abundance.In addition,loricate ciliates and copepod nauplii were recorded.Microzooplankton densityvaried from 400 to 1167 ind / L.The horizontal distribution of microzooplankton was greater in nearshore than in offshore waters.Abundance did not differ significantly with chlorophyll a concentration in this study; however,there was a positive correlation between microzooplankton abundance and temperature.The phytoplankton growth rate( < 200 μm) ranged between-1.50 and 1.13 d-1,with the highest values being associated with nearshore waters.Meanwhile phytoplankton mortality due to microzooplankton grazing( 0.33—1.08 d-1) was highest at the same nearshore sites; however,growth rates were low at these sites.Consequently,microzooplankton consumed 28.1%—66.0% of chlorophyll a standing stocks and-8.1%—438.4% of the primary production per day.However,the grazing rate of microzooplankton on nanoplankton( 2— 20 μm) varied from 1.87 to 0.52 d-1,with an average of( 0.94±0.57) d-1.Given that the rates of grazing on phytoplankton of <200 μm were lower than those on nanoplankton,we conclude that microzooplankton prefer to graze on nanoplankton.There was a positive correlation between phytoplankton growth rate and grazing rate; in addition,significant differences between grazing rate and chlorophyll a were found.This suggests that microzooplankton grazing activity is the main factor regulating the community structure and restraining the growth of phytoplankton.During the investigation period, microzooplankton grazing effectively controlled the growth of phytoplankton,consuming 176.2% of primary production on average.When grazing rates are far greater than phytoplankton growth rates,energy is transferred from lower to higher trophic levels more effectively.In the surface waters of the northern Beibu Gulf,microzooplankton largely control the growth of phytoplankton by grazing offshore rather than in nearshore waters where primary production is high.The growth and grazing rates combined promote planktonic ecosystem stability in this area.These results indicate that grazing by microzooplankton is a key process controlling the growth of phytoplankton in this area.海湾公益项目(201005012


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    回顾海洋浮游甲壳类系统学研究的基础上,综述了生化水平和 DNA (mtDNA 和核 DNA) 水平的分子系统学研究现状。分子标记中 DNA 序列分析最为常用,其次是 RFLP 和 RAPD 分析,mtDNA 主要应用于分类学、群体遗传学、种间分子进化和系统发育重建研究,而核 DNA 则应用于科以上较高阶元的系统发育和种内、近缘种间的遗传结构和遗传分化研究。最后对存在的问题和应用前景进行了展望。 【英文摘要】 Molecular systematics of marine planktonic crustaceans started in 1970s , and isozyme was the major method before the 1990s, its contents including genetic structure and genetic differentiation. Since the early 1990s, molecular markers (RAPD, RFLP especially DNA sequences) based on DNA and mtDNA have been widely used to study four parts of the systematics (classification, population genetics, phylogenetic reconstruction and molecular evolution) of marine planktonic crustaceans. The present situation and ap...国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(编号 G1999043708 号)资

    Ecosystem structure and function in northern Beibu Gulf: zooplankton spatial niche and its differentiation

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    根据2006—2007年北部湾北部海域4个航次调查资料,采用k-优势度曲线法对浮游动物种(类)群进行排序分析,运用lEVInS公式和PIAnkA指数分析了主要优势种(类)群的生态位宽度值和生态位重叠程度,并通过除趋势典范对应分析(dCCA)研究生态位分化状况。结果表明,该海区浮游动物优势种(类)群按生态位宽度值可划分为广生态位、中生态位和窄生态位三大类型。其中,广生态位的种(类)群如肥胖软箭虫、亚强次真哲水蚤、长尾类幼体等具有较强的生态适应性,生活范围较广;窄生态位的种(类)群,对环境的适应性较差,对海流和水团等环境因素的变化具有指示意义。生态位宽度能够反映种(类)群丰度季节变化,但不能反映具体丰度大小。北部湾北部全年主要优势种(类)群的生态位宽度值介于0.08—0.77之间,并且各优势种(类)群的生态位宽度差异较大,种对间生态位重叠值介于0.02—0.89之间,平均生态位重叠指数为0.45,种(类)群之间利用资源环境的互补性较强,这与海域内生境多样化并且各优势种对环境适应能力的差异存在一定联系。dCCA分析表明,影响浮游动物分布的主要因子是水深、温度和盐度,其次是叶绿素A和溶解氧。The concept of ecological niche had remained as one of the core ideas in ecological research for almost a century,which was closely linked with interspecific competition,resource utilization had played an important role in the study of community composition and function,of the relationships among species,biodiversity,community succession and population evolution.Based on four seasonal investigations( Spring 2007,Summer 2006,Autumn 2007 and Winter 2006) in northern Beibu Gulf from 2006 to 2007,the niche breadth,niche overlap,spatial differentiation and environment effects on the abundance and spatial distribution of zooplankton were studied with qualitative and quantitative methods.The cumulative top 80% of zooplankton dominant populations were selected by the K-dominant curve method,then the niche breadths and their overlaps of zooplankton were measured using the formulas proposed by Levins Niche Breadth index and the Pianka Niche Overlap index,and the spatial niche differentiation was studied by using Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis( DCCA) method.The results showed that the zooplankton dominant species in northern Beibu Gulf were classified in to three groups,i e.,wide niche breadth groups( Bi= 0.60—0.77),middle niche breadth groups( Bi= 0.30—0.60),narrow niche breadth groups( Bi= 0.08—0.30) based on the niche breadth value.The niche breadths of zooplankton such as Sagitta enflata,Subeucalanus subcrassus and Macrura larvae were wider,which was related with their own characteristics and the capability of adapting environment,while the species whose niche breadths were narrower such as Doliolum denticulatum and Dolioletta gegenbauri will be considered as an indicative significance for ocean currents and water masses.Niche breadth could reflect the zooplankton abundance with the seasonal dynamic changes,and also could objectively reflect the species in the habitat in which the distributions of degree but it could not reflect the Accurate zooplankton abundance.The niche breadth values of dominance zooplankton species ranged between 0.08 and 0.77 in the whole year and The niche breadth difference among the dominant populations was great; The niche overlap values of dominance zooplankton species ranged between 0.02 and 0.89 in the whole year and the average niche overlap index was 0.45,there was strong complementarity in terms of the utility of resource among zooplankton populations,which had certain relationship with northern Beibu Gulf habitat diversification and the strong complementarity in terms of the utility of resource among zooplankton populations.The Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis result showed that depth,temperature and salinity had more important influence on the species spatial distribution than Chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen.海湾公益项目(201005012); 我国近海海洋综合调查与评价专项(908-01-ST09


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    不文报道在青海高原对牛羊双腔吸虫病病原生物学初步调查的结果。从29个流行地区绵羊收集的标本检查结果,发现有四种双腔吸虫,它们是中华双腔吸虫(Dicrocoelium chinensis)、矛形双腔吸虫(D.lanceatum)、客双腔吸虫(D.hospes)和枝双腔吸虫(D.dendriticum)。从三个流行区检查Helicella candacharica及Cathaica przewalskii二种陆地蜗牛,查到四种双腔吸虫成熟尾蚴,它们是中华双腔吸虫、矛形双腔吸虫及二种未定名的双腔吸虫尾蚴,此二种尾蚴是何种双腔吸虫尾蚴,尚待进一步研究。检查流行区中7种蚂蚁是于9月份从乐都的Formica gagates查到双腔吸虫囊蚴,其形态与中华双腔吸虫囊蚴十分相像

    Development of Electrochemical Biosensor for Detection of PML/RARα Fusion Gene in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

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    针对急性早幼粒细胞白血病(APl)中PMl/rArα融合基因的碱基序列,设计了锁核酸(lnA)修饰的发夹结构捕获探针,结合信号探针构建新型的“三明治“电化学传感模式。信号探针末端修饰的生物素可与酶上的亲和素结合,通过检测酶催化H2O2氧化底物3,3',5,5'-四甲基联苯胺(TMb)产生的电化学信号,实现对靶序列的检测。该传感器可识别和定量检测PbS缓冲液中人工合成的PMl/rArα融合基因序列。结果表明,该传感器能很好地区分互补序列、单碱基及多碱基错配序列,杂交电流值与目标链浓度在1.0x10-11~1.6x10-10 MOl/l范围内呈较好的线性关系,检出限为1.0x10-13 MOl/l。同时,该新型传感器成功地用于无稀释人血清中PMl/rArα融合基因的检测,具有特异性强、灵敏度高和重复性好的优点,有望用于临床实际样品的检测,进而实现临床上急性早幼粒细胞白血病的早期诊断及预后判断。A novel DNA electrochemical probe(locked nucleic acid,LNA) was designed and involved in constructing an electrochemical DNA biosensor for the detection of PML/RARα fusion gene in acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL).This biosensor was based on a "sandwich" detection strategy,which involved a pair of LNA probes,e.g.hairpin capture probe and reporter probe.Streptavidin-HRP was bound to biotin labeled at the end of reporter probe via streptavidin-biotin affinity binding.In the presence of hydrogen peroxide(H2O2),HRP catalyzed the oxidation of the substrate 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidene(TMB) to offer an enzymatically amplified electrochemical current signal for the detection of target DNA.This sensor was applied in the direct quantitative detection of synthetic PML/RARα fusion gene in PBS buffer.The results indicated that the biosensor showed an excellent specificity to distinguish the complementary sequence and different mismatch sequences.A linear relationship between the amperometric signal and the target concentration was obtained in the range of 1.0×10-11-1.6×10-10 mol/L with a detection limit of 1.0×10-13 mol/L.In addition,the biosensor was used for the determination of PML/RARα fusion gene in human serum samples without dilution with high sensitivity,selectivity and good repeatability.This method would be expected to use in real sample for further solving the actural problems of early diagnosis and prognosis monitoring of APL.863计划资助项目(2008AA02Z433);福建省高校产学研科技重点项目(2010Y4003);国家自然科学基金资助项目(20805006;20975021);福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2010J05019