27 research outputs found

    An Empirical Research on the Profit Efficiency in China’s Listed Commercial Banks---Based on SFA

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    我国当前的金融体系仍然是以间接融资为主,商业银行的效率对我国金融资源在经济社会中的配置,乃至我国经济能否保持持续稳定增长具有重大意义。在过去的三十年,我国一直致力于银行业的现代化和市场化进程,尤其是从2003年开始,我国积极推进商业银行的股份制改造和公开上市进程。在2006年和2007年,先后有9家银行在我国A股市场公开发行上市,这标志着我国的银行业改革取得了重大的阶段性成果。此时,选择我国上市商业银行进行效率研究,对考察我国银行业的改革成果,寻找不足,从而对我国整个银行业的发展提出政策建议具有重大意义。 本文使用SFA方法,采用更具有弹性的超越对数函数形式,沿用Battese&Coelli...China's current financial system is still mainly based on indirect financing, commercial banks’ efficiency is very important to China's financial resources’ allocation of the economy and society, and even whether China's economy can maintain sustained and steady growth. In the past three decades, China has been committed to the banking sector’s modernization and marketization process, especially s...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_投资学学号:1562007115146

    Drag reduction using riblets downstream of a high Reynolds number inclined forward step flow

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    Micro-riblet is an efficient passive method for controlling turbulent boundary layers, with the potential to reduce frictional drag. In various applications within the transportation industry, flow separation is a prevalent flow phenomenon. However, the precise drag reduction performance of riblets in the presence of flow separation remains unclear. To address this, an inclined forward step model is proposed to investigate the interaction between riblet and upstream flow separation. The large eddy simulation (LES) method is applied to simulate the flow over geometries with different step angles and riblet positions. The results show riblets still reduce wall frictional resistance when subjected to the upstream flow separation. Remarkably, as the angle of the step increases from 0 degrees to 30 degrees, the drag reduction experiences an increment from 9.5% to 12.6%. From a turbulence statistics standpoint, riblets act to suppress the Reynold stress in the near-wall region and dampen ejection motions, thus weakening momentum exchange. Quadrant analysis reveals that with the augmentation of flow separation, the Q2 motion within the flow field intensifies, subsequently enhancing the riblet-induced drag reduction. Moreover, the position of the rib lets has a significant impact on the pressure drag. Riblets close to the point of separation enhance flow separation, altering the surface pressure distribution and thus increasing the resistance. The results reveal that when the riblets are positioned approximately 160 riblet heights away from the step, their effect on the upstream flow separation becomes negligible. The precise performance of riblets under complex flow conditions is important for their practical engineering application


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    A study of peer support among adolescents belonging to uniformed groups

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    published_or_final_versionSocial WorkMasterMaster of Social Wor


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    近年来,中国工业化进程造成的场地污染问题逐渐凸显,各地发现的污染场地数目众多,引发了巨大的环境风险与安全隐患。在介绍发达国家污染场地管理历程的基础上,分析了发达国家开展绿色和可持续污染场地修复评估研究和实践的主要方法,重点阐述了修复技术筛选矩阵、多目标决策支持技术、费用效益分析、生命周期评估和场地生态环境价值评估与恢复等方法的应用。最后建议加强对中国污染场地修复产业现状调研和趋势预测,为研究和制定适合绿色和可持续修复技术研发和应用的政策体系提出政策建议和研究方向。 &nbsp;</p


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    热激蛋白(HSP)是一类在受到逆境刺激后大量表达的蛋白质,能够帮助蛋白质正确折叠,促使变性蛋白质降解,缓解逆境胁迫对生物体的损伤。为揭示热激蛋白在耐旱的复苏植物中的保护作用,该研究对复苏植物旋蒴苣苔(Boea hygrometrica)HSP40家族中J结构域蛋白Bh DNAJC2的编码基因进行了克隆、表达与功能分析。Real-time PCR检测表明,该基因受脱水、低温、热激等多种逆境条件和脱落酸(ABA)诱导表达。Bh DNAJC2-YFP定位于细胞质、内质网和细胞核。过表达Bh DNAJC2的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)株系在干旱、热激、盐胁迫和碱胁迫下均表现出明显的抗逆性。综上所述,Bh DNAJC2可能在旋蒴苣苔抗旱、耐热及耐盐碱等胁迫反应中起关键作用