1,106 research outputs found

    Theoretical studies of magnetic resonance shielding constants

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    核磁共振(NMR:Nuclearmagneticresonance)技术已经发展成为结构解析的标准技术。核磁共振屏蔽常数的理论计算是预测核磁共振波谱常数必不可缺少的工具。而且,其技术和方法都向着生物大分子的方向发展。 近几年里,越来越多的组合方法被运用到核磁共振屏蔽常数的理论计算中。其中焦点分析(FPA-M:Focalpointanalysisformagneticproperties)方法已经成功地计算了各类小分子体系的屏蔽常数,并且其精度达到了CCSD(T)完全基组(CBS:CompleteBasisset)极限值的水平。然而,FPA-M方法需要同时计算MP2/cc-pV5Z和CCSD(...Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is so important that it has become a standard technique for giving key information about the structure and composition. The theoretical calculation of NMR parameters is a necessary tool for the prediction of NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, the methods and technology continue to develop to enlarge the limit for size of molecules. In recent years, more and more combinat...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052014115159

    Manipulation and Application of Orbital Angular Momentum in Light Field Based on Fourier Analysis

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    本文基于傅里叶变换光学原理对轨道角动量光束进行调控,主要研究内容为分数阶螺旋相衬成像和彩色轨道角动量光束的制备。 整数阶l=1的螺旋相位滤波器可以对观察物体实现各向同性边缘增强效果,但是对于分数阶螺旋相衬成像还缺乏系统而完整的研究。我们以相位物体为研究对象,引入分数阶螺旋相位滤波来研究渐进边缘增强现象。实验中用到两个空间光调制器:一个用来显示相位型五角星物体,另一个用来充当动态的分数阶螺旋滤波器。通过从0到1逐渐改变分数阶涡旋拓扑值Q,我们可以观察到图像边缘和背景的亮度反转,在图像边缘的渐进增强过程中还可以观察到选择性边缘增强现象。实验结果可以从数字螺旋成像原理,即分数阶轨道角动量的频谱分量...In this paper, orbital angular momentum were manipulated by Fourier transform optics, and we mainly studied the fractional spiral phase contrast imaging and the generation of chromatic orbit angular momentum beam. The spiral phase filter with integer order l=1 can achieve the isotropic edge enhancement effect on the observed object, but the research on the fractional spiral phase contrast imaging...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_凝聚态物理学号:1982014115296

    JC Marketing Channel Strategy and Management Research

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    JC公司依托其营销网络基础和发挥对产品良好的把握能力,要快速抢占市场,树立在行业中的领导地位。计划通过多品牌战略实施、直营系统建立、加盟店扩展和品牌推广,迅速扩展营销网络并塑造优势品牌,快速提升品牌的知名度和提高对终端市场的占有率。 本文充分的考虑了JC公司的经营现状和市场环境,仔细研究了JC公司营销渠道的实际情况和发展方向,结合营销渠道的相关理论成果,为JC公司设计实际迅速扩张所需要的渠道战略和模式,同时对渠道成员的选择和管理提出积极的意见。 本文介绍了本项目的研究的背景、意义以及基本框架,提出在同质化竞争的日益激烈的情况下,JC公司需要采取差异化策略以达到迅速扩张的必要性。梳理现在国内...With the fund from PE and strong ability of marketing and product mastering, JC launched a blueprint for next three years to establish leading position in casual shoes industry, including Multi-brand strategy, Direct channel system establishment, expansion of marketing network and strong brands branding. The thesis is to design channel strategy and mode for JC development with some comments about...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X200615508


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    《周易》的审美观是周易文化价值的重要部分 ,从整体来看 ,其审美体系是以“立象以尽意”为核心 ,以意与象的结合和具象与抽象的结合为主要特点 ,并渗透着形象思维、整体思维、辨证思维等多种思维方式 ,同时折射出“天人合一”的文化精神 ,从而最终超越粗浅的层次上升到哲学的高度


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    The Improvement Study of Market Comparison Approach of Real Estate Valuation in Commercial Banks

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    自1998年中国全面取消福利分房以来,中国的房地产业进入快速的发展时期,把房地产行业培养成新的经济增长点的制度改革,使我国的房地产市场和房地产业进入新的发展时期。与之相伴的是银行房地产相关贷款的飞速增长,房地产已成为各大商业银行的主要担保品,巴塞尔新资本协议在中国的实施,更凸显了房地产等担保品管理的重要性。 如何管理好数量众多,价值巨大的抵押房产,成为各大商业银行需要考虑的重要课题。房地产类担保品的管理工作主要包括房地产信息的采集,持续跟踪维护房地产信息,定期对抵押房地产价值进行重估,监控担保物价值的变动掌握客户的第二还款来源,规避可能发生的信用风险。这些工作需要耗费大量的人力物力,所以如何...Ever since the total abolition of welfare housing in 1998, China's real estate industry has entered into a period of rapid development; with the reform of developing the real estate industry as a new economic growth point, China's real estate market and the real estate industry have also stepped into a new period of development. Accompanying is the rapid growth of bank loans related to real estate...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792009115081

    Ancient Greek Philosophy's Influence on Gadamer's Hermeneutics

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    伽达默尔的解释学与古希腊哲学有不可分割的关系。古希腊哲学的本原性、开放性、真实性与哲学解释学在本质上有内在的共通性 ,这集中体现在对真理的追求上。伽达默尔将解释学的真理定位在前科学状态的真理观 ,从巴门尼德的存在论获得启示 ,并充分考虑和探究了柏拉图的对话辩证法 ,建立了解释学的问答逻辑。在哲学的归宿上 ,以亚里士多德的实践智慧为契机 ,最终走向了实践的真理观Gadamer's Hermeneutics has a close relationship with the philosophy of ancient Greece characterizied with originality,openness and reality.The philosophy of ancient Greece has internally common ground with Hermeneutics in nature which focuses on seeking for truth.Enlightened by Parmenides' theory of Being,Gadamer positioned the truth of Herneneutics on the pre-science outlook of truth.Meanwhile he studied the Platonic dialogic dialectics carefully and established the logic of Hermeneutics between question and answer.As for the ultimate objective of philosophy,Gadamer benefited from Aristotlian practical wisdom that he moved to the practical truth at last

    研究発表 近世怪異説話における隠里、仙人と中国道教

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    Kakurezato is that ideal place where one is not easily noticed, i.e. the home of the recluse. It is a motif in the tales of the strange and marvelous in the early modern period and often described as the locus of a story\u27s action. For example, Kakurezato by the representative kanazôshi writer Asai Ryôi in Otogibôko, "Yumeji no Kazaguruma-Kakurezato" by the representative ukiyozôshi writer Ihara Saikaku in Shokoku Banashi. Going even further back one can also offer the seventeenth-century work kakurezato.How did this idea come to be conceived? What are its origins? In this paper I will compare the special characteristics of the description of kakurezato with the contest of various Chinese accounts of the same. For example, to that in China\u27s oldest novel about a god-like recluse , Liexian zhuan, by the Han dynast y writer, Liu Xiang ; to the cave of the recluse as described in shiyiji by Wang Jia, a Daoist of the jin dynasty; and also the Daoist scriptures , Ziyang zhenren zhuan Zhengao, and Tiandigongfutu. I will point out that kakurezato is a motif received from the Chinese Daoist tradition of cave dwelling as an ideal. In addition, by means of a careful examination of Otogibôko and Shokoku Banashi I would like to examine the reception and transformation of the image of the immortal recluse as it appears in the cave-dwelling ideal of early modern tales of the strange and marvelous.Finally I would like to consider those passages in the Nihon Shoki which have a bearing on the cave-dwelling ideal, the books (use of good editions, manuscript copies) of Asai Ryôi which deal with Chinese popular Daoism , connections with Honchô Ressenden , which Ihara Saikaku had published at about the same time as Shokoku Banashi and which has a particularly Daoist cast, and illustrations of recluses , as well as the process of transmission to Japan of the Daoist cave-dwelling ideal, its relationship to Ryôi and Saikaku\u27s Daoism, and the interest in Daoism of those for whom these tales of the strange and marvelous were written, the readers of the Edo period