96 research outputs found

    Compatition management system on cultivating competitive sports talent in Chinese schools

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    运用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、实地调研、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法对学校竞技体育人才培养竞赛管理体系进行研究。认为:学校竞技体育人才培养体制与“举国体制“中的专业队三级训练网培养体制的双轨运行模式始终没有发生根本性改变,呈现为体育行政部门和教育行政部门分置管理、单线运作的格局,以致各竞赛管理组织各自为政,各行其是,呈条块分割状态。为此,建议设立专职体育竞赛管理机构,建立联席会议制,明晰各部门职能职责,强化管办分离,各司其职,各负其责。主要做好以下工作:改革运动竞赛形式,提高竞赛分级与竞赛内容的科学性;注重法规建设,完善检查评估制度;制定优惠政策,保障竞赛市场机制的有效运转;教育部门抓人才培养,体育部门管运动竞赛,两部门分工明确,相互配合,齐抓共管。The school sports training competition system was discussed in this paper through methods of literature,expert interviews,questionnaire survey,on-the-spot investigation,mathematical statistics and logical analysis.It showed that the school sports training system and the three training network of the professional team under the "whole nation system"were dual modes of operation which has not changed yet.The sports administrative department and the administrative department of education implemented single-track operation pattern,each organization arange the competition managements acts in its own way,resulting in barriers between them.Therefore,it was recommended to establish a professional sports competition administration and a joint meeting system,so that the responsibilities of various departments can be clarified.Separated supervision department and service department,in order to made them to perform their own functions respectively.The forms of sports competition should be reformed so as to make the competition classification and the competition contents more scientific.The construction of laws and regulations should be stressed,and the evaluation system should be perfected.The preferential policy should be formulated to ensure the competition market mechanism operated effectively.Educational department should be responsible for personnel training while sports department responsible for sports competitions.They cooperated with clear responsibilities.全国教育科学规划重点课题(DPA050172)关于构建和谐的“体教结合”体系的理论研究之专题研究成


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    本研究以问卷调查方式, 通过对全球五大地区的1135名被试对64项任务评价的工作分析, 确定了海外初级水平的汉语学习者和使用者重要的汉语使用任务, 用描述性分析以及差异性检验分析了这些任务的重要性、使用频次以及难度等方面的差异。这些研究结果能为汉语教材的编写、考试模型的建立以及能力标准的研制提供重要的证据资料


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    Study on Spatial and Seasonal Distribution of Phytoplankton in Futian Mangrove of Shenzhen

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    在2005年11月(秋)、2006年1月(冬)、2006年4月(春),分别对深圳福田红树林保护区5个水质监测站的浮游藻类进行采样研究.共鉴定到浮游藻类5门27属52种(含1变种和9未知种),密度在1.2×106~8.8×106个/L之间,平均密度为4.9×106个/L.硅藻门种类最多,有17属35种(含未知7种),占总种类数的67.3%,而且密度最大,高达8.7×106个/L;最少为隐藻门的种类,尚未发现甲藻门的种类.耐污染特征的种类如极微小环藻(Cyclotella caspia)、颤藻(Oscillatoriaspp.)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)是藻类群落的主要成分.各站分布的藻类群落组成季节差异明显,而种类数和密度并没有明显的季节变化.各站的优势种和优势类群存在时空差异.评价各站水质,反映出该红树林区水体处在中营养至富营养化状态.The spatial and seasonal distribution of phytoplankton were studied in 5 sampling stations in Futian Mangrove Reserves,Shenzhen in Nov.2005,Jan.2006 and Apr.2006.A total of 52 taxa(including 1 variety and 9 unidentified taxa) belonging to 27 genera in 5 phyta were identified among which Bacillariophyta taxa contributed for definitely the most,counting for 67.3%,while Cryptophyta taxa were seldom observed.Pyrrophyta taxa was not identified in any season in each station.Phytoplankton density varied from 1.2×106 ind./L to 8.8×106 ind./L.Average density was 4.9×106 ind./L.Bacillariophyta taxa were predominant with 8.7×106 ind./L.Pollution-toleratance taxa:Cyclotella caspia,Oscillatoria spp.and Chlorella vulgaris were dominant in phytoplankton community.There was significantly different in composition of phytoplankton community in seasons among stations.Seasonal variation of specie numbers and phytoplankton densities were not found.The dominant taxa were different among stations.According to Chlorophyll a concentrations,water quality of the 5 sampling stations were in the state of deterioration.红树林区浮游藻类生态特征研究及优势种的分离纯培养(香港城市大学-深圳福田红树林保护区合作项目)资