172 research outputs found

    A Kidney Tumors Segmentation Algorithm from CT Image Based on Texture

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    由于肿瘤的形状不规则以及CT图像中软组织之间灰度相似,边界模糊,导致基于CT图像的肿瘤分割一直是一个国际难点。针对肾脏肿瘤和肾脏灰度相似导致难以分割肾脏肿瘤这一问题,提出了一种基于纹理特征的肾脏肿瘤分割算法。算法首先提取出最能体现肾脏肿瘤和肾脏差异的纹理特征,再对其进行有效性选择,最后采用加权欧氏距离分割出肾脏肿瘤,取得了良好的分割效果。Because of the irregularity of shape, gray similarity and blur boundary of soft tissues in CT images, tumor segmentation is always an international difficulty. In this paper, an algorithm based on texture is proposed for kidney tumor segmentation from kidneys. The algorithm first extracts texture features of kidney and kidney tumors, and then selects effective features; finally, weighted Euclidean distance is used for segmentation. This algorithm for kidney tumor segmentation achieved good result

    Collision Detection for Virtual Surgery Planning System of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

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    针对鼻咽部及其周围组织的特点,着重论述了一种基于包围盒层次的碰撞检测算法。该方法是解决碰撞检测问题固有时间复杂性的一种有效方法,是用体积略大而几何特征简单的包围盒来近似描述复杂的几何对象,并通过构造树状层次结构来逼近对象的几何模型。在对包围盒树进行遍历过程中,通过包围盒间的快速相交检测来及早排除明显不可能相交的基本几何元素对,从而提高了碰撞检测速度。Focusing on the features of nasopharynx and peripheral tissues, this paper mainly states an algorithm of collision detection based on bounding box hierarchies. It is an effective method to solve the intrinsic time complexity of collision detection problem, which refers to take advantage of bounding box with larger volume and simple geometric features to approximately describe the complicated geometric object and approach the geometric model of object through constructing the tree hierarchy structure. During the ergodic process of hierarchy bounding volumes, the rapid intersec- tion detection among bounding boxes could exclude the elementary geometric element pairs at early time that are obvi- ously impossible to intersect, so as to elevate the speed of collision detection.卫生部联合基金项目(WKJ2005-2-001);; 福建省科技重点项目(2004Y008)~

    The Method of Separation of Tongue Coating and Tongue Texture in the Process of Tongue Diagnosis Informatization

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    应用计算机分析舌像,在舌像信息辅助下推断中医证型的过程中,实现舌质、舌苔区域的自动化分离是前提条件,分离结果直接影响到后续舌质、舌苔颜色分类识别的质量,最终影响证型推断的准确性。在质苔分离实验中采用两种方法,即基于HSV色彩空间的最佳阈值迭代算法和基于彩色特征组合的分割方法,根据两者各自特点,综合叠加运用这两种方法,有效的解决质苔分离问题。The separation of the coating and the texture of the tongue is crucial and prerequisite for the TCM-diagnosing from the information of the tongue which derived from the analysis of the tongue picture with the computer. The qualify of the separation will directly affect the classification and recognition of the color of the tongue coating and tongue texture in the following step, at last, the accuracy of syndrome differentiation. Hence, this article concentrates on analysis of the automatic separation of coating and the texture of the tongue. Two methods are comprehensive applied in the separation,first is Optimal Threshold Iterated Algorithm based on HSV color space, and second is based on the color characteristics.Through comprehensive use of the two methods according to their own characteristics, we achieve the purpose of the perfect separation.国家自然科学基金(编号:60601025);; 卫生部联合基金(编号:WKJ2005-2-001);; 厦门市科技计划(编号:3502Z20055003

    Eye Tissue Reconstruction based on CT Image

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    以眼部组织CT图像为基础构建眼部组织三维模型,帮助医生从多方位观察眼部组织结构并对感兴趣区域进行定性和定量分析。我们提出了一种利用CT图像重建眼部三维结构的方法。通过图像分割和三维重建,构建了眼部组织的三维模型。并对计算机辅助测量眼眶容积的方法进行了改进。利用该方法重建了眼部各组织的三维模型,计算了眼眶容积。本方法建模速度比较快,建模比较精确。眼眶容积计算与目前使用方法相比,大量节省了医生的精力。Reconstructing three-dimensional models of eye tissue by CT image to help doctors in multi-level observation of eye tissues,anglicizing interested area qualitatively and quantitatively.A method of reconstructing three-dimensional model of eye tissues was proposed.Through image segmentation and reconstruction,the three dimensional models of eye ball were constructed.The computer aided volumetric measurement of human orbit method was improved.Three-dimensional models of eye tissues were constructed and the orbital volume was measured.The model constructing speed is fast and the models are precise.Comparing with the common computer aided volumetric measurement of human orbit,the method is simple,fast,and saving much energy of doctors.中南大学理科发展基金资助项目(09SDF03

    An Improved Fuzzy Connected Image Segmentation Method Base on CUDA

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    已有的模糊连接并行算法CUDA-k FOE未考虑线程块边缘点同时更新所引发的竞争问题,导致计算结果出现少量误差.由于医学图像处理对精度的要求很高,为了解决边缘点计算误差的问题,基于CUDA-k FOE提出一种修正迭代算法.首先分析了CUDA-k FOE算法在线程块边缘产生竞争的原因;然后讨论了边缘点亲和力的所有可能的传递路径,以及由此造成的出错情况;最后提出二次迭代修正算法,将第一次迭代得到的所有边缘点转入第二次的修正迭代步骤,从而修正第一次迭代中错误的亲和力值.采用3组不同规格的CT序列对肝脏血管进行分割实验,并选用3个不同的种子点进行算法验证,结果表明,文中算法的计算结果与串行版本一致,解决了CUDA-k FOE算法的计算误差问题.A paralleled CUDA version of k FOE(CUDA-k FOE)was proposed to segment medical images. CUDA-k FOE achieves fast segmentation when processing large image datasets. However, it cannot precisely handle the competition of edge points when update operations happen by multiple threads simultaneously, thus an iterative correction method to improve CUDA-k FOE was proposed. By analyzing all the pathways of marginal voxels affinity and their consequently caused results, a two iteration correction scheme is employed to achieve the accurate calculation. In these two iterations, the resulted marginal voxels from the first iteration are used as the correction input of the second iteration, therefore, the values of affinity are corrected in the second iteration. Experiments are conducted on three CT image sequences of liver vessels with small, medium, and large size. By choosing three different seed points, final results are not only comparable to the sequential implementation of fuzzy connected image segmentation algorithm on CPU, but achieve more precise calculation compared with CUDA-k FOE.国家自然科学基金(61001144;61102137;61301010;61327001


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    Signal Reconstruction Based on Compressed Sensing

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    随着信息技术的不断发展,人们对信息需求量越来越大,这给信号采样、传输和存储的实现带来的压力越来越大。近年来国际上出现的压缩传感理论为该问题的解决提供了新的解决方案。压缩传感理论首先将信号投影到一个低维的信号空间,然后通过解一个基于凸优化的非线性恢复算法将信号恢复,而仅仅需要很少的数据。介绍了CS理论框架并对其中存在的难点问题进行了探讨,主要有稀疏近似理论、观测矩阵、信号重建算法。最后将压缩传感理论应用到一维和二维图像数据重建中并给出了仿真结果。实验结果表明,该方法与传统压缩方法相比具有更高的压缩比,并且能够得到更小的压缩误差。With the development of information technology,the demands for information are increasing dramatically,which causes a series of challenges in signal sampling,transmission and storage.An emerging theory of compressed sensing(CS),which is presented in recent years,provides a new method for solving this problem.CS project a singnal into a lower dimension at frist,then by using nonlinear recovery algorithms(based on convex optimization),super-resolved signals and images can be reconstructed from what appears to be highly incomplete data.Introduces the processing of the signal sparse representation,observation matrix and recovery algorithms and focus on the theoretical framework of compressed sensing and discusses the existing difficult problems.Apply this new theory to data of one dimension and image of two dimensions and give the simulated result in the end.Experiments proved CS is higher compression ratio and smaller compression error than traditional data compression algorithm.国家自然科学基金(30770561


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    Surface rendering algorithm of tenuous vasculature in medical images

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    在医学图像处理中,常常需要提取出特定的组织或者结构,再以提取到的二值体数据为基础,对组织结构进行三维重建。传统的MArCHIng CubE(MC)算法在对微细结构进行三维重建时,可能会产生断裂现象,不能有效保持原始体数据的连通性。以血管体数据为例,针对医学图像中微细管道结构重建提出一种改进的MC算法,以保持重建后组织结构的连通性。In medical image processing,special tissues and structures are usually extracted as binary data for 3D reconstruction.Traditional Marching Cube(MC) algorithm may cause separateness to tenuous tissues and structures when reconstructing the extracted volume data,and the connectivity of volume data can not be well reserved.In this paper,an improved method to MC algorithm is proposed for the tenuous vasculature reconstruction in medical images that can keep the connectivity of tissues and structures.国家自然科学基金No.60701022---