1,416 research outputs found
Executive Incentive, Risk Perception and Zero-leverage Firms
本文从经理人激励与风险角度研究企业的零负债行为。现代财务理论一般认为:适当的负债有助于提高企业价值。然而,近年来上市公司出现了新的财务特征:低负债,有限投资与高现金,即所谓的零负债之谜。这种现象普遍存在于世界各国。既往文献已经关注到企业的零负债之谜,从现代资本结构理论出发,将其存在归因于来自融资约束(供给方效应)、财务弹性(需求方效应)、公司治理、外部机制等多个方面。但现有经典资本结构理论与财务保守之因文献都无法全面合理地解释零负债现象。本文以此为契机,从不同的角度——企业经理人的激励风险,探讨企业的零负债之谜。 通过资金供求双方的制度与现实分析,我国的银行信贷依然占据上市公司不同外部融资方...The dissertation aims to study how executive incentive and risk perception affect the zero-leverage behavior of listed firms. The capital structure theory believes that appropriate leverage ratio is beneficial for improvement of corporate value. In recent years, however, the phenomenon of low-leverage or even zero-leverage has emerged as a growing trend of internationalization which is called "zer...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752013015373
Studies on the regulation of membrane microdomains (lipid rafts) / Flot to mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway and its effect on reversing multidrug resistance of hepatocellular carcinoma cells
目的: 1.构建耐药肝癌细胞模型。 2.检测Flot下调对ERK1/2信号通路的影响,明确能否通过Flot调控ERK1/2信号通路从而实现肝癌细胞耐药性的逆转。 3.检测脂筏破坏剂甲基-β-环糊精破坏脂筏结构对ERK1/2的影响,探索脂筏与ERK1/2之间的关联。 4.检测下调Flot对耐药肝癌细胞侵袭能力的影响。 5.构建过表达质粒Flot1/pcDNA3.1(+)、Flot2/pcDNA3.1(+),为后续研究工作奠定基础。 方法: 1.用阿霉素大剂量冲击法诱导细胞,Celltiter-Glo荧光细胞活性检测法检测细胞对阿霉素的敏感性。 2.设计siRNA和shRNA,Re...Objective: 1. To induce poly multidrug resistant (MDR) cell models from human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines by chemotherapy drugs and detect resistance of the developed HCC MDR cells. 2. To detect the effects of ERK1/2 pathway by down-regulating Flot on HCC drug-resistant cells, thus to explore if down-regulating Flot could affect ERK1/2 pathway and reverse resistance of HCC MDR cell...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_病理学与病理生理学学号:2452012115310
Studies on the Ionization Rules of Metal Cluster Complexes Utilizating Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray Ionization Source (ESI-MS)
金属团簇配合物的特殊性质,如显著的催化性、荧光性、手性,在人体健康、生物分析、分子检测和工业催化等领域具有巨大的应用或潜在应用价值。在金属团簇配合物的研究中,需要对其化学成分、结构进行快速、简便且准确地分析。质谱分析具有检测速度快、灵敏度高、化学特异性强等优点,结合检测得到准确的质核比m/z,电喷雾离子源飞行时间质谱(ESI-TOFMS)适合于表征金属团簇配合物。然而金属团簇配合物是一种复杂的无机-有机杂化体系,含有强度相对较弱的配位键,在电喷雾质谱检测中极易发生解离而得不到所需的分子离子峰。我们希望对检测过程中的多种影响因素进行考察,通过研究金属团簇配合物在ESI-TOFMS中的电离规律及离...Convenient,simple and reliable methods to determine metal cluster complexes structure is prerequisite to study their numerous important properties, like, catalytic, luminescent and chiral properties, due to tremendous applications or potential applications in the fields of human health, bio-analysis, molecular detection and industrial catalysis. Mass spectrometry has some advantages as speedy dete...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_无机化学学号:2052013115153
Analysis on the Misconceptions of the Subject of National Defense Education
国防教育主体是国防教育学科的基本研究范畴,也是国防教育实践需要明确的根本问题。明确国防教育主体的内涵以及各主体之间的关系,是正确发挥国防教育主体作用,提高国防教育效率的基本要求。 国防教育主体是包括政府、武装力量、社会团体、各政党、企事业组织以及全体公民在内的广义的“国家”,具有国防和教育的双重属性。国防教育主体的特征主要有:结构上的多层次性,领导角色的更替性,利益的多元性以及矛盾的复杂性。国防教育主体的理论误区,一是国防教育的领导主体与实施主体不可兼任;二是公民不可作为国防教育的主体;三是国防教育主体领导角色的更替会导致无政府领导。实践中对国防教育主体的认识误区,一是对“国家”的概念模糊;...The subject of national defense education is among the basic researching category of national defense discipline, as well as the fundamental question that needs to be clarified in national defense practice. To clarify the meaning of the subject of national defense and the relations between different subjects, is the fundamental request for correct functioning of the subject and improving efficienc...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:教育研究院_国防教育学学号:2572013115184
The Image Research of Fujian Province on Taiwan Media
形象作为一种软实力,在区域发展中的地位尤其重要。随着互联网以及智能手机的普及,台湾民众对福建省各方面消息的接收速度都大大加快,自主选择新闻的机会也越来越多。此时台湾民众对福建省形象的认知与福建省的现实形象之间出现了一定程度的认知落差,这种认知落差为福建省的形象建构带来了一定的机遇,主动塑造福建省的正面形象、进而设置台湾媒体的议程成为可能。 本次研究在此背景下,采用内容分析法,通过对台湾传统媒体与新媒体2014年6月1日到2015年6月1日这一年间有关于福建省的报道内容进行编码分析,从政治、经济、社会、文化、历史、环境、城市建设与管理等几个角度全面反映福建省在台湾媒体中的形象,并探讨台湾媒体是...As one of soft power, image has an important position in regional development. With the popularity of the Internet and smart phones, Taiwanese can know all aspects of Fujian Province quickly, and they have more opportunity to choose the news as they want. At this time it has happened a certain degree of cognitive gap in Taiwanese and Taiwan media awareness on the image of Fujian, this knowledge ga...学位:新闻与传播硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:3062014115306
Research on Development Strategy for Maixin Co.,Ltd.
21世纪是生物技术产业的时代,生物医药行业已成为我国的战略新兴产业。其中,体外诊断行业的年均增速达15%左右,已成为医疗器械领域最具发展前景的细分行业之一。中国的体外诊断市场依靠明显的成本优势和多年的研发积累逐步提升产业地位。 迈新公司致力于肿瘤病理诊断,专注于免疫组化临床应用20多年,生产、研发并销售免疫组化病理诊断产品。随着病理诊断行业快速发展,市场需求逐步扩大,竞争日益激烈。机遇与挑战并存。迈新想要在瞬息万变的市场中屹立不倒,必须对新形势下公司的发展战略进行研究,凭借自身优势应对挑战,提出切实可行的实施措施。 本文以迈新公司的发展战略作为主要研究对象,根据企业管理战略的相关理论,对企...The 21st century is the era of biotechnology industry. Biological medicine filed has become a strategic burgeoning industry in China. The average annual growth rate amounted to about 15% in in-vitro diagnostic industry, which has developed into the most promising industrial market segment. Benefiting from the dominant cost advantages and years of accumulated research, China is gradually improving...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201115611
Mechanistic Study on Photoelectrochemical Etching of Gallium Nitride
宽禁带(3.4eV)的氮化镓(Galliumnitride,GaN)被认为是第三代半导体材料之一,在电子和光电子等领域有着广阔的应用前景;然而,采用传统湿法刻蚀方法难以实现化学性质极为惰性的GaN的高效高质加工。近年来研究发现基于光生空穴的光电化学(PEC)刻蚀是一条可行的加工途径,但因现行制备技术尚无法制出无位错缺陷的GaN晶片,各种位错缺陷所造成的晶体表面空穴分布不均将严重影响刻面质量;因此,弄清GaN表界面特别是各种位错缺陷对PEC刻蚀过程的影响,对发展湿法刻蚀加工方法有着重要的理论意义。 PEC刻蚀通常采用水基刻蚀液;H2O和OH-理论上均可与GaN形成氧化层,但对两者间的差异迄今尚...Gallium nitride (GaN) with a wide bandgap (3.4 eV) is one of the third generation semiconductor materials, and has broad application prospects in the field of electronics and optoelectronics. Nevertheless, the chemical properties of GaN are extremely inert; employing traditional wet etching method is difficult to achieve its high-efficiency and high-quality material removal. Recently, it has been ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052014115159
Design and Implementation of Teaching Task Management System for University
安徽省某高校是一所国家“211工程”大学和“985工程”优势学科创新平台,为安徽省和教育部、信息化部和工业共建高校。在未采用IT技术时,该校对教学任务管理采用手工管理的方法,然而这种方法存在不准确、容易出错、浪费大量资源等问题。为解决这些问题,我们开发完成了教学任务管理系统。该系统的顺利运行实现了学校教学任务管理中各方面的集中化、高效化和科学化,教学任务得到有效的管理及处理。系统开发依照规范的软件工程原理,软件开发流程为需求分析、大体设计、具体设计、程序编码、系统测试以及系统应用、系统维护等。本系统以Java语言为基础,使用Eclipse4.4,采用JFinal框架,后台数据库采用MySQL,...A University in Anhui Province, is a Ministry of the national key universities、The national "211 project" key construction in colleges and universities and the "985 project" advantages of discipline construction of innovation platform in colleges and universities,Ministry of education, the Ministry of industry and information technology and to build universities in Anhui Province。When you are not ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323152
Design and Implementation of Office Automation System for unnan Arts University
计算机技术和信息技术的快速发展为高校办公自动化管理建设奠定了基础。在本文中,结合高校办公自动化管理的实际情况,提出了一套高校办公自动化管理信息系统设计与实现的技术方案。 论文结合高校办公自动化管理信息化建设的需求,对该系统设计和实现的背景、目的、意义和可行性就行了分析和阐述,总结了该系统在国内外相关研究进展的概况。在此技术上,通过对比当前比较成熟的技术框架和开发语言,确定了系统使用SSH框架为系统主体分层结构,并使用Java语言对系统进行设计和实现。在对系统进行需求分析时,依据高校办公自动化管理的流程和实际需求,使用例图和用例描述对系统进行了功能需求分析,并对系统进行了数据流程分析和安全需求...The rapid development of computer technology and information technology has laid a foundation for the construction of office automation management in Colleges and universities. In this paper, combined with the actual situation of university office automation management, a set of technical scheme of design and implementation of office automation management information system is put forward. This p...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323127
Effect of virtual power plant scheme on the supply and demand sides based on the techno-economic analysis
北九州市立大学博士(工学)This research proposed a comprehensive method for analyzing the feasibility of using a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) to benefit both the plant and demand sides. First, the energy-saving potential of a VPP composed of a photovoltaic and energy storage system was explored. Second, the economic performance of the VPP was evaluated based on a payback period and total life cycle cost analysis. Then, considering the imbalance of the benefits between the demand and plant sides, cooperative game theory was applied to explore the cooperation potential. The influence of government subsidy policies on both the plant and demand sides was a simultaneous concern. Finally, the profit of the alliance, comprising both the demand and plant sides was allocated, based on the Shapley value. This study highlights the excellent energy-saving potential from implementing a VPP. This research provides policy guidance for the Japanese government to promote VPPs in the future.doctoral thesi
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