44 research outputs found


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    微生物在海洋环境中起着非常重要作用,对其的研究技术也在不断地发展。作者综述了海洋水体及沉积物环境中微生物的分离、检测与鉴定等方面的技术方法,并评价它们在微生物工作中的有效性及效率,指出各方法的优点和不足。福建省科技攻关计划重大项目资助(No.2002Y005);; 国家科技部“973”项目资助(No.2001CB409704


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    从真藓科大叶藓属植物暖地大叶藓Rhodobryum giganteum(schwaegr.)Par.的乙醇提取物中分离得到9个化合物,通过波谱分析鉴定其分别为麦角甾-7,22-双烯-3β,5α,6β-三醇(1),乌苏酸(2),琥珀酸(3),尿嘧啶(4),棕榈酸(5),槲皮素(6),碳二十九烷(7),β-谷甾醇(8),胡萝卜苷(9)。化合物1~9均为首次从该植物中分离得到

    Nitrogen nutritional character of Gracilaria as bioindicators and restoral plants of eutrophication

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    近海环境的污染日趋严重,化学监测方法存在着其固有的缺陷,采用指示性生物来反映变化的水质已越来越为人们所接受。大型海藻江蓠(Gracilaria)为自养生物,易养殖,能忍受盐度、温度等环境条件相对较大的波动,是理想的研究材料;它能对环境中不同形态氮的浓度及来源,通过氨基酸组成、光合色素及组织氮含量等变化作出迅速而灵敏的响应;江蓠生长快,具有大的氮储存能力,及较高的经济价值等特性,已成为水体中营养变化的指示性生物及治理富营养化理想的修复植物。Increasing eutrophication (particular the levels of N and P) of coastal marine environments has led to the development of nutrient monitoring methods. Various shortcomings of chemical analyses have identified the need to develop biological indicators (bioindicators) that can be used to detect available nutrient concentrations. Gracilaria, a kind of red macroalgae, appears to be responsive to the nutrient forms and bioavailable concentrations in water columns through variations in their tissue nutrient content, photosynthetic pigments and amino acids composition. The observed variations facilitated the development of an index for each N source, and the N source index was used to predict the dominant source of N being assimilated by the macroalgae, thus providing a sensitive bioindicator of nitrogen. Furthermore, Gracilaria has characters of rapid growth, larger capacity of nitrogen storage and favorable value. So they appear to be some very good remediation plants of eutrophication.国家"973"重点科技项目(2001CB409704);; 福建省科技攻关计划重大项目(2002I003,00ZY005

    Soil Anti-erodibility of Artificial Woodlands in the Hilly-gullied Region of the Loess Plateau

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    以延安、安塞、吴旗的人工刺槐林、柠条林为研究对象,选取同一地区的自然恢复草地和坡耕地为对照,通过对5个表征土壤抗蚀性的指标即>0.25 mm水稳性团粒含量、>0.5 mm水稳性团粒含量、平均重量直径、团聚状况和团聚度的比较分析,对人工刺槐林、人工柠条林相对于自然恢复草地和坡耕地改善土壤抗蚀性的效果进行了评价,同时分析了不同林龄人工林土壤抗蚀性的变化。研究表明,人工林地相对于坡耕地,显著提高了土壤抗蚀性,但不及自然恢复草地,尤其在安塞和吴旗表现更明显;随着林龄的增长,人工林地土壤抗蚀性能增强,并趋于稳定。并通过对样地的聚类分析,也得出与上述相似的结果。综合分析表明,封禁条件下的植被自然恢复是黄土丘陵沟壑区比较适宜的植被恢复方式和控制土壤侵蚀的有效措施

    Effects of environmental factors on uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by Gracilaria lemaneiformis and G.lichevoides

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    在实验室条件下,研究光照、温度、盐度及pH对龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)和菊花心江蓠(G.lichevoides)N、P吸收速率的影响。结果表明,上述4个环境因子对这两种藻类的N、P吸收速率均有显著影响。其中,对龙须菜N吸收速率影响的适宜范围分别为:光照强度100~240μE.m-2.s-1,温度16~23℃,盐度25~35,pH 8.0~9.0;对P吸收速率影响的适宜范围分别为:光照强度80~200μE.m-2.s-1,温度16~23℃,盐度15~35,pH 8.0~9.0。而对于菊花心江蓠,N吸收速率影响的适宜范围分别为:光照强度120~300μE.m-2.s-1,温度23~33℃,盐度25~40,pH 7.5~9.0;P吸收速率影响的适宜范围分别为:光照强度100~240μE.m-2.s-1,温度26~33℃,盐度15~35,pH 7.5~9.0。Red macroalgae Gracilaria lichenoides and G.lemaneiformis were selected as experimental objects,which have been cultured in a large scale in Fujian Province.The effects of four environmental factors—light intensity,temperature,salinity and pH—on uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by the two macroalgae were studied under laboratory conditions.Ten light intensity grades(20μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),40μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),60μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),80μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),100μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),120μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),160μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),200μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),240μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),300μE·m~(-2)·s~(1)),8 salinity grades(5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40),5 pH grades(7.5,8.0,8.5,9.0,9.5) and 6 temperature grades(8℃,12℃,16℃,20℃,23℃,26℃) were set up for G.lemaneiformis or 8 temperature grades(12℃,16℃,20℃,23℃,26℃,30℃,33℃,36℃) for G.lichenoides.The results show that all of the four environmental factors have significant effects on the uptake rates of N and P by the two algae.The most suitable ranges of the four environmental factors for the uptake rate of N by G.lemaneiformis are at light intensity 100-240μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),temperature 16-23℃,salinity 25-35 and pH 8.0-9.0 respectively,and for the uptake rate of P by G.lemaneiformis,the most suitable ranges are at light intensity 80-200μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),temperature 16-(23℃),salinity 15-35,and pH 8.0-9.0 respectively.The most suitable ranges of the four environmental factors for the uptake rate of N by G.lichevoides are at light intensity 100-240μE·m~(2)·s~(-1),temperature 16-23℃,salinity 25-35 and pH 8.0-9.0,respectively,and for the uptake rate of P by G.lichevoides,at light intensity 80-200μE·m~(-2)·s~(-1),temperature 16-23℃,salinity 15-35,and pH 8.0-9.0 respectively.福建省重大科技项目(20021003);; 宁波市博士基金(2005A610025

    Advance in measured techniques of aquatic bacterial counting and cell sizes

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    水生细菌的数量与菌体大小是海洋微生物研究的关键参数.随着技术的进步,测定这些参数的方法有了很大的发展.本文介绍了其测定技术的发展历程,并对已有的测定方法进行了介绍、归纳和评述,认为流式细胞仪测定法是测定细菌数量与菌体大小较为合适的方法.Bacterial counting and cell size are key parameters in theresearch on the marine ecosystems. However, the methods to measure these parameters aredeveloping with the modern technology. The development course on the methodsis reviewed in this paper. At the same time, the methods to measure these parameters are introduced, compared and evaluated. Among them, flow cytometry is considered as the most available method, which can offer the possibility of assessing not only the number of bacteria with great speed and precision, but also the size of (individual) cells

    Influences of adding macroalgae Gracilaria lemaneiformis to Skeletonema costatum's bloom

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    江蓠属大型海藻具有产氧强及高效吸收营养盐的特点,可用来缓冲赤潮消亡、 崩溃造成的生态影响.本文的研究是在已发生骨条藻赤潮的系统中添加龙须菜,调节 及缓冲赤潮系统的生态脆弱性.结果表明,水体中2kg/m3密度的龙须菜可以较好地 供应氧及稳定pH,并大量吸收营养盐及控制水体中的异养细菌的剧增,此外,该密度 龙须菜的添加还能促进介质中单一微藻种群的改变,使得系统中的优势微藻种类的 增加和丰度的下降.The die-out or crash of HAB is the most serious phase to enanger fishery. Macroalgae, Gracilaria , hold several characteristics, such as high ability to produce oxygen, rapid uptake to nutrients, can be used to buffer and modulate negative effects of HAB. This article investigated the function of G. lemaneiformis in system with Skeletonema costatum bloom, the result is as followed: G. lemaneiformis of 2 kg/m3 is enough to provide water bodies with dissolved oxygen ( DO) and stabilize pH value as well as uptake nutrients and bacterium control. Moreover, this density of macroalga can promote tha variation of phytoplankton population, increasing dominant species and decreesing, microalgal abundance.福建省重大科技攻关项目(2002Y005,20021003) 宁波大学校人才基金资助项目(2004698) 宁波市基金资助项目(2005A610025

    Review on the Effect of Bilingual Experience to Access Performance during Speech Production

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    Soil Anti-Erodibility and Soil Erosion Evolution of During Process of Vegetation Recovering in Loess Hilly-Gully Region

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