132 research outputs found

    A Research on the Security Control System of

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    本文的观点是建立在本次研究中所搜集到的大量有关网上银行的数据和参考资料的基础之上,结合本人十多年的银行业从业实践经验,认为建立一套行之有效的网上银行安全控制体系是确保我国金融系统安全和稳定的极为重要的条件。本文的前两章从网上银行的快速发展和新技术带来的风险以及我国网上银行发展的现状展开阐述建立网上银行安全控制体系的必要性。第三章至第六章是本文的重点,论述将网上银行安全控制体系按照国家立法、行业监管、企业内控和技术防范等四个重要层面建立四大支柱的具体思路,主要内容包括:研究分析西方发达国家的法律实践和我国法律法规现状,从国家立法层面建立网上银行安全控制体系的第一支柱;研究分析西方发达国家的行业监...The viewpoint of this thesis is based on a great deal of data and information during the research process. It is found by this thesis that to build up a special security control system for the domestic internet banking is crucial for Chinese financial system on security and steady operation. This thesis differentiates the Internet Banking Security Control System (IBSCS) into four aspects, i.e. sta...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20011504

    The Design and Implementation of a RF Signal Record & Playback System

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    随着导航技术和空间科学的高速发展,射频信号采集/回放系统开始广泛应用于导航、气象、航空航天、通信等领域。它既可以将复杂的空中信号实时采集记录下来,进行分析和算法研究,又可以通过硬件回放模拟真实的工作环境,为各类接收机的开发和调试提供稳定、可靠、可重复使用的信号源,减少现场测试的时间和开发成本。 本文根据无线电导航业务的要求,结合国内外数据采集/回放技术的特点,提出了一种通用的射频信号采集/回放系统的实现方案,并完成了系统的设计与测试。最终实现的系统能够针对1150MHz~1610MHz的频段,完成4路最高55MHz采样带宽、170MHz采样频率的射频信号采集,并且具有存储、分析以及回放等功能...With the rapid development of navigation technology and space science, the RF Signal Record & Playback System has been widely used in the fields of navigation, meteorology, aerospace, communication and so on. It can record the signal of real world under different circumstances, so that the researchers can take it as the source of their studies to verify theirs algorithm. Moreover, it can replay th...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院通信工程系_通信与信息系统学号:2332009115280


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    文化按其本性既具有经济上的“文化产业化”的向度,也具有人文上的“文化的人化”的向度,比 较而言,前者侧重于追求“经济效益”的“文化产业”,后者侧重于追求“社会效益”的“文化事业”.文化作 为一种“产业”强调的是对外“竞争力”,文化作为一种“事业”,强调的是对内“凝聚力”.在当代中国,“文 化的产业化”被过多地强调,而“文化的人化”则相对被冷落.当代中国文化的繁荣与发展,不能厚此薄 彼,也不可顾此失彼,而应遵循文化发展的基本规律,在“文化产业”与“文化事业”之间寻求平衡与张力.国家社科基金一般项目“全球视野下中国话语体系建构与中国话语权提升研究”(16BKS093)的阶段性成果

    On the transformation of modern higher education thoughts——From 20th century to the beginning of 21st century

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    本文分析了20世纪到21世纪初世界高等教育思想的发展历程,揭示了现代高等教育思想演变的脉络。文章从五个方面展开:20世纪高等教育思想回眸、20世纪西方教育流派及其高等教育思想、21世纪初的高等教育思想、21世纪初高等教育思想的影响与高等教育发展实践的趋势、中国高等教育的选择与回应。The development of higher education thoughts from the 20th century to the beginning years of the 21st century reveals the train of thought transformation in modern higher eduation.Therefore we probe this transformation in five aspects: reviewing the higher education thoughts of the 20th century;schools of western education thoughts of the 20th century;higher education thoughts of the beginning 21th century;influences and trends of higher education thoughts of the beginning 21th century;choices and reaction of China's higher education


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    On the reform of school system in higher education——From the perspective of junior college students shifting into undergraduates

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    近年来愈演愈烈的专升本热潮折射出我国高等教育学制上的弊端。专升本热潮的形成有其复杂的社会原因,解决之途当然是导胜于堵。应改革高等教育学制,适当发展职业技术教育本科,使职业教育与学历教育有机结合,从而有效解决专升本问题并拓展升学渠道。The heated promotion from junior college students to undergraduates or from junior colleges to senior colleges and universities reflects the disadvantages of school system in higher education.The form of the promotion has a complicated social causes.Its solution no doubt lies in the guidance not in the obstruction.We must reform the present school system,develop vocational and technical colleges and universities.So that we can make a good combination between vocational education and formal education with degree and expand a smoother tunnel among higher institutions.厦门大学“985工程”二期创新基地研究课题(A20052001