127 research outputs found

    A Study on the Redistributive and Incentive Effects of Chinese Personal Income Tax Reform

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    近来年,围绕个人所得税方方面面的改革,社会各界展开了广泛的讨论。其中,要求进一步完善个人所得税,加强个人所得税调节收入差距功能以促进税收公平的呼声最为强烈。本文认为,在强调增强个人所得税公平收入分配作用的同时,绝不能忽视了效率问题。 总体来看,国内关于个人所得税及政策效应的理论研究仍处于对西方个人所得税的研究成果的引进和消化阶段,实证研究则更加滞后。在政策分析过程中,如果能够结合中国实际,将个人所得税制度改革的各种政策效应加以量化并得到客观理性的政策评价结果,将会有助于为各种制度改革方案提供可信的证据支撑。鉴于此,本论文侧重实证分析,在福利经济学这一理论框架下,以实现社会福利最大作为政策分析...In recent years, there have been extensive discussions about how to reform the Chinese personal income tax(PIT), among which the voice of strengthening its role in reducing the income inequality and promoting the tax equity is very strong. This paper argues that the tax efficiency should not be ignored when we are putting more emphasis on the equity. On the whole, up to now, the domestic resear...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院财政系_公共经济学学号:1552006015305


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    Study on Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Tetracyclines on nickel electrode and its Application in Electrochemical Detection

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    镍对许多有机物有较高的电催化氧化活性,这些有机物包括醇类、酚类、醛类、胺类、腙类、希夫碱、类固醇、多羟基类和杂环化合物等。因此,镍电极对有机物的电化学催化氧化是一个研究热点。尽管人们对镍电催化氧化机理的探讨已经有不少报道,但多数是对伯醇催化氧化的研究,而对多羟基化合物(例如,四环素类和氨基糖苷类抗生素)的研究应用相对较少。在分析检测方面主要集中于镍修饰电极的报道,且大多仅限于流动注射分析中,还未见将纯镍电极用于色谱-安培检测的报道。四环素类抗生素现在虽然很少用于人类,但其作为饲料添加剂仍然在大量使用。这类抗生素容易残留在食品中,危害人体健康,所以对四环素类抗生素的分析研究是一项很重要的工作。在...Nickel has preferable catalytic activity towards many organic compounds, including: alcohols, amines, polyhydroxy compounds and so on. The electrocatalytic oxidation of some organic compounds on nickel electrode is a focus topic. Many studies on the mechanism of nickel electrode based on primary alcohols are reported, but there are few researches in electrocatalytic mechanism of polyhydroxy compou...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_分析化学学号:20042513


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    On Workers' Participation in Mergers and Acquisitions of Enterprises

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    在企业并购过程中,职工参与机制的有效实施将有助于防止职工权益受到不当损害,降低企业并购成本,消除劳资之间的冲突。我国现行立法规定了职工参与的组织形式和企业对职工的告知义务,但存在职工参与的内涵界定模糊、职工代表机构未发挥实际作用以及法律后果缺失等问题。为完善我国企业并购中的职工参与机制,应当明确雇主对职工的告知义务,规范职工参与企业并购的组织形式及其职能,并完善雇主违反职工参与规则的法律后果。In the process of mergers and acquisitions,workers' participation will help to prevent damage to the interests of workers,reduce costs,and eliminate labor conflict.The current legislation has regulated the form of workers' participation and the employers' duty to disclosure.However,it can't avoid some detects: the vaguely definedworkers' participation,the failure of worker's congress to play a role in actual mergers and acquisitions,and the lack of legal consequences caused by employers' violation of legal obligations.In order to improve the situation of workers' participation,we should specify the obligation of employers to disclosure,perfect the representative agency of workers and its function,and define clearlythe legal consequences in employer's violation of the legal obligations.教育部人文社科青年项目“企业并购中的劳动关系调整研究”(12YJC820080


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    Modelling and Segmenting the Future Value of Cruise Tourists: Empirical Study of China Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan

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    自20世纪80年代以来,现代邮轮旅游作为一种休闲度假方式,已经成为欧美国家中产阶级出游的重要选择之一。深入了解中国邮轮旅游者的特点并进行市场细分,有助于推动中国邮轮旅游市场开发。本研究根据顾客终身价值理论,测算了邮轮旅游者的未来价值,并通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析研究了邮轮旅游者的消费偏好,建立了邮轮旅游者未来价值评估模型。基于中国大陆、香港和台湾邮轮旅游者的相关数据,通过AMOS21.0对邮轮旅游者未来价值模型进行了检验,发现了对邮轮旅游者未来价值有显著影响的因素;通过R13.0软件进一步对显著影响邮轮旅游者未来价值的因素进行了潜类分析,识别出了未来价值较高的邮轮旅游市场,进而为有效地市场开发提供依据。Abstract: Since the 1980s, modem cruise, as a leisure vacation, has become one of the most popular options for middle-class in Europe and North America. According to the theory of customer lifespan value, our research estimated the future value of cruise tourists, and upgraded the previous research scale of foreign cruise tourists' preference by exploratory factors analysis and confirmatory factors analysis, in order to build the model of cruise tourists' future value. Based on the dataset of cruise tourists from China mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the measurement model of cruise tourists' future value was tested through structural equa- tion modelling in program of AMOS21.0. Ultimately, our study found some significant impact factors of cruise tourists' future value and applied the empirical result into cruise market segmentation, using of R13.0 to do latent cluster analysis of the significant determinants of cruise tourists' future value, in order to recog- nize the most valuable segment and efficient marketing strategy.Specific results show that the cruise tourism income level, revisit frequency, the route length, consume preference for infrastructure and recreational facilities have a significant positive impact on the future value of cruise tourists. Key words: cruise tourists; future value; market segmentation; growth matrix; latent cluster analysis国家社会科学基金项目(11CJY084);北京市属高等学校高层次人才引进与培养计划项目(CIT&TCD201304012);国家留学基金委员会项目(201406310043)