152 research outputs found

    Research and Development of Simulation Service System with Cloud Manufacturing for Industrial Robot

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    伴随着工业信息化技术的不断提高,在自动化生产中工业机器人施展出的作用愈加明显。机器人仿真作为机器人性能和工作特点的有效研究工具,在机器人研究领域占据重要地位,为生产制造提供有效的参考依据。计算机技术与互联网技术的兴起,尤其是虚拟现实、云计算、大数据等新兴技术,为机器人仿真研究提供了新的思路。 本文在现有机器人仿真研究的基础上,基于虚拟现实与云制造技术,对机器人加工仿真、机器人示教、机器人在线选型等功能进行研究开发与集成,初步搭建了一个面向工业机器人的云制造仿真服务原型系统。主要研究内容如下: (1)对工业机器人的运动学进行推导,求解ABBIRB4600-60/2.05型号机器人的正逆运动学...As industrial information technology is continuously developing, industrial robot plays an even more obvious role in automatic production. Robot simulation occupies an important place in the field of robot research, not only it’s an effective tool to study robot performance and working characteristics, but also it can provide reference for robot production. With the development of computer technol...学位:工程硕士院系专业:航空航天学院_工程硕士(机械工程)学号:1992014115291

    Study on The Impact of Profit Compensation Agreement on Private Placement Discount Rate

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    近几年,我国定向增发股份用于并购重组的案例越来越多,作为保护中小投资者利益的重要措施之一,定向增发股份购买资产时签订的盈利补偿协议也越来越值得重视。学术界有学者认为盈利补偿协议在规避收益法高估值风险的同时,也能提高并购协同效应。但本文发现目前盈利补偿协议在实施过程中出现了一些弊端,其强制业绩补偿性给标的企业股东施加了许多压力。我们都知道定向增发定价是发行方与认购方的一个博弈过程,因此现行盈利补偿协议机制,很可能迫使标的资产股东在资产交易中向购买方索求更高的折价,以覆盖业绩补偿带来的风险。 为了证明以上猜测,本文使用2013年—2016年9月间我国A股上市公司的定向增发事件作为样本,运用理论分...In recent years, the case of Private Placement which is used for the Mergers and Acquisition (M&A) activity become more and more popular. As one of the most important measures to protect the interests of small and medium investors, the profit compensation agreement which appear in the M&A is also deserved attention. Some scholars think that the profit compensation agreement can not only avoid the ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_金融学学号:1562014115202

    The Project Risk Analysis for Cobalt Ion Recovery from Waste Water of X Corporation

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    X公司是一家生产精对苯二甲酸的石化企业,在生产过程中需要使用含有钴的催化剂,在所产生的废水中含有钴离子,近年来钴价格不断看涨,对企业的生产成本带来一定的影响,随着产业的竞争加剧,对每年从废水中浪费掉的钴进行回收,成为企业有效节约生产成本、提高竞争力的关键,而钴作为不可再生的资源,其回收减排的环境意义更大。项目风险管理是项目管理的重要内容之一,近年来得到高度重视。本项目是在装置正常生产及短期的停车检修期间完成的,企业必须兼具既有的生产任务,具有复杂程度高、技术不成熟、施工工期短、施工场地狭窄等一些特殊因素,项目存在着很多不确定因素。因此在项目可行性研究阶段进行项目风险分析,将利于控制或规避风险。...X Co. is one of the petrochemical corporations which product PTA—Purify Terephthalic Acid. The catalyst that X Co. used contains cobalt, some of the cobalt ion lost through the waste water. As the fierce competition and the increase of cobalt price affect the income of X Co, recovering the cobalt from the waste water become one of the key points for X Co. to save cost, reduce pollution and enhance...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_项目管理学号:X200515301

    Design and Implementation of the Teacher Performance Evaluation System

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    随着我国融入世界经济体系的潮流中,我国学校也必然要与世界经济体系接轨,对于面对的诸多机遇和挑战,我国学校必须要吸收国外先进的科学技术来提高自身的竞争水平。学校在数字化、信息化方面的调入力度逐渐增加,各种应用系统也逐渐产生并逐渐成熟,但对于教师绩效考核方面的建设相对较差。学校的考核的标准不统一,考核的体制不规范,很多的工作都是根据人的感觉走,这样的工作效率很难做到对每个教师绩效考核的公平公正,降低了教师的工作积极性。因此,建设一个规范的教师绩效评估系统来实现学校对教师绩效的考核成了一个非常重要的事情。 本文通过对我国学校中教师绩效评估体系的实际调查研究,结合教师绩效评估的实际需求进行研究,思想...As China's integration into the world economy trend, our school is also bound to convergence with the world economic system, for many opportunities and challenges facing, our schools must absorb advanced foreign technology to improve their competitive level. Schools in the digital, information into the intensity is gradually increased, all kinds of application system is also gradually emerged and ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123086

    Study on the Water Footprint of Jiulong River Watershed

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    水资源是支撑一个地区可持续发展的基本条件和战略资源,目前中国普遍关注干旱的北方内陆地区,却对湿润的南方地区的水资源隐患有所忽视。建立在虚拟水基础上的水足迹虽然仅有十年的历史,但却弥补了传统水资源评估中对土壤水(绿水)和贸易虚拟水的忽略,极大地拓展了水资源评价体系的外延和内涵。 水足迹理论已经得到了广泛的应用,但多数研究集中于对具体农作物的虚拟水计算和某行政区域的水足迹计算,缺乏在流域范围的具体应用,同时也缺乏系统的评价体系和有效的预测方法。 本文以典型的亚热带流域——九龙江流域为研究对象,完成了2002-2011十年间的水足迹账户,全面研究了流域内水足迹的主要特征和变化规律,系统建立了水足...Water resource is the basic requirement and strategic resource for supporting the sustainable development of a region. In China, the public generally focus on the northern arid region and ignore the water resource risks in humid South China. Water footprint, which is established on the base of virtual water, only has about 10 years’ history. Water footprint makes up the ignorance to soil water (gr...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境管理学号:2262010115137

    Virtual teaching method for ABB IRB4600 robot

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    针对当前工业机器人示教中,虚拟示教方式存在场景真实度低、灵活性差等问题,对工业机器人的虚拟示教进行了研究,应用虚拟现实技术,提出了一种面向ABB IRB4600系列机器人的虚拟示教设计方法。分析了ABB IRB4600机器人的运动学特性,进行了其正逆运动学的求解。参照真实示教器,进行了虚拟示教器的开发:利用正则表达式设计了RAPID语言解释器,对机器人的运动轨迹进行了规划,用于运动指令的解析。以真实机器人车间为例,进行了虚拟示教场景的搭建。研究结果表明:所开发的机器人虚拟示教系统在一定程度上弥补了当前工业机器人虚拟示教存在的不足,具有较高的灵活性、沉浸感强,用户可以方便地进行机器人的示教。Aiming at existing problems of virtual robot teaching,like low-reality of scene,poor flexibility and so on,virtual teaching was studied.And a design method of virtual teaching is presented for ABB IRB4600 series robot with Virtual Reality technology.And kinematics characteristics of ABB IRB4600 robot was studied and kinematics problem were solved.With reference of real teaching pendant,the development of the virtual teaching pendant was carried out.And the interpreter was designed for the RAPID language with the use of regular expression;especially for motion command,the path planning of the robot was studied.And the virtual teaching scene was built in accordance with real robot station.The results indicate that the virtual teaching system in a manner makes up the shortcomings of virtual teaching pendant.There are high-flexibility and strong immersion,and the system can be used to teach industrial robot flexibly and conveniently.福建省科技重大专项资助项目(2015HZ0002-1

    Electrochemical and In Situ FTIR Studies of Adsorption and Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether on Platinum Electrode

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    运用电化学循环伏安法(CV)和原位傅立叶变换红外(FTIR)反射光谱,研究了不同pH值溶液中二甲醚(DME)在Pt电极上的解离吸附和氧化过程.稳态CV结果给出,在0.1mol·L-1H2SO4溶液中,当电位处于0.05-0.35V(vsRHE)区间,约70%的Pt表面位被DME的解离吸附产物占据.DME电氧化反应的活性随pH值增加而下降,在0.1mol·L-1NaOH溶液中,氢的吸脱附几乎不受抑制且观察不到明显的氧化电流,表明DME醚键上氧原子的质子化是其发生解离吸附和氧化的必要条件.原位FTIR光谱研究给出DME解离吸附和氧化过程的分子水平信息,指出DME在低电位区间解离生成线型吸附态CO(COL)毒性中间体.当电位高于0.55V(vsRHE)时,COL开始氧化为CO2;在0.75-1.00V(vsRHE)的电位区间则可同时发生经活性中间体(HCOOH)的氧化过程.Dissociative adsorption and electrooxidation of dimethyl ether (DME) on a platinum electrode in different pH solutions were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ FTIR reflection spectroscopy. The coverage of the dissociative adsorbed species was measured about 70% from hydrogen adsorption-desorption region (0.05-0.35 V(vs RHE)) of steady-state voltammogram recorded in 0.1 mol·L-1 H2SO4 solution. It was found that the electrochemical reactivity of DME was pH dependent, i.e., the larger the pH value was, the less the reactivity of DME would be. No perceptible reactivity of DME in 0.1 mol·L-1 NaOH solution could be detected. It was revealed that the protonation of the oxygen atom in the C-O-C bond played a key role in the electrooxidation of DME. In situ FTIR spectroscopic results illustrated that linearly bonded CO (COL) species determined at low potential region were derived from the dissociative adsorption of DME and behaved as 'poisoning' intermediate. The COL species could be oxidized to CO2 at potential higher than 0.55 V (vs RHE), and in the potential range from 0.75 to 1.00 V (vs RHE) DME was oxidized simultaneously via HCOOH species that were identified as the reactive intermediates.国家自然科学基金(20433060,20673091)资助项

    Electrochemical and In Situ FTIR Studies of Adsorption and Oxidation of Dimethyl Ether on Platinum Electrode

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    Dissociative adsorption and electrooxidation of dimethyl ether (DME) on a platinum electrode in different pH solutions were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ FTIR reflection spectroscopy. The coverage of the dissociative adsorbed species was measured about 70% from hydrogen adsorption-desorption region (0.05-0.35 V(vs RHE)) of steady-state voltammogram recorded in 0.1 mol center dot L-1 H2SO4 solution. It was found that the electrochemical reactivity of DME was pH dependent, i.e., the larger the pH value was, the less the reactivity of DME would be. No perceptible reactivity of DME in 0.1 mol center dot L-1 NaOH solution could be detected. It was revealed that the protonation of the oxygen atom in the C-O-C bond played a key role in the electrooxidation of DME. In situ FTIR spectroscopic results illustrated that linearly bonded CO (COL) species determined at low potential region were derived from the dissociative adsorption of DME and behaved as 'poisoning' intermediate. The COL species could be oxidized to CO2 at potential higher than 0.55 V (vs RHE), and in the potential range from 0.75 to 1.00 V (vs RHE) DME was oxidized simultaneously via HCOOH species that were identified as the reactive intermediates


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    目的以标准剂量的聚乙二醇干扰素(Peg IFN)α-2a联合利巴韦林作为阳性对照,评价新型试验药物Y型Peg IFNα-2b注射液联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)患者的疗效和安全性。方法采用多中心、随机开放、阳性药对照的Ⅲ期临床试验,筛选符合要求的2型/3型CHC患者,按照2:1的比例随机分配到Y型Peg IFNα-2b组和Peg IFNα-2a组,同时口服利巴韦林,疗程24 w,停药随访24 w。采用Abbott Real Time HCV Genotype II检测HCV基因型,采用Cobas Taq Man实时定量PCR法检测血清HCV RNA水平。详细记录不良事件。主要疗效指标为持续病毒学应答(SVR),并进行非劣效检验。结果本试验实际入组2型/3型CHC患者255例,实际治疗241例。全分析集(FAS)数据显示,158例试验组和83例对照组患者SVR分别为85.4%(95%CI 79.94%~90.94%)和79.5%(95%CI 70.84%~88.20%,P=0.2402);对符合方案分析集(PPS)人群分析显示,试验组和对照组患者SVR分别为87.9%(95%CI 82.45%~93.27%)和85.9%(95%CI 77.82%~94.01%,P=0.7060),率差的95%可置信区间均符合非劣效标准;对PPS人群分析显示,85.8%受试者获得了早期病毒学应答(RVR),RVR的阳性预测值为90.1%;试验组和对照组不良事件发生率相似,分别为95.6%和95.2%,严重不良事件发生率分别为3.8%和3.6%。结论应用Peg IFNα联合利巴韦林治疗2型/3型CHC患者,新型试验药物Y型Peg IFNα-2b具有与对照药物Peg IFNα-2a相似的疗效和安全性。国家科技部“十二五”重大专项(编号:2012ZX10002-003);“重大新药创制”十二五科技重大专项(编号:2012ZX09303019)