5 research outputs found

    The studies about the role of auxin in regulating alternative polyadenylation

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    生长素广泛参与了植物生长和发育过程的调控。然而人们仍然没有完全了解其行使这些调控功能的内在分子机制。特别是,生长素对信使RNA前体转录后调节方面的影响几乎不为人所知。通过使用本实验室创建的多聚腺苷化末端测序技术,我们揭示了生长素处理条件下选择性多聚腺苷化图谱。我们的研究表明在转录水平上,665个多聚腺苷化簇的使用水平被生长素调节;生长素降低多聚腺苷化簇在5'末端非编码区的分布,同时增加在3'末端非编码区的分布。通过对单个基因多个腺苷化位点使用率的分析,我们发现42个基因的选择性多聚腺苷化位点的使用比例发生了倒挂,这暗示生长素能够影响选择性多聚腺苷化位点的选择。同时,多聚腺苷化识别信号在生长素处...Auxin is widely involved in the regulation of plant growth and development. However, the molecular mechanisms that explain how auxin carries out this regulatory work are mostly unclear. In particular, the impact of auxin on pre-mRNA posttranscriptional regulation is mostly unknown. By using a poly(A) tag (PAT) sequencing approach mRNA alternative polyadenylation (APA) profiles after auxin treatmen...学位:博士后院系专业:环境与生态学院_生态学学号:201417002

    Progress in the studies of vivipary in mangrove plants

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    【中文摘要】植物胎生是指有性繁殖产生的后代在母体上直接萌发的现象, 在红树植物中最为常见。红树植物生长在热带亚热带海岸潮间带, 耐受高盐、高温、淹水缺氧和海浪冲击等复杂环境。胎生被认为是红树植物对这种特殊生境的重要适应方式。 该文从形态发育、生理生化、分子水平、生态适应4个层次讨论红树植物胎生现象对复杂生境的适应性, 并指出现有研究存 在的不足, 对将来的研究方向进行了展望。与非胎生胚胎发育相比, 红树植物胎生是一个遗传的程序, 在进化过程中形成了 一些特殊的结构。植物激素对胎生发育起关键的调控作用, 繁殖体发育过程中, 其盐离子的种类与浓度的动态变化则是对海 岸潮间带生境的重要适应特征。这种胎生繁殖体依靠在母体上完善的一系列功能性特征能更有效地适应落地后的滩涂环境。 然而, 红树植物胎生发育过程的分子机理及调控机制还有待研究。理解胎生这一特殊适应性现象的本质及其进化过程将为红 树林保护繁育、适应气候变化提供理论依据。 【Abstract】Vivipary in plants refers to a phenomenon that sexually reproduced offsprings germinate while still attached to the maternal bodies. This is mostly manifested in mangrove plants, which occur in tropical and subtropical intertidal zones and encounter harsh environmental conditions such as high salinity, high temperatures, waterlogging, hypoxia and tidal waves. Vivipary has long been recognized as one of the most important adaptive features under such a complex environment. Here we discuss four aspects of vivipary: morphological anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, molecular biology and ecological adaptation. We also discuss shortcomings in current studies and prospect of future directions. Differing from regular seed development, viviparous seeds in mangroves are evolved with many special structures, indicating a genetically based process. Hormones play an important role in regulating the process, whilst the dynamics of salt ion concentration during embryo and propagule development seems to be an adaptive feature. The ecological significance of vivipary is fully exhibited in the propagules that can effectively establish themselves on muddy tidal zones. Such a success heavily relies on sound functional features developed on the mother plants. However, the molecular mechanism and the regulation of viviparous seed development in mangroves remain elusive. Systematic studies of vivipary in mangroves not only help to understand the nature and evolutionary process of this distinct adaptive phenomenon, but also provide the foundation for mangrove forest restoration and protection in many parts of the world.福建省对外合作项目(2016I0013


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    辐射是陆地生态系统能量的主要来源,其利用效率表现为光能利用率,反映了生态系统转化光能、生成有机物质的能力。揭示典型生态系统的辐射及光能利用效率可以为评估区域光能资源及其利用效率提供参考,也为评估区域有机物质固定能力及碳吸收能力提供依据。基于中国陆地生态系统通量观测研究联盟(China FLUX)的长期观测结果及已发表文献的公开数据,构建了2002–2010年中国典型生态系统辐射及光能利用效率数据集,包含51个生态系统126个站点年辐射、光能利用效率及吸收光能利用效率的观测记录。另外,本数据集还包含生态系统代码、年份、经度、纬度、海拔、生态系统类型、年均气温、年总降水量、年均CO2质量浓度、年均叶面积指数、最大叶面积指数等生物气候信息。本数据集可以为评估生态系统生产能力、应对气候变化等方面的研究提供数据支持


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    蒸散是陆地生态系统水分循环和能量平衡的关键过程,水分利用效率是反映生态系统碳水循环间耦合关系的重要指标,二者在生态学、农学、水文学、气候学等多个学科中均具有重要的应用价值。涡度相关法被认为是现今唯一能直接测量生物圈与大气间物质与能量交换通量的标准方法,已成为生态系统尺度碳水交换通量观测的主要方法。本文通过整合中国陆地生态系统通量观测联盟(China FLUX)的长期观测数据和中国区域其他观测站点基于涡度相关法发表的文献数据,构建了一套中国典型陆地生态系统实际蒸散量和水分利用效率数据集。本数据集共有实际蒸散量数据记录143条、水分利用效率数据记录96条,涉及5种生态系统类型45个生态系统,时间跨度为2000–2010年。本数据集可以为陆地生态系统碳水循环、生态系统管理和评估、全球变化等相关领域的研究提供数据支持