10 research outputs found

    Study of Equilibrium Relative Humidity Properties and Hysteresis for Longan

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    This research measured the ERH/EMC of Longan during desorption and adsorption processing under the 11 different temperatures among 5C and 90C. The experimental result was analyzed through the non-linear regression analysis of SAS software.The modified Halsey model was suitable on the two parameters model of ERH/EMC of Longan during desorption and adsorption processing. The modified Oswin model was suitable on the three parameters model of ERH/EMC of Longan during desorption and adsorption processing.The mathematics equations of those two modified models were established on this research.The Hystersis phenomenon of Longan was happened between 5c and 90C during storage.The lowest limit for hysteresis appearance occurred at 0.1 moisture(dry base) and 0.2 RH.The relative humidity range of converging beginning of hystersis loop increase as higher temperature and its moiisture range was between 0.18 and 0.22(dry base)本研究針對龍眼在5~90C範圍內,取11個不同溫階進行去濕與回潮ERH/EMC 物性量測;獲得以下結果:龍眼去濕與回潮ERH/EMC二參數糢式以修正 HALSEY模式最適稱.中T參數糢式以修正OSWIN模式最適稱.本研究已建立其 數學模式.5C~90C之間具有遲滯現象,遲滯環面積受溫度變化影響.在等溫 與相同ERH條件下,去濕有較高的EMC值.遲滯損失都發生在0.2~0.65ERH之 間.遲滯發生之低限在emc=0.1(db.)與erh=0.2狀態下. 嘀虩Ⅷ籉珊襤_始 點的相對濕度範圍隨溫度增高而增高; 但含水率範圍均落在18~22%(乾基) 之間

    Application of RFID in traceability management system of egg containers and promoting efficiency of incubatory

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    本計畫今(100)年度著重於強化改良蛋箱自動化清洗消毒機,運用RFID與資訊工程相關技術,整合蛋箱自動化清洗消毒機,建立一套蛋箱清洗及管理追溯系統。並研製可移動式(台車式)孵蛋平台,能與原孵化機之轉蛋機構相結合,並且進行水禽蛋孵化期間溫溼度影響機制之研究分析,以提升禽蛋孵化效率與安全防護,降低禽蛋感染機率。The improvement of the automated egg container cleaning and sterilization system will be focused on in this year (100) project. An egg container cleaning and traceability management system will be developed using radio frequency identification (RFID) and related technologies of information engineering. The automated egg container cleaning and sterilization system will be integrated in the previous system. The movable incubation platform will also be established to combine with the turning egg mechanism of the original incubator. The effect mechanism of the temperature and the relative humidity during the incubation period of the poultry egg (goose and duck) will be analyzed to raise the incubation efficiency of the poultry egg and the safe protection and to decrease the probability of poultry egg infection

    Quality Evaluation of Agricultural Products and Meat Using Ultrasonic Technology

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    摘   要 本論文利用脈衝式超音波以及超音波聲射技術,分別針對數種農產品與肉品進行品質檢測之可行性評估與分析,包含:牛肉在凍結過程以超音波估測凍結率之技術建立、豬肉在不同凍結速率下波傳速度與凍結水份關係之建立、金煌芒果生理劣變之超音波檢測可行性評估、綠豆中豆象 (羽化前) 偵測技術評估以及其自動偵測系統建立等主題。 牛肉在凍結過程其質地隨凍結深度改變而改變,以超音波穿透法所得的回波時間響應可求得波傳速度。試驗結果顯示,牛肉在凍結過程的中心溫對應時間曲線中,凍結點附近潛熱特性明顯,在 0 ~ - 5 ℃ 之間則冰晶最大生成帶特性明顯。使肉品肌肉纖維方向與熱傳方向平行進行凍結時,凍結速率較高,在凍結前 (0 ~ 25 ℃)波傳速度約維持在定值,在冰晶最大生成帶期間,約有 72 % 的能量是耗用在潛熱的排除,波傳速度提高 63.64 %。由波傳速度預估肉品中心溫與凍結率具有可行性,其迴歸方程式的決定係數分別為 0.86 與 0.95。 豬肉在不同凍結速率下,其組織特性顯示差異,由組織切片觀察可推估,細胞或細胞間隙因水分凍結導致體積膨脹是重要原因。試驗結果顯示,慢速凍結比急速凍結豬肉的肌纖維斷裂情形嚴重,產生岑克氏變性的程度也高,肇因於慢速凍結的豬肉組織中含有較大的冰晶以及推擠較嚴重。利用脈衝穿透式超音波進行波傳速度測量得到,肉品凍結程度越高超音波穿透越容易,其波傳速度隨之增大,比較不同凍結速率下豬肉的波傳速度,慢速凍結豬肉顯示有較低的波傳速度,此結果可提供作為豬肉肉品凍結後,非破壞性的品質檢測參考應用。 利用浸置式超音波檢測技術,量化芒果的超音波檢測指標和生理特性間相關性的試驗中,係將芒果果肉浸入於水中並以反射式 (脈衝回波式) 超音波進行檢測,結果顯示,超音波的波型隨傳遞路徑上果肉質地的變化而變化。本試驗分析成熟芒果的超音波衰減與生理特性之間的相關性,利用 Fisher Z transformation 進行假設檢定,以瞭解樣本所得的皮爾森相關係數與母體相關係數間相關性的強度,以進行統計推論。由迴歸分析的結果顯示,生理劣變的芒果與健康的芒果比較,生理劣變的芒果具有較高的果肉密度與超音波衰減,由研究發現,超音波衰減係數與密度和楊氏模數之間分別具有線性 (linear) 與冪級數 (power function) 的關係,健康的果肉與生理劣變的果肉比較,則健康的果肉有較低的超音波衰減係數、低的糖酸比與高的楊氏模數。 以聲射超音波檢測豆象之偵測系統之研究係以超音波聲射為核心技術,建構一套自動偵測系統,用以觀察四紋豆象(Callosobruchus maculatus)的生活史週期及取食活動。豆象羽化前的咬食行為會使種子內部纖維斷裂,斷裂過程中會產生微弱超音波,藉由觀測斷裂聲便可以獲悉豆象的咬食頻度的變化,以辨別豆象幼蟲的齡期與估測其生活史週期。斷裂過程的超音波經由自製的電子電路進行放大、濾波與轉換,並由商用的資料擷取卡進行信號的擷取,所擷取的信號由電腦進行線上的信號處理、儲存以及資訊顯示。本系統已成功用於觀測四紋豆象寄宿於紅豆與綠豆的生活史。Abstract This study utilized the ultrasonic pulse-echo method and acoustic emission technology to evaluate the internal qualities of agricultural products and meat. Those researches covered the areas of freezing rate evaluation of beef and pork, physiological properties evaluation of mango fruit, and life history monitoring of the Callosobruchus maculatus inhabiting in beans. The beef texture is influenced by the depth of freezing front during freezing process. The ultrasound speed in frozen beef was obtained by measuring echo response time and transmitting distance of the ultrasound. The ultrasound velocity is constant above freezing point. The latent heat effect is obvious at the freezing point. The zone of maximum ice crystal formation occurs between 0 °C and -5 °C. The maximum freezing rate was observed as the meat fiber direction paralleled the heat flow during meat freezing process. The amount of energy for latent heat released and ultrasound speed measured at the zone of maximum ice crystal formation were respectively about 72% of total input energy and 63.64% of ultrasound speed range during the freezing process. The coefficients of determination for the regression of meat thermal center temperature against ultrasound velocity and the regression of freezing ratio against ultrasound velocity were 0.86 and 0.95 respectively. It is feasible to estimate the meat thermal center temperature and freezing ratio from the ultrasound velocity. Due to expansion of frozen water contained in the cell or intercellular space, the texture of frozen pork meat will be influenced by different freezing rates. The experimental results show that the meat muscle fiber fragmentation situation is serious in slow-freezing as compared to rapid-freezing. It means that the degree of Zenker’s degeneration increases at low freezing rate. The ultrasound speed in pulse-transmission system increases as freezing degree increases. Therefore the ultrasonic technology can be adopted to evaluate pork meat quality during freezing process. The immersion ultrasonic testing technology was used to establish quantitative relations between ultrasonic diagnostic indices and physiological properties of mango fruits. Pulse-echo ultrasonic testing of submerged mango fleshes indicated that the ultrasound waveforms changed as it propagating through the different fruit texture. The relationship between ultrasound attenuation and physiological properties of ripening mango was analyzed in this study. The Fisher Z transformation procedure was used to estimate the characteristics of a population with ultrasound attenuation and physiological parameters. Ultrasound attenuation subject to other parameters is analyzed with regression analysis. As validated by experiments, disordered fruits usually have a higher density and attenuate ultrasound more than healthy fruits. This work found that the correlations of ultrasound attenuation with the density and Young’s modulus of fruit exhibit linear and power relationships, respectively. Experimental results show that a healthy flesh has less ultrasound attenuation, less SSC (soluble solids content)/acid ratio, and higher Young’s modulus in comparison with a disordered one. An ultrasonic monitoring system was developed for exploring the life history of Callosobruchus maculatus inhabiting in beans. Callosobruchus maculatus only feeds before eclosion and the demand for food is different in every life stage. The feeding process cracks bean texture fibres and produces feeble ultrasound. Hence the life history of an inhabitant can be explored through spying the feeding cracks. The developed ultrasonic monitoring system consists of a delicate electronic signal conditioning module which amplifies, filters, and transforms a biting crack into a square pulse. A computer equipped with software developed in house acquires biting pulses and displays the life history on line. Acquired data are stored for subsequently off-line analysis. The system has been successfully applied to exploration of the life histories of Callosobruchus maculatus inhabiting in Azuki beans and mung beans.目     錄 ================= 頁數 口試委員審定書 誌謝………………………………………………………………………….. i 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………….. ii 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………….. iv 目錄………………………………………………………………………….. vii 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………….. x 表目錄……………………………………………………………………….. xiii 符號說明…………………………………………………………………...... xiv 第壹篇 緒論……………………………………………………..………. 1 第一章 研究動機………………………………………………………... 1 第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………... 2 2.1 超音波基本特性………………………………………….. 2 2.2 超音波非破壞檢測技術………………………………….. 5 2.3 生物性材料黏彈特性…………………………………….. 8 2.4 生物性材料低溫特性…………………………………….. 10 2.5 超音波在農牧產品之應用……………………………….. 12 第貳篇 穿透式超音波檢測肉品品質………………………………….. 29 第三章 以超音波波傳速度評估牛肉在慢速凍結過程之凍結率…….. 29 3.1 前言………………………………..…………………….... 30 3.2 材料與方法………………………………..…………….... 31 3.2.1 牛肉樣本與試驗設定………………….………….. 31 3.2.2 凍結點與凍結率量測…………………………….... 34 3.2.3 超音波波傳速度量測系統………………………… 34 3.3 結果與討論……………………………..………………… 37 3.3.1 凍結點與凍結率…………………………………… 40 3.3.2 超音波波傳速度與凍結特性……………………… 47 3.3.3 溫時因子與凍結能量……………………………… 55 3.4 結論……………………………………………………….. 59 第四章 豬肉在不同凍結速率下的超音波反應………………………… 61 4.1 前言……………………………………………………….. 62 4.2 材料與方法………………………………………………... 63 4.2.1 溫體豬肉的製備……………………….…………. 63 4.2.2 超音波量測系統……………………………….…. 63 4.2.3 凍結系統與溫度測量………………………….…. 65 4.2.4 組織切片……………………………………….…. 67 4.3 結果與討論……………………………………………….. 67 4.3.1 超音波波傳速度與中心溫…………………….…. 67 4.3.2 凍結點、含水率與水分凍結量………………….. 72 4.3.3 組織切片分析………………………………….…. 74 4.4 結論……………………………………………………….. 78 第參篇 反射式超音波檢測芒果生理劣變與品質 ………………….…. 79 第五章 以超音波檢測芒果之生理劣變與質地變化…………………… 79 5.1 前言……………………………………………………….. 80 5.2 材料與方法……………………………………………….. 82 5.2.1 浸置式超音波量測系統……………………….…. 82 5.2.2 芒果樣本的製備……………………………….…. 84 5.2.3 芒果生理特性量測…………………………….…. 86 5.2.4 超音波衰減檢測……………………………….…. 89 5.3 結果與討論……………………………………………….. 91 5.3.1 生理特性與超音波衰減……………………….…. 91 5.3.2 統計分析與模式化…………………………….…. 98 5.4 結論……………………………………………………….. 105 第肆篇 聲射超音波檢測生物體特定生理參數………………………… 108 第六章 四紋豆象生活史之超音波自動偵測系統建立………………… 108 6.1 前言…………………….……………………………….…. 109 6.2 微弱超音波信號偵測系統..…………….….…….……….. 110 6.2.1 四紋豆象生態 ……….………………………….. 110 6.2.2 偵測系統的組成 ………………………………… 110 6.2.3 信號調變 ………………………………………… 111 6.2.4 圖控介面與資料庫 ……….…………………….. 111 6.3 系統實驗驗證 ……………………………………………. 112 6.3.1 材料 ……………………………………………… 112 6.3.2 寄主豆與感測器接觸方式 ……………………… 113 6.4 結果與討論 ………………………………………………. 113 6.4.1 偵測系統可行性評估 …………………………… 113 6.4.2 偵測系統穩定度試驗結果 ……………………… 115 6.5 結論……………………………………………………….. 116 第伍篇 結論 ………………………………………………………….…. 127 第七章 結論與建議………………………………….………………….. 127 7.1 結論……………………………………………………….. 127 7.2 建議………………………………………….………….…. 129 參考文獻 ……………………………………………………….…………… 13


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    A generalized Maxwell Model was used to study the force-relaxation properties of domestic Liuchengs. It was found that Liuchengs had the viscoelastic characterization and the relaxation time was reduced as the initinal force and th本研究旨在探討國產柳橙之黏彈特性,藉以瞭解國產柳橙基本機械物性及負荷鬆 弛特性,文中引用一般化的 Maxwell 模式,予以預估模擬負荷鬆弛特性。 試驗結果知:國 產柳橙果實具有黏彈之特性,其鬆弛時間隨初變形率與初負荷值增加而減少。本文並已建立 國產柳橙負荷鬆弛之理論模式


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    In this paper, a Burgers four-element model was used to study the compression creep properties of the domestic Liuchengs. The experimental results showed that this model was appropriate. It was also found that to matain the Liuchengs in good qual本研究對國產柳橙實施壓縮試驗,以瞭解其潛變特性,進而探究在機械作業與貯 運過程的抵抗負荷能力。試驗結果顯示,Burgers 四元件模式可用以預估模擬國產柳橙潛變 特性,當靜負荷值在 2kg 以內,變形量隨負荷值增加而增加。 靜負荷值增為 3kg,柳橙果 肉已有損傷,因此,壓縮負荷值以不超過 2kg 為宜

    Development of Energy Saving and Carbon Reducing for Automatic Livestock Raising Models

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    ??? 本研究將以三年的時間完成節能減碳的自動化畜禽飼養模式,期能因此對溫室氣體之減量能夠盡一份心力。主要的畜禽產業以肉豬、蛋雞與乳牛等為核心,從飼料的準備、環境控制、收穫與處理及排泄物處理與利用等方面,進行資料之蒐集比較調查、評估、實作、田間試驗等前期作業,進而提出專利申請、技術移轉與推廣的後續作業,以顯現研究績效。節能減碳之落實,可按照以下之程序進行,其一為節能,做法為選擇高效率且符合需求的設備,避免不必要的能源消耗與落實相關設施的維護,經由以上措施,可節省5%以上之能源;是以本研究將進行主要產業之飼養模式之調查,評估其節能之可行性,進而估算減碳之效益。????其二為降低飼料產生溫室氣體之來源或資源化再利用,因畜禽生產乃趨向密集性且自動化的飼養方式發展,是以從飼料配方之調整、排泄物的處理過程與廢棄資源再利用等方面進行研究,以實作進而發展有效模式,以降低溫室氣體之排放,例如草食動物採用環保飼料後,其降低溫室氣體排放之百分比;並運用在地原料進行肉豬後期與土雞進行現場飼養,以評估其可行性減碳效果;調整堆肥化的過程以降低N2O與CH4的釋出;充分收集甲烷並尋求可確實利用的方式,以降低排放量並取代相關之石化或電力能源,均為本研究之重點。??? 其三為運用節能技術與設備及能源再利用,以降低畜牧場之溫室氣體的排放與減排,調查現行採用石化燃料者,以電力驅動;進行畜牧場廢棄資源能源化利用的調查與評估,建立碳足跡與生命週期之評估模式與實測之建議;運用微風力發電機於密閉式畜舍,可持續供電。以降低能源消耗。降低畜牧場內之溫室氣體排放、提升廢棄資源能源化之效能及回收與節能設備之研發應用,取代傳統能源,為本研究之重要項目。??? 其四為運用再生與永續能源於畜牧場,經由調查與實作,可以降低對傳統能源之依賴,可降低溫室氣體之排放,根據畜牧場所處地區之特性,運用沼氣為加熱源搭配節能設備而開發仔豬之保溫系統,運用太陽能搭配熱泵進行雛雞保溫系統及評估畜牧場再生與永續能源之利用模式等。??? 其五為經由知識管理與團隊激盪,以提升研發能力與研發績效,並符合政策需求。??? 綜合言之,本研究之總目標描述如下,可經由以下工作的完成,進而估算節能之數量與減碳之當量等,及溫室氣體減排之具體作法,以供政府施政參考:完成主要畜禽模式之調查,評估並推動節能減碳模式,以利畜牧產業永續經營。完成泌乳牛之環保飼料配方、蛋雞糞之處理模式與甲烷利用之最佳模式,以降低溫室氣體之排放並增加能源效益。完成適用於畜牧生產之節能技術與能源再利用設施之開發,降低畜牧場內之溫室氣體排放並增進能源效益。完成再生或永續能源應用於畜牧場的開發,以降低溫室氣體排放。透過團隊合作與知識管理,提升研發效率與研發績效並契合政策目標。This study will?complete the automatic?raising models of livestock production for energy saving and carbon reduction in three years.? The contributions of this research?will help the farmers to meet the policy goal through adoption the suggestions from research efforts.? The major livestock?industries are defined as hogs,layers,and dairy cows.? The research achievements can be proved through the preparation of feedings, environmental control, harvesting and processing and waste management and utilization?by?comparison of?data?collection, evaluation and ?field?tests.? Applying?transferring technologies?and?extension work will be conducted to become?practice. ???? The implementation of energy saving and carbon reduction can be carried out through the following procedures.? Firstly, it is saving?energy, practices for the selection of high efficient and?suitable?equipments, then preventing unnecessary energy consumption and holding good maintenances.? Energy saving will be about 5% through the recommend practices.? The main industries?will be investigated?through comparing feeding patterns, evaluating the feasibility of energy saving,? and?estimating the effectiveness of carbon reduction. ???? Secondly, adjusting feedings for cows?applying local feedings for finishing pig and chicken will be?conducted for reducing the emission of CH4, adjusting the procedures of waste treatments for chicken manures is conducted for reducing the emissions of N2O, and collecting and ultilizing biogas is also conducted for reducing the emissions of CH4 and increasing the energy saving effects.? ???? Thirdly, replacing traditional? fossil?sources to electricity is conducted for reducing the carbon production at farms, appling livestock manures as energy sources and suggesting the methodologies of carbon footprint and life cycle assessment are also conducted for reducing the emissions of green house gases and increasing the energy saving effects, and applying wind power generators at closed type farm is conducted for recycling energy and reducing the consumption of electricity for reducing the carbon reduction at farm and increasing the energy saving effects.???? Fourthly, applying biogas as energy sources is conducted to develop a piglets heating system with year-round operation consideration for reducing carbon production, apply solar energy and heat pump is conducted to develop a chick heating system with year-round operation consideration for reducing carbon production, and investigate the methods and policy is conducted to study the effects and possibilities of renewable energy ultilization in livestock farm for reducing carbon production and increasing the energy saving effects.???? Fifthly, promoting the research ability and achievement is conducted to meet the policy requirements through team works and knowledge managements.???? In summary, the goals of this study will be described as followings, and the calculations of energy savings, carbon reduction, and green house emissions wll be developed through the completion of the proposed research efforts.? Evaluating the energy saving models will be applied to the related industries for sustaining management. Developing the environmental friendly feedings for cows, the proper treatment for chicken manures, and the optimal methods for utilizing biogas, will be applied to farms for reducing the green house gases emission and creating energy. Developing energy saving technologies and recycling facilities will applied at farms for reducing the green house gases emission and creating energy.? Applying renewable energy will be conducted through recommandation and modification for reducing the green house gases emission at farm.? Matchimg the goals of energy saving policy will be conducted by team works and knowledge managements of this research efforts


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact damage and absorbed energy of apple using an impact test with single pendulum. The peak force, contact time and impulse were obtained from the force-time curve during impact. The damage volume of apple was measured and the absorbed energy was calculated by relationship of energy equilibrium. The effect of damage volume and absorbed energy were investigated under different impact momentum and hammer detector with different curvature radius. The experimental results indicated that the density and moisture contain of apple samples was 0.85g/cm^3 and 84.5% respectively. The flat hammer detector had shorter contact time and higher peak force during impact under different momentum. The damage volume for apple samples increased as impact momentum increased. The hammer detector smaller curvature radius would be caused more large absorbed energy per unit damage volume after impact apple samples. The hammer detector with curvature radius of 32mm had longer contact time, the larger damage volume and the smaller absorbed energy per unit damage volume under the impact momentum of 569.2 and 757.4kg-mm/s. The reason might be the curvature radius of 32mm of hammer detector was closed to the average radius of apple samples.本研究目的是使用一單擺錘型碰擊試驗機對蘋果進行碰擊試驗,碰擊時,由力量-時間波形圖得到的最大撞擊力F(下标 p)、撞擊接觸時間t(下标 c)及衝量值I,碰擊後,量測蘋果的損傷體積,利用能量平衡關係計算得到蘋果碰擊損傷的吸收能量,探討不同的碰擊動量及不同曲率半徑的衝錘探頭下對蘋果碰擊後的果肉損傷體積及吸收能量的影響。由實驗分析結果顯示;蘋果在密度0.85g/立方公分,含水率84.5%下,以平板衝錘探頭碰擊蘋果時有較小的碰擊接觸時間t(下标 c)及較大的最大碰擊力F(下标 p);蘋果的損傷體積隨著碰擊動量增加而增大,曲率半徑較小的衝錘探頭在碰擊蘋果後會造成較大的單位損傷體積之吸收能量;在碰擊動量569.2及757.4kgmm/s下,曲率半徑32mm的衝錘探頭有較長的碰擊接觸時間t(下标 c)、較大的損傷體積及較小的單位損傷體積之吸收能量,此結果應是衝錘探頭的曲率半徑與蘋果樣本的平均半徑接近之緣故


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    This study extends the applicability of an existing technique, which examines the homogeneity of TMR and the content of effective fiber in the product, to island-wide dairy farmers in Taiwan. The technique was developed based on, and has been successfully applied to samples in southern Taiwan. The technique was revised by expanding the distribution of samples from 216 sites/10 farmers in the south to 342 sites/17 farmers on the whole island. TMR of an adequate slimness was produced from baled hay using a multi-purpose TMR truck. The product was examined using a ψ3.81 cm screen on the top followed by the upper screen (ψl.90 cm) and the bottom tray of the standard Penn State particle separator. The probability of the product with a particle size between 10-15 cm was higher than 90%. The screw drill operated at a speed fluctuating less than 10% and at a load varying less than 5%. These operation parameters indicate that the machine was operating at a stable condition. The TMR product has a content of effective fiber between 10-20% and the coefficients of variance of the homogeneity and the content of salt were less than 10%. This is considered as good. The result is identical to the use of a Penn State fourlayer push-pull separator or a Penn State threelayer manual separator. There is no significant difference between silage and forage TMRs when the three-layer handle is applied, especially the middle screen (0.8≦ψ≦l.9 cm). The result shows that the technique, which was developed based on dairy farmers in southern Taiwan, can be applied to all dairy farmers on the island. In practical applications, the technique can be applied on line for material selection and machine tuning to produce a TMR with an adequate effective-fiber content and homogeneity for optimal cow feeding.本研究將原本僅適用於南部地區的既有完全混合日糧(TMR)有效纖維量與均勻度檢測技術進行適域化與全區化,採樣區擴及中北部與東部,由10樣本戶216採樣點增至17樣本戶342採樣點。驗證採兼用型TMR機細切圓形乾草包,用於調製適當細切長度的TMR。採用兼用型TMR機進行原車細切調製,成品檢測採用ψ3.81cm頂段篩結合Penn State三段篩的上段篩(ψ1.90cm)與底段箱。細切長度維持在10-15cm的機率達90%以上;細切圓形乾草包作業時,螺旋鑽運轉數度維持於±10%的變動率內;細切的重量負載變動維持於±5%,表現出穩定的機械運轉;所調製的TMR有效纖維量在10-20%間;均勻度的變異,與食鹽成分的變異係數(CV)對照,均在10%內,屬優質的範圍。當以Penn State四層式推拉篩動或三層式手搖篩動方式處理時,並無顯著的差異。對於新鮮與烘乾的TMR,採用三層式手搖篩動,也無顯著的差異,尤以中段篩(0.8≦ψ≦1.9cm)更為明確。測試結果顯示所建立的南區檢測技術可以應用於台灣全區的酪農:適宜的檢測技術是以新鮮TMR,利用三層式手搖篩動,依指標值判定TMR的有效纖維量與均勻度,結果反饋於原料及機械操控的調整改善,以達理想的餵飼需求

    Effect of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Benefit and Impact of Operator for An Electric Cultivator

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    汽油引擎式小型農作機械具有輕巧及低耗能的優點,但其排放二氧化碳的廢氣將導致全球溫室效益日益嚴重。本研究主要目的是針對電動中耕除草機在不同質地土壤及不同刀具條件下,進行中耕除草作業試驗,試驗結果以能量消耗及CO_2排放量以及對操作者心跳率影響的資料進行分析探討。結果顯示,在相同除草深度3 cm及作業寬度60 cm條件下操作,比較電動式中耕除草機與引擎式中耕除草機作業性能;壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均轉彎時間3.0及2.8s;平均作業速度0.52及0.55m/s,引擎式平均轉彎時間3.4及3.2s;平均作業速度0.51及0.52m/s。黏壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均轉彎時間3.1 及3.3s;平均作業速度0.53及0.52m/s,引擎式平均轉彎時間3.3及3.6s;平均作業速度0.51 m/s。以轉彎時間及作業速度性能比較,電動式中耕除草機優於引擎式中耕除草機,並能圓滿達成中耕除草之高扭力輸出特性需求。由能源消耗及減少碳排放量試驗數據中顯示,壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均能量消耗費用21.18及20.04NT/haCO2平均排放量5.435.14kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用354.03347.01NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量5.43及5.14kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用354.03及347.01 NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量25.97及25.45 kg/ha。黏壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均能量消耗費用20.78及21.18NT/haCO2平均排放量5.335.43kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用353.64NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量5.33及5.43 kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用353.64 NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量25.94kg/ha。以能量消耗費用及CO_2排放量比較,電動式中耕除草機的能量消耗及CO_2排放量都低於引擎式中耕除草機,其降低能源消耗及減少碳排放量效益顯著。由實際田間作業量測得到的操作人員心跳率結果顯示,電動式中耕除草機心跳率的變化低於引擎式中耕除草機,具有統計學顯著差異。因此在長期田間作業下,電動式中耕除草機有利於降低操作人員體能消耗及疲勞度。Gasoline engine type small farming machinery has the advantage of lightweight and low energy, but its emissions of carbon dioxide will lead to global greenhouse gas benefits of growing. The main purpose of this study is for the electric cultivators under different soil textures and different tools conditions, weeding operation test, the test results of energy consumption and CO_2 emissions, and heart rate data to the operator to analyze the impact of the discussion. The results showed that operate in the same weeding and working width 60cm depth 3cm conditions, more electric cultivator and engine operating performance; loam field area, and reclaimed using weed cutter knives, electric and average turn time 3.0 2.8s; average operating speed of 0.52 and 0.55m/s, the average turn time engine type 3.4 and 3.2s; average operating speed of 0.51 and 0.52m/s. Clay loam field area, and reclaimed using weed cutter knives, electric average turn time 3.1 and 3.3s; average operating speed of 0.53 and 0.52m/s, the average turn time engine type 3.3 and 3.6s; average operating speed of 0.51m/s. Time to turn and operating speed performance comparison, electric cultivator superior engine type, and can successfully achieve high torque output characteristics of the demand for weeding. Reduce the energy consumption and carbon emissions test data shows that loam field area, use a knife and reclamation weeding knife, the average electric energy consumption and costs 21.18 20.04 NT/haa;CO2emissionsbyanaverageof5.43and5.14kg/ha;enginetypeaverageenergyconsumptioncosts354.03and347.01NT/ha a; CO_2 emissions by an average of 5.43 and 5.14kg/ha; engine type average energy consumption costs 354.03 and 347.01 NT/ha; CO_2 emissions by an average of 25.97 and 25.45 kg/ha. Clay loam field area, and reclaimed using weed cutter knives, electric energy consumption of the average cost of 20.78 and 21.18 NT/ha;CO2emissionsbyanaverageof5.33and5.43kg/ha;enginetypeaverageenergyconsumptioncosts353.64NT/ha; CO_2 emissions by an average of 5.33 and 5.43 kg/ha; engine type average energy consumption costs 353.64 NT/ha; The average CO_2 emissions of 25.94 kg/ha. The cost of energy consumption and CO_2 emissions compared to the energy consumption of electric cultivator and CO_2 emissions are below the engine type cultivator, which significantly reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions benefits. The operator heart rate results measured by the actual field operations resulting display, change the electric cultivator heart rate is lower than the engine type cultivator, a statistically significant difference. Therefore, in the long-term field work, electric cultivator helps to reduce physical exertion and operator fatigue

    Investigate the Influence of the Quality of the Baking Strength to Camellia Oil

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    本研究以冷壓法壓榨油茶籽,並由不同烘焙溫度及時間調控茶油製程。溫度因子分為80、100、120、140及160°C五個水準,時間因子分為15、25及35分鐘三個水準。冷壓壓榨方式以兩段式間隔加壓進行,第一階段以加壓時間2.5秒停止12秒的方式,持續加壓至200kg/cm^2,並保持壓力狀態600秒。第二階段加壓方式相同,壓力由200kg/cm^2加壓至550kg/cm^2後,保持壓力狀態2200秒。壓榨所得茶油樣本經沉澱後,逐步進行各項理化特性分析。結果顯示,各試驗組之油樣品過氧化價都低於20毫當量(meq/kg),酸價都在2 mg KOH/g以內。褐變指數與油脂氧化安定性分析結果顯示,安定性最高的試驗組為160°C *35分鐘,所需時間最長可達到5.84 ± 0.17(hrs)。感官品評分析結果顯示,整體喜好度最高試驗組為140°C *15分鐘,其次為120°C *15分鐘。This study use cold pressing process to press camellia oil, and use different roasting temperature and time to control the process. The temperature factor is divided into five levels for 80, 100, 120, 140 and 160 °C. The time factor is divided into three levels for 15, 25, and 35 minutes. The cold pressing method use two-stage approach to provide the pressure intervals. The first stage use 2.5 seconds pressing time and 12 seconds stop time continuing increase the pressure up to 200 kg/cm^2 and maintain this pressure condition for 600 seconds. The second stage use the same pressurized way as the first stage. The pressure increased from 200 kg/cm^2 to 550 kg/cm^2 and maintains the pressure condition for 2200 seconds. After precipitation, the pressed Camellia oil sample had been analyzed for peroxine value, acid value, oil oxidation stability, sensory evaluation and browning index, and try to figure out the best process condition by the integrated analysis