Effect of Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Benefit and Impact of Operator for An Electric Cultivator


汽油引擎式小型農作機械具有輕巧及低耗能的優點,但其排放二氧化碳的廢氣將導致全球溫室效益日益嚴重。本研究主要目的是針對電動中耕除草機在不同質地土壤及不同刀具條件下,進行中耕除草作業試驗,試驗結果以能量消耗及CO_2排放量以及對操作者心跳率影響的資料進行分析探討。結果顯示,在相同除草深度3 cm及作業寬度60 cm條件下操作,比較電動式中耕除草機與引擎式中耕除草機作業性能;壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均轉彎時間3.0及2.8s;平均作業速度0.52及0.55m/s,引擎式平均轉彎時間3.4及3.2s;平均作業速度0.51及0.52m/s。黏壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均轉彎時間3.1 及3.3s;平均作業速度0.53及0.52m/s,引擎式平均轉彎時間3.3及3.6s;平均作業速度0.51 m/s。以轉彎時間及作業速度性能比較,電動式中耕除草機優於引擎式中耕除草機,並能圓滿達成中耕除草之高扭力輸出特性需求。由能源消耗及減少碳排放量試驗數據中顯示,壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均能量消耗費用21.18及20.04NT/haCO2平均排放量5.435.14kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用354.03347.01NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量5.43及5.14kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用354.03及347.01 NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量25.97及25.45 kg/ha。黏壤土田區中,使用除草刀及開墾刀,電動式平均能量消耗費用20.78及21.18NT/haCO2平均排放量5.335.43kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用353.64NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量5.33及5.43 kg/ha;引擎式平均能量消耗費用353.64 NT/ha;CO_2平均排放量25.94kg/ha。以能量消耗費用及CO_2排放量比較,電動式中耕除草機的能量消耗及CO_2排放量都低於引擎式中耕除草機,其降低能源消耗及減少碳排放量效益顯著。由實際田間作業量測得到的操作人員心跳率結果顯示,電動式中耕除草機心跳率的變化低於引擎式中耕除草機,具有統計學顯著差異。因此在長期田間作業下,電動式中耕除草機有利於降低操作人員體能消耗及疲勞度。Gasoline engine type small farming machinery has the advantage of lightweight and low energy, but its emissions of carbon dioxide will lead to global greenhouse gas benefits of growing. The main purpose of this study is for the electric cultivators under different soil textures and different tools conditions, weeding operation test, the test results of energy consumption and CO_2 emissions, and heart rate data to the operator to analyze the impact of the discussion. The results showed that operate in the same weeding and working width 60cm depth 3cm conditions, more electric cultivator and engine operating performance; loam field area, and reclaimed using weed cutter knives, electric and average turn time 3.0 2.8s; average operating speed of 0.52 and 0.55m/s, the average turn time engine type 3.4 and 3.2s; average operating speed of 0.51 and 0.52m/s. Clay loam field area, and reclaimed using weed cutter knives, electric average turn time 3.1 and 3.3s; average operating speed of 0.53 and 0.52m/s, the average turn time engine type 3.3 and 3.6s; average operating speed of 0.51m/s. Time to turn and operating speed performance comparison, electric cultivator superior engine type, and can successfully achieve high torque output characteristics of the demand for weeding. Reduce the energy consumption and carbon emissions test data shows that loam field area, use a knife and reclamation weeding knife, the average electric energy consumption and costs 21.18 20.04 NT/haa;CO2emissionsbyanaverageof5.43and5.14kg/ha;enginetypeaverageenergyconsumptioncosts354.03and347.01NT/ha a; CO_2 emissions by an average of 5.43 and 5.14kg/ha; engine type average energy consumption costs 354.03 and 347.01 NT/ha; CO_2 emissions by an average of 25.97 and 25.45 kg/ha. Clay loam field area, and reclaimed using weed cutter knives, electric energy consumption of the average cost of 20.78 and 21.18 NT/ha;CO2emissionsbyanaverageof5.33and5.43kg/ha;enginetypeaverageenergyconsumptioncosts353.64NT/ha; CO_2 emissions by an average of 5.33 and 5.43 kg/ha; engine type average energy consumption costs 353.64 NT/ha; The average CO_2 emissions of 25.94 kg/ha. The cost of energy consumption and CO_2 emissions compared to the energy consumption of electric cultivator and CO_2 emissions are below the engine type cultivator, which significantly reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions benefits. The operator heart rate results measured by the actual field operations resulting display, change the electric cultivator heart rate is lower than the engine type cultivator, a statistically significant difference. Therefore, in the long-term field work, electric cultivator helps to reduce physical exertion and operator fatigue

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