


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact damage and absorbed energy of apple using an impact test with single pendulum. The peak force, contact time and impulse were obtained from the force-time curve during impact. The damage volume of apple was measured and the absorbed energy was calculated by relationship of energy equilibrium. The effect of damage volume and absorbed energy were investigated under different impact momentum and hammer detector with different curvature radius. The experimental results indicated that the density and moisture contain of apple samples was 0.85g/cm^3 and 84.5% respectively. The flat hammer detector had shorter contact time and higher peak force during impact under different momentum. The damage volume for apple samples increased as impact momentum increased. The hammer detector smaller curvature radius would be caused more large absorbed energy per unit damage volume after impact apple samples. The hammer detector with curvature radius of 32mm had longer contact time, the larger damage volume and the smaller absorbed energy per unit damage volume under the impact momentum of 569.2 and 757.4kg-mm/s. The reason might be the curvature radius of 32mm of hammer detector was closed to the average radius of apple samples.本研究目的是使用一單擺錘型碰擊試驗機對蘋果進行碰擊試驗,碰擊時,由力量-時間波形圖得到的最大撞擊力F(下标 p)、撞擊接觸時間t(下标 c)及衝量值I,碰擊後,量測蘋果的損傷體積,利用能量平衡關係計算得到蘋果碰擊損傷的吸收能量,探討不同的碰擊動量及不同曲率半徑的衝錘探頭下對蘋果碰擊後的果肉損傷體積及吸收能量的影響。由實驗分析結果顯示;蘋果在密度0.85g/立方公分,含水率84.5%下,以平板衝錘探頭碰擊蘋果時有較小的碰擊接觸時間t(下标 c)及較大的最大碰擊力F(下标 p);蘋果的損傷體積隨著碰擊動量增加而增大,曲率半徑較小的衝錘探頭在碰擊蘋果後會造成較大的單位損傷體積之吸收能量;在碰擊動量569.2及757.4kgmm/s下,曲率半徑32mm的衝錘探頭有較長的碰擊接觸時間t(下标 c)、較大的損傷體積及較小的單位損傷體積之吸收能量,此結果應是衝錘探頭的曲率半徑與蘋果樣本的平均半徑接近之緣故

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