35 research outputs found

    Nutrition KAP survey on different occupational populations and its effect on disease prevention

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    随着我国经济的快速发展,人们生活方式、膳食模式和疾病谱发生了巨大变化,营养不平衡和慢性非传染性疾病已成为我国主要的公共卫生问题。其中,不同职业与营养相关性疾病一直是营养学界关注的问题之一。通过对不同职业人群营养知识、态度、行为的调查,了解各职业人群营养知识、态度、行为及其影响因素,及时采取有效措施如营养干预、健康教育等,提高各职业人群营养素养,改善其营养状况,对于营养相关疾病的防制有一定作用。作者主要介绍了近年来关于不同职业人群营养状况研究及营养知识态度行为调查分析,为职业人群营养相关疾病的防制提供参考依据。With the rapid development of the economy in our country,the life styles,dietary patterns and disease spectrum have changed vastly, while the nutritional imbalance and chronic non-communicable diseases have become major public health problems in China.Among them,the relationship between occupation and nutrition-related diseases has always been one of the severe problems in nutrition science.Through the nutrition knowledge-attitude-behavior(KAP)survey among different occupational populations,to understand the nutrition KAP of different occupational populations and its influencing factors,carry out the effective measures such as nutrition intervention and health education,enhance the nutritive condition of different occupational groups,and improve their nutritional quality have some effect to prevent the nutrition-related diseases.The authors mainly introduce the researches on nutritional conditions and investigation on nutrition KAP of different occupational populations in the recent years,and provide the reference for prevention and control of nutrition-related diseases among occupational populations.福建省卫生厅青年科研基金(项目编号:2012-2-100

    Study on the contamination and source of chromium in the sea worm jelly in Xiamen

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    目的了解厦门市市售土笋冻中铬的污染状况,探讨土笋冻中铬的污染来源及预防措施。方法 2012—2014年在厦门市各采样点随机抽取土笋冻样品81份,虫体样品9份,从宁德地区滩涂海域采集可口革囊星虫、淤泥、海水等环境样品6份,依照GB/T 5009.123—2003《食品中铬的测定》中推荐的石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定样品中铬的含量。结果 81份土笋冻样品中铬含量范围在0.024~17.6 mg/kg之间,平均值为2.17 mg/kg,中位数为1.33 mg/kg,超标率为42.0%(34/81)。添加明胶加工后导致土笋冻中铬含量从1.33 mg/kg升至5.35 mg/kg。从宁德地区滩涂海域采集的星虫、淤泥、海水样品中铬的含量范围分别为2.67~2.70、68.5~77.9和0.038~0.046 mg/kg。结论厦门市市售土笋冻样品中铬的污染情况较为严重,监管部门须加强对土笋冻的原料、加工、销售过程的监控,保证食品安全。Objective To investigate the chromium contamination of sea worm jelly in Xiamen market and to propose the preventive measures against chromium contamination of sea worm jelly based on analysis of the source.Methods A total of 81 samples of sea worm jelly and 9 samples of polypide were collected in Xiamen market from 2012-2014 and 6 samples of Phascolosoma esculenta,silt and seawater were collected from Ningde.The concentrations of Cr in the samples were determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry according to GB/T 5009.123-2003.Results The chromium content of 81 samples were 0.024-17.6 mg/kg,the average content was 2.17 mg/kg,and the median was 1.33 mg/kg.The qualified rate was 58.0%.The concentration of Cr in sea worm jelly was changed from 1.33 to 5.35 mg/kg after adding gelatin.The contents of Cr in the Phascolosoma esculenta,silt and seawater from Ningde area were 2.67-2.70,68.5-77.9,0.038-0.046 mg/kg,respectively.Conclusion The chromium contamination in the sea worm jelly was severely in Xiamen.Supervision and monitoring on the raw materials,production,sales of the sea worm jelly should be strengthened to ensure food safety.福建省卫生计生系统食品污染物及有害因素监测方案(闽卫法监函[2014]128号


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    目的了解厦门市城区居民营养与健康状况。方法根据全国营养调查方案,2010年10~12月对厦门市城区的6个社区居委会居民进行调查,采用连续3 d 24 H回顾法对其中的519人进行膳食调查,用称重法调查调味品的消耗,计算每标准人日各类营养素的摄入量;依据“中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量drIS(2000)“对膳食营养状况进行评价。对775人进行了健康体检。结果本次调查的厦门市城区居民人群的蛋类食物摄入适宜,谷薯类、蔬菜、水果、奶类、豆类食物摄入偏低,禽畜类、食用油、盐摄入偏高;宏量营养素供能比例不合理,脂肪、钠摄入偏高,膳食维生素A、硫胺素、核黄素、维生素C、钙、锌摄入不足状况严重;被调查人群低体重率为3.2%,超重率为32.3%,肥胖率为8.6%,高血压患病率为12.7%,贫血患病率为7.0%,空腹血糖受损率9.4%,考虑糖尿病率为6.7%,血脂异常率高达55.7%。结论被调查人群膳食结构不合理,部分微量营养素摄入不足,脂肪、盐摄入偏高,慢性病患病状况比较严重,群体健康状况不容乐观。Objective To investigate the nutrition and health status of urban residents in Xiamen.Methods According to the National Nutrition Survey Program, six community's residents of Xiamen were selected for the survey from Oct to Dec, 2010.Total of 519 subjects were surveyed with continuous 3 days 24 hours recall method to acquire the food consumption data, and the weighing method was employed to record the consumption of condiment.Then, the average intakes of nutrients per day were calculated.The average intakes of seven main nutrients per day were evaluated based on the Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes(DRIs)(2000).The health examination were carried on in 775 persons.Results The intakes of egg was adequate; and the intakes of cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, milk, and beans were inadequate.Intakes of meat and oil were slightly higher.The proportion contributed by macronutrients for energy was inadequate and the intakes of fat and sodium were higher than the recommended level.Dietary intakes of vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, calcium, and zinc were insufficient.The rate of average underweight, overweight, obesity, hypertension, anemia, impaired fasting glucose, suspected diabetes and dyslipidemia among the study population were 3.2%, 32.3%, 8.6%, 12.7%, 7.0%, 9.4%, 6.7% and 55.7% respectively.Conclusion Dietary pattern was not adequate among the surveyed population.Some micronutrients were insufficient.However, intakes of salt and fat were higher than the recommended level.Consequently, the prevalence of chronic diseases were elevated, and the health status seriously compromised


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    目的利用调整的中国膳食平衡指数(dbI-07)综合评价厦门市城区18~65岁居民膳食质量,为开展营养干预提供依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法于2010年10—12月对厦门市区6个社区居委会成年居民进行调查,采用连续3天24 H回顾法对其中的520人进行了膳食调查,采用dbI-07的评分方法评价厦门城区成年居民膳食质量水平。结果被调查的厦门市城区成年居民的膳食质量处于中度失衡状态,摄入不足和摄入过量并存;女性的摄入不足程度高于男性;各年龄段中,40~50岁人群摄入不足程度最高,摄入过量程度最低。结论被调查的厦门市城区成年居民水果、奶类及豆类摄入不足,肉类、食用油及盐类摄入过量;成年居民的主要膳食模式为A模式,且A模式反映了膳食中摄入不足与摄入过量的问题均较少,为最优模式。中央财政转移支付地方项


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    为了提高齿轮加工精度,提出了一种针对机床误差与齿轮误差映射关系的建模方法。根据齿轮啮合原理和空间包络铣削理论,建立包含机床误差的齐次坐标变换矩阵,并求解了相应的齿轮端面廓形。经过误差敏感性分析发现,齿廓、螺旋线偏差与Y轴和Z轴偏转误差成正比例关系并且满足叠加原理。根据工件误差检测结果,计算出各轴误差补偿分量。实验结果表明,齿廓偏差由7级精度(ISO 1328-1:2013)提高到4级精度,螺旋线偏差由7级精度提高到6级精度


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