5 research outputs found

    Research on Interface Design of Memorial Space Field

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    纪念性空间从人类文明伊始伴随着社会生产力和文化的发展而经历了不同的演变阶段,从崇拜自然、神明到转向人类自身,从求助于外到思考于内,纪念行为本身也在发展中逐渐更加精神化和人性化。近年来有关纪念性建筑或纪念性空间的相关研究逐渐兴盛,但研究的主体流于外在。 二十世纪初胡塞尔开创了现象学研究,随后发展出关于建筑现象学的研究分支,建筑师们意识到人的身体对于空间设计至关重要,只有体验和感知才能激发出真正的空间内涵,这些为场所精神和空间场的诞生创造了条件。纪念性空间场不同于其他功能性空间,具有很强的精神诉求,其生成机制包括源于记忆的本能反应、源于回忆的能动心理以及源于社会的历史印记三个层面。在不同的历史发...From the beginning of human civilization, memorial space has experienced different stages of evolution along with the development of social productive forces and culture. Owing to the worship transformation from nature and god to human beings, and the turning custom from outside to inside, memory behavior itself is becoming more and more spiritual and humanization. In recent years, relevant resear...学位:建筑学硕士院系专业:建筑与土木工程学院_建筑设计及其理论学号:2522012115169

    Parametric Design

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    参数化设计已经渐渐成为一个主流设计思潮。参数化设计的炫目外观常常招致“形式大于功能“的批评,然而形式却并非参数化设计的初衷,参数化设计是一种设计逻辑,与形式没有必然的联系,更不以哗众取宠的造型为目的。参数化设计正是以功能为设计的出发点,是“形式追随功能“的又一次进化。参数化设计既可以用于整体设计也可以用于局部设计,可以应用与小型建筑设计也可以应用于城市设计,是一种适用范围非常广的设计方法,具有高效、合理、多学科交叉的特点。Parametric design has gradually become a mainstream in design trend.The dazzling appearance of parametric design often leads to criticism like " put form over function".,However,form is not the goal of parametric design.The parametric design focus on logic more than form,let alone ‘dazzling appearance'.It is the function instead of form that determines at the beginning of design.In fact,parametric design is exactly another evolution of " form follows function".Parametric design can be used in either overall design or local design,either small building or urban design.It is a large- scale,efficient,interdisciplinary design method

    The Development and Classification of Nomadic Space in Architectural Design

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    从游牧概念的起源到在建筑领域的应用,它的发展充满争议性。本文通过相关理论的归纳整理,对现代建筑中游牧概念的发展走向进行分类,提出移动型和事件型两种不同的应用方向。From the origin concept to its application in construction field, nomad has been through a way of controversy.By summarizing the related theories and classifying its direction in modern architecture, this paper proposed two nomadic conception of mobility-based and event-based

    Divinity and Humanity in Chinese Garden

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    虽然同为东方园林,中国园林、日本园林和韩国园林却大相径庭。本文通过从自然环境与历史演变着手,分析中国园林如何在意境与实用,神性与人性间达到恰如其分的平衡。Chinese Garden, Japanese Garden and South Korea garden are quite different although they are all from Oriental Garden.By analyzing from natural environment and historical evolution, this paper proposeshow Chinese garden keeps balance between conception and practical,divinity and humanity

    The Contemporary Interpretation of Traditional Architectural Elements —— Analysis of the Development Trend of Pillar in Contemporary Architecture

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    柱子这一建筑元素历来被人们所熟知,从古典到现代,柱子伴随着建筑的发展,经历了一次又一次的革新。本文对当代建筑中柱子的设计方法进行了分类,探讨了柱子对于空间塑造的重要作用,从而学习如何更好地将其应用在设计实践中。The architectural elements of the pillar has long been known, pillars went through the innovation time and time again with the development of construction from classical to modern.In this article, the author classifies the pillars in the contemporary architecture design methods and discusses the important role of pillars for the space shape so as to learn how to better apply it in the design practice