36 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Online Vocal Music Teaching Assistant System

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    当今社会,互联网已经深入到日常生活的方方面面,成为了人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。在声乐教学工作中,不断地有老师学生提出在教学工作中急需解决的问题。如由于教学时间不足,教师没有足够的课堂时间为学生进行全面的声乐技巧教授、教师布置的课后作业需要统一查看评分留底,工作量大、除课堂时间外,师生间缺乏沟通渠道等。 针对这些问题,设计实现一个声乐教学辅助系统变得极为必要。一方面要具有完整的管理概念,需要理顺教师、课程、班级、学生之间的相互关系。老师只需要按照课程安排把每一次课程所需教授的演唱技巧录制成视频并上传,学习这门课程的学生就可以从本平台上检索并观看相应的视频教程。教师也可以在教学辅助平台上为学生...Nowadays, the Internet has penetrated into all aspects of people's daily life and becomes an indispensable part of it. In the process of vocal music teaching, many teachers and students raise urgent questions that need to be solved as soon as possible. Such as teachers always have no enough class time to teach all the skills to their students, the home work needs to be manage in a system way and t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323101

    Effects of Low Energy Carbon Ion and Nitrogen Ion Implantation on Germinant Rate, Growth Weight and Peroxidase of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni

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    以经过碳、氮 (75× 1 0 14 ke V/ cm2 )离子注入处理后的甜叶菊 (Stevia rebaudianaBertoni)种子为材料 ,研究低能离子注入对甜叶菊萌发率、生长量及过氧化物同工酶的影响。结果表明 :(1 )萌发期处理组的萌发率低于对照 ,萌发延迟 ,幼苗成活率不及对照组 ;萌发后期处理组的相对生长量、过氧化物酶活性高于对照组。 (2 )幼苗移至实验地种植后 ,处理组幼苗长势明显优于未处理组 ,处理组 60 d蕾株比明显高于对照组。 (3)过氧化物酶同工酶谱分析发现 ,对照组具有完整 6条基本带的植株数为 1 2 ,具有完整 B1、B2基本带的植株数为 2 0 ;C+处理组分别为 5和 1 1 ,N+处理组分别为 5和 6。统计发现低能离子的注入影响最大的是同工酶谱 B1、B2带。 N+处理组生物学负效应大于 C+处理组The paper reports the effects of low energy Carbon and Nitrogen ion (75×10 14 keV/cm 2 )implantation into S. rebaudiana seeds.on germinant rate, relative growth weight and peroxidase of S. rebaudiana. The results showed: (1)The seed germinant rates were lower and seeding servival rates and deve lopment speeds were slower in the treated groups than those in the control in the initial period of seed germinating;but in the late period of seed germinating the relative growth weight and peroxidase activity were higher in treated groups than those in the control.(2)When seedings were transplanted into experimental field the growth and development were speeded up in treated groups than that in the control.The rate of flower bud plants were higher in treated groups than that in the control. (3)The isozymogram of peroxidase by PAGE showed that there were 12 plants which had 1~6 basic bands and 20 plants which had B1,B2 bands in the control,but only there were 5 plants and 11 plants, respectively, in C + treated groups,and there were 5 plants and 6 plants, respectively, in N + treated groups. The result also showed there were more negative effects by ion implantation into S. rebaudiana in N + treated groups than those in C + treated groups in the periods of seed germinating and plant growth.国家基金委重大项目资助课题!( 1 9890 30 0


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    Cell biological effects and POD activities of Stevia rebaudianum induced by carbon ion implantation

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    比较了以能量为100kev,剂量为1015/cm2碳离子注入的甜菊种子萌发过程的细胞学效应和过氧化物酶活性,发现萌发4d的甜菊幼苗核异常细胞率、染色体畸变频率、细胞核、叶绿体、线粒体的损伤皆明显高于对照组,而细胞分裂指数和POD活性显著低于对照组;萌发第10d,上述表征已与对照组呈不显著差异,表明低能碳离子注入甜菊所引起的损伤已基本修复。Through comparing the effects of carbon ion with energy of100kev and dosage of10 15 /cm 2 implatation on Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni germination about cell biological effects and POD activities,we found Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni of4days,whose abnormal cell nucleus,chromosomes,POD activities,the injures of cell nucleus,choroplasts and mitachondria are higher than the control group(CK),then whose division index of Stavia rebaudiana Bertoni seedling cell was lower than that of the control group.When it grew to10days the difference of the above indexes was nitable.It showed that injuries done by low energy carbon ion implatation on Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni has been repaired.国家自然科学基金重大项目资助课题(19890300


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    In this paper,the authors adopt the model suggested by Lin and et al in [6—8] withsome improvement in difference schemes.We especially focus on the details of water-heat exchange process invegetation.For illustration,numerical simulation of the exchange process for wheat in Xu-Chen region inShan..


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    在前人工作的基础上, 提出了干旱区陆气水热交换土壤分层模式, 分析了数学模型中温度变化与水分运动分层的物理原因, 详细分计了气候状况对地表面能量交换的影响, 改进了强迫恢复法, 提出了有限差分析算中的具有二阶精度的Euler隐式格式, 采用新的计算净辐射、地表温度、土壤蒸发及水分变化的计算公式, 尽量减少对测量数据的依赖性, 使模式更趋于实用。以此模式对新疆塔里木盆地阿克苏水平衡试验站地区的土壤、植被、大气间水热交换过程进行了数值摸拟, 并与其他计算方法及实测值进行了比较, 模拟 结果与实测值吻合较好

    Study on Introducing FMDV Antigenic Determinant Fused Gene into Carrot Mediated by Agrobacterium

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    利用转基因植物生产疫苗是目前植物基因工程的一个研究热点,具有生产简单、成本较低、使用安全方便、易贮存等优点.本实验通过农杆菌介导的遗传转化,以O型和A型口蹄疫抗原决定簇基因O21O14A21转化胡萝卜.通过筛选,获得潮霉素抗性愈伤组织,经胚状体再生得到156棵抗性苗.通过GUS染色检测,GUS报告基因在部分转化的愈伤组织中瞬时表达,并在部分抗性苗中稳定表达.对部分抗性植株进行PCR和PCRSouthern杂交检测,证实目的基因已经成功整合到胡萝卜基因组中.Vaccines derived by transgenic plants are becoming one focus of plant gene engineering, which has such advantages as easy production,low cost,convenience and safe use and easy storage.Fused genes O_21 -O_14 -A_21 containing both type O and A FMDV antigenic determinant were introduced into carrot mediated by Agorbacterium.Hygromycin-resistant carrot callus were obtained by the medium containing antibiotic.156 Hygromycin-resistant seedling individuals were regenerated and selected from the embryoid of the above carrot callus.GUS expression test showed that GUS reported genes were transitorily expressed in some of transformed callus and stably expressed in some of Hygromycin-resistant seedlings.The results of PCR and PCR-Southern blotting showed that the O_21 -O_14 -A_21 gene was successfully integrated into the genomes of carrot plants.国家科技部转基因专项;; 福建省科技厅重点项目资


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    主要论述干旱地区陆面过程在改善人类生存环境与研究区域经济中的重要地位与研究现状, 强调了采用耦合模式的必要性, 详细描述了该模式的特点, 并将它应用于我国西北腾格里沙漠南缘植物固沙区的水热循环研究, 揭示干旱区陆面过程的主要特征, 并同现场测试进行了比较