22 research outputs found

    Construction and Application of Transient Gene Expression Platform in HEK 293 6E cells

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    重组蛋白药物在市场中需求量越来越大。哺乳动物细胞能够进行复杂的翻译后加工修饰使蛋白产物更接近天然构象,从而在各种重组蛋白表达系统中占据优势地位。近来,瞬时基因表达系统发展迅速,通过瞬时表达可以快速的获取大量的高活性重组蛋白。本研究的策略是通过摸索HEK2936E悬浮细胞的无血清瞬时转染条件和转染方法,并通过Fed-Batch方式补料维持细胞良好状态来达到提高瞬转产量。 本研究以绿色荧光蛋白GFP、嵌合抗体10F7cAb为报告基因来评价转染和补料等条件对瞬时表达产量的影响;以人源化抗体E6F6hAb、嵌合抗体129G1cAb、嵌合抗体5F9cAb为报告基因来评价信号肽改造、密码子优化对瞬时表达...In recent years, the demand for recombinant therapeutic proteins has significantly increased in the drug market. Mammalian cell lines have emerged as a new and powerful alternative for the production of therapeutic proteins due to their ability to perform many of the necessary post-translational modifications for full bioactivity. Recently, improvements in the transient gene expression (TGE) syste...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162010115232


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    由人为活动排放的二氧化碳(CO2)而引起的海洋酸化,预计将影响对热带、亚热带海域的初级生产力有显著贡献的固氮浮游植物。本研究揭示了海洋酸化对优势固氮蓝藻束毛藻(Trichodesmium spp.)的生长和固氮的影响及其机理。研究表明,虽然海洋酸化中的CO2升高对束毛藻有促进效应,但酸化的整体效应为抑制其固氮和生长。究其原因,海洋酸化引起束毛藻胞质pH下降,从而降低固氮酶效率、干扰胞内pH稳态、影响细胞产能。在铁限制条件下,由于有限的铁难以满足束毛藻响应海洋酸化胁迫所做出的生理响应,因而铁限制加剧了海洋酸化对束毛藻的负面影响


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    战后30 年日本逐渐成为世界经济强国的同时出现如此大规模的企业合并决不是一种时间上的因缘巧合, 而是基于战后30 年内日本国内外一系列政治经济科学技术这一整体背景下的一种历史必然。深入分析日本大型企业合并的原因, 总结其成败得失的经验教训, 能够从中得出对目前我国大型国有企业合并的若干重要启示

    Reduced nitrogenase efficiency dominates response of the globally important nitrogen fixer Trichodesmium to ocean acidification

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    工业革命以来,海洋吸收了约三分之一人为排放的CO2,以迄今3亿年来最快的速度酸化(CO2升高、pH下降),这势必影响海洋生态系统的关键过程和功能。研究团队创新性地从区分海洋酸化过程中CO2上升和pH下降的双重效应入手,揭示了海水CO2升高的正效应小于pH下降的负效应,故酸化的净效应为抑制束毛藻的固氮作用。这是因为酸化引起束毛藻胞质 pH下降,从而降低固氮酶效率、干扰胞内pH稳态、影响细胞产能。在上述研究工作的基础上,进一步系统地测定了固氮和光合系统蛋白的表达量及其含铁量,建立了一个束毛藻的“资源最优化分配”细胞模型。实现了实验数据和数值模型的紧密结合:实验数据是构筑模型的坚实基础,并提高了模型的预测水平;通过模型模拟,加深了对实验发现的认知,并对实验结论进行了时空拓展。 罗亚威博士和史大林博士为论文的共同第一作者和共同通讯作者,史大林课题组的洪海征教授、研究助理沈容和博士生张福婷为共同作者。论文的共同作者还包括美国佛罗里达州立大学助理教授Sven Kranz博士和乔治亚大学副教授Brian Hopkinson博士。【Abstract】The response of the prominent marine dinitrogen (N2)-fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium to ocean acidification (OA) is critical to understanding future oceanic biogeochemical cycles. Recent studies have reported conflicting findings on the effect of OA on growth and N2 fixation of Trichodesmium. Here, we quantitatively analyzed experimental data on how Trichodesmium reallocated intracellular iron and energy among key cellular processes in response to OA, and integrated the findings to construct an optimality-based cellular model. The model results indicate that Trichodesmium growth rate decreases under OA primarily due to reduced nitrogenase efficiency. The downregulation of the carbon dioxide (CO2)-concentrating mechanism under OA has little impact on Trichodesmium, and the energy demand of anti-stress responses to OA has a moderate negative effect. We predict that if anthropogenic CO2 emissions continue to rise, OA could reduce global N2 fixation potential of Trichodesmium by 27% in this century, with the largest decrease in iron-limiting regions.This work was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0601404 and 2016YFA0601203), NSFC (41476093, 41721005, 41890802, 31861143022 and 41376116), and the MEL internal research fund (MELRI1502).本项研究得到了国家重点研发计划(2016YFA0601404 和2016YFA0601203)以及国家自然科学基金系列项目(41476093, 41721005, 41890802, 31861143022 和41376116)的资助


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    當市場上有訊息產生時,由於市場機制的限制或其他因素影響,例如投資人的心理,導致不同股票在傳導訊息時存在時間上的落差,因此產生反應訊息領先其他股票的指標股,在本研究中將利用兩種方法:矩陣自我迴歸及類神經網路檢測市場上是否存有指標股、其特性為何?及指標股是否具有穩定性。  實證結果發現規模較大及流動性較高的股票在市場呈現多頭行情時其訊息傳遞確實具有領先效果且領先時期達六至十二個營業日,而券商於報章雜誌上推薦之指標股並不具備領先反應訊息的能力。此外,在市場呈現空頭時期,所有股票反應訊息的速度幾乎一致

    Does the price of REITs in Taiwan exist excess fear?

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    早期國外學者指出不動產投資信託基金具有「低風險」與「防禦性」的特質,簡稱為「抗跌性」與「反槓桿效果」,亦即除了與大盤相關性較低之外,市場的負向衝擊對於其報酬的影響比正向衝擊來的小。為了瞭解台灣不動產投資信託基金的價格是否存在過度恐慌,本文分成兩部分著眼:過去的研究大都著手在不動產投資信託基金的價格上,而忽略其為封閉型基金的特性,故本文先從「封閉型基金」角度,以因素分析擷取其共同因子,再利用BGARCH模型,探討共同因子與台灣VIX指數變化間是否存在不對稱效果。第二則是將不動產投資信託基金折溢價進行拆解,分為價格與資產淨值,運用相同方式重新觀察反槓桿效果,探討台灣不動產投資信託基金的價格是否存在過度恐慌。 本研究得到一些與過去文獻不同的結論: 1.若市場出現正向或是負向衝擊,台灣不動產投資信託基金折溢價的波動會上升, 且過去的衝擊持續性強,反應財務資料呈現的波動叢集性。 2.不動產投資信託基金價格具有「槓桿效果」,市場的負向衝擊會額外增加報酬的波動,並無防禦性特質。 3.REITs價格與台灣VIX指數變動具有顯著相關,而資產淨值則無此現象,證明台灣不動產投資信託基金價格相對於資產淨值存在過度恐慌的現象

    [[alternative]]A Research on the Career Construct of the Gifted Students in the Senior High School

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    [[abstract]]The purposes of this research were to investigate senior high school gifted students for the contents (career value , occupational preference ) and the indicators (differentiation, integration, conflict , evaluative accord) of the career construct , by a variant of G. Kelly’s grid methodology. 126 male and 111 female senior high school gifted students and 98 male and 133 female senior high school majored in mathematical-logic courses were selected as samples. ‘ The Career Construct Grid ’, ‘ My Career Value ’ , ‘ The Occupational Choice List ’ , ‘The Career Construct Calculating Program’ were used to collected data. Statistical methods such as frequency distribution, two-way ANOVA were applied to analyze the Grid. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1. value ’ Work interest’ and ‘ the feeling of the work ‘ are two important values for the gifted and normal student. When making career decisions, ’ work interest’ and ‘ the feeling of the work ‘ are also important standards for these senior high school students in this research. 2. occupational preference (1) The gifted and normal students are all in favor of being a ‘ doctor ’ or ‘ teacher ’ in the future. (2) The gifted and normal students dislike to be a ‘ religious worker ’ or ‘ lawyer ’. 3. the relationship between the value and the occupational preference (1) The reasons why gifted and normal senior high school students like to be a doctor are ‘ stable job’, ‘ high income’ and ‘ to have a stable salary’; the reason why they like to be a teacher is primarily ‘ to have a stable salary’. (2) The reasons why those students in this research dislike to be a religious worker or a lawyer are ‘ work interest ’; ‘ the feeling of the work ’ and ‘ not to match with one’s ability’. 4. the career construct indicator (1) Gender and group have no significant interaction effect (p >.o5) on any career construct indicator – differentiation, integration, conflict and evaluative accord. (2) The group difference is at significant level (p< .o5) on career construct indicators except the differentiation. The gifted group is significantly higher than the normal group on the integration, conflict, or evaluative accord index. (3) Only on the differentiation score does the gender differ at significant level (p< .o5) . The male’s score in the differentiation is significantly higher than the female. Based on the results of this research, suggestions are generated for the career counseling practice in senior high school and for future research.

    A Study on ASEAN-4’s Banking Industry under Global Financial Crisis

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    2007年爆发的美国次贷危机早已转变为席卷全球的国际金融危机。由于东盟四国的银行业正处在改革与调整时期,其银行业发展轨迹明显不同于其他国家和地区。东盟四国银行业系统的基本面良好,甚至在危机期间还逆势而行,主要得益于东盟四国在1997年东亚金融危机爆发之后所采取的一系列有效的改革措施及此次金融危机东盟四国政府所采取的积极应对举措。The U.S.subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2007,has long been into the international financial crisis sweeping the globe.Due to the banking industries of ASEAN-4 countries are in a period of reform and adjustment,their banking sector development trajectory is significantly different from other countries and regions.The fundamentals of the banking system of ASEAN-4 countries are sound and even contrarian during the crisis,mainly due to a series of effective reform measures taken by ASEAN-4 countries after the East Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the positive response and a series initiatives adopted by ASEAN-4 countries governments amid crisis.2012年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“全球化下东南亚的金融改革与金融安全研究”(12JJD810017

    A Study of the Tobacco and Alcohol Admistration System in current Taiwan

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    [[abstract]]臺灣早在日治時期,就對菸酒特別管理,實施菸酒專賣。而在臺灣光復之後,我國對於菸酒的管理制度,大致可畫分為「菸酒專賣時期」及「菸酒管理新制時期」兩個時期,第一個時期從台灣光復之後施行至民國90年底止,雖然自民國76年起,從美國菸酒開始,外國菸酒紛紛進入臺灣市場,但國產菸酒市場仍是政府獨占,此時期之菸酒行政管理權由菸酒專賣機關兼行;第二個時期從民國91年1月1日起實施迄今,也就是在民國91年1月1日我國加入世界貿易組織(WTO),為兌現加入WTO的承諾,取消菸酒專賣制度,開放菸酒市場,回歸正常稅制,放寬菸酒產銷限制,以及符合經濟自由化潮流。但由於政府將菸酒視為特殊商品加強管理,另訂「菸酒管理法」等相關法規以為管理,但菸酒行政管理權改由行政機關執行。 管理目的就是管制法律及管理制度的核心價值,易言之,當政府決定對某一公共議題進行管理時,必須清楚明白這個公共議題管理的核心價值,才能正確的選擇及執行管理之行政行為的種類、管制時機、管制手段、管制強度等等管制機制。菸酒管理新制實施以後,民間爭相投入菸酒市場,市面上驟然出現數百種國產及進口酒品且價格混亂,而私酒和合法但逃稅的米酒充斥市面,菸酒管理新制之管理機制,在達成所稱「健全菸酒管理」之立法目的顯然有所不足。 本論文藉由審視我國菸酒管理新制之法制及管理機制與實施現況,依照行政管理權歸屬、產銷管理及查緝及取締等管理機制之設計與實行結果的比較,探究現行菸酒管理制度之各項問題。研究結果發現,我國過去菸酒專賣時期菸酒管理制度的改制,主要受到外國政府之壓力,而現行菸酒管理制度則受WTO國際經濟組織之規範限制,無法依國內實際需要調整。現行菸酒主管機關,由於在中央為財政部國庫署,準此,依行政管轄權責劃分,在地方則由直轄市政府或縣(市)政府財政局辦理,以現有菸酒主管機關人力平均僅有2~3人,無法有效執行菸酒管理新制所訂菸酒業者管理、產品衛生、產品標示及廣告促銷管理等繁多管理項目,也欠缺相關菸酒相關之專業能力,而管理項目之管理目的又是多重而矛盾。此種法定管制項目與管理機關職掌業務不相符,是現行菸酒管理制度管制效能不佳,無法達成管制目的之重要原因。 最後,經由上述研究文獻資料的探討,以及我國菸酒管理制度及現況與問題,並參考我國主要相關國家之菸酒管理制度,歸納整理相關研究發現,提出具體可行的改進建議及未來我國菸酒管理制度之可行方向,期能提供作為日後評估菸酒管理制度及管理機制設計的參考。[[abstract]]From the Japanese colonization in Taiwan, the government specially controlled the wines and tobaccos management, the government ran wines and tobaccos monopoly. After WW II, R.O.C (Taiwan) Government restores Taiwan Island. Government still runs the wines and tobaccos control system, but during the system we separated into two phases of control system. First phase from year of R.O.C (Taiwan) Government restores Taiwan Island to year 2001. During this phase, Taiwan has been imported American wines and tobaccos and some foreign countries wines and tobaccos to entry Taiwanese Market from year 1987. But in this period the market still under government controlled and monopoly. Also the manage law superintend in the TAIWAN TOBACCO AND WINE BOARD, the board in charge the production and sale the wines and tobaccos in Taiwan. Second phase from year 2002 until now, because that Taiwan entry the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to fulfill the commitment of the request what is that time apply entry WTO. In 2002, Taiwan open the wines and tobaccos market for WTO members and rescind the wines and tobaccos monopoly system. But Taiwan government still looks at the wines and tobaccos, those products are special goods in Taiwan. The Government legislates against「The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act」to rule the tobacco and wines. Also the management organization changes to government. The purpose of management is the value of core in the law of control and system. Simply, as the government will control certain public subject, government has to clean the value of core in that certain public subject, then government enables to select correct management act, behavior, a suitable time, method and strength level. After running the new Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act, there have a lot of Taiwanese and import wines in the market. Also the sale price anarchy, too. The illicit wines and evade-tax legal rice liqueurs are rife with in the market. Therefore new management system of wines and tobaccos for unable to arrived to integrity the wines and tobaccos superintend target in. Thereby this study to looks at our government promos the new Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act, superintend and current situation in new management system. Following the design of the administrative management belong, production and sale management and check and arrest, etc management system to compare with running result. And probe into the problems of current Tobacco and Alcohol Administration System. After study, we recover that tobaccos and alcohol manage right belong to National Treasury Agency in central government, the action right belong to Finance Bureau Main Office in local city or county government. Looking in all of current local manage staffs only has two to three persons in one city or country. For this manpower be unable to carry out all of the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act item include manufactory management, safety of product, indication of product and advertisement, promotion etc. management target. In the same time most of staffs short of the professional knowledge of Tobacco and Alcohol this is a major cause of the bad manage effect and unable to arrived the set target. In comprehensive all studies, refer the national major of tobaccos/ alcohol management system in Taiwan. Current running the tobaccos/ alcohol management system short in execution, therefore the problems in illegal ity liqueurs manufactory broken the law and gains the illegal benefit, furthermore the problems in Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act and general law are duplicate and compete-cooperate. For those problems, we have to clean that what is tobaccos and alcohols product and what is the manage target. Checking what is purpose in Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act, confirmed the restraint method then modulate all superintend items and supervise organization.[[note]]碩


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    李学通著:《翁文灏年谱》,济南:山东教育出版社,2005年,430页,定价46.50元,ISBN∶7-5328-5149-4。对于西方的科学史家来说,最熟悉的1978年前的中国科学家仍然是丁文江,这在很大程度上要归功于费侠莉(Charlotte Furth)的经典传记《丁文江:科学与中国新文化》(Ting Wen-chiang:Science and China's New Culture,哈佛大学出版社,1970年)。然而,丁文江的亲密伙伴翁文灏在中国以外的地方却没那么知名,尽管他的科学成果要多得多