6 research outputs found

    The Role and Mechanism of RARγ in the Development of Cholangiocarcinoma

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    胆管癌是一种起源于胆管上皮细胞的肝胆系统恶性肿瘤。由于解剖位置特殊、临床症状隐匿、早期诊断困难、易以多种方式发生转移、术后容易复发以及放化疗不敏感,胆管癌预后较差。因此,深入研究胆管癌发生发展、侵袭转移以及耐药性产生的分子机制具有重要的意义。视黄酸受体与肿瘤的关系一直是研究的关注点,然而,RARγ参与肿瘤发生发展的作用及其分子机制尚不清楚。本论文以胆管癌为研究对象,以RARγ为切入点,研究RARγ在胆管癌发生发展中的作用及其分子机制,并寻找新的有效的抗胆管癌效应物。 本论文研究发现,RARγ在胆管癌组织中基因和蛋白水平表达明显高于配对癌旁组织,以及胆管炎和正常胆管组织,且RARγ异常表达于胞...Cholangiocarcinomas (CCA) are rare malignant tumors arising from the biliary tract. Because of special anatomical position, conceal anatomical position, difficulty in early diagnosis, metastasis by a variety of ways, easy to relapse after surgery, and insensitivity to insensitivity, its prognosis is poor. Therefore, it is important to intensively study the mechanisms of the development, metastasis...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2172009015355


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    Research development of retinoic acid receptor α in tumor

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    视黄酸受体(rAr)家族成员包括rAr与视黄酸X受体两大类,它们由3种不同的基因α、β、γ编码,由此形成不同的受体亚型。与其他受体一样,rArα参与调控细胞分化、增殖、凋亡以及胚胎发育、视觉形成、骨骼形成、新陈代谢、造血等许多关键的生命活动过程,并且rArα的异常表达具有肿瘤相关性和组织差异性。现就rArα在肿瘤中的研究情况进行综述。Retinoic acid receptor(RAR) family member including RAR and retinoid X receptor two categories, which consists of three different genes α, β, γ, thereby forming different receptor subtypes.Like with other receptors, RARαinvolves in the regulation of cell differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and embryonic development, visual formation,bone formation, metabolism, blood and many other key life activities.Meanwhile, there are the high correlation and tissue differentiation between abnormal expression of RARα and tumor.Here is to make a review on RARα and tumor.国家自然科学基金面上项目(81572394); 福建省卫生系统中青年骨干人才培养项目(2015-ZQN-ZD31); 福建省自然科学基金计划项目(2015J01560

    Experimental study on inhibitory effects of Brucea javanica oil emulsion against lung cells

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    目的:探讨鸦胆子油乳在体外对肺腺癌细胞SPA-A1的抑制作用。方法:本研究通过鸦胆子油乳处理肺腺癌细胞(SPA-A1),采用MTT法观察其对细胞生长的抑制效应;DAPI染色观察肺腺癌细胞SPA-A1凋亡的形态学改变;流式细胞术测定细胞凋亡率及分析细胞周期变化。结果:鸦胆子油乳对肺腺癌细胞SPA-A1的抑制呈剂量和时间依赖性;鸦胆子油乳作用后SPA-A1细胞呈凋亡形态学改变;不同浓度的鸦胆子油乳作用SPA-A1细胞后,可以有效地引起细胞凋亡,且具有明显的剂量依赖性;并可阻滞SPA-A1细胞于G0/G1期。结论:鸦胆子油乳可抑制肺腺癌SPA-A1细胞增殖,诱导肺腺癌SPA-A1细胞凋亡,并使肺腺癌SPA-A1细胞阻滞于G0/G1期。OBJECTIVE To investigate effects of Brucea javanica oil emulsion against proliferation of lung adenocarcinoma SPA-A1 cells in vitro and its mechanisms.METHODS MTT assay was used to determined inhibitory rate of Brucea javanica oil emulsion against proliferation of SPA A1 cells.Apoptosis induced by Brucea javanica oil emulsion was detected by DAPI staining.Apoptotic rate and change in cell cycles were examined by flow cytometry(FCM).RESULTS Brucea javanica oil emulsion significantly inhibited proliferation of SPA-A1 cells in a dose and time dependent manner.Typical morphological changes of apoptosis were observed in SPA-A1 cells with DPAI staining after induced by Brucea javanica oil emulsion.Moreover,Brucea javanica oil emulsion arrested cell cycle at phase G0/G1 and induced apoptosis in a concentration dependent manner.CONCLUSION Brucea javanica oil emulsion can inhibit growth of SPA-A1 cells by reducing proliferation,inducing cell apoptosis and blocking cell cycle.福建省中医药科研项目(编号:Wst201214);; 福建省自然科学基金科技项目(编号:2015J01546);; 河南省卫计委项目(编号:201403087

    Effect of the Extraction from Crocodylus siamensis Bile on Proliferation of Human Bile Duct Carcinoma MZ-ChA-1 Cells

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    [email protected][中文文摘]以暹罗鳄(Crocodylus siamensis)胆汁为材料,应用细胞培养、细胞计数、Hoechst33258染色、流式细胞仪等技术研究暹罗鳄胆汁提取物对人胆管癌MZ-ChA-1细胞凋亡的诱导作用.实验结果显示,胆汁提取物可明显诱导人胆管癌MZ-ChA-1细胞的凋亡,经1.75 mg/mL暹罗鳄胆汁提取物诱导处理24 h后,人胆管癌MZ-ChA-1细胞的增殖活动受到显著的抑制,细胞生长抑制率达86.71%;光镜观察结果显示,暹罗鳄胆汁提取物处理细胞后,细胞体积缩小,细胞核固缩;细胞核经Hoechst33258染色出现浓染致密的固缩形态和颗粒状荧光;细胞周期检测出现G0/G1期细胞比例升高,S和G2/M期细胞比例下降.研究结果表明,暹罗鳄胆汁提取物对人胆管癌MZ-ChA-1细胞凋亡的诱导具有显著作用,从而为进一步研究细胞凋亡机制提供重要基础和研究依据.[英文文摘]The apoptosis effects of extraction from Crocodylus siamensis bile(ECB) on Human bile duct carcinoma MZ-ChA-1 cells have been studied using the methods of cell culture,cell count,Hoechst33258 staining,flow cytometry analysis.The results showed that proliferation of MZ-ChA-1 cells could be inhibited by 1.75 mg/mL ECB after 24 h,and the inhibitory rate is 86.71%.Light microscope showed that the morphology of the cells treated with bile extracts appeared shrinked,cell nucleus concentrated.Cell nucleus concentrated.Cell nucleus concentrated and appeared granular fluorescence by Hoechst33258stainning.The results of flow cytometry analysis showed that the phase of G0/G1is increased and the phase of G2/M is decreased.This study suggested that ECB had induced apoptosis of MZ-ChA-1cells effectively,and provides important foundation and research proofs to study more about the apoptosis mechanisms of MZ-ChA-1cells.国家基础科学人才培养基金项目(J1030626);厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20103008