106 research outputs found


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    对虾形态参数测量传统上使用游标卡尺,但误差较大。为提高对虾形态测量的智能化水平,实验录用图像测量技术测量凡纳滨对虾、日本囊对虾和刀额新对虾3个品种的体长、头胸甲长和头胸甲宽,所得结果与游标卡尺测量值比较。实验共测量对虾421尾,获得数据15 156个。基于Bland-Altman作图法和组内相关系数(intraclass correlation coefficient,ICC)开展2种测量方法的一致性评价和重复性评价。结果发现,(1)图像测量技术与游标卡尺测量结果的差值95%以上落在LoA范围内,且LOA CI在专业意义上可接受,说明二者一致性好;(2)图像测量技术对每尾对虾同一角度的识别结果一致;识别3个角度的ICC分别为0.996、 0.973、 0.957,与1名测量者用游标卡尺3次测量的ICC(ICC=0.997、0.980、0.965)无显著差异,但高于3名测量者(ICC=0.991、0.952、0.947),说明图像测量技术同一角度的重复性最佳;(3)图像测量技术识别同一角度的结果最接近假定真值,变异程度最小,相对误差分别为1.52%、2.37%、3.74%。研究表明,图像测量技术与游标卡尺一致性好,且重复性优于后者,具有非接触、测量快、适用广泛等特点,可代替游标卡尺应用于对虾形态参数测量之中。国家虾产业技术体系专项(CARS-48);;福建省科技厅重大专项(NO:2016NZ0001-4);;厦门海洋经济创新发展示范项目(16CZY009SF05);;厦门大学校长基金(20720170054)~

    Extraction of active components from the fungus Botrytis cinerea and their attraction to the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus

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    Study for Education of Integration of Arts and Sciences on Open Education

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    Study of education of "the ability to think" as the educational theory of Kunio Yanagida

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    The Relationship between Activation of Local Community and Education of Writing

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    Transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in single-molecule junctions

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    数十年来,半导体工业一直遵循基于“摩尔定律”所设定的发展蓝图,逐步提升集成电路芯片上晶体管的集成度和运行速度,减小器件尺寸。为探索这一尺寸极限,课题组基于机械可控裂结技术自主开发了具有飞安级电学测量和亚纳米级位移控制灵敏度的科学仪器,在国际上首次获取了一系列具有不同重复单元的寡聚苯乙炔类分子电导随电极间距的演变关系,并发现随着电极间距的缩小,器件电输运由通过分子器件电流占主导逐步转变到由隧穿漏电流占主导。对于本研究中具有最小尺寸的寡聚苯乙炔分子器件,其由于隧穿漏电流所制约的尺寸极限可小至0.66 nm,预示了有机分子器件在未来电子器件小型化方面具有重要的应用潜力。 这一研究工作是在化学化工学院洪文晶教授、萨本栋微纳研究院杨扬助理教授以及英国Durham University的MartinR. Bryce教授共同指导下完成的。能源材料化学协同创新中心iChEM Fellow刘俊扬博士为论文第一作者,博士研究生郑珏婷、李瑞豪和硕士研究生黄晓艳、唐永翔、皮九婵、本科生王飞等参与了研究工作。田中群教授、毛秉伟教授和师佳副教授为论文工作提供了重要指导。【Abstract】The tunneling leakage current will be a major quantum obstacle during miniaturization in the semiconductor industry down to the scale of several nanometers. At this scale, to promote charge transport and overcome the tunneling leakage current between the source and drain terminals, molecular electronic junctions offer opportunities by inserting molecules between these two electrodes. Employing a series of oligo(aryleneethynylene) (OAE) molecules, here we investigate the transition from tunneling leakage current to molecular tunneling in the single-molecule devices using mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) technique, and the transition distances of the OAE molecular junctions were determined and even down to 0.66 nm for OAE2 molecular junction, which demonstrates that the intrinsic charge transport properties of a single-molecule device can be outstripped from the tunneling leakage current. Consequently, molecular electronic devices show the potential to push the ultimate limit of miniaturization to the scale of several angstroms.This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0204902). This work was also generously supported by the Young Thousand Talent Project of China, the EC FP7 ITN “MOLESCO” project number 606728, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 21703188, 21673195, 21503179), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M622060). 该工作获得科技部国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFA0204902),国家自然科学基金委(21673195、21703188、21503179)以及中国博士后科学基金(2017M622060)等项目的资助,也得到了固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、能源材料化学协同创新中心的支持


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    癌症和传染性疾病等仍为人类健康生活的严重威胁,而相关的生物标志物的快速、准确检测是有效应对的前提。蛋白和核酸标志物是当前体外诊断的主要目标分子,而针对蛋白检测的免疫技术一般敏感性较差,故核酸分子靶标为对象的检测技术成为主流。核酸检测中成熟的PCR及其衍生技术因严格的温控和精密仪器等需求而限制了应用场景。而以环介导恒温扩增(LAMP)为代表的新技术具有简便、快速、高特异性和高灵敏性的优势。然而,LAMP等恒温扩增技术引物设计复杂并受到严格专利保护,制约了真正的应用。同时,微流控芯片的流体精准操控及规模化集成优势可将核酸检测步骤高度集成,将明显降低人工操作步骤、缩短检测时间,其固有的微型化优势亦使得便携式现场多靶标高通量的核酸分析成为可能。本研究以基于微流控芯片的多重多靶标核酸检测和新型核酸恒温扩增技术的研发为核心,结合快速样品前处理技术基本完成了现场核酸检测关键技术体系的构建。主要内容及结果如下:(1)以微流控芯片为核心,构建了基于LAMP技术的多重多靶可视化及荧光核酸的现场核酸检测平台,实现了应用于疟疾疫情防控的6指标同时检测可视化芯片研发及应用于中东呼吸道综合征病毒(MERS-CoV)的荧光检测芯片研发,并探索配套常温储存试剂的冷冻干燥技术。(2)研发了基于竞争性互补配对的核酸恒温扩增技术(Competitive annealing mediated isothermal amplification of nucleic acids,CAMP),该技术利用混合引物的设计思路和DNA聚合酶的链置换活性,通过引物结合、延伸、解链、临近互补、再次延伸的循环,实现了恒温条件下核酸扩增的目的。该方法与LAMP技术相比,引物设计难度和目标核酸长度要求明显降低。此外,在CAMP中引入外引物和环引物可进一步提高核酸扩增速率。随后针对CAMP技术进行了反应体系中反应成分、引物设计、荧光试剂的优化,最终建立了CAMP这一新型恒温扩增方法。(3)将新研发的CAMP技术应用于甲型H1N1流感病毒和犬病毒等病原的的检测获得了成功。随后利用已建立的微流控检测平台并结合快速核酸提取技术实现了鲤疱疹病毒的微流控CAMP现场检测的技术体系构建。(4)提出并验证了另一种基于螺旋环结构的核酸恒温扩增新方法(Helix loop isothermal amplification of nucleic acids,HAMP),同CAMP一样,具有良好的应用前景。;Cancer and infectous disease still pose great threat to health, and the rapid and accurate detection of related biomarkers is the prerequisite for effective response. Protein and nucleic acid biomarkers are the main target molecules for in vitro diagnosis. However, the immunoassay based protein detection methods are generally not sensitive. Therefore, the detection technology of nucleic acid has become the mainstream of rapid detection.The PCR and its derivative techniques in nucleic acid detection have limited the application scene because of strict temperature control, and sophisiticated instruments. The new technology represented by loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) has the advantages of simple, rapid, high specificity and high sensitivity. However, the primer design of LAMP and other isothermal amplification methods are complex and subject to strict patent protection, which restricts the application. Microfluidic chip can integrate steps of nucleic acid detection by take the merits of precision fluidics control and large scale integration, which will greatly reduce the manual operation steps, shorten the detection time. And the inherent miniaturization of microfluidic chip will also make the field portable multi-target nucleic acid analysis possible.The work were centered on key technologies of on-site nucleic acids detection by multiplex microfluidic chip, invention of novel isothermal amplication and rapid sample pretreatment. The main contents and results were as followed:(1) Foundation of visually and fluorescent multiplex microfluidic detection chip based on LAMP method for on-site nucleic acid detetion. The microfluidic chip for 6 targets visually detection at once for malira prevention was developed. And the microfluidic chip for fluorescent detection of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus was developed. At last, the freeze-drying technology for room temperature storage reagents of LAMP was explored.(2) The Competitive annealing mediated isothermal amplification of nucleic acids (CAMP) was invented. CAMP takes the advantage of hybrid primers design and DNA polymerase with strand displacement activity. Through the cycle of primer annealing, extension, competitive annealing and extension, the purpose of nucleic acid amplification at isothermal conditions is achieved. In comparasion of LAMP, the principle of primer design is simpler and the required nucleic acid fragment is shorter in CAMP. Moreover, the outer primers and loop primers were introduced in order to improve the reaction rate of CAMP. At last, the reaction system of CAMP was optimized in compotents, primer design and fluorencent agents for the establishment of the novel nucleic acid isothermal amplification method.(3) The established CAMP method was sucssessflully applied for the detection of pathogens such as H1N1 Influenza A virus and dog virus. And the microfluidic based CAMP method coupled with rapid nucleic adids extraction was developed for the on-site detection of Koi herpesvirus.(4) In addition, another isothermal nucleic acids amplification method called helix loop mediated isothermal amplification of nucleic acids (HAMP) was aslo verified, would be of great promise for further application.&nbsp;</p