46 research outputs found

    Imaging anatomical measurements of the internal carotid artery C1-2 segment and its plaque characteristics related to vascular remodeling

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    研究背景:颈内动脉走行弯曲、周围解剖结构复杂,周围伴有众多的血管神经及复杂的颅底骨结构。更为精确的局部解剖学与影像解剖学的发展,为其相关学科的发展提供了基础,但目前颅底或头颈外科学等进展相对缓慢。深入开展颈内动脉的相关形态及功能解剖学研究,对于提高颅底、头颈微创外科手术的技术水平具有重要的临床意义。大多数急性心脑血管事件是由斑块破裂引起,富含脂质的斑块和血管正性重构区段的斑块更易破裂,关于冠状动脉的脂质斑块和血管重构相关研究较多,颈内动脉的脂质斑块和血管重构的研究相对较少,未见斑块稳定性与血管重构相关性的研究。深入开展颈内动脉斑块稳定性与血管重构相关性的研究对于预测急性脑血管事件的发生具有重要...Background: Internal carotid artery (ICA) walks crooked and has complex surrounding anatomical structures, with numerous nerves, blood vessels and the bones of the skull base around it. More precise regional anatomy and imaging anatomy provide the basis for the development of its related disciplines, but the progress of the skull base or head-neck surgery is relatively slow. It has important clini...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_肿瘤学学号:2452010115338

    A Comparative Analysis of "美丽", "漂亮" and "beautiful","pretty

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    语言中存在的同义词,在句法结构和语义范围上存在着差异,它们的区别使用也仅靠母语的语感,因此对外汉语中留学生的误用情况很普遍。就误用较普遍的一组汉英对应同义词"美丽"、"漂亮"与"beautiful"、"pretty",以《人民日报》和近现代英文版小说为自然语料进行随机检索、计量统计和对比分析,既对"美丽"、"漂亮"进行汉语内部的横向对比,又同"beautiful"、"pretty"进行汉英纵向对比,通过辨析它们充当不同句子成分的频率和与不同类型名词的搭配使用等,找出它们的内在区别和联系,为对外教学中可能出现的类似问题找出一种解决方法。Synonyms are different in terms of syntactic structure and semantic scope and the only way of differentiating them is through the linguistic sense got from one's native language, which is the reason why the international students tend to make mistakes while using them. As to the synonyms that are most commonly used in a wrong way-"美丽", "漂亮" and their English equivalences "beautiful" and "pretty", the article searches them randomly and counts them and compares them on the basis of the natural data bank---People's Daily and some contemporary and modern English novels. Then the article compares "美丽" and "漂亮" inside Chinese and at the same time compares them with their English equivalences "beautiful" and "pretty", trying to find their intrinsic differences and association by way of comparing and analyzing the different frequency of the words used as different sentence elements and their collocation with different nouns. In the end the article concludes with a solution to the similar problems arise in Chinese teaching


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    旅游影响下民族村寨社会空间结构急剧变迁。研究基于社会空间“物质性与精神性” 的统一,以贵州西江苗寨为例,综合遥感解译分析、GIS空间分析及定性分析等方法,揭示了旅游影响下民族村寨社会空间演化过程与机理。研究发现:①西江苗寨空间形态和功能演化规律与旅游发展线性相关,整体呈现抱团集聚、垂直分异与旅游异质性的特征;村寨从生活自居空间转化为多元势力协商的空间,并逐步演化为以旅游为主导的混合型空间,内部差异显著。②村寨社会空间演化动力源于利益主体对空间资源的占据和生产的“推力”以及游客对异质文化的诉求的“拉力”叠加。③“空间实践、空间再现以及再现的空间”的生产逻辑成为村寨社会空间演化机理。④旅游影响下村寨社会空间演化呈现非均衡性实践特征,权利-资本空间“簇”和“柱”形成,但村寨精神文化空间仍就稳固。该研究为后续社会空间物质性与精神性转换关系、路径以及机制提供一定指引。国家自然科学基金项目(41861026、41261035、41601132)贵州省哲学社会科学规划项目(19GZQN12)贵州省教育厅高校人文社会科学研究基地项目(2018jd046、2019jd018、2019jd019)2019年度贵州财经大学引进人才科研启动项目(2019YJ011)贵州省科技计划项目(黔科合平台人才【2018】5769-20号

    Bioavailability, diestribution, adn antioxidative effects of selected triterpenes in mice

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    [[abstract]]This study analyzed the content of eight triterpenes (oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, arjunolic acid, asiatic acid, boswellic acid, corosolic acid, madecassic acid, and maslinic acid) in ten vegetables and eight fruits. These compounds at 0.5% were supplied to mice for 4 or 8 weeks. The bioavailability, tissue distribution, and antioxidative protection of these triterpenes were examined. Results showed that triterpenes were detected in eight vegetables and six fruits. Basil and brown mustard contained seven test triterpenes, in the range of 14–102 mg/100 g dry weight. The level of each triterpene in plasma, brain, heart, liver, kidney, colon, and bladder increased as the feeding period was increased from 4 weeks to 8 weeks (P < 0.05). Renal homogenates from mice with triterpene intake had greater antioxidative effects against glucose-induced glutathione loss and malondialdehyde and oxidized glutathione production when compared with those from control groups (P < 0.05). These data support that these triterpenes were absorbed and deposited in their intact forms, which in turn exerted in vivo antioxidative protection.[[abstract]]This study analyzed the content of eight triterpenes (oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, arjunolic acid, asiatic acid, boswellic acid, corosolic acid, madecassic acid, and maslinic acid) in ten vegetables and eight fruits. These compounds at 0.5% were supplied to mice for 4 or 8 weeks. The bioavailability, tissue distribution, and antioxidative protection of these triterpenes were examined. Results showed that triterpenes were detected in eight vegetables and six fruits. Basil and brown mustard contained seven test triterpenes, in the range of 14–102 mg/100 g dry weight. The level of each triterpene in plasma, brain, heart, liver, kidney, colon, and bladder increased as the feeding period was increased from 4 weeks to 8 weeks (P < 0.05). Renal homogenates from mice with triterpene intake had greater antioxidative effects against glucose-induced glutathione loss and malondialdehyde and oxidized glutathione production when compared with those from control groups (P < 0.05). These data support that these triterpenes were absorbed and deposited in their intact forms, which in turn exerted in vivo antioxidative protection

    Anti-oxidative and Anti-inflammatory Protection from Carnosine in Striatum of MPTP-treated Mice

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    [[abstract]]"Mice treated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) were used to 3 examine the neuroprotective effects of carnosine. Carnosine at 0.5, 1 and 2 g/L was 4 directly added to the drinking water for 4 wk. MPTP treatment significantly depleted 5 striatal glutathione content, reduced the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), 6 superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, increased malondialdehyde and reactive oxygen 7 species levels, and elevated interleukin-6, nitrite and tumor necrosis factor-production as 8 well as enhanced inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activity in striatum (P<0.05). 9 The pre-intake of carnosine significantly attenuated MPTP-induced glutathione loss, 10 retained the activity of GPX and SOD, diminished oxidative stress, and lowered 11 inflammatory cytokines and nitrite levels as well as suppressed iNOS activity (P<0.05). 12 MPTP treatment significantly suppressed GPX mRNA expression and enhanced iNOS 13 mRNA expression (P<0.05). Carnosine pre-intake significantly elevated GPX mRNA 14 expression and declined iNOS mRNA expression (P<0.05). Pre-intake of carnosine also 15 significantly improved MPTP-induced dopamine depletion and maintained 16 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid levels (P<0.05). These results 17 suggest that carnosine could provide anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory protection for the 18 striatumagainstthedevelopmentofParkinson’sdisease.

    Anti-coagulatory and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Astaxanthin in Diabetic Rats

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    [[abstract]]"Astaxanthin at 0.01 or 0.05% of the diet was supplied to diabetic rats for 12 wks. 3 Astaxanthin intake significantly increased its deposit in plasma, and retained glutathione 4 content, reduced the production of reactive oxygen species, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis 5 factor-, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in blood and kidney of diabetic rats 6 (P<0.05). Astaxanthin treatments also significantly decreased plasma levels of C-reactive 7 protein and von Willebrand factor in diabetic rats (P<0.05). Astaxanthin intake at 0.05% 8 significantly diminished plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and factor VII activities, enhanced 9 antithrombin-III and protein C activities in circulation (P<0.05). These results support that 10 astaxanthin could attenuate diabetes associated coagulatory, oxidative, and inflammatory 11 stress.