11 research outputs found

    Collaborative Visual Interface for Knowledge Management ---The Design and the Influence Analysis

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    [[abstract]]既有的查詢介面,常以單一的使用者為設計的核心,因此使用者常需單獨面對查詢資訊的過程。本研究建議設計新的合作式視覺介面,讓使用者在查詢資訊的過程中,可以輕易地找到有類似興趣的人,並透過彼此的溝通與討論,提升資訊搜尋的速度與品質。為了瞭解所設計的介面對決策的影響,我們也在研究中提出模式與假設,希望利用實驗的方式,深入分析不同的介面設計所帶來的影響。我們的研究成果,將提供系統設計及資訊搜尋者,作為設計查詢介面的參考以及分析介面設計影響的基礎。[[abstract]]Existing efforts on query interface design concentrate on single user and result in lonely knowledge seeking process. Therefore, in this research, we suggest to design a collaborative visual interface in which human users can take advantages of the behavior of the like-mined people via interaction, and thereby exploring complex information space collaboratively. In order to understand the influence of the designed interface on decision making, in this research, we also propose a model to test the interactive querying environment. The results of this research will provide system designers with heuristics of constructing querying interfaces and inform knowledge seeks how querying interfaces influence the performance of decision making


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    [[abstract]]由於環境、文化、社會和技術的變化,期待⾼等教育機構加強社區參與,並培育具社會責任感的現代公⺠,近來受到了許 多的關注。然⽽,社會責任教育是⼀件深具挑戰性的⼯作,設計合適的教學⽅法融入社會責任教育,成為重要且具挑戰性 的教學實踐研究問題。本計畫以彰化師範⼤學「社頭織襪,永續經營」⼤學社會責任計畫中多元課程「互動式網⾴設計」 為⽬標,探討如何將社會責任教育融入原有課程。具體⽽⾔,本計畫結合專題導向式學習與線上社群,帶領學⽣了解彰化 社頭織襪產業現況與問題,使學⽣統整運⽤所學網⾴設計能⼒,結合地⽅特⾊,嚐試構思設計織襪廠商網⾴,以新的教學 ⽅式將社會責任教育融入原有課程。本計畫以系統開發法擴充「社頭織襪,永續經營」產官學社區溝通平台功能,以提供 線上社群討論空間,並以教育⾏動研究法,透過每⼀個循環的規劃、⾏動、觀察與省思,精進實務教學。[[abstract]]Due to the changes of environment, culture, society and technology, the call for increased community engagement of the higher education institutions has received attention recently. However, designing appropriate methods to teach social responsibility is challenging. This study aims to investigate a new method to teach social responsibility in the IWD (Interactive Webpage Design) course of the STUSR (She-Tou University Social Responsibility) project. Specifically, this study proposes to combine project-based learning and online community to improve students’ learning effectiveness in social responsibility. By doing so, motivated students can apply the web design skills they have learned to participate in the related website tasks of the STUSR project. This study expanded the related functions of the communication platform used in the STUSR project to provide online discussion space, and refined the proposed teaching method by performing action research

    An Analysis of Blog-Based Social Network and Post Content for a Blog Recommender System

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    [[abstract]]過去幾年來,部落格的使用呈現爆發性的成長。部落格提供了一個更為開放的溝通管道,人們在部落格中發表文章,也閱讀、評論他人的文章,透過彼此間的互動,甚至建立新的人際連結,形成社群。以部落格為基礎的社會網路因而成為有力且具有附加價值的平台。然而,大量的部落格也造成了資訊負載的問題,增加了人們尋找有興趣資訊的難度。因此,本研究研議發展一個部落格推薦系統。在我們所發展的部落格推薦系統中,文章內容的相似性、社會網路的重要性及彼此之間的信賴關係,將拌演重要的角色。本研究也將藉由所發展的部落格推薦系統,探討部落格中資訊搜尋與主題移轉等相關活動。[[abstract]]Over the past few years, the web has experienced an exponential growth in the use of weblogs. Weblog offers a more open channel of communication, people in the blogosphere read, commentate, cite, socialize and even reach out beyond their social networks, make new connections, and form communities. A blog-based social network thus emerges as a powerful and potentially services-valued form of communication. The acceleration of webblogs, however, has increased the perceived information overload for bloggers attempting to find interested or relevant information. Therefore, in this research, we suggest develop a weblog recommender system for making bloggers or blog posts (articles) recommendation. We consider that content similarity, social authority and trust relationship play important roles to help prepare the ground for the development of personalized and trustworthy weblog recommender system. With the conceived weblog recommender system, we then want to explore information seeking and topic drift activities in the blogosphere

    Mining Social Networks for Targeted Advertising

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    Viral Marketing in a Competitive and Dynamic Social Network

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    [[abstract]]藉由彼此間的連繫互動,消費者常會影響其它消費者的消費行為。病毒行銷利用這種消費者間會互相影響的行為,鼓勵消費者將產品訊息由一個消費者傳遞到另一個消費者,而使得產品訊息得以爆炸性地快速傳遞與影響。近年來,由於線上社會網路的快速成長, 病毒行銷已成為行銷領域中重要的概念與策略,引起許多討論。在病毒行銷中,一個有趣的問題自然是: 如果我們想使得訊息的擴散達到最大化,那麼我們應該選擇那些消費者作為廣告的起點呢? 這個影響最大化的問題,過去曾有相關研究進行討論。然而,他們的假設及論點卻過於簡化。例如,假設市場中只有一個產品而社會網路也是固定的。因此,在本研究計畫中,我們將探討如何在競爭及動態的社會網路中,選擇起點進行病毒行銷而使得訊息擴散得以最大化。[[abstract]]By virtue of interactions, consumers influence each other’s decisions in adopting a product or behavior. Viral marketing, which describes any strategy that encourages consumers to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the message’s exposure and influence, therefore has drummed up significant buzz in marketing circles as the hot new initiative. An interesting question thus emerges: If we wish to maximize the size of a cascade, which subset of consumers should we target? Though previous researches shed light to this influence maximization problem, they assume that there is only one company introducing a product and the underlying social network is static. These views of social networks are highly idealistic. In this research, we therefore consider how an influence cascade can be conducted in a competitive and dynamic environmen

    Facilitating Information Sharing and Social Interaction with iTravel in Mobile Peer-To-Peer Environment

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    [[abstract]]無線設備和通訊技術已使得無線點對點傳輸變得可行。然而,無線點對點傳輸改變了許多傳統點對點傳輸的觀念,並可能成為新的資訊傳輸典範。因此,在本研究中,我們提議建構iTravel 系統,來協助無線點對點環境中資訊的分享與社會互動。所建構的 iTravel 系統將可以讓使用者表達對環境中景點的評論及意見。當使用者在一定傳輸範圍時,評論訊息可以直接互相傳遞。而眾人對景點的意見,也可以匿名的方式在人際網路上傳輸,並以合作過濾演算法將所收集的意見整理後推薦景點。透過所建構的iTravel 系統,本研究將探討無線點對點傳輸環境下資訊的分享與社會互動。[[abstract]]Technologies of mobile devices and RF-communication have made it possible to form peer-to-peer connections in mobile settings. Mobile peer-to-peer communication, however, is making radical changes to the whole concept of peer-to-peer, and maybe new paradigms in the field of communication. Therefore, in this research, we suggest building a platform – iTravel - to facilitate information sharing and social interaction among mobile peers. The iTravel system will enable users to express their comments and opinions on attractions (or points of interest) in the environment. Comments given by one user are made available to another when users pass each other. Opinions are presented in aggregated from, as recommendations, using collaborative filtering algorithms. With the conceived iTravel system, we would like to investigate the social activities among mobile peers in this research


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    Mining Workflow Instances to Support Workflow Schema Design

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    [[abstract]]隨著全球性的發展,現今的企業必須對於變革有著快速反應的能力,以適應競爭激烈的環境。而企業流程改造,為許多企業視為達成這個目標的一大利器。因此,許多企業組織致力於改造組織流程,以確保高效率的流程品質。目前,這方面已有許多研究論述。但這些與企業流程改造、工作流程管理相關的研究中,多假設企業既有流程已知。然而,如何找出既有流程並不容易,而且耗費大量人力、成本。因此,在本研究中,我們以流程執行所記錄下來的流程歷史資料為輸入,推導演算法,利用演算法以系統化、自動化的方式,找出組織的既有流程。在本研究中,也將演算法實作一雛型系統,並與其它的流程萃取演算法進行評估測試比較,本研究所提出的演算法在時間上,有較佳的績效,而且只須較少的流程例就可以找出正確的流程,當流程中有複雜的迴圈時,找出流程的正確性亦較佳。本研究試圖由這個自動化演算法的建立,大幅降低流程分析時,找出既有流程的組織成本。以利流程分析、改造人員進一步改善流程之用。[[abstract]]Facing the increasing global competition, modern business organizations have to respond quickly and correctly to the constant changing environment to ensure their competitive advantages. This goal has led to a recent surge of work on Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Workflow Management. While most work in these areas assume that process definitions are known in a priori, it is widely recognized that defining a process type which totally represents all properties of the underlying business process is a difficult job. This job is currently practiced in a very ad-hoc fashion. In this paper, we postulate an algorithm to discover the process definition from analyzing the existing process instances. We compare our algorithm with other existing algorithms proposed in the literature in terms of time complexity and apply these algorithms through synthetic data sets to measure the qualities of output results. It has been found that our algorithm is able to return the process definitions closer to the real ones in a faster manner

    A Recommender System in Mobile Shopping Environment

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