Mining Workflow Instances to Support Workflow Schema Design


[[abstract]]隨著全球性的發展,現今的企業必須對於變革有著快速反應的能力,以適應競爭激烈的環境。而企業流程改造,為許多企業視為達成這個目標的一大利器。因此,許多企業組織致力於改造組織流程,以確保高效率的流程品質。目前,這方面已有許多研究論述。但這些與企業流程改造、工作流程管理相關的研究中,多假設企業既有流程已知。然而,如何找出既有流程並不容易,而且耗費大量人力、成本。因此,在本研究中,我們以流程執行所記錄下來的流程歷史資料為輸入,推導演算法,利用演算法以系統化、自動化的方式,找出組織的既有流程。在本研究中,也將演算法實作一雛型系統,並與其它的流程萃取演算法進行評估測試比較,本研究所提出的演算法在時間上,有較佳的績效,而且只須較少的流程例就可以找出正確的流程,當流程中有複雜的迴圈時,找出流程的正確性亦較佳。本研究試圖由這個自動化演算法的建立,大幅降低流程分析時,找出既有流程的組織成本。以利流程分析、改造人員進一步改善流程之用。[[abstract]]Facing the increasing global competition, modern business organizations have to respond quickly and correctly to the constant changing environment to ensure their competitive advantages. This goal has led to a recent surge of work on Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Workflow Management. While most work in these areas assume that process definitions are known in a priori, it is widely recognized that defining a process type which totally represents all properties of the underlying business process is a difficult job. This job is currently practiced in a very ad-hoc fashion. In this paper, we postulate an algorithm to discover the process definition from analyzing the existing process instances. We compare our algorithm with other existing algorithms proposed in the literature in terms of time complexity and apply these algorithms through synthetic data sets to measure the qualities of output results. It has been found that our algorithm is able to return the process definitions closer to the real ones in a faster manner

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