46 research outputs found


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    乳癌を含め多くの固形腫瘍において,癌幹細胞(CSC)が治療抵抗性や再発の原因となることが示唆されている.一方, エストロゲン感受性乳癌におけるCSCの制御機構に関する研究は少ない.そこで,エストロゲン受容体(ER)陽性乳癌細胞におけるエストロゲンや抗エストロゲン薬(抗E薬)の細胞増殖やCSC制御に与える影響について検討した.さらに,内分泌療法抵抗性乳癌に有効性が期待されているmTOR阻害薬エベロリムス(EVE)と抗E薬との併用効果も検討した.ER陽性乳癌の実験モデルとして,エストロゲン高感受性(HS)のMCF-7,T-47D乳癌細胞株,エストロゲン低感受性(LS)のKPL-1,KPL-3C乳癌細胞株を用いた.薬剤は,17β-estradiol(E2),4-hydroxytamoxifen(4-OHT),fulvestrant(FUL),EVEを用い,細胞増殖,細胞周期,アポトーシス,CSC比率に与える影響を検討した.CSCの同定には,CD44/CD24/EpCAM抗体を用いたフローサイトメトリー法及びmammosphere assayを用いた.ER-α,PgRおよびER関連転写因子(GATA3等)の発現は免疫細胞化学的に検討した.結果として(1)LS細胞株では,PgRの発現が認められなかった.それ以外のER関連因子は,HS細胞株,LS細胞株ともに高発現が認められた.(2)HS細胞株はLS細胞株に比べ,E2による細胞増殖の促進効果,CSC比率の増加効果が,ともにより顕著であった.(3)HS細胞株はLS細胞株に比べ,抗E薬による細胞増殖の抑制効果,CSC比率の低下効果がより顕著であった.(4)EVEと抗E薬の併用は,LS細胞株において相加的な細胞増殖抑制効果を示した.両薬の併用により,一部の細胞株ではCSC比率の減少効果が増強された.以上の結果は,LS乳癌において,抗E薬の増殖抑制効果ばかりでなく,CSC比率の低下効果も減弱していることを示唆している.抗E薬抵抗性獲得のメカニズムの一つとして,CSC制御機構の異常が関わっている可能性がある.また,一部の乳癌細胞株において,抗E薬とEVE併用の結果から,内分泌抵抗性乳癌におけるEVEの有用性が示唆された.Recent studies have revealed the existence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in breast cancer. CSCs may play critical roles in resistance to anticancer agents and radiation, and in the development of metastases. However, the roles of CSCs in estrogen-responsive breast cancer remain to be elucidated. In this study, we investigated the effects of estrogen and antiestrogens (AEs) as well as an inhibitor of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), everolimus (EVE) on the cell growth and regulation of the CSC population in estrogen-responsive breast cancer cell lines (BCCLs). Two high estrogen-sensitivity (HS) BCCLs, MCF-7 and T-47D, and two low estrogen-sensitivity (LS) BCCLs, KPL-1 and KPL-3C, were used. 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) and a steroidal AE fulvestrant (FUL) and EVE were studied. Expression levels of ER-related proteins, ER-α, progesterone receptor (PgR), GATA3, FOXA1 and XBP1 were immunocytochemically investigated. The effects of the agents on the cell growth, cell cycle progression, apoptosis and regulation of the CSC population, defined as EpCAM-positive, CD44-high, CD24-low or negative cells using flow cytometery or mammosphere assay, were examined. Experimental results are as follows: (1) The LS BCCLs were negative for PgR but positive for the other ER-related proteins examined. The HS BCCLs were positive for all the ER-related proteins. The LS BCCLs were tumorigenic in female nude mice without estrogen supplementation, but the HS BCCLs were not. (2) The increase in cell growth induced by 17β-estradiol (E2) was more pronounced in the HS BCCLs. The decrease in cell growth induced by 4-OHT or FUL was more pronounced in the HS BCCLs. The AEs inhibited the G1-S cell cycle progression and induced a slight apoptosis. (3) E2 significantly increased the proportion of CSCs in all the cell lines tested. The increase in the CSC proportion by E2 was more pronounced in the HS BCCLs. The decrease in the CSC proportion by both 4-OHT and FUL was more pronounced in the HS BCCLs. (4) The decrease in the cell growth by EVE was more pronounced in LS BCCLs. Combined treatment of 4-OHT or FUL with EVE showed an additive effect in the LS BCCLs but not in the HS BCCLs. (5) Although EVE alone slightly increased the proportion of CSCs, the combined treatment of 4-OHT or FUL with EVE did not increased it. In conclusions, the HS BCCLs were more sensitive to estrogen and AEs than the LS BCCLs with regard to the cell growth response and CSC regulation. Thus, the LS BCCLs were more resistant to AE. It should be noted that EVE was more active in the LS BCCLs. These findings suggest that the combined use of EVE with AEs may be more useful in patients with breast cancer resistant to AEs

    総合的な視点に基づいた児童英語指導法に関する研究 : 英語を専科としない学生による積極的かつ専門的アプローチをめざして

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    The concern of this paper is to clarify a joint research project conducted in 2005 at Toyo Eiwa University, whose purpose was mainly to explore ways to instruct Toyo Eiwa students to teach English to children in a significant and effective way. In 2002, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) introduced in the nation\u27s public elementary schools the "Period of Integrated Study," in which they could conduct English-related activities for the purpose of promoting international understanding. In the following year, the MEXT established an Action Plan to "Cultivate Japanese with English Abilities," one of whose focuses is to support and enhance English conversation activities in elementary schools. Therefore, teaching English to children, both preschoolers and schoolchildren, have been attracting much attention of teachers and educators, not to mention the parents. Such being the case, several faculty members with different academic backgrounds set up a joint research project in order to investigate into good ways for our students to contribute to meeting the needs of the society; even though they do not major in English, they can support those teachers in kindergarten and elementary school as undergraduates, and will be able to do so in the future at different stages of their life. The joint research actually aimed at serving a double purpose; for the faculty to search for a didactics of training especially Toyo Eiwa students to teach English to small children in various approaches, and for these students to receive training in teaching English to children with heightening their awareness of the meaning of international understanding. We have made full use of the research results in an elective English course, "Children and English," which was first introduced in our curriculum in 2005, by taking turns to interact with the students as instructors as well as co-learners

    Structural variation from off Shikoku to the Kii Peninsula related to various earhthquake phenomena

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    南海トラフで繰り返し発生する巨大地震の中には、東海・東南海・南海地震が連動して発生する超巨大地震のケースがあることが指摘されている。このような超巨大地震について、どのような場合に連動し、あるいは非連動性巨大地震となるのかを明らかにすることが必要である。連動型地震の滑り域の範囲がどこまで広がるかを見積もることが重要な課題であり、そのためには南海トラフから沈み込むフィリピン海プレートの形状およびプレート境界周辺の構造、地震活動に関する詳細かつ高精度な情報が必要である。また、南海地震単独で発生した場合についても、深部および浅部低周波地震発生域まで含めた正確な破壊の広がりの把握、複雑な破壊分布の原因を明らかにするために南海地震破壊域とその縁辺での地殻構造や地震活動は重要な情報となる。平成20年度は日向灘、平成21年度は四国沖で調査を実施し、平成22年度は調査海域を東方の紀伊半島沖まで拡大し、沈み込み帯の地殻構造、巨大地震の発生、地震活動の相互関係の解明を目的として、南海・地震破壊域における沈み込みに関する詳細な構造のイメージングおよび地震のアスペリティに関する構造を明らかにするためのデータの取得、および西南日本の付加体先端部付近で発生している低周波地震や微動を含む自然地震観測を実施した。  本講演では、四国沖?紀伊半島沖の平成21~22年度の調査結果について述べる。平成21年10月、および平成22年10~11月、(独)海洋研究開発機構の海洋調査船「かいれい」によって短周期海底地震計各々180台と大容量チューンドエアガン(7800cu. in.)を用いた屈折法・広角反射法探査を実施した(図1)。海底地震計設置期間中に自然地震観測も実施した。四国沖では21観測点、紀伊半島沖では20観測点による約9ヶ月間の長期地震観測も実施した(一部実施中)。なお、本調査は文部科学省からの受託研究「東海・東南海・南海地震の連動性評価のための 調査観測・研究」の個別研究テーマ「南海トラフ域海域地震探査・地震観測」(平成20年度から受託)の一環として実施した。  一部の調査測線の解析の結果、足摺岬沖から日向灘に向かって約6km/sの古い付加体を示す岩体の分布が海側に張り出していること、また、SK05の構造モデルによると、SK03とSK02の中間付近からSK01付近までの付加堆積物が極端に薄いことなど、トラフ平行方向に構造変化があることがわかり、破壊様式の違いに関係する構造ではないかと考えられる。また、測線延長上のHi-net陸上観測点のデータを加えた海陸統合解析を実施しており、これにより深部低周波地震現象と構造との関連性が明らかになると期待されるC11-10発表要旨, 日本地震学会2011年度秋季大会(2011年10月12日~15日, 静岡県静岡市


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     過活動膀胱(overactive bladder:以下OAB)は,尿意切迫感や頻尿などの下部尿路症状を有し,加齢とともに増加する傾向がある.OAB 患者の治療薬として,本邦では抗コリン薬とβ3アドレナリン受容体作動薬が推奨,使用されている.今回,女性OAB 患者に対する,抗コリン薬とβ3アドレナリン受容体作動薬の内服継続率,副作用,内服中止理由に関してretrospective に検討した.対象は,2013年1月から12月の1年間に当院泌尿器科を受診した初診の女性OAB 患者,87名とした.β3アドレナリン受容体作動薬投与群と抗コリン薬投与群の内服継続率は,β3アドレナリン受容体作動薬投与群は,12か月で38.8%,60か月で18.1%,抗コリン薬投与群は,12か月18.4%,60か月で7.9%であり,β3アドレナリン受容体作動薬投与群の方が若干継続率は良いものの,両群間に差は認めなかった.副作用に関しては,抗コリン薬投与群の方が多く,口喝が17例(44.7%),便秘が15例(39.5%)であった.薬剤中止の理由は両群とも自然寛解によるものが多かった. Overactive bladder (OAB) involves lower urinary tract symptoms such as urinary urgency and polyuria, and tends to increase with age. In Japan, the drugs recommended and used for treatment of OAB patients are anticholinergic agents and β3 adrenalin receptor agonists. The present study was a retrospective investigation of the rates of long-term administration of anticholinergic agents and β3 adrenalin receptor agonists, adverse effects with these drugs, and reasons for discontinuation of administration, with female OAB patients. The subjects were 87 female patients who were examined at this hospital\u27s Urology Dept. over 1 year between January and December 2013, and diagnosed as having OAB for the first time. With respect to the rates of long-term administration, in the β3 adrenalin receptor agonist group the rates of administration for 12 and 60 months, respectively, were 38.8% and 18.1%, and these rates in the anticholinergic agent group were 18.4% and 7.9%, so the long-term administration rates were somewhat higher in the β3 adrenalin receptor agonist group, but no difference between the groups was found. Adverse effects were more frequent in the anticholinergic agent group, with 17 subjects in that group (44.7%) developing buccal dryness, and 15 (39.5%) developing constipation. In both groups, the most frequent reason for discontinuation of administration was spontaneous remission