1,803 research outputs found

    Research on the impact of the tourism listing Corporation of refinance to business performance

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    近年来,随着大众生活水平的提高,人们越来越注重生活品质,旅游逐渐走进人们的生活中。但是,旅游业的生存发展需要大量的资金注入,资本作为企业的血液,是企业经营活动的最主要的推力,由于融资是企业募集资本的重要方式,公司的融资成本和募集资金的使用情况会对公司的经营业绩带来影响,同时资本结构的变化也会对公司的经营业绩带来影响,但以往学者主要研究股权再融资方式对股本结构的影响,对再融资方式对经营业绩影响的研究还是凤毛麟角,为此本文将就旅游上市公司进行再融资对经营业绩的影响展开研究。 本文采用回归分析法对新浪财经网、巨潮资讯网以及上海、深圳证券交易所的相关数据进行分析,探讨中国旅游上市公司不同的再融资方式...Founded survival as well as the development of enterprises need a lot of money into capital, as enterprises in the blood, is the main thrust of economic activities。When there is a shortage of corporate funds, it will need to be financed.Refinancing refers constantly to raise funds after the establishment of the enterprise to meet the development needs of their production behavior. Then after the f...学位:旅游管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理学号:1782012115115

    Research on Performance Management of Branch Manager ——Case Study on International Logistics Enterprise D Group Xiamen Branch

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    世界是平的!国际间日趋频繁的交流不断地扩大了国际物流的市场,国际物流企业由于行业具有国际性和规模化的特点,随着企业业务的不断发展,必然持续地扩大自身的服务网络,拥有越来越多的分公司。然而,如何实现对这些分公司的有效管理,是国际物流企业成败的关键,也是一大部分企业的管理层面临的难题。以往大部分的财务分析往往是以总部/母公司的财务数据为基础,采用盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力和发展能力等方面的财务绩效评价指标体系,来评估整个企业的经营状况和财务的风险程度,而单个分公司只是企业业务构成的一部分,只涉及局部的总部/母公司的财务数据,应用这套常用的财务指标体系对分公司进行绩效评价,存在操作过程复杂、评价结...The world is flat! Increasing international business continuously expands the international logistics market. The industry has the characteristics of international and scale business. With growing business, the international logistics enterprises have to enlarge their network result as increasing number of branches. However, how to manage the branches effectively is a challenge for the senior mana...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792009115074

    A Study on the Legal Problems of Disposal of Non-Performing Assets in Commercial Banks

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    自2013年,商业银行的不良贷款率和不良贷款余额持续双升,截止到2016年下半年才有所放缓。大量的不良资产严重影响了商业银行的资金周转,造成资产损失,更有研究者认为不良资产会将中国带入经济低潮中。近年来,国家鼓励和推动商业银行采用多样的手段处理不良资产,如重启不良资产证券化、开展债转股、允许各省增设一家地方不良资产管理公司等,鼓励银行按照法治化、市场化的原则有序处置不良资产。本文主要研究在新形势下,我国商业银行不良资产处置的法律问题。 从经济学上说,不良资产是商业银行经营中的必然产物,银行收益与不良资产呈正相关关系,因此,在法律建设中不能一味控制不良资产量。1999年,我国先后设立信达、华融...Since 2013, non-performing loans(NPL)and non-performing loan rate(NPLR) both have continued to rise, until the second half of 2016. A large number of non-performing assets(NPA)seriously affected the cash flow of commercial banks, resulting in asset losses, futhermore, many researchers believe that NPA may bring China into a slump. In recent years, the state has encouraged and promoted commercial...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:1302015115098

    A Study on Mainland Policy of Democratic Progressive Party and Its Impact on Ma Ying-Jeou’s Administration Developing Cross-strait Relations(2008-2016)

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    在台湾政党政治中,大陆政策的地位举足轻重,民进党作为台湾两大政党之一,无论是作为执政党抑或在野党,其大陆政策都对两岸关系有很大影响。2008年到2016年在野时期,民进党为配合选举形势对大陆政策进行了微调,一方面坚守“台独”党纲,另一方面提出一系列缓和两岸关系的政策。经济上,民进党主张谨慎发展台湾与大陆的经贸关系,保持台湾经济的自主性。文化上,民进党延续了陈水扁政府时期的“文化台独”政策。此外,民进党作为在野党,利用体制内外相结合的方式,影响马英九政府出台和推动有利于两岸关系发展的相关政策。而随着台湾政治环境的变化,国、民两党从也由使命型政党转向掮客型政党,政党的政策和主张随着民意而变动,加上...The status of mainland policy plays a key role in the party politics of Taiwan. As a pivotal part of Taiwan's party politics, the DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) has a great impact on cross-strait relations whenever it is a ruling party or oppositional party. On one hand, when the DPP worked as an oppositional party from 2008 to 2016, it had made minute adjustment on the "Taiwan independence" p...学位:法学硕士院系专业:南洋研究院_国际关系学号:2552014115221


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