18 research outputs found

    The Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Health Status in Chinese Elderly

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    目的探讨中国老年人健康状况及其影响因素。方法利用2010年第六次全国人口普查数据及相关资料,评价个人微观环境和社会宏观环境因素对老年人健康的影响。结果中国60岁以上老年人平均健康得分为(3.240±0.798)分,性别、年龄、婚姻状态、生活来源、居住地与老年人健康状况相关,老年健康状况与地区gdP呈现正相关,与地区卫生总费用和基层医疗机构床位数正相关。结论老年人的健康水平总体较好,加大卫生投入尤其是基层卫生投入是提高老年人健康的关键。Objective The purpose of the present study was to investigate the health status and influencing factors in Chinese elderly.Methods Using the data and related information of the sixth nationw ide population census in 2010 to evaluate the impact of individual micro-environment and social macro environment factors on the health status of the elderly.Results The average health score of age over 60 in Chinese elderly w as 3.240 ± 0.798,gender,age,marital status,source of income,and place of residence w ere associated w ith the health status of the elderly.The region's GDP show ed a positive correlation w ith the health status of the elderly.It w as also found that the health status of the elderly w as positive correlation w ith the total expenditure of regional health and the number of beds in grassroots medical institutions.Conclusion The overall health status of the elderly is good.The key to improve the health status in Chinese elderly is increasing health investment,especially in grassroots medical institutions

    Dynamic simulation of gas hydrate reservoirs in the Shenhu area,the northern South China Sea

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    为进一步了解南海北部神狐海域天然气水合物的成藏匹配条件,利用典型二维地震剖面,构建了该区的地质模型,并对其进行了天然气水合物成藏动力学的模拟。研究结果表明:神狐海域具备天然气水合物成藏的温度、压力条件;生物气和热解气的资源潜力巨大,满足水合物形成的气源条件;运移条件优越,有利于天然气水合物的聚集成藏。并提出了该区天然气水合物的成藏模式。The north slope of the South China Sea is structurally characterized by a passive continental margin and has various Cenozoic oil-and gas-bearing depositional basins,where hydrocarbon resources are abundant,and the geological and tectonic settings,the temperature and pressure regimes as well as the methane-generative potential of thick organic-rich sediments are all favorable for the formation of gas hydrate.As a result,this region is also an ideal area for studying gas hydrate accumulations.In order to understand natural conditions of the gas hydrate formation,based on the typical 2-dimensional seismic image of the Shenhu area,a geological model of gas hydrate reservoirs was established and a dynamic simulation of gas hydrate accumulations was carried out as well.The results indicated that the temperature and pressure of the Shenhu area are appropriate for gas hydrate accumulations,source rocks there have a huge gas-generative potential and hydrocarbon migration conditions are favorable,providing an abundant gas source and good pathways for the gas hydrate formation.A forecasting model of the gas hydrate formation was given based on basin analysis,indicating that the Shenhu area is a better prospect area of gas hydrate because of its huge potential of gas hydrate resources.国土资源部公益性行业科研专项(200811014)“天然气水合物成藏的控制因素研究”;国家自然科学基金项目(No.40930845)“南海北部深水盆地油气渗漏系统与天然气水合物富集机制研究”;国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目(2009CB219501)“南海北部天然气水合物成藏的气源条件研究”联合资

    Fish species composition and community pattern in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea

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    根据2006—2007年在南海西北部陆架区海域进行的4航次底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类的种类组成和群落格局进行分析。调查共采获鱼类262种,隶属于20目102科。以冬季出现种类数最多,为166种;夏季和秋季次之,分别为161种和155种;春季最少,为135种。运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度(nMdS)方法分析了南海西北部陆架区鱼类群落结构的空间分布。研究表明,该海域鱼类可划分为5个群落,分别为粤西沿岸群落(群落Ⅰ)、海南岛东南沿岸群落(群落Ⅱ)、海南岛东部深海群落(群落Ⅲ)、过渡群落(群落Ⅳ)和混合群落(群落V)。AnOSIM检验表明,各群落间鱼类组成的差异极为显著(r=0.847-0.939,P<0.001)。鱼类群落格局的变化与海流和水深关系密切,有较明显的沿水深梯度分布的规律。咸淡水鱼类在雷州半岛东部的冷涡区域,形成群落Ⅰ;南海暖流控制区域内的深海鱼类,形成群落Ⅲ;在南海暖流最为强劲的冬季,研究区域内大部分鱼类集结为混合性群落V;琼东南沿岸的上升流区内形成群落Ⅱ;沿岸流强劲的夏、秋季,在沿岸流和上升流交汇处,形成过渡性群落Ⅳ。To understand fish species composition,community pattern,dominant species and seasonal variation in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea,four otter trawl surveys were conducted in January and August 2006,and April and November 2007,representing winter,summer,spring and autumn,respectively.Sixteen stations were assigned in each otter trawl survey along the coastlines from eastern Leizhou Peninsula to southeastern Hainan Island.Fish collection and data analysis followed the National Marine Survey Standards(GB/T12763.6—2007).Totally 262 fish species,from 102 families and 20 orders,were collected in the four seasonal surveys.The results revealed that the highest species diversity was in winter with 166 species recorded and the lowest was in spring with 135 species recorded;161 and 155 species were recorded in summer and autumn,respectively.The Order Perciformes was the most important fish group in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea;the highest species diversity recorded was the Perciformes in all four seasons,and 40 out of 72 species recorded year-round belonged to the Perciformes.Species found in all four seasons contributed to 80.34% of total fish biomass.Ninety-one species found only in a single season contributed to 1.62% of total fish biomass.The spatial pattern of fish communities was analyzed using the hierarchical clustering and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling(NMDS),five fish groups were indentified.The Group Ⅰ,recorded in all four seasons,was located in the coastal waters of western Guangdong Province and consisted of 3 or 4 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅰ were stable among seasons.The Group Ⅱ,recorded in spring,summer and autumn,was located in the coastal waters of southeastern Hainan Island and consisted of 6—9 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅱ had seasonal variation.The Group Ⅲ,recorded in spring,summer and autumn,was located in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island and consisted of 4 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅲ were stable.The Group Ⅳ as a transitional community,recorded in summer and autumn only,was located in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island and consisted of 1—3 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅳ were small and changed largely with season.The Group Ⅴ as a mixed community,recorded in winter only,was also located in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island and consisted of 13 stations.The scale and the distribution area of the Group Ⅴ were the largest among the 5 groups.Based on the analysis of similarities(ANOSIM),the results showed the significant differences(R=0.847-0.939,P <0.001) in fish community pattern for all four seasons.Although the station combinations in each fish community had seasonal variation,the correlation coefficients on the community similarities between spring and summer,between summer and autumn and between autumn and winter were 0.780,0.630 and 0.777,respectively.The variations of fish community pattern are closely related to ocean currents and depth.The brackish fishes distributed in the cold eddy area of eastern Leizhou Peninsula and contributed to the Group Ⅰ.The deep sea fishes along the South China Sea Warm Current in eastern Hainan Island contributed to the Group Ⅲ.In winter with the strongest South China Sea Warm Current recorded in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island,the area was dominated by fishes from the mixed Group Ⅴ.Because of the upwelling in the coastal waters of southeastern Hainan Island the area was dominated by fishes from the Group Ⅱ.In summer and autumn,the coastal current was strong and mixed with the upwelling in the deep waters of eastern Hainan Island;therefore,the area was dominated by fishes from the transitional Group Ⅳ.This study provides scientific evidences for further sustainable fisheries development and conservation in the continental shelf of northwestern South China Sea.我国近海海洋综合调查与评价专项(908-01-ST08); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所)资助项目(2009TS08;2010YD01和2010YD10); 农业部近海渔业资源调查项目(070404); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(201005012); 广东省海洋渔业资源综合评价资助项目(GD908-02-05


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    利用甲酸脱氢酶(FDH)催化甲酸脱氢反应是酶促有机合成中重要的还原型烟酰胺辅酶再生系统。实验对E.coli BL21(DE3)/pET32/Bsp-FDH诱导表达NADP+依赖甲酸脱氢酶的表达条件进行了优化,在培养第4h加入0.4 mmol/l的IPTG、诱导时间8h、诱导温度30℃的诱导表达条件下,每升发酵液产甲酸脱氢酶170U。利用亲和层析法一步分离纯化重酶,纯化倍数为9.65、酶活回收达60.43%。实验为重组甲酸脱氢酶应用于有机合成中的NADPH再生奠定基础。中英优秀青年学者奖学金(2008180809);广西民族大学重点项目科研基金(200701YJ01);化工过程创新技术研发平台建设(桂科能0992028-13)资助课

    Effect of GA_3 and Thiourea on Newly Developed Rhizome and Fibrous Root of Polygonatum sibiricum Redoute

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    为诱导无芽黄精根状茎产生不定芽,选择不同的化学物质进行诱导处理。结果表明,GA3处理效果明显,选用0.4 mg/L的GA3浸泡25 min对黄精根状茎不定芽的产生和须根生长有明显促进作用,高浓度抑制其生长;1%硫脲浸泡处理对黄精无顶芽根状茎萌发新芽和须根有明显的抑制作用

    Biological Traits of Three Gastrodia elata Variants in the Flowering Period

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    Studies on Biodiversity and Ecological Importance of Marine Diatoms

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    通信作者: gaoyh@ xmu. edu. cn[中文文摘]硅藻是海洋浮游植物的主要类群,也是海洋生态系统中的主要初级生产者,在海洋生态系统的物质循环和能量流动中起着极其重要的作用,但人们对海洋硅藻多样性和生态作用的认识还很有限.在叙述海洋硅藻多样性、生态作用及硅藻分类学与系统学的国内外研究动态和最新进展的基础上,概述了厦门大学硅藻课题组近年来在海洋硅藻分类学与系统学、多样性与生态分布、硅藻数据库与计算机自动识别、微型硅藻与硅藻隐形种、硅藻遗传地理差异、硅藻对环境和气候变化的响应机制、硅藻细胞硅吸收与硅质壁形成机制等方面的主要研究进展和取得的主要成果.[英文文摘]Diatom is a dominant member of marine phytoplankt on and is important primary producer in marine ecosystem which plays avery significant role in the chemical cycle and energy flow in marine ecosystem. However , our know ledge on diversity and ecological role of marine diatoms is insufficient compared to t he great numbers of unknown diatom species. In this paper , a review is made on the progress in research of biodiver sity, ecology and tax onomy of marine diatoms. As a contribution to the 90th anniversary of Xiamen University, the mostly research progress on marine diatoms by Diatom Laborator y, Xiamen Univ ersity is also presented in the paper.Our recent studies include diatom taxonomy , systematics, diversity and ecology, marine diatom database and automaticidentification, nano- diatom species and cryptical species, genetic difference and phylogeny of red- tide diatoms, response of diatoms to climate change, and diatom silica mineralization and vale formation chanism.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(2010CB428704,2011CB200901);国家自然科学基金项目(41076079,41076080,40831160519,40627001,40876079,40906058);科技部科技基础性工作专项课题(2006FY120100);福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目(JA10001


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    以氟碳树脂为主要成膜物制备了一种无色透明耐低温耐候防腐涂料,用于304不锈钢及焊缝处的腐蚀防护。考察了树脂型号、主剂与固化剂的质量比和紫外光吸收剂含量对涂层性能的影响。通过电化学测试技术、中性盐雾试验、人工耐老化试验和不锈钢低温管道现场涂覆试验探究了所制涂层的防护效果。结果表明,所制涂层的附着力为0级,耐冲击性(1 kg)50 cm,柔韧性2 mm,经过1 200 h老化试验无明显变化,中性盐雾试验1 500 h后表面保持完整且湿附着力为3.52 MPa