33 research outputs found

    ゼンコク イセキシリョウ リポジトリ オープン カンファレンス ブンカイサン ノ キロク オ スベテ ノ ヒトビト エ

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    全国遺跡資料リポジトリ・オープンカンファレンス 平成22年12月17日(金)13:00-17:30 大阪大学附属図書館総合図書館ホール内容:講演資料および全体会議資料,参加大学報

    Educational Issues of Nursing Practicum Instructors and Effects of Nursing Practicum Instructor Seminar

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    Clinical early phase II study of bicalutamide (Casodex) in patients with prostatic cancer

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    ビカルタミド1日1回50mg群, 80mg及び100mgを12週間投与する3群比較の無作為化非盲検試験を実施した. 1)登録症例は124例で, 適格例は122例であった. 2)総合効果における奏効率は50mg群, 80mg群及び100mg群でそれぞれ50.5%, 61.0%及び53.7%であった. 3)PSAに対する奏効率は50mg群, 80mg群及び100mg群でそれぞれ84.2%, 92.7%及び97.6%であった. 4)副作用発現率は3群ほぼ6割で副作用による中止例は80mg群の1例のみで, 安全度において3群間に有意差はなかった.主な副作用は乳房腫脹, 乳房圧痛等であったTo investigate the efficacy and safety of bicalutamide (Casodex(R)) with its clinically recommended dose, the randomized early phase II study was performed in 124 patients with prostatic cancer (stage C, D). The patients were given 50, 80 or 100 mg of bicalutamide orally once a day in fixed doses for 12 weeks ; 122 patients were eligible for evaluation. The overall response rate was 50.0% (20/40); 61.0% (25/41) and 53.7% (22/41) in the 50 mg, 80 mg and 100 mg groups, respectively. The response rate in prostate lesion, bone and lymph node metastases was slightly higher in the 80 mg group than in the 50 mg and 100 mg groups. The proportion of patients showing a response with regard to serum PSA (CR and PR) was 84.2, 92.7 and 97.6% in the 50, 80 and 100 mg groups, respectively. The incidence of adverse reactions was 65.0, 61.0 and 61.0% in the 50, 80 and 100 mg groups, respectively, and there was no significant difference in overall safety rating in the three groups. Frequent adverse reactions were gynecomastia and breast pain. Only one patient in the 80 ing group was withdrawn due to shortness of breath. Serum concentrations of LH, testosterone and estradiol increased significantly after treatment. Bicalutamide was concluded to be effective and well tolerated in patients with prostatic cancer, and its recommended dose was 80 mg once daily


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    <span style="color: rgb(69, 69, 69); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 21px; text-indent: 24px;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 本实用新型涉及一种质子或重离子束治癌装置。一种质子或重离子束治癌装置,包括有同步加速器,其主要特点是在同步加速器的前端设有离子源,所述的离子源为电子回旋共振离子源,电子回旋共振离子源通过源束线上的第0Q01?glasser四极透镜和第0Q02?glasser透镜、第1二极铁连接射频四极场直线加速器、中能束线上的第1四极磁铁、第2四极磁铁、第3四极磁铁、第4四极磁铁,在第2四极磁铁与第3四极磁铁之间设有第1二极磁铁,第4四极磁铁通过第1切割磁铁连接同步加速器的第1静电偏转板;在所述的同步加速器的第22四极磁铁与第31六极磁铁之间引出高能束线。本实用新型的优点是:直线加速器可以提供较高的流强,是近物所目前的SFC回旋加速器流强的20倍以上。越高的注入流强可以使同步加速器在注入同样的圈数下,获得越多的离子数。这样便可以节约同步加速器真空室的横向孔径,进而减小同步存储环的造价。</span


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    H ITFiL同步加速器剥离注入

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    <span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 22px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);">一台新的治癌专用加速器HITFiL正在设计和建造中,其中一台同步加速器为其主加速器,以高紧凑性、高可靠性和低成本为设计目标。同步加速器的注入系统采用剥离注入方式,剥离注入与单圈注入方式相比能达到较高的注入效率,而其造价明显低于多圈注入加电子冷却的注入方式。治癌采用碳粒子束,从 ECR离子源产生的C~95+离子经过回旋加速器预加速后在同步加速器注入点处剥离成为C~(6+)注入到环里。详细阐述了该注入系统的设计方案,并对整个注入过程进行了计算机模拟。在模拟过程中,对束流的注入效率、束流损失机制和粒子数增益进行了研究,得到了实空间和相空间的粒子分布和发射度增长趋势,得到了满足要求的束流流强。</span><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 22px; background-color: rgb(248, 248, 248);">A new accelerator dedicated to hadron therapy, the Heavy-Ion Therapy Facility in Lanzhou (HITFiL), is under construction. As the main accelerator of HITFiL, a heavy-ion synchrotron is designed with special attention paid to compact structure, high reliability and low cost. Stripping injection scheme is adopted for the synchrotron, which is more efficient than single-turn injection and less costly than multi-turn injection supported by electron-cooling. Carbon beams are adopted for HITFiL cancer therapy: C~(5+) ions from an electron cyclotron resonance ion source, are pre-accelerated by a cyclotron, stripped into C~(6+) ions by a carbon foil located in a main dipole of the ring and injected into the central orbit of the ring at the same time. The detailed injection scheme for the synchrotron is presented, and the stripping injection process is simulated. The injection efficiency, complete beam loss factors and the particle number gain are investigated. In addition, beam properties including beam distribution in real and phase space and emittance growth due to foil traversal are studied, and the required beam intensity is achieved.</span