49 research outputs found

    Symptoms Diagnosis of Air Pollution Injury to Vegetation

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    主要的空氣污染物有二氧化硫、氮氧化物、臭氧和氟化物等。二氧化硫為害。作物的主要徵狀為葉脈間黃化現象,如絲瓜、木瓜、蕃石榴或是葉脈間條紋斑,如水稻;然而也有葉尖、葉緣黃化現象,如水稻、甘蔗、花生和玉米等。氮氧化物比較沒有典型的為害徵狀,通常可能是葉間黃化現象,如甘藍;或葉間條紋斑,如劍蘭;但也有葉尖、葉緣黃化現象,如劍蘭等。臭氧的主要為害徵狀為葉脈間斑點、斑塊或刺點等,如胡瓜、油菜等;但也有葉尖黃化現象,如劍蘭、蕨類等。氟化物的主要為害徵狀為葉尖、葉緣黃化現象,如水稻、香蕉、鳳梨、劍蘭、相思樹和台灣橄欖等。 Major air pollutants are sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone and fluorides. Major symptoms developed by sulfur dioxide injury to vegetation are interveinal bleaching and necrosis, e.g. vegetable sponge, papaya, guava, etc. Interveinal streaks is also a major symptoms, e.g. rice. However, tip and marginal necrosis can also be observed, e.g. rice, sugar cane, peanut, maize, etc. There are no reliable or typical symptoms developed by oxides of nitrogen injury, A nonspecific chiorosis may be occurred, e.g. cabbage; or interveinal streaks, e.g. gladiolus; or tip and marginal necrosis, e.g. gladiolus. Major symptoms developed by ozone injury are interveinal fleck, stipple and mottle, e.g. cucumber, chinese mustard, etc. However, tip and marginal necrosis can also be observed, e.g. gladiolus and fern. Major symptoms developed by fluorides injury are tip and marginal necrosis, e.g. rice, banana, pineapple, gladiolus, acacia, Chinese olive, etc

    Simulation of Gas Chromatographic Processes by Monte Carlo Method

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    Based on Monte Carlo method the microscopic gas-phase adsorption chromatographic behaviors of volatile chemical compounds were simulated,and the migration process of those compounds followed by the carrier gases along the chromatographic surface and the process of adsorption-desorption were also described.The programs have been compiled to simulate the processes of thermochromatography and isothermal chromatography with different experimental conditions and properties.The calculated results agree well with ...中文摘要:用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了易挥发化合物的气相色谱微观动力学行为,描述了化合物随气流在固体色谱柱表面的迁移以及吸附-解吸等过程。按气相色谱微观动力学模型编译的计算机程序模拟了超重元素化合物在等温色谱及热色谱的动力学过程,并根据不同实验条件进行了大量计算。计算结果与实验数据较为吻合。讨论了超重元素的半衰期、吸附态的周期、载气流量以及化合物的质量密度等对实验结果的影响及该理论模型的优点和待改进的地方

    Gas-jet Recoil Transport Technique and Its Application in Nuclear Science

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    The gas-jet recoil transport technique is developed and improved as a new rapid and effective on-line and off beam method following "rabbit" apparatus in the study of short lives nuclei. It can transport the short half-life nuclear reaction products far from high radioactive area for collection and measurement at low background area. This technique has been widely used in the researches with accelerator and reactor. It is indispensable basic experimental technology and tool applied to nuclear reaction, spec...中文摘要:气体喷嘴反冲传输技术是继"跑兔"装置之后发展和完善起来的适合于短寿命核素研究的一种快速而有效的在线脱束方法。它能够将短寿命核反应产物传输至远离高辐射区的低本底场所进行收集和测量。该技术已在加速器和反应堆上得到了广泛的应用,是一种研究核反应、核谱学和合成与鉴别新元素、新核素的一种不可缺少的基本实验技术和工具。描述了气嘴系统的结构、基本原理、设计要求以及它的主要特性,特别是对系统的气体动力学机制以及各种参数对系统特性的影响等进行了讨论。最后,综述了它在核物理、核化学以及质谱学等领域的应用情况,并且给出了几个应用的典型例子

    [[alternative]]A Study on the Influence of Festival Cultural and Creative Marketing on Regional Industries: A Case Study of Xingang Township Chiayi County

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    [[abstract]]  嘉義縣新港鄉主要以農業及宗教文化為主的鄉鎮,每年辦理的節慶活動並融入當地農產品及行銷策略的成功,創造來訪新港鄉的遊客的到訪的佳績。  本研究採用文獻探討、訪談法,其中並針對產、官等六位實施訪談。成果如下:1. 新港鄉節慶文化創意行銷活動透過商圈協調、專案規劃及特色活動,成功行銷參與活動的在地產業;對於目前產業發展結合創意趨勢、融入文宗教元素,發展出新港鄉在地文化觀光特色。2. 新港鄉節慶文化創意行銷活動對於遊客旅遊意願到訪頗高,其採用廣告投放視覺效果吸引遊客達成議題促銷;另藉由行銷策略對於新港鄉公所與日本飛驒市締結友好城市意義非凡造就國際接軌的佳績。[[abstract]]  Xingang Township, Chiayi County is mainly based on agricultural and religious cultures. The success of the festival activities held every year by integrating of local agricultural products and marketing strategies have created an excellent record of tourists visiting Xingang Township.  This study adopts literature review and interview methods, and interviews are conducted with six experts from industry and public officials. The results are as follows:1. The cultural and creative marketing activities for festivals of Xingang Township have successfully marketed the participating local industries through business district coordination, special activities, and special project planning; for the current industrial development, combining creative trends and incorporating cultural and religious elements, the local cultural and tourism characteristics of Xingang Township have been developed.2. Xingang township festival cultural and creative marketing activities have created a high willingness of tourists’ visiting. It uses advertising visual effects to attract tourists to achieve issue marketing; in addition, the marketing strategy of establishing the sister city between Xingang Township and Hida City, Japan creates the significant success on international conventions gearing


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