29 research outputs found


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    The Principle of Electric Hot Milling and Its Experimental Verification

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    提出了一种通电加热铣削方法,介绍了其基本原理与实验装置。通过试验及分析用小波变换处理采集到的振动信号来证明这种方法能够大幅降低切削过程的振动,提高刀具寿命,降低表面粗糙度,并且成本低、实验装置简单实用。提出了一种基于通电加热的新型高温硬度测量方法,用该方法分析淬火钢在高温下的硬度变化情况,发现常温57HrC的淬火T10A工具钢在300℃左右,硬度就急剧降低至30HrC,这也证明了加热切削的有效性。A new electric hot milling method is proposed firstly,and then this paper has proposed the theory and the experimental device of the new method.It has been proved by experiment and analyzing the vibration signal processed by wavelet transform on the new method that it really can significantly reduce the vibration and increase the tool life in milling process.And it also can reduce the surface roughness of the material.Besides,the device is not only cheap but also simple and practical.A new high-temperature hardness measurement method based on electric hot technology is proposed.The change of hardness at high temperature of the hardened steel has been analyzed.The hardness of T10 A carbon tool steel which has been hardened is nearly 57 HRC in normal atmospheric temperature,but the hardness drastically reduce to hardness 30 HRC when the material is heated to 300 ℃.So the efficiency of the new electric hot milling method has also been proved.国家自然科学基金项目(50875120)资

    利用导电涂膜直接电解海水法防护生物腐蚀 1.模拟和测量技术

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    基于电化 学微探针 和微弱 信号检测 技术, 采用 四电 极体 系、双恒 电 位仪、锁相 相 关测定系统 以及三维 微调装 置建立模 拟和测量 系统,将 首次实 现对利 用导 电涂 膜直 接电 解海 水法 防护生物腐 蚀中微 米尺度内 痕量 Cl O - 浓度 的测量.本 文报道 了模拟和 测量实验 的阶段 性进展

    The Making of Eight Small Tool in Studies of Plant Nematology

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    介绍了研究植物线虫的8 种小工具的制作方法: 用胶囊包装片作胞囊孵化窝, 用塑料小杯或塑料瓶作线虫孵化网, 用旧的小电动机和定时器安装自动喷雾装置, 用快餐盒作浅盘分离器, 用易拉罐作福尔马林蒸发器, 用饮料盒培养杀线虫真菌, 用饮料盒作育苗盒, 用自行车辐条作解剖针.The methods of making eight kinds of small tool for studies of plant nematology by using common sundries in daily life (including waste) were introduced.They are:1.Making the hatching nest by using the plastic pies for sealing medicine pill.2.Making the hatching screen by using the plastic small cup or plastic bottle.3.Setting up the auto spraying equipment by using old small electric motor and timer.4.Making the shallow plate funnel by using the snake food box.5.Making the Formalin evaporator by using the aluminum Coca cola can.6.Culturing the fungal nematocide by using the beverage paper box.7.Making the seedling culturing box by using the drink box.8.Making the dissecting needle by using the spoke of wheel of bicycle.福建自然科学基金;国家“九五”科技攻关项

    The Studies on Our Cuntry`s Developmental Strategy of the Plant Nematology Early in the 21 Century

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    根据 1994~ 1996年 3年中世界上发表的植物线虫学论文数 ,从寄主、线虫、研究领域和国家 4个方面分析国际研究动态 ,提出我国 2 1世纪初植物线虫学发展的战略According to the number of papers on plant nematology published all over the world during three years from 1994 to 1996, this paper analyses recent development of the international studies in four aspects of host plants, nematodes, research fields and nations, then makes a suggestion about our countrys developmental strategy on the plant nematology at the beginning of next century.福建省自然科学基金资助项

    Studies on the Culturing Paecilomyces lilacinus by Using Leftovers

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    用剩饭和西瓜皮、菠萝皮、香蕉皮等多种果皮制成的培养基 ,淡紫拟青霉都能在其上生长 ,它们的生物学特征与标准培养基 (PdA)上长出的生物学特征比较相差无几 ,其中以西瓜皮最佳 ,表明利用果皮做原料生产淡紫拟青霉菌剂具有巨大潜力 .用淘米水代替玉米粉、麦皮进行振荡培养 ,制成的菌剂孢子密度达到每g样品 10 8~ 10 9数量级 ,完全符合菌剂质量标准 ,甚至超过用常规培养料制成的菌剂 .用淘米水振荡培养、剩面条固体发酵的菌剂 ,以 0 1g ,0 2g ,0 4g和 0 8g分别拌入灭菌土 ,各接种 30 6粒根结线虫卵 ,各移入 2株番茄苗 ,经 5 0d后翻盆解剖根系 ,施 0 8g菌剂的虫瘿、雌虫和卵块均明显减少 ,证明用食品废料制造的淡紫拟青霉菌剂确是一种优良的生物杀线虫剂The growth of Paecilomyces lilacinus was studied on the medium of leftovers, skins of different fruits such as watermelon, pineapple and banana.It showed that there was no much difference between biological character of Paecolomyces lilacinus on these medium and biological character of Paecilomyces lilacinus on PDA.There is great potential to produce Paecilomyces lilacinus by using the skins of fruits. The spore density of fungal products on the culture of washed water of rice was 10 8 to 10 9 per gram, which reached quality standard of the fungal products, even much higher than those products on routine medium.The fungal products with different weight (0 1 g, 0 2 g, 0 4 g and 0 8 g) were added to pots which contained 306 root knot nematode eggs and two tomato seedlings.After 50 days, the galls, female nematodes and egg sacs parasitizing roots in 0 8 g pot obviously reduced.It indicated that the Paecilomyces lilacinus produced with the waste of food is the good biological nematocide.福建省自然科学基金;国家“九五”科技攻关项


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    穿刺芽孢杆菌(bACIlluSPEnETrAnS),国外又称穿刺巴斯德氐柄菌(PASTEurIAPEnETrAnS),是根结线虫(MElOIdOgynESPP.)等多种植物寄生线虫的专性寄生菌。作者在我国发现穿刺芽孢杆菌,为了开发利用这种细菌,研制出了每克含3.1x10--8个孢子的菌剂,并就该菌剂对根结线虫的防治效果进行了研究,现将结果报道如下。In order to make use of B.penetrans the preparation of these bacteria was prepared successFully.Each gram of the specimen contains more than 3.1 × 108 spores according to determination by bloodcount plate.The method of its production are: First, inFect the larvae of root-knot nematodes with the spores of B.penetrans.Second, inoculate inFectable plants with the inFected larvae.Third, beat the root-systems of inoculated plants aFter adding some water.The Flowed liquid From a bronze sieve was mixed with the clear water, Filtered, precipitated, air-dried under 5-10cccccc, and grinded into Fine powder, When these powder was added into the water which contained the larvae of root-knot nematodes, the spores of B.penetrans adhered to the cuticles of these larvae in 24h.The pot experiments of tomato, chilli and cockscomb showed that the galls, egg-sacs, Females, males and all-stages of larvae produced by the plant inoculated with the larvae inFected with B.penetrans are about 75%- 80% less than that without these bacteria.Thus it can be seen that the spores of B.penetrans can depress the populations of root-knot nematodes obviously.ThereFore, it is a promising preparation For biological control.国家自然科学基金;福建省自然科学基金;福建省经济发展总公司的资

    Nessler′s NH 3 Detection Method For Semi quantitative Diagnosis of H.pylori InFection Levels and Its Application

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    试验淡紫拟青霉菌剂成菌落单位(Cfu)测定的方法,确定在稀释适当倍数后,以PdA培养平板测定.通过对10批样品的检测证明:3.5x106Cfu/g样品这项指标既可体现产品质量,又符合工艺生产要求和农户需要,推荐作为该菌剂企业标准的一项主要指标.A new method For semi quantitative diagnosing Helicobacter pylori (HP) inFection levels in human gastric mucus was derived From the NUT system which was based on the principle of Nessler′s reaction.The results of semi quantitative diagnosis of 350 patients showed that the portions of light, middle and heavy HP inFection level were 54.6%, 34.0% and 11.4% respectively.The analysis of clinical test results revealed that the corresponding relationship between HP inFection level and the pathological change of chronic superFicial gastrititis was considerably diFinite (p<0.05) .Also,the detection procedure proved that the NUT system could be used For both qualitative and semi quantitative diagnosis with one biopsy specimen in the same time, which may be convenient and useFul For daily clinical diagnosis of HP inFection


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