285 research outputs found

    In situ EIS Study on Titanium/Living Cells Interface

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    设计了原位电解池用于生物材料/活细胞界面电化学交流阻抗谱(EIS)的测量,原位观测了钛/MG63细胞界面EIS行为及其随时间的变化.原位电解池中引入Ag/AgCl作为参比电极,解决了EIS测量过程中高频部分信号失真的问题.钛/MG63细胞界面EIS研究初步结果表明:活细胞在钛电极表面附着,可改变界面双电层结构和电极的表面状态,进而影响界面的电化学性质.实验发现,由于钛电极表面氧化层的阻抗信号处于中低频段,而细胞膜层自身的电化学阻抗响应位于高频范围,由此,可分别分析不同的电极过程,解析其相互关系,研究活细胞在生物材料表面的作用机理.Using a home-made in situ electrochemical cell of electrochemical impedance spectroscop(EIS), the impedance behaviors of the titanium/MG63 cells interface were measured to elucidate the interfacial structure and to monitor the interactions of biomaterials and living cells in a physiological condition. The in situ electrochemical cell was designed to detect the dynamic EIS behavior of living cells growing on a tiatanium surface. A three-well design of electrochemical cell was used to decrease system error and a home-made Ag/AgCl electrode was introduced as a reference electrode to eliminate the distortion phenomena in high frequency range. The EIS spectra and its time dependency of titanium/MG63 cells interface showed that the polarization resistance was increased with the decreasing of CPE constant (Y0) and a new time constant in high frequency range was detected. It suggested that the adhesion and growth activities of the living cells on the biomaterial surface may influence the surface status and the structure of the double layer at the interface, and thus alter its electrochemical characteristics.国家自然科学基金(20273055);; 教育部博士点基金(20020384012);; 国家863计划(2003AA302230)资助项

    Characterization of model mice for nuclear envelopathies

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    In situ EIS study on titanium/living cells interface

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    Using a home-made in situ electrochemical cell of electrochemical impedance spectroscop(EIS), the impedance behaviors of the titanium/MG63 cells interface were measured to elucidate the interfacial structure and to monitor the interactions of biomaterials and living cells in a physiological condition. The in situ electrochemical cell was designed to detect the dynamic EIS behavior of living cells growing on a tiatanium surface. A three-well design of electrochemical cell was used to decrease system error and a home-made Ag/AgCl electrode was introduced as a reference electrode to eliminate the distortion phenomena in high frequency range. The EIS spectra and its time dependency of titanium/MG63 cells interface showed that the polarization resistance was increased with the decreasing of CPE constant (Y-o) and a new time constant in high frequency range was detected. It suggested that the adhesion and growth activities of the living cells on the biomaterial surface may influence the surface status and the structure of the double layer at the interface, and thus alter its electrochemical characteristics


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    終末期においては患者のみでなく家族の想いも様々で,家族の想いにも寄り添っていく必要がある。今回家族とコミュニケーションを十分にとれないまま終末期を迎えることとなった事例を経験し,振り返りを行った。婦人科の化学療法では短期間の入院の繰り返しが多く,落ち着いて関わるのは難しい現状にあるが,その中でも積極的に家族と関わり早期から支援体制を整えること,家族の言葉の裏側にある想いに寄り添っていく必要があること,家族の意向を汲み取るために密にコミュニケーションを図っていく必要があることが重要であると考えられる。Article信州大学医学部附属病院看護部 43(1):39-41(2015)departmental bulletin pape


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    This paper is a study concerning plasminogenolytic and fibrinogenolytic products in plasma. Two types of the spleen or the lung were made preparation for this study. One type is the spleen or the lung on 10th day after carrageenan injection, and non treated ones. The plasminogenolytic and fibrinogenolytic activities in plasma were increased by carrageenan induced inflammation. These digested products with the spleen or the lung are similar to ones with commercial cathepsin G. We came to conclusion that the plasminogen degradated products in plasma were ones by cathepsin G in the lung or the spleen


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    COVID-19の影響をうけ、オンラインによる遠隔で実施した卒業前看護技術トレーニングの取り組みについて成果を検証し、改善に向けた課題を明らかにすることを目的とした。トレーニングは、動画教材と自宅練習キットを活用した自己学習・自己練習、Web会議システムを使用した同時双方向オンラインによる技術チェック、ならびに教員によるオンライン相談室により構成した。参加者のうち、研究協力の同意が得られた45名の事後アンケートを分析対象として評価を行なった。結果、トレーニング後の技術習得レベルは有意に向上し、参加者の自己課題の明確化、就職に向けた不安軽減につながっていた。教材を活用した反復練習、グループダイナミクスによる気づきの促進、参加者の主体的学習の機会となり効果的であった一方で、対面でないことの不安や孤独感、カメラワークの煩雑さや物品・場所の限界といった遠隔ならではの課題があった。This study aimed to assess the achievements of and identify the impediments to progress created by the Covid-19 pandemic to pre-graduation nursing skills training courses provided by online media. The training comprised self-study and individual practice using video teaching materials and a home prac-tice kit, simultaneous interactive online skills assessment using a Web meeting system, and online counseling by teachers. A post-training questionnaire was sent to all 64 students who had taken the course, of whom 45 consented to participate in the study. Our analysis of the questionnaire responses from these 45 students showed that the training had significantly improved their skill levels, identified the challenges they needed to address, and reduced their anxieties about finding work. The online training was effective because it enabled students to repeatedly practice using the teaching materials, promoted their awareness by group dynamics, and provided an opportunity to learn proactively. On the other hand, problems unique to remote online training were apparent: a sense of isolation and anxiety about not seeing people face to face, complicated camerawork, and limits on resources and places

    江戸前の海 学びの環づくり 瓦版 第3号

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    江戸前の海でうまれる「出会い」-大森ふるさとの浜辺での活動から- / 小山文大堀本奈穂さんのふりかえりから10月2日に大森東小学校で(東京都大田区立)で第1回江戸前ESDカフェが開催されました (江戸前ESDニュース) / 辰巳ちあき地域を元気にする海苔の資料館を―藤塚悦司さんに聞く― (INTERVIEW)2007年の「ふるはま」での活動をふりかえって (江戸前ESD活動報告) / 日野佑里ふるはまでの魚類調査と環境意識調査からの発見 (江戸前ESD活動報告) / 小林麻理編集後