168 research outputs found

    Discusse of Act Preservation Operation Practice System ——Apply for Act Preservation to New Civil Procedure Law

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    传统的事后补救性质的赔偿制裁方法,通常不能及时高效的对当事人权利进行司法救济,导致当事人时常陷入“赢了官司,却输了权益”的窘境。新《民事诉讼法》增设的行为保全制度恰好可以填补现行法律的这一缺陷,以事前预防损害弥补事后救济带来的滞后与不完善,以保证当事人自身利益损失的最小化。其实,我国的海事诉讼、知识产权等领域的单行法中早已相继出现类似行为保全的规定,为司法实践提供了有力的法律依据。但是,这些具有行为保全性质的法律规定适用范围过窄,仅能在特定范围内应用,直至这次新《民事诉讼法》的修改,行为保全才在诉讼法中得到了正式的法律身份,适用范围扩张至整个民事诉讼领域。其满足了当事人多元的利益需求,有助于弥...The traditional way of compensation remedial sanctions, usually can not be timely and efficient judicial relief rights of the litigant, the litigant often lead into a dilemma of “win the case,but lost right”. The act preservation system with the new Civil Procedure Law just can fill this gap in the existing law, in order to compensate for damage prevention in advance to bring relief after the hyst...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士(JM)学号:X201012009

    Media Coverage, Rent-seeking and Government Subsidies——Evidence from Private Listed Company in China

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    经济分权与政治集权重叠的体制背景,促成了地方政府官员干预企业经营的行为,政府补助则成为了干预行为最直接的“利器”。然而,转轨时期正式制度的缺位及法律法规的不完善,导致政府补助配置过程成为政企“关系”的竞争,而受制于二元所有制背景下的先天不足,以建立、维系政治联系为主要手段的寻租活动于民营企业中开始盛行。但,寻租行为本身所具有的非市场化特征,使得其难以避免地存在各种负面隐患,不仅干扰了政府补助的配置过程,亦有可能降低公共资源的配置效率,甚至伤及企业自身。而作为重要的非正式制度,媒体对于正式制度的补充完善作用已得到广泛的认可,对于政府补助、企业寻租等制度缺失所催生的现象,其理应能够产生一定的影响,...The existence of economic decentralization and political centralization give the local governors more incentives to intervene companies. The most effective and direct way is government subsidies. The lack of law and formal system, however, change the distrbution of government subsidies to the competition of relationships between government and corporations. The rent-seeking activities to found and...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115112

    Design and Implementation of Community Monitoring Alarm System Based on SSH Technology

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    近些年来,中国经济的快速发展给我们的生活带来了质的改变。但是与此同时,随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的小区发生抢劫,偷窃等案件。为了更好的保护小区业主的生命财产安全,同时也为了做到案发时有证据可以追寻,选择创建一个小区智能监控报警系统,结合小区当前的智能监控报警业务流程,已不可避免。 系统在对某小区监控报警管理现状调研的基础上,分析了小区智能监控报警管理的实际需求,提出了小区智能监控报警管理中存在的弊端,明确了系统的业务流程。在设计开发中,系统采用了当前比较成熟的网络技术,通过SSH框架技术,使得系统更加灵活,选择UML技术建立了用例模型。系统在设计时,基于B/S架构技术将系统分为...In recent years, China's rapid economic development has brought about a qualitative change in our lives. But at the same time, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, more and more residential robbery, theft and other cases. In order to better protect the safety of life and property of the district business, but also in order to do the evidence when the incident can be pursue...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201423001

    Practice of pharmacy consultation on dosage regimen for pediatric epilepsy patient with PPK model

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    目的 为优化癫痫患儿卡马西平和丙戊酸给药方案提供参考。方法 药师参与1例脑外伤术后癫痫患儿的药学会诊,总结分析其使用卡马西平和丙戊酸血药浓度异常的原因,应用群体药动学模型为患儿调整给药剂量,并评价笔者团队所建模型的预测能力。结果 患儿病情得到了有效控制。结论 药师应用群体药动学模型优化抗癫痫药物治疗方案,为临床合理用药提供参考。Objective In order to provide a reference for optimizing the dosage regimen of carbamazepine and valproate in pediatric epilepsy patients.Methods Pharmacist consulted one pediatric epilepsy patient with traumatic brain injury for post operation epilepsy treatments. The abnormal plasma concentration of carbamazepine and valproic acid was analyzed with the population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model built by this team. New medication regimen was proposed and the predictive capability of this model was evaluated.Results Seizures in this patient have been effectively controlled. Conclusion Pharmacist can optimize the antiepileptic drug treatment with PPK model and achieve rational drug use clinically

    Aromaticity of Transition-Metal Clusters Nb_n,Co_n(n≤4) and Nb_xCo_y(x+y≤8)

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    采用杂化密度泛函(DFT)方法优化了过渡金属纯团簇Nbn,Con(n≤4)和二元铌钴团簇NbxCoy(x+y≤8)的结构,并计算了较稳定结构的NICS(核独立化学位移)值,分析这些过渡金属团簇的成键情况,讨论不同轨道对各过渡金属团簇芳香性的贡献,发现在过渡金属团簇中,除了具有s、p轨道贡献的σ、π芳香性外,很重要的地d轨道的参与而形成的#芳香性.The NICS (nucleus-independent chemical shift) values of steady structures of the transition-metal pure clusters Nbn, Con (n≤4) and binary transition-metal clusters NbxCoy (x+y≤8) were calculated by using density functional theory. The electronic configurations of Nbn, Con (n≤4) and NbxCoy (x+y≤8) conformations were analyzed, and individual contributions of different orbitals to the NICS were discussed. The results indicated that s and p orbitals contributed to σ, π aromaticity of the clusters, and more importantly, d orbitals contributed to the δ aromaticity of the clusters.国家重点基础研究发展计划(2007CB815307);; 国家自然科学基金(20503021);; 福建省基金(2005HZ01)资

    Empirical Analysis of Eco-industry Development in Fujian

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    工业为福建的经济发展,特别是为现代化建设做出了重要贡献。本文在分析福建工业发展现状的基础上,运用经济数学模型对福建工业发展进行深层次的研究,力求通过分析与研究对福建工业的科学发展提出政策性建议。 全文共分为六个部分:第一部分为引言,包括选题的背景和意义,研究方法,文章的结构安排。第二部分为理论回顾与文献综述,简要介绍了经济增长理论和区域产业竞争力理论。第三部分为福建工业经济发展现状分析,分析了改革开放以来福建工业经济发展的历程,从五个方面分析了福建工业经济发展现状。第四部分为福建工业经济增长因素的实证分析,以索洛经济增长模型和柯布~道格拉斯生产函数模型为理论基础,实证研究福建工业经济增长的生...Industry has made great contributions to China’s economic progress and modernization construction. This paper intend to analyze the economic structure and growth of eco-industrial development in China by means of quantity model based on the study of its status,hence lead to proposals on China’s industrial development. There are six Parts in this paper. The first Part is introduction. It gives a p...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792009115074

    A Research on Strategic Performance Management of Commercial Banks ——Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

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    商业银行是我国经济发展的运行中枢,是金融市场的主要成分。由于商业银行经营的是金融及货币服务,与一般工商企业相比,其经营具有一定的特殊性。随着金融体制改革的深化和全球化进程的加快,外资银行的大量涌入给商业银行带来了考验。在激烈的竞争环境中,传统的绩效管理方法已无法满足我国商业银行的发展需求。战略绩效管理从发展战略出发,采用多种维度对组织绩效进行管理,对促进公司整体绩效提升和保障公司战略目标实现有着重要作用。在这种背景下,结合商业银行的经营特点,引入战略绩效管理,综合财务和非财务因素进行绩效管理,对提高我国商业银行的竞争力具有重要意义。 本文在回顾国内外战略绩效管理和平衡计分卡的文献和理论的基础...Commercial banks are the main hubs of economic operation and elements of the financial market. Mainly involve in the financial and monetary services, the differ from ordinary industrial and commercial enterprises. With deepening financial reforms and accelerated globalization, foreign-funded banks are flocking into China, posing great threats to China’s banks. In such changing environment, the tra...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752012115109

    A new Architecture for In-situ Data Processing in Large-scale Cloud Environment

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    本文为解决云服务供应商所面临的基本数据管理挑战,对大规模云环境下计算基础设施所产生的半结构化日志数据的分析处理工作做了进一步深入研究。分析处理工作是云服务供应商业务的一个重要方面,通过挖掘用户的行为模式和确保有效地利用资源都能让云服务供应商处于竞争优势地位。然而,云计算环境中产生的数据量正在以比摩尔定律更快的速度迅速增加,海量的数据使分析处理工作显得更加困难。为解决大数据的分析处理工作,目前的大部分方法是将数据转移到中心位置,然后再分析,这种方式将产生显著的额外成本和时延。随着云计算环境规模的增加,仅数据迁移的时间和成本问题,都会使这些方法不可行。 本文提出了持续的MapReduce(Con...In order to resolve the fundamental data management challenges faced by the cloud service provider, this paper does a further research about analytical processing of semi-structured log data produced by calculation infrastructure for large-scale cloud environment. The analytical processing work is an important aspect of the cloud service provider business, which can allow cloud service providers t...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_计算机技术学号:X200722101


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