8 research outputs found

    Air Traffic Controller Managing and Controlling System based on SOA Technology

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    空中交通管理的企业应用系统一直采用先开发、后集成的模式,势必造成各应用系统集成能力差,互操作性不高、缺乏统一标准等缺点,给空管行业进行业务部署带来了巨大的成本。面向服务架构(Service-OrientedArchitecture,SOA)是一种IT战略,它把包含在各个企业应用系统中的分散的功能单元组织成可操作、基于标准的服务,而这些服务可以再被迅速组合和重用以满足业务需求。SOA不再重点考虑以技术为主体的功能实现细节,而是专注于以业务为中心的服务,可以建立起服务目录,允许跨许多不同的系统进行流畅地访问和重用业务功能。本文基于SOA的基本原则,对SOA的实现方法进行比较研究,总结出SOA在系统...The pattern which after the ATC's enterprise application system has used develops first, integrates, will cause each application system integration ability to be bad inevitably, the interoperability not high, lack of unified standards and so on, and will bring the huge cost for the deployment of the enterprise. SOA is one kind of IT strategy, it organizes scattered function unit in each enterpris...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X200523006


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    我国加入WTO ,是顺应经济全球化发展趋势的标志。强化经济全球化的意识与思维 ,抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,有理、有利、有节地融入全球化经济体系 ;提高国家经济竞争力和企业市场竞争力 ,主动参与两个市场和两种资源的竞争 ;从国情出发 ,坚持自力主导型的发展战略 ,这是我国融入全球化经济体系需要深入研究的重要课

    Stabilizing Human Talents in Chinese Enterprises: Significance and Measures

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    市场竞争本质上是人才的竞争。在深化经济体制改革和加入世界贸易组织的条件下 ,企业间的人才争夺战将日趋激烈 ,人才的流动性会日益增多。研究人才流动性增多的原因 ,建立稳定人才的有效机制 ,采取稳定人才的积极对策 ,将有利于我国企业增强核心竞争力 ,参与国内外两种资源、两个市场的竞争Market competition is essentially a competition for talents. In the context of deepening economic reform and entering WTO, there will be an increasingly fierce competition for human talents, and the mobility of talents will increase accordingly. It is argued that studying the causes for the growing mobility of human talents, building up an effective mechanism for stabilizing talents, and adopting positive measures to stabilize human talents, will be contributive to enhancing the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises so as to enable them to gain ground in the competition for two kinds of resources and two types of markets both at home and abroad

    Study on Aluminum Foils for Electrolytic Capacitor

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    采用SEM、Xrd、失重法和线性极化法,对国产铝箔和日本铝箔进行了研究。结果表明,国产铝箔和日本铝箔虽在表面形貌、元素成分和晶型上稍有差异,线性极化也表明日本铝箔比国产铝箔更易腐蚀,但国产铝箔基本上满足了低酸度腐蚀体系。Scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD),weight-loss method and liner polarization method were employed to study on China aluminum Foils and Japan aluminum Foils.The result showed that the surface morphology,chemical composition and crystal structure of China foil and Japan foil are different.It is found from liner polarization test that Japan foil is more suitable to the corrosion under low acidity conditions.But China foil is suitable to the corrosion under low acidity conditions.广东省省部产学研项目;项目编号:粤教财[2007]219

    Variable Frequence Switching Power Supply Used to Aluminum Foil Corrosion

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    研制了用于电解电容器阳极铝箔腐蚀的变频电源.设计了一种应用单片机控制的高频开关电源和用电子开关桥换相的低频变频、多波形大功率电源.该电源不需要庞大、笨重的变压器,而且频率下限不受限制,甚至可低至1Hz以下.A new variable frequence and multi-wave power supply used to aluminum foil corrosion is introduced.The switching supply power supply controlled by the microcontroller and Variable Frequence in low band and multi-wave、big power supply controlled by the electronic switch bridge for changing phase were designed.This power supply does not need bulky and cumbersome transformer,and the frequency at lower limit is not limited,even lower than 1Hz.作者联系地址:固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系,固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系,固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系,固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系 福建厦门361005,福建厦门361005,福建厦门361005,福建厦门361005Author's Address: State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surface,Department of Chemistry,Xiamen University,Xiamen 36100,Fujian,Chin


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    Study on Aluminum Foils for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor

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    应用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)、失重法和电化学方法,研究了硬态铝箔和软态铝箔的成分差别及其腐蚀行为.结果表明,硬态铝箔和软态铝箔在表面形貌、元素成分和晶型结构上均有差异.软态铝箔比硬态铝箔更适合于在低酸度条件下进行腐蚀,这为研发电容器制作工艺的低酸度体系腐蚀提供了参考.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM),X-ray diffraction(XRD),weight-loss method and electrochemical testing method were employed to study the chemical compositions and corrosion behaviors of hard foil and soft foil.The results showed that the surface morphology,chemical composition and crystal structure of hard foil and soft foil are different.It is found from electrochemical tests that the soft foil is suitable to the corrosion under low acidity conditions,which provides the base for developing the corrosion techniques under low acidity conditions.作者联系地址:肇庆华锋电子铝箔股份有限公司;厦门大学化学化工学院化学系;Author's Address: 1.Zhaoqing Hua Feng Electronic Aluminium Foil CO.,LTD,Zhaoqing 526060,Guangdong,China;2.Department of Chemistry,College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian,Chin

    A case-control study of risk factors for low birth weight infants in Xiamen City

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    目的探讨厦门市低出生体质量儿的发生及其危险因素,为预防和降低低出生体质量儿的发生提供科学依据。方法采用1∶3配对病例-对照方法,在厦门市属医疗机构收集86例低出生体质量儿及按匹配条件收集258例对照,利用条件lOgISTIC逐步回归模型分析其影响因素。结果母亲文化程度在大专及以上、家庭月人均收入≥4 000元、孕前1年至孕13周内补充叶酸、饮食清淡和产检次数≥5次是保护因素,而妊娠期高血压疾病、孕期服用抗生素、孕周4 000 yuan,intake of folic acid a year before pregnancy to the first three months of pregnancy,balanced diet,and more than 5times of antenatal examinations.The risk factors of LBW infants included hypertensive disorder complicated with pregnancy,intake of antibiotics,gestational age less than 37 weeks,increase in amplitude of gestational BMI<5,father was worker or technician,and eating raw garlic more than 2times per week.Conclusion The above causes may contribute to low birth weight infants in Xiamen City and appropriate preventive measures should be taken to reduce the incidence.福建省科技厅自然科学基金面上项目(No.2012D046); 厦门市科技局科技计划项目(No.3502Z20124057); 湖里区科技局(No.12社09