150 research outputs found

    TaC-Ni オヨビ TaC-Ni-Moケイサーメット ノ ショウケツ ト ビサイコウゾウ ノ カンサツ

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    TaC-Ni and TaC-Ni-Mo cermets were sintered at 1150~1400℃ in a vacuum of 5×10^ Torr for 1hr. The effect of addition of molybdenum on the sinterability and the microstructure of TaC-base cermets were studied by measurments of relative density and micro・Vicker\u27s hardness and Auger electron microscopy. Relative densities and hardness of the TaC-Ni-Mo cermets were higher than these of the TaC-Ni cermets. In TaC-Ni-Mo cermets, liquid phase appeared relatively lower temperature (1150~1250℃) than in TaC-Ni cermet (about 1290℃) and it is estimated that the wettability between solid and liquid phases is so improved that the grain growth of TaC is suppressed. It was obsreved that all molybdenum resolves to nickel phase and TaC silghtly resolves to nickel or Ni-Mo phase

    ケイコウプローブ ニ ヨル メチルカシクロデキストリン ノ ホウセツケイタイ ノ ケントウ

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    The fluorescence spectra of 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) and 7-toluidino-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid (TNS) were observed with or without various cyclodextrins. From the change of fluorescence intensity, the association constants between cyclodextrins and fluorescent probes (K) and the fluorescence intensity constants (i_0) for each cyclodextrin complex were calculated. The value of i_0 depended on the probe\u27s local microenvironment. These parameters assist in explication of the complex formation. And the effect of methylation of cvclodextrin for inclusion behavior is also indicated

    TiOショウケツタイ ノ ブツリテキ ショセイシツ ニ オヨボス MgOテンカ ノ エイキョウ

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    MgOを0, 1, 5, 10, 15および20 mo1%添加したTiO焼結体の物理的性質を測定し次の結果を得た.生成相はすべてNaCl型構造のTiOで,MgOはTiO相に約15%まで固溶した.MgO添加によりTiO焼結体の粒成長は抑制され,添加量の増加とともに平均粒径は減少した.MgO添加量の増加に従って焼結性は低下し,相対密度は減少した.一般に焼結体の硬さの増加に対するMgO添加の効果は大きくなく, 15%添加により無添加の最大値よりわずかに大きいビッカース硬度1350が得られた.焼結体の電気抵抗はMgO量の増加とともに増加した.これはMgOの添加による粒成長の抑制と気孔率の増加を原因とする.Some physical properties of sintered TiO doped with 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mol% MgO were measured. All of the Ti phases obtained were identified to be NaCl type structure and solid solubility of MgO in TiO phase was assumed to be about 15%. The grain growth of TiO was suppressed by the doping of Mg0 and as the addition of MgO increased, the grain size decreased. Moreover, as the addition of MgO increased, the sinterability of TiO decreased and the relative density decreased. The effect of the addition of MgO on the hardness of TiO ceramics was not so significant. 0nly when 15 mo1% MgO was doped, the microvicker\u27s hardness was about 1350, slightly larger than that of the maximum value of TiO ceramics without any additives. The electrical resistivity of TiO ceramics increased with an increase of the addition of MgO. This is assumed to be by reasons of the suppression of grain growth and the increase of the porosity of TiO ceramics

    バナジウム テンカブツ ITOマク ノ ビコウゾウ ト デンキトクセイ

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    Microstructure, crystallinity and electrical properties of vanadium-added ITO (In : Sn : V=93. 3 : 3.7 : 3.0 at. %) films, which were prepared using conventional rf magnetron sputtering, were compared with ITO (In : Sn=97.8 : 2.2 at. %) films without vanadium. At a substrate temperature of 300℃, the resistivity (ρ) of 1.58×10^ Ωcm with a carrier density (n) of 1.03×10^cm^ and Hall mobility (μ) of 38.3 cm^2 V^s^ was obtained for the vanadium-added ITO film, whereas ρ=3.27×10^ Ωcm with n=3.99×10^cm^ and μ=48.0cm^2V^s^ was obtained for the ITO film without vanadium addition. The vanadium addition enhanced the crystallinity and the densification of In_20_3 lattice. The enhanced electrical conductivity (increase in the carrier density) due to vanadium addition is explamed by the increase in the efficiency of Sn doping. The effect of vanadium addition is similar to that of silver addition into ITO films as reported elsewhere by the present authors

    ヘンイキンゾクゲンソ ノ ホウカブツ ノ コウゾウ ト ゴウセイ

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    The borides of transition metal elements generally display a number of unique properties including high melting point, very high hardness and strength. high thermal conductivity and relatively low thermal expansion as well as high chemical stability, and then are expected as potential candidates requiring high-temperature strength and stability under severe environments. ln this paper, crystal structure, classification, synthesis, application and preparation of these boride ceramics are reviewed