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    本文度量了1995—2014年中国各省份农业与非农业部门之间的要素错配程度,重点分析了要素错配对收入分配差距的影响。研究发现,各省份要素错配整体上呈现以2006年为拐点的"U"形趋势;起初东部...国家社科基金重大项目(15ZDC011、17ZDA114);; 教育部人文社科重大项目(16JJD790031);教育部人文规划基金项目(16YJA790003)的资


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    本文从劳动力供求关系、劳动力属性、闲暇效用和劳动力制度保护4个方面衡量劳动力议价能力,运用模型刻画了劳动力议价能力与劳动收入占比的关系,同时选取2001~年省际面板数据,实证研究进...国家社科基金重大项目(15ZDC011、17ZDA114);; 教育部基地重大项目(16JJD790031)和教育部人文规划项目(16YJA790003)的资


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    In Situ FTIR Spectrocopic Investigations of 1,3-Butanediol Oxi dation on Sb and S Modified Pt Electrodes

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    运用电化学原位FTIR反射光谱研究了 1,3丁二醇在以Sb和S修饰的Pt电极上的氧化过程。结果表明Sb和S修饰都能抑制 1,3丁醇的解离吸附。红外数据指出Sb的存在使 1,3丁二醇氧化产物同时含有羰基物种和CO2 ,而S修饰的Pt电极上以羧酸物种为主。In the present paper,we studied the surface st ru cture effect of Pt electrode modified with antimony and sulfur adatoms towards 1 ,3-Butanediol oxidation.The results demonstrated that the modification of Sb an d S both inhibited the dissociative adsorption of 1,3-Butanediol into CO,which is the main source of self-poisoning in electrocatalysis of small organic molec ules.At lower potentials,the principal oxidation pathway of 1,3-Butanediol on P t/Sb ad electrode is towards the production of C=O.However,at higher potent ials,the products of CO 2 increased.The presence of S ad inhibited the ox idation of 1,3-BD at low potentials(0 8 V).国家自然基金!(2 99730 35)资

    In situ FTIR spectrocopic investigations of 1,3-butanediol oxidation on Sb and S modified Pt electrodes

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    In the present paper,we studied the surface structure effect of Pt electrode modified with antimony and sulfur adatoms towards 1,3-Butanediol oxidation. The results demonstrated that the modification of Sb and S both inhibited the dissociative adsorption of 1,3-Butanediol into CO, which is the main source of self-poisoning in electrocatalysis of snail organic molecules. At lower potentials,the principal oxidation pathway of 1,3-Butanediol on Pt/Sb-ad electrode is towards the production of C = O. However,at higher potentials,the products of CO2 increased. The presence of S-ad inhibited the oxidation of 1,3-BD at low potentials(0.8 V)


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    Research on Misallocation and Its Influence on Output Loss and Income Distribution

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    研究目标:测算全国各省份劳动力、资本错配程度和要素错配造成的产出缺口;探究要素错配对收入分配格局的影响。研究方法:从劳动力配置和人力资本配置角度; 分别构建二元经济测算模型。研究发现:大部分省份的要素错配程度有逐年下降的趋势,但个别省份的要素错配程度在金融危机后跳跃式上升,导致产出缺口短期的; 放大现象明显;2010年要素错配解释了全国省份间以及农业部门内部收入差距的15.7%和25.1%;要素错配并不改变实际资本报酬占比的倒U形结构,; 但推迟了倒U型结构的转换界点大概4年。研究创新:将劳动力和资本放在同一框架下多纬度测算要素错配程度;将要素错配的研究扩展到分配格局领域。研究价值; :提出新的要素错配测算方法,给出要素错配与收入分配格局两者的作用机制。Research Objectives: Estimate the labor and capital misallocation and; the output gap, and explore the influence of factors mismatch on the; income distribution. Research Methods: Structure the dual economic model; from the perspective of labor allocation and human capital allocation.; Research Findings: There is a declining trend about factors mismatch in; most provinces, but the factors mismatch of individual provinces jump up; after the financial crisis, resulting in amplification of the short-term; output gap; the mechanism between factors mismatch and income gap is; determined by the value of S slope and S curve, and the provincial and; agricultural income gap can be explained about 15.7% and 25.1% by factor; mismatch in 2010; elements mismatch does not change the inverted-U; structure of the actual capital share, but which postpones the boundary; point for about 4 years. Research Innovations:Put labor and capital in; the same framework to measure the factors mismatch under many; conditions; connect the study of factors allocation to the field of; income distribution. Research Value: Put forward a new method of; measuring the factors mismatch and the mechanism of the factors mismatch; and income distribution.教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目; 国家社科基金重大项目; 教育部人文规划基金项

    Research on The Distortion of Labor Capital Allocation and Its Influence Factors for the Yangtze River Delta

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    本文根据产业间要素边际产出差异考察了长三角地区劳动和资本要素配置扭曲状况及其经济影响,并在此基础上分析了劳动和资本要素配置扭曲的影响因素。实证研究表明,总体来看,在劳动和资本要素配置扭曲上,江苏、浙江和上海均呈现下降趋势。其中,江苏配置扭曲最高,浙江其次,上海相对较低,这一特征与中国市场经济发展趋势,以及江苏、浙江和上海的经济发展水平和市场化程度是一致的。在对劳动和资本要素扭曲影响方面,市场化水平、教育水平、对外开放度、技术进步和产业结构的优化可以降低长三角的劳动要素扭曲程度,而信息水平在整体上增加了劳动要素扭曲程度。市场化水平、信息水平、教育水平和产业结构的优化有助于长三角资本扭曲的降低,而技术进步和对外开放整体上促进了长三角资本扭曲程度的增加。因此,为了降低长三角地区的劳动和资本要素扭曲程度,促进经济增长,应当积极有效地提高经济市场化程度,促进城乡教育水平均衡发展,均衡提高产业间和城乡间的对外开放度,提高第一产业中的信息交流和技术进步含量,加快"城乡一体化"进程,主动推进供给侧结构性改革,促进要素资源的优化配置。The Yangtze River Delta is one of the most active areas in China's three largest coastal economic circles,and is also the development leader of the Yangtze River economic belt. Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shanghai's per capita GDP are among the top 5 of china,and the region's total GDP accounted for more than 20% of the country in 2014,which have strong economic radiation and leading power. At the same time,as China's economic development has entered a new norm,the Yangtze River Delta economic is becoming high-speed growth rate from the rapid growth rate. From 1992 to 2010,the annual GDP averaged growth rate of Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shanghai were 14.0%,13.5% and 12.2% respectively; but during the period from 2011 to 2014,the annual average growth rate were 9.9%,8.2% and 7.6% respectively,which decreased significantly. Therefore,the studies of the distortions of labor and capital allocation,the economic impact of distortion as well as the influencing factors in the Yangtze River Delta region not only provide beneficial exploration for promoting the supply-side reforms and the allocation of resources under the new normal,but also providing useful references for other provinces to allocate resources and develop the economic future.This paper researches the status and the economic effects of labor and capital allocation distortion for Yangtze River Delta region according to the inter-industry differences of marginal output of factor,and analysis the influence factors of labor and capital distorted allocation. The research shows that the distortions of labor and capital allocation for Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shanghai has a decreasing trend on the whole,among which,the degree of distortion for Jiangsu is the largest,which followed by Zhejiang and Shanghai is the minimum. That feature is consistent with the development trend of China's market economy and the level of market economy development in Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Shanghai. In terms of the impact factors on labor and capital,the level of marketization、the level of education、the degree of openness、the progress of technology and the optimization of industrial structure can reduce the degree of labor distortions for the Yangtze River Delta,but the level of information increases the degree of labor distortions;The level of marketization、the level of information,the level of education and the optimization of industrial structure can help to reduce the degree of capital distortions for the Yangtze River Delta,but the progress of technology and the degree of openness increases the degree of capital distortions. Therefore,in order to reduce the degree of labor and capital distortion in the Yangtze River Delta area and to promote the growth of economic,they are necessary to improve the level of economic marketization effectively,to promote the balanced development of urban and rural education level,to improve inter-industry openness and the openness of urban and rural evenly,to improve information exchanging and technical progress of the first industry,to accelerate the progress of integration of urban and rural,to promote structural reforms actively from the supply side and to promote the optimal allocation of resources.The contributions of this paper are mainly reflected in the following three points: Not only research labor allocation distortions and the capital allocation distortions between industries in the Yangtze River Delta,but also depicts the comprehensive allocation distortions of labor and capital for the first time. Structure the absolute labor allocation distortion and the absolute distortions in capital allocation,which enriches the understanding of factor allocation distortion. Study the effect factors of labor and capital allocation distortion in the Yangtze River Delta from the perspectives of the openness,the level of economic development,industrial structure,educational level of the labor force,the exchange of information and technology progress,and found that the technological progress and the opening can promote the increasing of the capital distortions in the Yangtze River delta.The innovation of this paper is reflected in the following two aspects: The paper puts forward systematic and multi dimensions index system to measure the labor allocation distortions and the capital allocation distortions from the perspective of economic structure and economic environment. The paper focus on the comparative study of the specific provinces or regions,and consider the effect of the superposition of labor and capital in the study of the impact of labor or capital allocation distortions on the GDP.国家社会科学基金重大项目“需求结构转化背景下提高消费对经济增长的研究”(15ZDC011);; 福建省社会科学规划重点项目“福建劳动资源的产业扭曲配置状况、影响及其对策”(FJ2015A026);; 教育部人文规划基金项目“行业工资差异、劳动力错配与我国产业结构调整和产出增长”(16YJA790003


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    胚胎发育晚期光照条件的不同 ,对小鸡后天的学习记忆能力有显著的影响 ,暗孵化小鸡表现出明显的长时记忆障碍。实验利用免疫组化的方法 ,分别对光孵化、正常孵化和暗孵化条件下 ,胚胎发育的第 17、18、19、2 0、2 1天 ,小鸡脑内上纹体腹核 (HV)中神经细胞粘附分子 (NCAMs)的表达进行了观察。结果表明 :暗孵化条件下孵出的小鸡 ,在一次性被动回避学习中 ,记忆保持水平显著低于光孵化组和正常孵化组 ; 在胚胎发育的第 2 0天NCAM的表达 ,在光孵化组和正常孵化组中显著增高 ,到胚胎发育的第 2 1天 ,这种升高在正常孵化组中显著下降 ; 而暗孵化组在整个观察过程中 ,NCAM表达水平一直非常低。这一结果提示 ,不同光照条件在孵化过程中 ,对NCAM表达的影响 ,参与了光照对小鸡后天学习记忆行为改变的过程。</p