17 research outputs found

    Research and Practice on SME ASP Application Mode

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    近年来,在国家863计划的支持下,国内许多高校和研究所以及各地生产力促进中心在网络化制造系统与ASP应用服务平台方面,开展了大量的与ASP相关的研究工作。但是由于国内ASP的研究与应用才刚刚起步,市场不够成熟,可供借鉴的经验不多。尽管在国外已经有一些成功的ASP范例,但如何将其商务模式移植到国内,以适应国内的产业环境,还有待进一步研究。 从文献研究的角度看,国内的文献多数集中在ASP概念的介绍、推广以及ASP平台如何搭建等技术问题的研究上,对ASP商务模式的研究相对较少,也缺乏实证数据的支持。国外关于ASP的研究文献相对较为丰富,而且涉及的范围也比较广:有研究ASP产生的原因与环境(如经济与...In recent years, with the support of Chinese 863 plan, Many universities and institutes and Productivity centers had began a great deal of research work associated with ASP around Networked Manufacturing System and Application Service Platform.But Research and application of domestic ASP has just started and the market is not mature enough for little experience to learn. There are some ASP models ...学位:博士后院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:BH1700001


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    目前基于深度学习的人脸识别方法准确率高,但是模型复杂,识别速度慢.为了实现监控视频中人脸的实时识别,提出了一种基于视觉跟踪的实时视频人脸识别(RFRV-VT)方法.首先将监控视频的帧序列分组,每一组中分为人脸识别帧和人脸跟踪帧;然后在人脸识别帧中使用基于深度学习的人脸检测和人脸特征提取方法,在人脸跟踪帧中使用基于核相关滤波(KCF)的视觉跟踪方法以加快识别速度.将该方法应用于数据集YouTube Faces(YTF)上进行测试,实验结果显示该算法在监控视频中具有实时性和较高的识别准确性(99.60%).福建省自然科学基金(2015J01288

    An asymmetric encryption algorithm for images based on matrix transformation

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    为提高图像数据的加解密速度与安全性,提出了一种新的非对称图像加密算法.算法原理是基于某种矩阵变换,使得原始图像每一分块像素及其频域产生置乱.具体实现上,首先利用矩阵变换产生密钥对;然后使用私钥对图像在变换域进行加密;最后接收方用公钥解密加密的图像.由于该算法是基于矩阵变换的,具有实现方便,加解密快速的特点;非对称的加密机制则使得数据加密更具安全性.同时,为了进一步提高矩阵变换的安全性,引入了第二种加密机制,将伪随机的高斯白噪声加载到变换矩阵上.分析表明,这种方法对于加密大容量数据尤其是数字图像特别有用.On the basis of a certain matrix transformation,a novel asymmetric encryption algorithm for image was proposed to scramble all the pixels and frequencies in each block of the original images.The proposed algorithm was especially useful for the encryption of large amounts of data,such as digital images,and had been implemented.A pair of keys was created through the matrix transformation.The image was encrypted by using private key in its transformation domain.The encrypted messages were decrypted by the receiver with the help of the public key.This algorithm was easily implemented and highly efficient to quickly encrypt and decrypt image messages.The asymmetric encryption mechanism made the encrypted data more secure.The second encryption schema was used to produce transformation matrix by pseudo-random Gauss white noise to farther improve the security of matrix transformation.国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2004AA414050);; 福建省科技重大专项基金资助项目(2004HZ02

    Study of subspace clustering algorithm of high dimensional data based on variable weighting methods

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    高维数据的稀疏性和“维灾“问题使得多数传统聚类算法失去作用,因此研究高维数据集的聚类算法己成为当前的一个热点。子空间聚类算法是实现高维数据集聚类的有效方法之一。介绍并实现了基于可变加权的高维数据子空间聚类算法SCAd和EWkM,并分别对人造数据、现实数据等数据集进行测试,根据测试结果进行分析,对比两种算法的性能及适用场合。The sparsity and the problem of the curse of dimensionality of high-dimensional data, make the most of traditional clustering algorithms lose their action in high-dimensional space.Therefore, clustering of data in a high-dimensional space becomes a hot research area.Subspace clustering algorithm is one of the effective ways to handle problems of high-dimensional data clustering.This paper introduces and realizes two algorithms (SCAD and EWKM) that discover clusters in subspaces spanned by different combinations of dimensions via local weightings of features.We experiment these algorithms using synthetic datasets and real datasets, then analyze the results and contrast their performance and applicable occasions

    Image segmentation and major approaches

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    Conference Name:2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, CSAE 2011. Conference Address: Shanghai, China. Time:June 10, 2011 - June 12, 2011.IEEE Beijing Section; Pudong New Area Association for Computer; Pudong New Area Science and Technology Development Fund; Tongji University; Xiamen UniversityImage segmentation is very essential and critical to image processing and pattern recognition, but it is always a classical difficult problem. This paper introduces the basic conception of Image segmentation and gives a summary of image segmentation techniques available now, Such as "thresholding", "clustering", "edge detection", as well as their advantages and disadvantages, providing some assistance for next research. ? 2011 IEEE

    Solving 2D Rectangle Packing Problem Based on Layer Heuristic and Genetic Algorithm

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    Conference Name:4th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC). Conference Address: Nanchang, PEOPLES R CHINA. Time:AUG 26-27, 2012.The packing of rectangles is a NP-Complete problem and possesses widespread applications in the industry, such as the cutting of clothing, metal and composition of news. In this paper, an orthogonal rectangle packing problem with rotation of items and without the guillotine packing constraint is considered. A layer-based heuristic algorithm is presented with the combination of gene(1)tic algorithm. This heuristic algorithm is mainly based on heuristic strategies inspired by the wall-building rule of bricklayers in daily life. The computational results on Benchmark problems have shown that this algorithm not only runs in shorter time than known meta-heuristic but also finds shorter height


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    指出了中子源的重要性,扼要地说明了加速器中子源的特点。简单地介绍了14 MeV中子引起的核反应,发现了14 MeV中子可以引起重核的奇异(n,2p)反应,并以此为基础,形成了合成和研究重丰中子新核素的一条物理思想和生成、分离鉴别技术路线;先后合成和研究了~(185)Hf、~(237)Th、~(175)Er和~(197)Os等四种重丰中子新核素


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