14 research outputs found

    Model Construction and Validation of Integrating Visitor’s Value, Vacation Lifestyle and Leisure Constraint: Cases of Basian-Shan and Aowanda National Forest Recreation Areas

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    休閒場域匯聚了來自多元族群與背景的遊客,每個遊客擁有不同的社會人口統計特性,亦經歷不同的生命史。Jackson(2005)強調休閒阻礙研究由於切進來自消費者的實際感受,以下對上的模式建立消費者、遊客體驗基礎。故本研究承襲此觀點,以遊客的價值觀、度假生活型態為連結,重新理解遊客的休閒阻礙知覺意涵。 而本研究旨在建構並驗證遊客「價值觀、度假生活型態與休閒阻礙之關係模式」。為了解國家森林遊樂區遊客之價值觀、度假生活型態與休閒阻礙三者間的關係,本研究於台中縣八仙山國家森林遊樂區及南投縣奧萬大國家森林遊樂區兩地點,於2011年7月29日至2011年9月3日之間共四次,前往八仙山進行遊客調查;於2011年8月18日至2011年10月23日之間共三次,前往奧萬大進行遊客調查,所獲得之有效問卷共777份。 經文獻回顧相關理論後,本研究以總樣本進行驗證性因素分析確認變項因素結構,並結合結構方程式分別加以總樣本、八仙山及奧萬大模式變項關係。經由資料分析所獲得結果如下: 1. 八仙山與奧萬大遊客兩地人口統計資訊T檢定於年齡、性別、教育程度、職業、婚姻狀態、族群及個人年收入等變項皆呈現顯著差異。 2. 總樣本、八仙山與奧萬大遊客之遊客價值觀、度假生活型態與休閒阻礙模式 整體模式配適程度良好。 3. 由模式得知,遊客價值觀正向影響遊客度假生活型態及休閒阻礙,且度假生活型態亦正向影響休閒阻礙之發生。 本研究並依據研究結果提出建議,希透過價值觀之基礎知覺變項釐清度假生活型態與休閒阻礙之深層結構,並對後續研究提出相關建議。Outdoor recreation visitors were different and may be differentiated from values, personal characteristics and life courses. Jackson (2005) advocated that constraint research may point to the truly demands of visitors. In concert with buttom-up perspective, the purpose of this study was to explore the relationships of visitors’ values, vacation lifestyle and leisure constraints. This study attempted to establish a conceptual model of values, vaction lifestyle and leisure constraints in the context of forest recreation. We examined the causal relationships of values, vacation lifestyle and leisure constraints for visitors to Basianshan and Aowanda National Forest Recreation Areas in central Taiwan. A total of 777 valid questionnaires were obtained through onsite face-to-face survey from July 29th to September 3rd at Basianshan, and from18th August to 23th October at Aowanda. Based on the results, conclusions were drawn as below: 1. The characteristics of visitors were significantly different between Basianshan and Aowanda . For instance, the socio-demographics such as gender, age, marital status, occupation, education and personal income were different. 2. Using structural equation modeling analysis, the finding indicated an acceptable fit in the overall, Basianshn and Aowanda models. 3. The results showed that visitors’ values significantly and positively influenced leisure lifestyle and leisure constraints. Further, visitor’s leisure constraints were also significantly and positively influenced by leisure lifestyle as well. The visitors with higher perception of specific values tended to show positive vacation lifestyles and tended to perceive constraints. For example, visitor with higher hedonistic values tended to more concern their accommodation, and those who with higher safety concern, pay more attention on outdoor safety. In order to enchnace better forest recreation experience, managers should pay more attention on visitor values, such as from safety, hedonism and respect perspective. The research implications were also provided for better visitor management of national forest recreation areas so as to promote more positive leisure lifestyle and reduce constraints. Finally, the recommendations for future research were included.目次 摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………… i Abstract …………………………………………………………………………… ii 目次 ……………………………………………………………………………… iv 表目次 …………………………………………………………………………… v 圖目次 …………………………………………………………………………… vi 第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究動機 ………………………………………………………… 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 …………………………………………… 2 第三節 研究流程 ……………………………………………………… 3 第二章 理論與文獻回顧 …………………………………………………… 5 第一節 生活型態 ………………………………………………………… 5 第二節 價值觀 …………………………………………………………… 13 第三節 休閒阻礙 ………………………………………………………… 21 第四節 本土價值觀、生活型態與休閒阻礙相關研究 ……………… 26 第三章 研究方法 ……………………………………………………………… 30 第一節 研究內容 ………………………………………………………… 30 第二節 資料蒐集 ………………………………………………………… 31 第三節 研究工具 ………………………………………………………… 35 第四節 資料處理………………………………………………………… 39 第四章 結果與討論 …………………………………………………………… 43 第一節 遊客人口統計基本資料 ……………………………………… 43 第二節 遊客價值觀、度假生活型態及休閒阻礙知覺分析 …………… 47 第三節 遊客屬性與價值觀、度假生活型態及休閒阻礙差異性分析… 55 第四節 價值觀、度假生活型態與休閒阻礙結構方程模式分析 …… 80 第五節 研究問題驗證與結果討論 ……………………………………… 97 第五章 結論與建議 ………………………………………………………… 104 第一節 結論 ……………………………………………………………… 104 第二節 研究限制 ………………………………………………………… 108 第六章 參考文獻 …………………………………………………………… 110 附錄一、八仙山遊客問卷 ……………………………………………………… 118 附錄二、奧萬大遊客問卷 ……………………………………………………… 12

    Beta-catenin signaling in the interactions of tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment

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    abstractBiological SciencesDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph

    MAD2 inactivation on chromosomal instability and tumorigenesis in prostate epithelial cells

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    abstractpublished_or_final_versionAnatomyDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph

    Surface Fluxes Experiment in South China Sea Region-Observation and Regional Environmental Model Development (VI)

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    During the past four years the study was focused to measure solar radiation, atmospheric radiation, albedo, terrestrial long wave radiation, latent heat flux, sensible heat flux and air pollutant fluxes over the South China Sea. In addition, a one-column model was developed to simulate the observed fluxes. The developed model has been incorporated into a 3-dimensional climate model. Prof. Hsu at National Taiwan University has found that this proposed model has performed well for summer Asia monsoon simulation study. During the past four cruises (OR1-728, OR1-802, OR3-1149 and OR-1 837) data were collected using eddy covariance system for measuring CO2 flux and turbulent fluxes of latent and sensible heat. Air quality measurements were also under taken during the past cruises. The observed data were archived for the as a input for development of global carbon cycle model in the context of earth system modeling and climate change research. So far three research articles published in peer reviewed journals; two under review process and three more manuscripts were already submitted for possible publications in peer reviewed journals in addition three papers were presented in international conferences.During our last cruise (OR-1 837) over South China Sea lasted for 16 days ((north latitude 25 to 4 N) and it was observed that there were significant spatial and temporal variations with respect to air-sea interactions. The observed CO2 flux shows that some regions behaves as net CO2 sink and few other places behaves as CO2 source. In general during day time the sea behave as CO2 sink and during night time as source. During the cruise the observed average CO2 uptake was about 0.037 mg m-2 s-1. This is because during day time due to presence of day light the algae photosynthetic activity consumes CO2 and during night time the algae produce CO2 due to respiration. In addition the partitioning of available energy into latent and sensible heat also has much temporal variations. Hence, in order to understand the behavior of South China Sea with respect to above temporal variations, in addition to continuing the CO2 and surface energy components through Eddy covariance (EC) system, additional measurements of the allied factors viz; sea surface temperature (SST), and the presence of primary air pollutants (CH4, CO, O3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, and NMHC) needs to be quantified. Keeping all the factors mentioned above into consideration this year project is proposed to undertake a holistic comprehensive research work to fulfill the project objectives which will be of very much useful for the scientific community and policy makers regional and global level.The main work in this project will be divided into two aspects. One is onboard observation, and development of carbon cycle module. In this pilot joint project, Sub-Project 5, 6, 10 and 11 will investigate carbon flux between atmosphere and ocean and oceanic uptakeof CO2. Carbon flux near water surface is induced by deposition and absorption which its efficiency concerns winds, turbulence and activity of phytoplankton (Chlorophyll). Accurate knowledge of the aerodynamic characteristics is vital in modeling and forecasting the behaviors of winds and turbulence. In this sub-project, the Eddy Covariance System (ECS) will be applied onboard to measure air-sea interaction for heat and carbon flux calculation as that of past cruiseSecondly Deployment of Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) instrumentation on-board research cruise OR-1 for trace gas as well as priority pollutant measurements over South China Sea. This study may ensure to provide more complete dataset, for the fluxes of CH4, N2O, CO, O3, NO, NO2, SO2, and NMHC and Sea surface temperature measurementThe following are summary the main scheduled activity for the project proposed1. Collecting background air quality data over the South China Sea during each campaign.2. Developing one column SiT with carbon cycle model through inputting the observations from the South China Sea project (Cooperation with other subprojects).3. Improving European 3-D climate model (ECHAM-5/SiT) for Summer Asia monsoon study (Cooperation with German Scientists at Max-Plank Institute of Meteorology)4. Deployment of Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) instrumentation on-board research cruise for methane flux measurements over South China Sea. This study may ensure to provide more complete dataset, for the fluxes of CH4, CO, O3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, and NMHC.5. Writing research articles in peer reviewed journals.過去的四年,此研究實驗的重點在發展船上連續觀測技術。包括太陽輻射、大氣輻射、反照率、海表長波輻射、潛熱通量(蒸發量)、可感熱通量、CO2通量以及南中國海域海上之空氣污物濃度之連續觀測等技術。其中利用陀螺儀校正紊流協變系統之誤差,並設計了清洗裝置克服了CO2光學監測儀受海鹽污染之問題。在2007年之夏天我們於南中國海的OR-1/837航行中,終於順利了收集16天(北緯25度至北緯4度)之上述項目之完整觀測資料。本次實驗是國際間少數或第一個成功利用Open path紊流協變系統觀測出CO2通量之實驗。其中最大之突破是發現CO2通量呈現明顯之日夜變化。在白天陽光強時,海水為CO2之吸收源,但在晚上卻為排放源。可能原因為藻類活動之影響,藻類白天為光合作用,晚上為呼吸作用。這16天之資料顯示在航道上南海平均每秒每平方米吸收CO2達0.037 mg,為CO2之吸收源。如南海全年所有海域皆以此吸收量換算,相當每年吸收量可達406,000萬噸之CO2。這與過去研究認為南海在夏天是CO2之排放源明顯不同,過去國內外之研究主要問題為非連續之監測,無法正確量化藻類一天之活動。這突破顯現台灣有機會利用南海廣大海域之藻類”耕作”來抵消台灣本島每年人為所排放25,598萬噸之CO2。在過去兩年主持人皆建議在海研船上安裝長期監測設備,但尚未成功,在今年之觀測已證明紊流協變系統在改良後是可行之海上CO2通量之連續觀測設備,雖本計劃不再編列此經費,還是持續建議能在海研船上長期安裝此設備,以更正確量化南海及台灣鄰近海域之CO2總吸收量。雖然初步資料顯示,南海足以吸收台灣之人為CO2之總排放量,但藻類之生長代謝卻可能排放出CH4,如未來施以氮肥”耕作”卻有可能排放出N2O,為了更精確量化南海海域包括CO2、CH4及N2O之三項主要溫室效應氣體之通量,本計畫在今年度將發展包括CH4及N2O通量之連續監測技術。在模式發展上本年度亦有重大之突破,主要是成功的將主持人所發展之Snow/Ice/Thermocline (SIT) 整合入世界著名之ECHAM5氣候模式中,台大許晃雄教授利用此ECHAM/SIT版初步發現其可模擬出亞洲夏季季風降雨之主要變異。此隱含未來有機會利用這版本在三個月前作東亞地區(包括台灣)夏季之降雨預報。這對台灣地區水資源之調配將有顯著幫助。本年度主要工作如下:1. 發展Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA)長期通量監測技術,包括CH4, N2O, CO, O3, NO, NO2, SO2和NMHC等污染物之海洋與大氣之通量觀測技術之發展。2. 將在2008年夏天出海觀測南中國海的太陽輻射、大氣輻射、反照率、海表長波輻射、潛熱通量(蒸發量)、可感熱通量、CO2通量以及南中國海域海上之空氣污物濃度。除此之外將新增CH4, N2O, CO, O3, NO, NO2, SO2和NMHC等通量之觀測及海表溫度之觀測。以建立完整大氣與海洋表面能量、水汽、動量、溫室氣體及空氣污染物交換之完整資料庫。國際間目前應無此完整之密集觀測資料,將顯著提昇我國學術之能見度。3. 持續發展碳循環模組,並利用觀測資料校正驗證模式。4. 與德國研究伙伴持續合作,發展3-D地球系統模式。並探討夏季季風之可預報度。5. 撰寫研究文章於同行審查期刊

    Surface Fluxes Experiment in South China Sea Region-Observation and Regional Environmental Model Development (VI)

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    During the past four years the study was focused to measure solar radiation, atmospheric radiation, albedo, terrestrial long wave radiation, latent heat flux, sensible heat flux and air pollutant fluxes over the South China Sea. In addition, a one-column model was developed to simulate the observed fluxes. The developed model has been incorporated into a 3-dimensional climate model. Prof. Hsu at National Taiwan University has found that this proposed model has performed well for summer Asia monsoon simulation study. During the past four cruises (OR1-728, OR1-802, OR3-1149 and OR-1 837) data were collected using eddy covariance system for measuring CO2 flux and turbulent fluxes of latent and sensible heat. Air quality measurements were also under taken during the past cruises. The observed data were archived for the as a input for development of global carbon cycle model in the context of earth system modeling and climate change research. So far three research articles published in peer reviewed journals; two under review process and three more manuscripts were already submitted for possible publications in peer reviewed journals in addition three papers were presented in international conferences.During our last cruise (OR-1 837) over South China Sea lasted for 16 days ((north latitude 25 to 4 N) and it was observed that there were significant spatial and temporal variations with respect to air-sea interactions. The observed CO2 flux shows that some regions behaves as net CO2 sink and few other places behaves as CO2 source. In general during day time the sea behave as CO2 sink and during night time as source. During the cruise the observed average CO2 uptake was about 0.037 mg m-2 s-1. This is because during day time due to presence of day light the algae photosynthetic activity consumes CO2 and during night time the algae produce CO2 due to respiration. In addition the partitioning of available energy into latent and sensible heat also has much temporal variations. Hence, in order to understand the behavior of South China Sea with respect to above temporal variations, in addition to continuing the CO2 and surface energy components through Eddy covariance (EC) system, additional measurements of the allied factors viz; sea surface temperature (SST), and the presence of primary air pollutants (CH4, CO, O3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, and NMHC) needs to be quantified. Keeping all the factors mentioned above into consideration this year project is proposed to undertake a holistic comprehensive research work to fulfill the project objectives which will be of very much useful for the scientific community and policy makers regional and global level.The main work in this project will be divided into two aspects. One is onboard observation, and development of carbon cycle module. In this pilot joint project, Sub-Project 5, 6, 10 and 11 will investigate carbon flux between atmosphere and ocean and oceanic uptakeof CO2. Carbon flux near water surface is induced by deposition and absorption which its efficiency concerns winds, turbulence and activity of phytoplankton (Chlorophyll). Accurate knowledge of the aerodynamic characteristics is vital in modeling and forecasting the behaviors of winds and turbulence. In this sub-project, the Eddy Covariance System (ECS) will be applied onboard to measure air-sea interaction for heat and carbon flux calculation as that of past cruiseSecondly Deployment of Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) instrumentation on-board research cruise OR-1 for trace gas as well as priority pollutant measurements over South China Sea. This study may ensure to provide more complete dataset, for the fluxes of CH4, N2O, CO, O3, NO, NO2, SO2, and NMHC and Sea surface temperature measurementThe following are summary the main scheduled activity for the project proposed1. Collecting background air quality data over the South China Sea during each campaign.2. Developing one column SiT with carbon cycle model through inputting the observations from the South China Sea project (Cooperation with other subprojects).3. Improving European 3-D climate model (ECHAM-5/SiT) for Summer Asia monsoon study (Cooperation with German Scientists at Max-Plank Institute of Meteorology)4. Deployment of Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) instrumentation on-board research cruise for methane flux measurements over South China Sea. This study may ensure to provide more complete dataset, for the fluxes of CH4, CO, O3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, and NMHC.5. Writing research articles in peer reviewed journals.過去的四年,此研究實驗的重點在發展船上連續觀測技術。包括太陽輻射、大氣輻射、反照率、海表長波輻射、潛熱通量(蒸發量)、可感熱通量、CO2通量以及南中國海域海上之空氣污物濃度之連續觀測等技術。其中利用陀螺儀校正紊流協變系統之誤差,並設計了清洗裝置克服了CO2光學監測儀受海鹽污染之問題。在2007年之夏天我們於南中國海的OR-1/837航行中,終於順利了收集16天(北緯25度至北緯4度)之上述項目之完整觀測資料。本次實驗是國際間少數或第一個成功利用Open path紊流協變系統觀測出CO2通量之實驗。其中最大之突破是發現CO2通量呈現明顯之日夜變化。在白天陽光強時,海水為CO2之吸收源,但在晚上卻為排放源。可能原因為藻類活動之影響,藻類白天為光合作用,晚上為呼吸作用。這16天之資料顯示在航道上南海平均每秒每平方米吸收CO2達0.037 mg,為CO2之吸收源。如南海全年所有海域皆以此吸收量換算,相當每年吸收量可達406,000萬噸之CO2。這與過去研究認為南海在夏天是CO2之排放源明顯不同,過去國內外之研究主要問題為非連續之監測,無法正確量化藻類一天之活動。這突破顯現台灣有機會利用南海廣大海域之藻類”耕作”來抵消台灣本島每年人為所排放25,598萬噸之CO2。在過去兩年主持人皆建議在海研船上安裝長期監測設備,但尚未成功,在今年之觀測已證明紊流協變系統在改良後是可行之海上CO2通量之連續觀測設備,雖本計劃不再編列此經費,還是持續建議能在海研船上長期安裝此設備,以更正確量化南海及台灣鄰近海域之CO2總吸收量。雖然初步資料顯示,南海足以吸收台灣之人為CO2之總排放量,但藻類之生長代謝卻可能排放出CH4,如未來施以氮肥”耕作”卻有可能排放出N2O,為了更精確量化南海海域包括CO2、CH4及N2O之三項主要溫室效應氣體之通量,本計畫在今年度將發展包括CH4及N2O通量之連續監測技術。在模式發展上本年度亦有重大之突破,主要是成功的將主持人所發展之Snow/Ice/Thermocline (SIT) 整合入世界著名之ECHAM5氣候模式中,台大許晃雄教授利用此ECHAM/SIT版初步發現其可模擬出亞洲夏季季風降雨之主要變異。此隱含未來有機會利用這版本在三個月前作東亞地區(包括台灣)夏季之降雨預報。這對台灣地區水資源之調配將有顯著幫助。本年度主要工作如下:1. 發展Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA)長期通量監測技術,包括CH4, N2O, CO, O3, NO, NO2, SO2和NMHC等污染物之海洋與大氣之通量觀測技術之發展。2. 將在2008年夏天出海觀測南中國海的太陽輻射、大氣輻射、反照率、海表長波輻射、潛熱通量(蒸發量)、可感熱通量、CO2通量以及南中國海域海上之空氣污物濃度。除此之外將新增CH4, N2O, CO, O3, NO, NO2, SO2和NMHC等通量之觀測及海表溫度之觀測。以建立完整大氣與海洋表面能量、水汽、動量、溫室氣體及空氣污染物交換之完整資料庫。國際間目前應無此完整之密集觀測資料,將顯著提昇我國學術之能見度。3. 持續發展碳循環模組,並利用觀測資料校正驗證模式。4. 與德國研究伙伴持續合作,發展3-D地球系統模式。並探討夏季季風之可預報度。5. 撰寫研究文章於同行審查期刊

    Surface Fluxes Experiment in South China Sea Region: Observation and Regional Environmental Model Development (V)

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    計畫主持人以及參與的研究人員在理論發展上,Tu and Tsuang (2005)改進了傳統之海洋模式,提供了新的技術以模擬出海洋表面cool skin 之溫度剖面,降低了海氣之可感熱及蒸發熱之交換之計算誤差達10 W m-2。Tsuang (2005)發展了新的解析解利用衛星觀測之陸地及海水表面之溫度計算全球之地表熱通量。在觀測實驗上,當安裝紊流協變系統(Eddy covariance system)於船上時,可能因船隻之晃動造成紊流協變系統觀測之不準性。為瞭解這誤差及並發展校正方法,Lan et al. (2006)設計並製造了陸地上搖晃平台模擬器,來測試並發展紊流協變系統之海上校正技術。我們比較了二維和三維的風速、可感熱、蒸發熱、海氣通量校正,結果顯示sea-correction 為最佳晃動平台的校正方式。未來將利用此校正方式校正海上所觀測之水汽、可感熱及CO2 等通量。本計畫在南中國海實際觀測上,已經有三個船次之氣象因子與空氣污染物濃度: OR1-728 (Lan and Tsuang,2006)、OR1-802 與OR3-1149 航次。由觀測結果初步瞭解南中國海海水之反照率及海表大氣空氣污染物之濃度,這些資料可以作為區域氣象模式及空氣品質模式之下邊界。但因為能出海觀測之船期甚少,本計畫擬在中興湖水體測試水氣介面間通量,並建立氣體跟水體間的物理與化學反應機制來作為將來南海觀測時理論發展基礎,另建議在海研船上或商船上架設Eddy Covariance System (EC)搭配三維加速/角速度計及磁羅盤量,長期持續觀測海研船行駛路線之水氣、熱及CO2 通量。這資料之建立將使我國在南海之研究成為主要資料供應者。國際Seaflux 計畫之研究人員Prof. Edson 將協助解決利用EC設備於海研船上觀測通量,因船體晃動所需之校正問題(詳見Appendix 1)。實驗同時將收集輻射、海水表面溫度、地表三維風場、溼度及溫度的資料,並在海上進行空氣污染物之觀測實驗,此觀測結果搭配其他子計畫所觀測海面下溫度、鹽度及海流的垂直剖面結構將有助於瞭解南海之上邊界之動量、能量、各污染物質量之通量。也將與其他子計畫一同於海上進行實驗觀測。在通量之觀測上發現目前使用紊流協變系統於海上量測通量,除需克服船體晃動所造成之誤差外,還需克服open path 受海鹽干擾之問題,目前正在設計清洗的方法。另根據學者Leuning 建議,我們應增加Open Path之設備,以增加通量觀測之獲取率

    A Study of Policy Marketing in Local Government-Illustrated by Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival

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    近年來,各地方政府都將節慶活動視為創造經濟效益、形塑地方文化特色的政治活動。臺灣各地方政府在面對經濟發展的競爭態勢下,為振興地方產業,紛紛積極推廣節慶觀光做為開發經濟的良機。地方政府運用行銷之概念,不僅為地方帶來財源,更為各地方政府塑造了鮮明的形象與特色。 在台灣各地方政府所舉辦的諸多大型節慶活動中,以「宜蘭國際童玩藝術節」最具有指標代表性,不但成功結合觀光、遊憩與文化產業,營造宜蘭的特色,獲得民眾的認同與支持,更成為享譽國際之活動,也是各縣市政府辦理節慶活動標竿學習之最佳實務典範。 本研究先檢視政策行銷與節慶相關理論及文獻,了解地方政府節慶行銷的意義、內涵、策略與作法等,比較政策行銷與節慶行銷的異同。並以「宜蘭國際童玩藝術節」個案為例,探討地方政府進行節慶行銷之策略與環境影響因素,檢視政策行銷執行成果,根據研究結果提出實務改進建議,做為其他縣市進行節慶行銷參考。舉辦十一年的宜蘭童玩節正面臨著競爭者增加、喪失創意等永續經營發展問題。本研究發現宜蘭童玩節受到政治因素的影響最大,並且產品的創意與文化內涵逐漸消退,缺乏整體性的行銷策略。故宜蘭童玩節的決策系統必須脫離政治的影響,並且投入成本開發創意,建立消費者習慣性的消費習慣,宜蘭童玩節才能永續經營。In recent years, the Taiwanese local governments often use festival celebrations to generate economical and political benefits, and at the same time to create and promote their local cultural characteristics. Under the pressure of political and economical competitions, the local governments are forced to encourage festival celebrations aggressively in order to revitalize the local tourism business and further economical opportunities. The local governments use marketing concept to bring financial enhancement and improve its fresh image and unique characteristics. In all festival celebration events held by the local governments in Taiwan, Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival is considered as the most outstanding one. It successfully combined aspects of tourism, leisure events and cultural gatherings to establish Yilan’s distinctiveness. Such strategic activities have won the votes of its local residents and become an international recognition event. It has also been shaped into the best learning model and a practical example for many other county authorities to follow. This study aims to examine policy marketing and other related festival theories and literature, with the purpose of understanding the local government festival marketing value, its strategic plan and procedures, and yet comparing the similarities and differences between the policy marketing and the festival marketing. By employing Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival as a study case, this paper analyzes the local government’s strategic progress in festival marketing and its environmental factors. In addition, it examines the results of such policy marketing practices for recommendations to other county authorities. After eleven years of annual celebrations, Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival is currently facing with increasing competitors and at the same time, losing innovative ideas and other operating management problems. This study finds the Festival is being affected greatly by political factors and lacking the overall marketing strategy. As a result, such event must not be influenced by any political reasons and needs to increase its access to funds in developing creative ideas to attract consumers and to create a successful and sustainable festival event

    [[alternative]]Research of Music Bureau,Tainan Confucius Temple--Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy

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    [[abstract]]  孔廟,從董仲舒獨尊儒術後,成為讀書人進供與膜拜的文化圖騰,在每一個朝代成為統治者的文化符號。台南孔廟,以其全台首學之尊,看盡統治者在此一文化符號的命定下,對知識分子的籠絡,在科舉年代,他不僅僅是學校,是科考之處,更大的意義,是一種可以使布衣成為卿相的生命轉換。    禮的表現,行之於外為樂,而樂的本質又為禮,這一體兩面的禮樂系統,主宰整個祭孔儀式,是故祭典的禮樂機構-禮樂局,是每一個孔廟所必備的,然在台灣眾多的孔廟中,獨台南孔廟設有禮樂局,而以書院的名稱代之。    隨著科舉的廢除,原本僅容秀才才可以參加的以成書院樂局,漸漸有了地方仕紳、商賈,甚至販夫走卒的參與,書院的神聖性不復存在,其必然產生不同階層的文化排斥,而在樂班中,來自不同樂種系統的樂人,如何相融於樂班中?祭典雅樂如何與民間俗樂並行使用?都是本文欲探討的課題。    台南孔廟在橫移的過程中,樂局的變遷是否受到政治力的干預,其從明鄭時期陳永華(1665)建廟至今,原附屬於孔廟的以成書院樂局,在變遷中生態的改變,日據時期的運作模式,以成書院的院生與『南社』的關係。民國64年以成書院改隸孔廟管理委員會,並在其下設理事會綜理院務,時至今日,以成書院除了擔負祭孔大典的禮部分,已是一個純粹的民間樂社,神聖性與世俗性的轉換,亦是本文探討之處。    在漢文化中,傳統的民間絲竹一直反映著常民的生活,在已被定論的傳統音樂的樂種中,不見”十三音”的記載,而它卻已鮮活地存在以成書院百餘年,亦是移民文化下的產物,以本土的觀點來看,它應可稱為”台灣的古典音樂”,所用的樂器來自不同的時空,古今摻雜而呈現另類的型制美。    筆者以一參與以成書院為樂生十數年,自有其主觀性,仍期盼能從文化的角度來觀察一個在民間樂社在儒教文化的演化過程,提供後學者參考。 [[abstract]]  Confucius Temple has been regarded as a cultural totem of scholars, since Tung, Chung-Shu advocated "Confucianism" for governing Country, which was taken for a signal of every dynasty’s rulers as well. Tainan Confucius Temple, earliest in learning, viewed all of the intellectuals who were lassoed by rulers due to the doomed cultural signal. During the time of imperial examinations, it served as the place of examinations. In a more significant sense, it was a chance in a common man’s life that could make him official.    Etiquette respectability music from outside, as for the essence of music, it is etiquette, however. The two-sided system dominates the rite of Sacrificing Confucius, because of which, the organization in charge of sacrifice ---- The Etiquette & Music Bureau is indispensable to every Confucius Temple. Among so many Confucius temples, however, there is the Etiquette & Music Bureau only in Tainan Confucius Temple, named “Classical Learning Academy” instead.    After the abolition of imperial examinations, the Music Bureau of Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy, in which only skillful writers could take part originally, began to take in officials, gentlemen, merchants, even packmen and servants, as a result, it led to ostracism of different cultures consequentially. In a music class, how people of different music style can get along with each other, how elegant music for sacrifice can exist with tacky common music? These are the problems that the paper will discuss.     Was the Music Bureau intervened politically during the transference of Tainan Confucius Temple? Since the establishment of Tainan Confucius Temple by Chen, Yung-Hua (1665) during the period of Cheng, Cheng-Kung in Ming Dynasty, the Music Bureau of Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy, was affiliated with Confucius Temple. What’s change of the ecology during the transference? What’s the performance mode of Japan Occupied period? What’s the relationship between students in “Classical Learning Academy” and “South Association”. In 1975, Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy, changed to be affiliated with the Confucius Temple Governing Board and a council was established responsible for the general affaires of the Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy. But now, it is a sheer folk music organization except that it sees to the rite of sacrificing Confucius. The paper focuses on the change of holiness into common customs as well.    In the culture of Han people, traditional folk music---stringed and woodwind instruments has been reflecting common people’s life. There is no Thirteen Tone in any kind of existing music, which, however, existed in Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy vividly for more than 100 years as the offspring of migration culture. In local opinion, it should be able to be called “Classical Music in Taiwan”, whose musical instruments come from different periods of time. Therefore, it takes on peculiar genre beauty because of the blending of the ancients with modern times.     My viewpoints are a little subjective anyhow for I have been in Yi Cheng Classical Learning Academy for decades. However, I still look forward to observing the evolvement of a folk music organization in Confucianism from the angle of culture and offering some reference for later scholars.  

    Use of reference in Cantonese narratives: a developmental study

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    abstractpublished_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesDoctoralDoctor of Philosoph