77 research outputs found

    Analysis on the characteristics of wine consumption In Xiamen area and marketing proposals

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    葡萄酒正从商务宴请的高端场合,逐渐走上大众消费者的日常餐桌。业内人士认为,国内葡萄酒消费方式正在发生变化,其原因主要来自三个方面:首先、由于近来国内外经济形势的变化、政策的调整使得国内葡萄酒价格不断下调;其次、国人消费能力的提高、健康意识的增长使得葡萄酒越来越为大众接受;最后、随着互联网的发展,信息传播渠道和销售渠道不断拓展,消费者更加透明的获取葡萄酒信息,消费方式更加便捷。厦门作为全国人均葡萄酒消费量最高的城市之一,调研厦门地区的葡萄酒消费者行为,对研究葡萄酒市场的变化和调整营销策略具有指导性意义。 本文利用4Cs市场营销和消费者行为学的相关理论,基于市场调研的方式,对厦门地区葡萄酒市场消...Wine is gradually appearing on the family feast instead of luxury business banquet. The insider believes the domestic wine consumption patterns are changing. These turns rooted from three aspects: Firstly, the international economic and policy changes lower wine prices; Secondly, as people raise the lever of consumption and increase healthconsciousness, the wine more and more be accepted by public...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115068

    東北数学教育学会誌 第50号 巻頭言

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    東北数学教育学会年報 第37号 巻頭言

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    東北数学教育学会年報 第49号 巻頭言

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    Social impact of the cultural revolution in China education : Interview survey on awareness generation education

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    1966年~1976年にかけて,社会主義中国では,史上に前例のない全国規模の「プロレタリア文化大革命」が10年にわたり起こった. 文化大革命によって,さまざまな社会制度(政治,経済,教育など)は,大きな変化を迫られ, 極度の混乱が生じた. この社会状況のもとで,男女老若または, 地位,階層を問わず,全地域の全住民がこの運動に巻き込まれ,公的場面においても, 私的場面においても,物の考え方,行動様式,職業生活,家族生活および個人生活,価値観念と信仰体系等々, 何らかの影響をうけたことは間違いない.そこで本稿では,文化大革命(1966年~1976年)に遭遇した世代の多くは,自身の文革での辛い経験が,子どもの教育達成をめぐって親の教育歴と社会階層との関連性を実証的データにもとづいて検討することを目的としている. そして,事例の分析に基づいて,文化大革命が「親世代」の人間形成や個人生活および家族生活にどのように影響を及ぼしたのかについて,インタビュー対象者の親たちにそれぞれの人生に与えた影響を分析し「親世代」にとって彼らの成長に影響を与えた文革の体験,生活環境及び価値観などの差異によって,彼らがこどもの教育にはそれぞれ期待を抱いたものの,実際には子どもの教育に対する働きかけや,教育投資が異なっていることがわかった. その結果が,子ども世代の現在の地位達成状況につながっている.Chinese history has witnessed the unprecedented national wide movement,“the Great Proletarian Cultural revolution",which last from 1966 to 1976. During that decade,Chinese society was in an extreme turmoil and various social system (political, economic, education) underwent tremendous changes. Previous social norms,values and moral concepts,were subject to severe criticism and negation. In addition,the stagnation of economic production,the disorder of social order and the government long-term paralysis and abnormal state,made it almost impossible for people to live a normal life. At any rate,those who were involved in the 10-year Cultural Revolution have been seriously affected in terms of their thoughts,behaviors,working,living,values and beliefs. In the Cultural Revolution a large number of people were framed and prosecuted, induding some state leaders, some members of the democratic parties and celebrities from all walks of life. As a result,they have become the social vulnerable groups ever since the reform and opening up,an era that lays great emphases on knowledge. So the generation who underwent the Cultural Revolution attaches more importance to the education of their offspring. This paper aims to study the relevance between the parental education and social stratification and children\u27s education and social status by referring to concrete examples. It also discusses the impacts the Cultural Revolution has had upon those parents,whose life experiences directly affected the growth of their children in education and social stratification