216 research outputs found

    The Comparative Study of Entertainment-Education Persuade Effect in Cross-Strait College Students

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    以教育为目的,娱乐为手段的娱乐教育,已成为传达思想理念、实现社会教化的重要途径。它既可弥补传统教育的不足,亦不容易产生受众的反辩。本研究一方面以美国生态保育电影《伴你高飞》为例,探讨观看生态保育电影对受众生态保育态度和行为意图是否会有影响?另一方面,面对海峡两岸同根同源,但因地理、历史、族群原因在社会制度、意识形态、文化认知方面存在差异的现状,于跨文化视域下分析两岸娱乐教育说服效果又是否存在差异? 研究根据对娱乐教育、说服效果、两岸跨文化的文献探讨,提出八项研究假设。首先根据精细加工可能性模型(ELM)对说服效果两种途径的界定,即核心途径和外围途径,进行实验法的预实验设计,以高校大学生为研究...Entertainment-Education(E-E) with the purpose of education and means of entertainment has become an important way to convey ideas and achieve social enlightenment. It can not only make up for the shortcomings of traditional education, but also is not easy to produce the audience's anti debate. On the one hand, this paper takes the ecological environmental conservation film Fly Away Home as an exam...学位:文学硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:3062014115304

    Spatio-temporal change and driving force analysis of the coastal zone in waters between Xiamen and Kinmen based on RS and GIS

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    海岸带是位于海洋与陆地过渡的一个带状区域。改革开放以来,依托于海岸的地理空间区位和高生产力,在国家发展外向型经济的部署下,海岸带区域成为我国经济发展程度最高、资源开发利用最频繁、人口最密集的区域。厦金海域位于台湾海峡西岸中部、闽南金三角中心,东临台湾海峡,在行政管辖上涉及到厦门、泉州和金门三地。随着厦门和泉州工业化、城镇化进程加快,各类海洋工程建设规模不断扩大,如围海养殖、围海造地等,消耗了大量的自然岸线和潮滩湿地,对厦金海域的生态环境造成一定的影响,而处于不同体制下的金门,对海域的开发相对较小。因此,鉴于厦金海域所具有的特殊地理环境和经济地位,在该地区开展海岸带动态变化监测研究具有非常重要的...Coastal zone is a strip district located in the transition area between sea and land. With the implementation of reform and opening-up, relying on its geographical spatial location and high productivity, and the policy of developing export-oriented economy by government of China, coastal zone become the region where economy develope rapidly, resource exploite and utilize most frequently and have t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_物理海洋学学号:2232014115128

    The Research of the Relationship between Parent-Subsidiary Common Managers and Corporate M&A - Empirical Data from A-share Listed Companies in China

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    上市公司高管的兼职问题早已被学术界讨论(Dixon,1914;Boyacigiller,1990等),但对高管在上市公司的子公司兼职这一现象却鲜有学者关注。子公司作为上市公司重要组成部分,往往承担着公司的战略目的,Dyrengetal.(2012),Shroffetal.(2013)等学者也呼吁应该重视上市公司的子公司特征对公司行为和经营业绩的影响[][]。近年来,中国的并购交易日趋活跃,如何能提高并购业绩,使并购交易真正服务于上市公司成为学术界和实务界关心的问题。本文正是基于这样的背景,研究上市公司高管在子公司兼职对上市公司并购行为的影响,以期丰富子公司治理特征和并购领域相关研究,并为上市公...The questions of affiliated management in listed companies have been discussed by scholars. However, an interesting phenomenon, that listed companies’ top managers are often appointed as directors of subsidiaries, has been neglected. As a part of listed companies, subsidiaries always play an important role in corporate strategies. Dyreng et al.(2012) and Shroff et al.(2013) have called for more st...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115111

    Design and Implementation of Traffic Information Query System Based on B/S

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    我国当前的交通信息系统正处于较高的水平,可以满足庞大的乘客客户群使用各种各样的方式来获取信息,比如说:可以通过12306网站、去哪儿网、等各种网络系统获取所需的交通信息。但是目前来看,各种获取交通信息的方式非常的局限,大部分的获取信息的方式都仅限于提供单一的某种或某类交通工具的信息,很难找到某种方式能够容纳多类交通工具的交通信息系统。一个能够满足多类交通信息查询的系统,正处于受到广大客户群欢迎,这种信息系统具有很高的实际使用的价值。 在这样的社会背景下,本文先考虑到我国现有的交通状况以及我国庞大的客户群的切实要求,剖析出这样的系统应用的基本功能要求;再者对于此系统的主干系统功能的详细的分析,...China's current traffic information system is in high level, which can satisfy a large number of customers use a variety of ways to get information, through websites, such as the 12306 Site, the Where Net, and other sorts of network systems to obtain the traffic information. However, nowadays those accesses to traffic information are all limited, most of the them are limited to provide information...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123025

    Study on the Impact of Urban Integration in Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou on the Big Three Industries Spatial Distribution and Convergence

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    随着工业化与城市化进程不断推进,产业结构不断调整,区域经济一体化趋势明显,“同城化”也成为城市群一体化发展的重要战略。厦门、漳州和泉州通常被称为“闽南金三角”,在地理位置上,东临我国台湾海峡,南接潮汕商圈,是我国长三角、珠三角、环渤海之外的第四大沿海区域经济体。其同城化是适应经济全球化进程加速的客观要求,也是区域内各市自身发展的需要。研究厦漳泉同城化的现状、趋势及其影响,不仅可以促进该区域自身的协调和统筹发展,而且对我国整体经济发展也有借鉴意义。鉴于此,本文力图就目前厦漳泉同城化对产业地理集中、地区专业化以及经济趋同性等方面的影响进行实证研究。 本文首先通过研究厦漳泉同城化的意义、基础条件及...With the acceleration of the industrialization and urbanization and the adjustment of industrial structure, the trend of regional economic integration is more and more obvious. Urban integration becomes an important strategy of the development of urban agglomeration. Xiamen, Zhangzhou and Quanzhou are called "Southern Min golden triangle". Geographically they locate on the east of Taiwan Strait an...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济研究所_区域经济学学号:1582010115180

    On Gaoshen in Tang and Song Periods

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    告身,又称官告、诰,作为唐宋时期一种重要的授官文书,其价值很早即为学界所认识。作为文书,它有着特定的文体与格式,承担着独特的功用。作为授官凭证,告身除了标示官员的政治、社会身份外,并涉及论刑时的议、请、减及除、免、当、赎等待遇,以及免除课役等特权。本文研究着眼于告身在唐宋这一特定时代的制度变迁与实际的运行状态,并以其文种与功能为两条线索,探讨告身为何盛行于唐宋。全文分以下四个章节展开: 第一章,包括三个方面的内容。一是通过对“告”、“身”字词的辩证,了解到“告身”作为授予某种职位或身份的原始含义。二是对告身来源进行梳理,追寻其作为文书产生的源头。三是对告身的文书形式进行分析,展示其在唐宋之际...Gaoshen is also called Guangao or Gao. As an important appointment verification in Tang and Song period, its significant has been recognized by schools long before. As a record type, it has its unique writing form and fixed language, and affords special duty. As a appointment verification, Gaoshen not only reflects the political and social status, but also relates to a series of privileges, includ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法律硕士教育中心_法律硕士(JM)学号:1302011115025

    Studies on Morphological Variations and Population Genetic Diversity of Chiloscyllium plagiosum along Southern China Coast

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    本论文从形态和分子水平探讨了我国南部海域条纹斑竹鲨5个地理群体(广东雷州群体、海南琼海群体、广西北海群体、福建平潭群体和台湾屏东群体)的形态差异、种内和种间遗传结构,为我国南部沿海条纹斑竹鲨种质资源的保护及合理利用提供了理论依据,主要结果如下: 运用4种多元分析方法对海南琼海,广东雷州,广西北海,福建平潭以及台湾屏东等5个群体条纹斑竹鲨的19项形态性状进行了群体间差异分析和判别分析。分析结果显示:条纹斑竹鲨5个群体间有16项特征变量差异极显著(PPopulation genetic structure of 5 populations of Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Beihai, Leizhou, Qionghai, Pingtan, Taiwan) along Southern China coast was investigated by morphological analysis and molecular analysis of ND2 sequences in mitochondrial DNA. These results will provide the theory basis for protecting and developing the resources of Chiloscyllium plagiosum along southern China coast. The ma...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋生物学学号:2242009115114